1000 resultados para galassie,formazione,materia oscura,gas,formazione stellare,bracci spirale,momento angolare,merging
A novel approach to measure carbon dioxide (CO2) in gaseous samples, based on a precise and accurate quantification by (13)CO2 internal standard generated in situ is presented. The main goal of this study was to provide an innovative headspace-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (HS-GC-MS) method applicable in the routine determination of CO2. The main drawback of the GC methods discussed in the literature for CO2 measurement is the lack of a specific internal standard necessary to perform quantification. CO2 measurement is still quantified by external calibration without taking into account analytical problems which can often occur considering gaseous samples. To avoid the manipulation of a stable isotope-labeled gas, we have chosen to generate in situ an internal labeled standard gas ((13)CO2) on the basis of the stoichiometric formation of CO2 by the reaction of hydrochloric acid (HCl) with sodium hydrogen carbonate (NaH(13)CO3). This method allows a precise measurement of CO2 concentration and was validated on various human postmortem gas samples in order to study its efficiency.
BACKGROUND: Dissection during laparoscopic surgery produces smoke containing potentially toxic substances. The aim of the present study was to analyze smoke samples produced during laparoscopic colon surgery using a bipolar vessel sealing device (LigaSuretrade mark). METHODS: Four consecutive patients undergoing left-sided colectomy were enrolled in this pilot study. Smoke was produced by the use of LigaSuretrade mark. Samples (5,5l) were evacuated from the pneumoperitoneum in a closed system into a reservoir. Analysis was performed with CO2-laser-based photoacoustic spectroscopy and confirmed by a Fourier-transform infrared spectrum. The detected spectra were compared to the available spectra of known toxins. RESULTS: Samples from four laparoscopic sigmoid resections were analyzed. No relevant differences were noted regarding patient and operation characteristics. The gas samples were stable over time proven by congruent control measurements as late as 24 h after sampling. The absorption spectra differed considerably between the patients. One broad absorption line at 100 ppm indicating H2O and several unknown molecules were detected. With a sensitivity of alpha min ca 10-5 cm-1 no known toxic substances like phenol or indole were identified. CONCLUSION: The use of a vessel sealing device during laparoscopic surgery does not produce known toxic substances in relevant quantity. Further studies are needed to identify unknown molecules and to analyze gas emission under various conditions.
For thousands of years, traditional medicine and remedies have been practed and used in the fight against disease in China. They have proved to be valuable and the distillate of vast historical experience based on field-tested human experiments, long-term observations and clinical trials. The Chinese people belive that traditional medicine is consistent with theirown culture. Endowed with a unique theoretical system and provided outstanding clinical results, traditional Chinese medicine continues to play an important role in helping the Chinese nation flourish. The recent study of traditional medicinal plants in Chine has given us confidence that what was recorded in ancient medical literature through empirical observations is indeed still coindicent with the concepts of modern chemistry, pharmacology and medicine. The task of revealing what is valid and efficacious should be retained, and what is mythic and invalid should be discarded in traditional Chinese medicine may require scientific research lasting for several generations. Therfore, multidisciplinary cooperation and international collaboration in this field would be essential. Systematic coordination of work in traditional medicine by word organizations, national governments, private foundations and individual scientists is a requisite as well.
A series of studies has been carried out in the field of traditional medicine for searching radio-protective agents. According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, may prescriptions were tested with experimental animals. Some of them could raise the survival rate of dogs irradiated with lethal dose of Pi-rays by 30-40%. Some symptoms of radiation sickness could be improved. More than one thousand kinds of Chinese herbs were screened. Some of them have pronounced radioprotectice activities. A series of bioactive components wee isolated from these herbs. The mechanism of radiation protection were studied. Having the capability of hemopoietic system and immune system may be the characteristics of these Chinese herbs.
Limited information is available regarding the methodology required to characterize hashish seizures for assessing the presence or the absence of a chemical link between two seizures. This casework report presents the methodology applied for assessing that two different police seizures were coming from the same block before this latter one was split. The chemical signature was extracted using GC-MS analysis and the implemented methodology consists in a study of intra- and inter-variability distributions based on the measurement of the chemical profiles similarity using a number of hashish seizures and the calculation of the Pearson correlation coefficient. Different statistical scenarios (i.e., a combination of data pretreatment techniques and selection of target compounds) were tested to find the most discriminating one. Seven compounds showing high discrimination capabilities were selected on which a specific statistical data pretreatment was applied. Based on the results, the statistical model built for comparing the hashish seizures leads to low error rates. Therefore, the implemented methodology is suitable for the chemical profiling of hashish seizures.
A gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) method is presented which allows the simultaneous determination of the plasma concentrations of the levo-alpha-acetylmethadol (LAAM) and of its active metabolites (NorLAAM and DiNorLAAM), after derivatization with the reagent trifluoroacetic anhydride (TFAA). No interferences from endogenous compounds were observed following the extraction of plasma samples from 11 different human subjects. The standard curves were linear over a working range of 5-200ng/ml for the three compounds. Recoveries measured at three concentrations ranged from 47 to 67% for LAAM, from 50 to 69% for NorLAAM and from 28 to 50% for DiNorLAAM. Intra- and interday coefficients of variation determined at three concentrations ranged from 5 to 13% for LAAM, from 3 to 9% for NorLAAM and from 5 to 13% for DiNorLAAM. The limits of quantitation of the method were found to be 4ng/ml for the three compounds. No interference was noted from methadone. This sensitive and specific analytical method could be useful for assessing the in vivo relationship between LAAM's blood levels, clinical efficacy and/or cardiotoxicity
BACKGROUND: Intraocular gas bubbles expand as patients move up to higher altitude. This may cause an acute intraocular pressure (IOP) rise with associated vascular obstructions and visual loss. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Two pseudophakic patients underwent a pars plana vitrectomy and 23% SF6 gas tamponade for a pseudophakic retinal detachment. During the immediate post-operative phase, the patients travelled daily up to their domicile, which was situated approximately 600 m higher than the level where they had been operated on. These travels were always without any pain or visual loss. However 1 week after surgery both patients developed severe ocular pain, and one patient had complete temporary loss of vision after ascending to altitude levels, which had previously presented no problem. Both episodes occurred in parallel with a change in barometric pressure. RESULTS: Treatment with acetazolamide reduced the increased IOP to normal levels, and visual acuity recovered. CONCLUSIONS: Although the post-operative size of an intraocular gas bubble decreases progressively over time, problems with bubble expansion may still occur even at a late stage if meteorological factors, that may increase the bubble size, change.
Cuticular hydrocarbons of larvae of individual strains of the Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto were investigated using gas liquid chromatography. Biomedical discriminant analysis involving multivariate statistics suggests that there was clear hydrocarbon difference between the Gambian(G3), the Nigerian (16CSS and, its malathion resistant substrain, REFMA) and the Tanzanian (KWA) strains. The high degree of segregation (95%) in hydrocarbons among the four strains investigated indicates that further analysis is needed to enable understanding of hydrocarbon variation in samples of An. gambiae especially from areas where these populations co-exist.
Aquest treball s’enfoca cap l’anàlisi de les emissions de gasos amb un potencial impacte negatiu sobre l’entorn que es poden emetre a l’atmosfera durant el compostatge casolà com són el metà i l’òxid nitrós pel seu paper de gasos d’efecte hivernacle i l’amoníac, però sense oblidar el seguiment dels paràmetres del procés en si i la determinació de la qualitat del compost produït. Durant poc més de 6 mesos s’ha simulat un sistema de compostatge casolà tal i com podria donar‐se en un domicili particular i s’ha confirmat la seva eficàcia en la reducció en pes del residu tractat així com l’obtenció d’un producte final altament estable i d’una qualitat més que acceptable. Pel que fa a les emissions de gasos, les quantitats determinades no són menyspreables. L’experiment s’ha realitzat per triplicat. Les emissions són molt erràtiques i no s’han trobat patrons clars en la seva evolució durant el procés de compostatge més enllà d’una certa correlació entre les emissions d’amoníac i la diferència de temperatures entre l’ambient i l’interior dels compostadors. Cal destacat un elevat grau de biaix en la determinació d’emissions gasoses a petita escala, com és el cas del compostatge casolà. Finalment constatar que la generació de lixiviats en el compostatge domèstic pot ser important donat el contingut en aigua de la matèria orgànica tractada a nivell casolà i el limitat accés a material estructurant sec que es té per a compensar‐les.
La tesi esplora le possibilità di rinnovamento e di riconfigurazione del ruolo del docente di lingua e letteratura italiana e, più in generale, del ruolo stesso della letteratura all'interno dei sistemi educativi, si colloca necessariamente all'intersezione tra diversi settori di studio: ? la didattica della letteratura italiana, una disciplina giovane, i cui inizi si possono far risalire agli anni Sessanta-Settanta del secolo scorso, situata all'incrocio tra linguistica, italianistica e teoria della letteratura, che ha contribuito alla messa a punto di metodi e di strumenti per l'insegnamento della letteratura soprattutto nel contesto scolastico; ? l'informatica umanistica, la disciplina che si occupa dell'interazione tra la tecnologia e il sapere umanistico, sia dal punto di vista dell'utilizzo dei mezzi digitali per la ricerca (la produzione, la ricerca, la rappresentazione e la conservazione delle informazioni), sia da quello del ruolo dei saperi umanistici nella struttura epistemologica e nella storia della digitalizzazione; ? la tecnologia dell'educazione, che a partire dai primi mezzi di comunicazione elettrici e, poi, dall'invenzione del computer, ha sviluppato concetti e metodi per un approccio critico alle tecnologie utilizzate intenzionalmente con finalità didattiche, sia nelle attività di istruzione in aula, sia nelle attività cosiddette a distanza. A contatto con concetti e strumenti elaborati in questi ambiti, quindi, lo studioso di letteratura italiana dovrebbe mettere in discussione concetti e strumenti tipici della propria disciplina, riflettere sul proprio ruolo di ricercatore e di docente nella produzione e distribuzione di contenuti disciplinari per la formazione degli studenti e, infine, individuare strumenti operativi che gli consentano di assumere il controllo sui processi di apprendimento e sul complesso rapporto che essi intrattengono con l'insegnamento.
Since GHB (gamma-hydroxybutyric acid) is naturally produced in the human body, clinical and forensic toxicologists must be able to discriminate between endogenous levels and a concentration resulting from exposure. To suggest an alternative to the use of interpretative concentration cut-offs, the detection of exogenous GHB in urine specimens was investigated by means of gas chromatography/combustion/isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC/C/IRMS). GHB was isolated from urinary matrix by successive purification on Oasis MCX and Bond Elute SAX solid-phase extraction (SPE) cartridges prior to high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) fractioning using an Atlantis dC18 column eluted with a mixture of formic acid and methanol. Subsequent intramolecular esterification of GHB leading to the formation of gamma-butyrolactone (GBL) was carried out to avoid introduction of additional carbon atoms for carbon isotopic ratio analysis. A precision of 0.3 per thousand was determined using this IRMS method for samples at GHB concentrations of 10 mg/L. The (13)C/(12)C ratios of GHB in samples of subjects exposed to the drug ranged from -32.1 to -42.1 per thousand, whereas the results obtained for samples containing GHB of endogenous origin at concentration levels less than 10 mg/L were in the range -23.5 to -27.0 per thousand. Therefore, these preliminary results show that a possible discrimination between endogenous and exogenous GHB can be made using carbon isotopic ratio analyses.