564 resultados para diachronic totality
The Cangin languages are classified as an own subgroup of the Atlantic languages. Evidence for their common origin can be given by the comparative method. By means of the systematic grammatical comparison of different languages this method aims at the reconstruction of a hypothetic proto-language and allows to draw hypothesises on their diachronic linguistic development. This paper concentrates on the evolution of the consonant system of the Cangin languages.
In recent grammaticalization studies, the notion of “context types” has been employed to describe the successive diachronic stages that are associated with grammaticalization processes. It has been shown that a new grammatical function does not arise homogenously in all uses of the linguistic item concerned, but in its origin is bound to specific linguistic “contexts” or “constructions”. However, the notions of “context” as well as “construction” differ greatly among scholars, and research into the impact of constructions in grammaticalization scenarios, and into ways to formalized context types and constructions for diachronic purposes has only begun. The present study advances in this direction as it links the notion of context types of grammaticalization studies with central concepts of construction grammar. Using diachronic data from grammaticalization phenomena of German, successive types of contexts, i.e. critical contexts and isolating contexts, which are typically found in grammaticalization processes, are analyzed as specific types of idiomatic constructions in the sense the term is used in construction grammar.
The approach in this paper will be to define social work and national development first and then try to establish the relationship between the two. The various categories of social work and their presumed influence on the various aspects of development will then be discussed. Thereafter, the discussion will be directed to the overall effects of the process of social work, in its totality, on national development.
Scott DeLancey’s analysis of person-sensitive TAME marking in Lhasa Tibetan – “a.k.a. conjunct-disjunct marking” or “egophoricity” – has stimulated considerable discussion and debate, particularly as previously little-known languages of the Tibeto-Burman area, as well as outside it, have come to be described, and a wider range of functional factors have been taken into account. This chapter is intended as a contribution to this discussion, by presenting the first detailed analysis of person-sensitive TAME marking in a language of the Tani subgroup of Tibeto-Burman, namely Galo. Like Tournadre (2008), I find that person-sensitive TAME marking in Galo is not a grammaticalized index of person (“agreement”) nor of cross-clause subject continuity, but is instead a semantic index of an assertor’s knowledge state. Unlike in more westerly Tibeto-Burman languages, however, different construals of agency and/or volition do not seem to be factors in the Galo system. Thus, there are both similarities and differences underlying systems of person-sensitive TAME marking in different Tibeto-Burman languages; this suggests that further research - particularly, employing a diachronic perspective when possible - will be required before we can confidently characterize person-sensitive TAME marking from a pan-Tibeto-Burman (or broader) cross-linguistic perspective.
This paper discusses the manuscript transmission of Chrétien’s Roman de Perceval ou le Conte du Graal and Wolfram’s Parzival in terms of their textual tradition and editorial criticism. It shows that the most recent edition of the Old French Perceval (K. Busby 1993) can be viewed as a landmark of the art of conventional editing that appeared at the peak of the discussion of ‘New Philology’ and took its own position in this context. At the same time, the Perceval was subject of critical studies based on the principle of ‘unrooted trees’ that questioned the genealogical concept of traditional ‘Lachmannian’ stemmatology. Conversely, a new edition of Wolfram’s Parzival, based on all known manuscripts, remained a desideratum for decades in German studies. Specific research on the textual tradition played a rather marginal role for a long time, but has been reinforced in the recent years in the context of a new critical edition presenting the totality of manuscripts as well as different textual versions in electronic form. The concept of ‘unrooted trees’ visualizing relationships of manuscript readings can be integrated in this concept. The article gives an overview of these methods, presents examples of editorial techniques, and develops ideas on how to combine the research on the manuscript tradition of both the German text and its French counterpart.
This Festschrift comprises a series of papers written in honour of the philologist Andreas Fischer, on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday. As in Andreas Fischer s own research, the main focus of the volume is on words: words in modern varieties, such as emergent conjunctions in Australian, American and British English; words in their cultural and historical context, such as English keywords in Old Norse literature; and words in a diachronic perspective, such as Romance suffixation in the history of English. Many contributions are anchored in the philological tradition that has informed much of Andreas Fischer s own scholarship, such as the study of verbal duelling in the late thirteenth-century romance Kyng Alisaunder. Others examine the construction ofdiscourses, such as those surrounding the Black Death. The volume, with its innovative studies,offers fascinating insights into words, discourses,and their contexts, both past and present.
With examples drawn from over 200 world languages, this ground-breaking volume presents a state-of-the-art overview of evaluative morphology. Offering an innovative approach to major theoretical questions, the Edinburgh Handbook analyses the field from a cross-linguistic perspective, considering semantic, pragmatic and sociolinguistic aspects, as well as word-formation processes and evaluative morphology acquisition. Complementing the synchronic approach with a diachronic perspective, this study establishes a picture of intriguing diversity in evaluative morphology manifestations, and offers a comprehensive analysis of the situation in dozens of languages and language families. Divided into 2 distinct parts, the handbook begins with 13 chapters discussing evaluative morphology in relation to areas such as pragmatics, semantics, linguistic universals and sociolinguistics. The second part is comprised of descriptive chapters, broken into the following subsets: Eurasia, South- East Asia and Oceania, Australia-New Guinea, Africa, North America and South America.
This article discusses the manuscript transmission of Chrétien’s Roman de Perceval ou le Conte du Graal and Wolfram’s Parzival in terms of their textual tradition and editorial criticism. It shows that the most recent edition of the Old French Perceval (K. Busby 1993) can be viewed as a landmark of the art of conventional editing that appeared at the peak of the discussion of ‘New Philology’ and took its own position in this context. At the same time, the Perceval was subject of critical studies based on the principle of ‘unrooted trees’ that questioned the genealogical concept of traditional ‘Lachmannian’ stemmatology. Conversely, a new edition of Wolfram’s Parzival, based on all known manuscripts, remained a desideratum for decades in German studies. Specific research on the textual tradition played a rather marginal role for a long time, but has been reinforced in the recent years in the context of a new critical edition presenting the totality of manuscripts as well as different textual versions in electronic form. The concept of ‘unrooted trees’ visualizing relationships of manuscript readings can be integrated in this concept. The article gives an overview of these methods, presents examples of editorial techniques, and develops ideas on how to combine the research on the manuscript tradition of both the German text and its French counterpart.
Relative Predicativity and dependent recursion in second-order set theory and higher-orders theories
This article reports that some robustness of the notions of predicativity and of autonomous progression is broken down if as the given infinite total entity we choose some mathematical entities other than the traditional ω. Namely, the equivalence between normal transfinite recursion scheme and new dependent transfinite recursion scheme, which does hold in the context of subsystems of second order number theory, does not hold in the context of subsystems of second order set theory where the universe V of sets is treated as the given totality (nor in the contexts of those of n+3-th order number or set theories, where the class of all n+2-th order objects is treated as the given totality).
We discuss several ontological properties of explicit mathematics and operational set theory: global choice, decidable classes, totality and extensionality of operations, function spaces, class and set formation via formulas that contain the definedness predicate and applications.
We define an applicative theory of truth TPT which proves totality exactly for the polynomial time computable functions. TPT has natural and simple axioms since nearly all its truth axioms are standard for truth theories over an applicative framework. The only exception is the axiom dealing with the word predicate. The truth predicate can only reflect elementhood in the words for terms that have smaller length than a given word. This makes it possible to achieve the very low proof-theoretic strength. Truth induction can be allowed without any constraints. For these reasons the system TPT has the high expressive power one expects from truth theories. It allows embeddings of feasible systems of explicit mathematics and bounded arithmetic. The proof that the theory TPT is feasible is not easy. It is not possible to apply a standard realisation approach. For this reason we develop a new realisation approach whose realisation functions work on directed acyclic graphs. In this way, we can express and manipulate realisation information more efficiently.
This paper describes nominalization and nominalization-based constructions in Galo, a Tibeto-Burman language of the Tani branch spoken in North East India. Nominalizers in Galo are divided into primary and secondary sets, while nominalization-based constructions are divided into two types: nominalized clauses and clausal nominalizations. Both primary and secondary nominalizers help form nominalized clauses, which are uninflected, exhibit a genitive subject, and enter into nominal complement and relative clause constructions. Clausal nominalizations are formed by primary nominalizers only, may be inflected, exhibit a nominative subject, and in general take on a more main clause-like structure and set of functions. Following this basic description, the diachronic origins of Galo nominalizers are discussed, and the Galo forms and patterns are situated in terms of a broader typology of nominalization in Tibeto-Burman.
A partir de los aportes críticos de Enrique Anderson Imbert y de Umberto Eco acerca de las posibles relaciones existentes entre los escritos de Borges y Chesterton es que, en el presente trabajo, me propongo estudiar el motivo del cuarto cerrado y su relación con el detective en Seis problemas para don Isidro Parodi de Honorio Bustos Domecq (seudónimo de Adolfo Bioy Casares y Jorge Luis Borges). En tal sentido, intento fundamentar la relación paródica que a nivel de procedimientos se establece con la saga del padre Brown de Gilbert R. Chesterton. Con tal finalidad, reseño el itinerario diacrónico que los tres elementos fundamentales de este tipo de relatos -el cuarto cerrado, el detective y la víctima-, han tenido a lo largo de la historia de la literatura de índole policial con el objetivo preciso de señalar la peculiar textualización de los mismos en la obra analizada. La originalidad del tratamiento de estos motivos típicos, tanto por parte de Biorges como por parte de Chesterton, ha evitado su posible petrificación en el tiempo como tópico literario.
En este trabajo se analiza el primer libro del filósofo argentino Risieri Frondizi: El punto de partida del filosofar (1945). Frondizi presenta las bases de su programa filosófico, al que denomina empirismo total (radicalmente diferente al empirismo sensualista). Aquí juega un rol central el concepto de intencionalidad, que toma de Brentano y Husserl, pero resignificado a partir de la metafísica de Whitehead. El empirismo de Frondizi sólo puede entenderse en el sentido de que se debe partir de la realidad efectiva y no de ningún dato absoluto. Dicha realidad es la experiencia: estructura conformada por el yo, sus actividades y los objetos. Así, la filosofía es concebida como una teoría de la totalidad de la experiencia, de los elementos constituyentes y sus interrelaciones, y pretende asumir la tarea de la ontología clásica de fundamentación y síntesis de las ciencias con el fin de orientar la praxis humana.