768 resultados para first-year students
This paper will present details and findings to date collected as part of a research project currently being undertaken at Aston University, Birmingham, UK. The research focuses on the adjustment and experience of first year students and the role and influence of their parents and family during this time. In addition to Educational research literature, the research draws on “Emerging Adulthood” to assist in understanding the experience of students upon enrolling on a Higher Education degree. It is anticipated that the findings will contribute to the UK student retention debate as well as the adjustment literature.
The aim of this thesis is to explore key aspects and problems of the institutionalised teaching and learning of German language and culture in the context of German Studies in British Higher Education (HE). This investigation focuses on teaching and learning experiences in one department of German Studies in the UK, which is the micro-context of the present study, in order to provide an in-depth insight into real-life problems, strengths and weaknesses as they occur in the practice of teaching and learning German. Following Lamb (2004) and Holliday (1994), the present study acts on the assumption that each micro-context does not exist in vacuo but is always embedded in a wider socio-political and education environment, namely the macro-context, which largely determines how and what is taught. The macro-analysis of the present study surveys the socio-political developments that have recently affected the sector of modern languages and specifically the discipline of German Studies in the UK. It demonstrates the impact they have had on teaching and learning German at the undergraduate level in Britain. This context is interesting inasmuch as the situation in Britain is to a large extent a paradigmatic example of the developments in German Studies in English-speaking countries. Subsequently, the present study explores learning experiences of a group of thirty-five first year students. It focuses on their previous experiences in learning German, exposure to the target language, motivation, learning strategies and difficulties encountered, when learning German at the tertiary level. Then, on the basis of interviews with five lecturers of German, teaching experience in the context under study is explored, problems and successful teaching strategies discussed.
With the demand for engineering graduates at what may be defined as an unprecedented high, many universities find themselves facing significant levels of student attrition-with high "drop-out levels" being a major issue in engineering education. In order to address this, Aston University in the UK has radically changed its undergraduate engineering education curriculum, introducing capstone CDIO (Conceive, Design, Implement, Operate) modules for all first year students studying Mechanical Engineering and Design. The introduction of CDIO is aimed at making project / problem based learning the norm. Utilising this approach, the learning and teaching in engineering purposefully aims to promote innovative thinking, thus equipping students with high-level problem-solving skills in a way that builds on theory whilst enhancing practical competencies and abilities. This chapter provides an overview of an Action Research study undertaken contemporaneously with the development, introduction, and administration of the first two semesters of CDIO. It identifies the challenges and benefits of the approach and concludes by arguing that whilst CDIO is hard work for staff, it can make a real difference to students' learning experiences, thereby positively impacting retention. © 2012, IGI Global.
Иван Шотлеков, Асен Рахнев - В настоящата работа се представя набор от критерии за оценяване на качеството на студентски проекти за уеб дизайн. Критериите са подходящи за разработване, самооценяване, колегиално оценяване и оценка на уеб сайтове, проектирани от студенти. Тази оценъчна скала е апробирана по време на курс “Английски език в информационните технологии”, проведен със студенти от първи курс по информатика във Факултета по математика и информатика на Пловдивски университет “Паисий Хилендарски”. Тя помага на студентите при разработването на мултидисциплинарен проект за уеб дизайн да придобият не само технически умения, свързани с проектирането на качествени уеб сайтове, но и някои процесуални умения, които ще им бъдат необходими в реалната практика.
Report published in the Proceedings of the National Conference on "Education and Research in the Information Society", Plovdiv, May, 2014
[Excerpt] In late January, first-year students in the Baker Program in Real Estate attended the first annual domestic real estate trek as part of the program’s newly revised curriculum. For this inaugural trip, students visited San Francisco and Silicon Valley, two of the nation’s most active real estate markets.
O fenómeno de massificação do Ensino Superior que surgiu décadas atrás, tem colocado em relevância o tema da adaptação dos estudantes ao novo contexto universitário. As instituições de Ensino vêem-se confrontadas em se adaptar as exigências de uma população estudantil heterogénea. Por outro lado, os estudantes deparam-se com inúmeros desafios que apelam a uma maior autonomia no sentido de uma melhor adaptação à mudança. No presente estudo, pretende-se essencialmente analisar a influência do locus de controlo na adaptação dos alunos do primeiro ano de Ensino Superior do Instituto Superior Miguel Torga. Noventa e três alunos concordaram em participar no preenchimento de dois questionários, o Questionário de Vivências Académicas (versão reduzida), QVA-r (Almeida, Soares & Ferreira, 1999) e a escala I-E de Rotter (1966). Os resultados apontam para a existência de uma correlação negativa entre o locus de controlo externo e a adaptação, sugerindo que quanto mais externo é o tipo de locus de controlo menor é a adaptação do indivíduo. Ademais, também foram encontradas relações entre algumas variáveis sócio-demográficas na adaptação dos alunos do primeiro ano. / The massification phenomena of Higher Education, appeared decades ago, it has emphasized the theme of students adaptation to the new college context. The Teaching institutions are confronted with new demands of a more and more heterogeneous student population. On another hand, students come across with countless challenges, urging to a greater autonomy towards a better changing adaptation. At the present study, it is essentially intended to analyze the locus of control influence in the adaptation of Higher Education first year students, in Instituto Superior Miguel Torga. Ninety three students agreed to participate and fill in two questionnaires, Questionário de Vivências Académicas (short version) (Almeida, Soares & Ferreira, 1999) and Rotter´s I-E scale (1966). The results, point to the existence of a negative correlation between external locus of control and adaptation, suggesting the more external is the locus of control, the less is individual adaptation. Furthermore, it has also been found relations between some socio-demographic variables in first year student’s adaptation.
Hoekstra et al. (Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 2014, 21:1157–1164) surveyed the interpretation of confidence intervals (CIs) by first-year students, master students, and researchers with six items expressing misinterpretations of CIs. They asked respondents to answer all items, computed the number of items endorsed, and concluded that misinterpretation of CIs is robust across groups. Their design may have produced this outcome artifactually for reasons that we describe. This paper discusses first the two interpretations of CIs and, hence, why misinterpretation cannot be inferred from endorsement of some of the items. Next, a re-analysis of Hoekstra et al.’s data reveals some puzzling differences between first-year and master students that demand further investigation. For that purpose, we designed a replication study with an extended questionnaire including two additional items that express correct interpretations of CIs (to compare endorsement of correct vs. nominally incorrect interpretations) and we asked master students to indicate which items they would have omitted had they had the option (to distinguish deliberate from uninformed endorsement caused by the forced-response format). Results showed that incognizant first-year students endorsed correct and nominally incorrect items identically, revealing that the two item types are not differentially attractive superficially; in contrast, master students were distinctively more prone to endorsing correct items when their uninformed responses were removed, although they admitted to nescience more often that might have been expected. Implications for teaching practices are discussed.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/
This paper provides a complete description of the Commercial Education Professional Competency Profile that resulted from the curricular diagnosis of the Licenciatura en Educación Comercial , at the Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica. The methodological strategy used relies on the principles of research on education. Upon expert validation, written questionnaires were applied to first-year students, students of the licenciatura, practicing professionals and employers. The objective was to describe a particular education situation. Data was analyzed according to two categories: intentions/principles and scope/development. The findings resulted in the characteristics of the Commercial Education professionals, i.e. characteristics related to the discipline, characteristics related to the administrative management of teaching, specific and general characteristics of education and pedagogy, and characteristics associated to human development. Based on those criteria, on the curricular requirements of the information sources and on the curricular perspectives of the Academic Unit, ideas were put into practice to build the competency profile. The ideas proposed comprise the curricular fundamentals of the educational project on which the profile is set out, which include the subject of the study program, the global competency or training goal, the generic competencies as cross-cutting approaches, as well as the –pedagogical and disciplinary− specific competencies. The specific competencies of the discipline are focused on four competency areas: document production, organizational support, technological resources and information management.(1) Translator’s Note: One-year post-Bachelor study program in Commercial Education.
This article studies the importance of pedagogical mediation in helping first-year students in the Teacher Training area to advance from intellectual heteronomy to intellectual autonomy. It explains some strategies and experiences implemented by the authors. It focuses on the need of paying attention to students in order to understand their expectations, opinions and previous experiences as a basis for developing different topics and concepts, to favor an actual free participation in the pedagogical mediation dynamics and, consequently, opportunities for students to express themselves with autonomy. The aforementioned strategies allow for the transition from a pedagogy centered on teaching to a pedagogy centered on learning, in such a way that the future educator becomes a protagonist in his/her formation and constructs his/her own intellectual identity, based on the concept of action-reflection-action. The authors of this article consider that the first year in higher education is a privileged opportunity to develop the autonomy of future teachers, and, as stated by Freire (2004), the respect for autonomy is an ethical imperative.
This chapter will first consider the rationale for a transition pedagogy for first and final year law students. It then discusses the elements of a transition pedagogy for both years, noting the synergies and differences between programs designed to assist transition into and out of a law degree. In doing so, the authors attempt to explore the extent to which the first year curriculum principles identified by Sally Kift under an Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC) Senior Fellowship may also be applied to the final year university experience. During the course of the discussion, examples are drawn from universities and Law Schools in Australia and internationally which seek to address these imperatives...
Commencing students in undergraduate degrees who identify as mature age students experience particular issues when faced with enrolment into university as an adult learner (Bird & Morgan, 2003). In line with QUT’s commitment to “supporting all commencing students to adjust successfully to study at QUT by providing a strong transition experience” (QUT, 2008, 6.2.1), the Start Smart trial program was developed and implemented for Semester 1, 2012. The Start Smart trial program consists of an orientation event, wrapped around and supported by existing First Year Experience (FYE) and Retention strategies within QUT, namely the Student Success Program (SSP) and the Peer Programs Strategy (PPS). This report examines the motivations for designing a program as a response to the needs of a cohort that are unique amongst all commencing undergraduate students. Participants will be asked to consider the implications of delivering special and unique orientation events to specific cohorts, and the long term sustainability of such programs within their own university structures.
Game playing contributes to the acquisition of required skills and competencies whilst supporting collaboration, communication and problem solving. This project introduced the board game Monopoly CityTM to tie theoretical class room learning with collaborative, play based problem solving.