963 resultados para di(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid
Del granulato di ossido di stronzio (anche nella formula carbonato) è stato testato come nuovo possibile materiale di utilizzo per la cattura ad alta temperatura di diossido di carbonio da effluenti gassosi di scarto. Sono stati condotti diversi esperimenti con strumentazioni già preposte, quali test termogravimetrici, microscopia elettronica (SEM) e Xray (XRD). Mentre per la sperimentazione in quantità più rilevanti di materiale è stato costruito un impianto a letto fisso ex novo. Le prove TG hanno evidenziato una capacità media di sorbente parti a circa il 5% in massa di ossido, a temperature tra i 1100°C e i 1200°C, in situazione di regime (dopo numerosi cicli di carb/calc), con una buona conservazione nel tempo delle proprietà adsorbitive, mentre per le prove a letto fisso, si è registrato un calo di valori variabile tra il 3 e il 4%, con un netto miglioramento nel caso di calcinazione in vapore surriscaldato fino al 5%. Il trattamento in vapore ha sortito l’importante effetto di calcinazione del diossido di carbonio dal sorbente, quindi facilmente separabile dal flusso in uscita, misurato tramite cattura in una soluzione di idrossido di bario. Importanti fenomeni di sintering e densificazione hanno portato ad occludere completamente la camera di reazione sviluppando notevoli sovrappressioni interne. Tali fenomeni sono stati approfonditi tramite analisi SEM e XRD. Si è constatato un aumento notevole della grandezza dei granuli in caso di trattamento in vapore con la formazione di legami stabili e con conservazione della porosità. Nel caso di trattamento senza vapore surriscaldato i granuli hanno sinterizzato tramite formazione di legami, ma sempre con conservazione della macroporosità. Il lavoro di tesi è stato inquadrato nel contesto tecnologico al riguardo le tecniche CCS esistenti ed in progetto, con un attento studio bibliografico riguardo lo stato dell’arte, impianti esistenti, costi, metodi di cattura usati, metodologie di trasporto dei gas, metodologie di stoccaggio esistenti e in progetto. Si sono considerati alcuni aspetti economici per sviluppare un modello previsionale di spesa per una possibile applicazione di cattura per un impianto di produzione energetica. Con la progettazione e dimensionamento di un sistema integrato di adsorbimento tramite l’accoppiamento di 2 reattori dedicati ai cicli di carbonatazione e calcinazione del materiale sorbente. Infine si sono considerati gli aspetti salienti dello stoccaggio del diossido di carbonio in reservoir tramite le tecniche di EOR e EGR (Enhanced Oil/Gas Recovery) utilizzando la stessa CO2 come fluido spiazzante degli idrocarburi in posto. Concludendo il lavoro di tesi e di sperimentazione ha contribuito in modo tangibile allo scopo prefissato, andando a caratterizzare un nuovo materiale per la cattura di diossido di carbonio da effluenti gassosi ad alta temperatura, ed andando a verificare un’importante fenomeno rigenerativo non previsto delle capacità sorbitive dei materiali sottoposti a test.
Il presente lavoro di tesi sperimentale prende in considerazione diverse possibili alternative ai plastificanti (in particolare alla famiglia degli ftalati) e ritardanti di fiamma (triossido di antimonio) ampiamente utilizzati al giorno d’oggi nella produzione di finte pelli in PVC, anticipando in questo modo possibili restrizioni future imposte dalla normativa REACH: quattro ftalati a basso peso molecolare (Benzil-ButilFtalato, Di-ButilFtalato, Di-Iso-ButilFtalato, e Di-2-Etil-EsilFtalato) sono già stati proibiti ed il triossido di antimonio è inserito nella lista delle sostanze candidate a possibili restrizioni. Le limitazioni all’uso di queste sostanze è dovuta agli effetti negativi sulla salute e sull’ambiente causati da queste sostanze: gli ftalati a basso peso molecolare possono interferire nei cicli ormonali; il triossido di antimonio è un sospetto cancerogeno, è pericoloso per inalazione ed è considerato causa di pneumoconiosi e irregolarità cardiache dei lavoratori a contatto con esso. Inoltre, l’antimonio è un inquinante persistente, bioaccumulabile e tossico (PBT). Sono stati presi in esame 21 plastificanti appartenenti a varie categorie (sebacati, adipati, trimellitati, fosfati, benzoati, …), coi quali sono state prodotte foglie di PVC plastificato. Le foglie sono state sottoposte a caratterizzazione tramite spettroscopia FT-IR ed a test sia di natura meccanica (durezza, resistenza meccanica, etc.) che focalizzati a determinare proprietà legate al loro uso finale (migrazione del plastificante, resistenza alla fiamma, stabilità termica, etc.). Tra i migliori plastificanti individuati vi sono i trimellitati ed alcuni plastificanti da fonti rinnovabili (azelati, tetravalerati). Sono state investigate singolarmente le proprietà di 5 tipologie di ritardanti di fiamma in sostituzione del triossido di antimonio (a varie percentuali di additivazione nel materiale) e di 3 miscele di ritardanti allo scopo di valutare eventuali effetti sinergici. Le foglie additivate con questi ritardanti di fiamma sono state caratterizzate tramite analisi termiche specifiche: analisi al cono calorimetro e analisi TGA accoppiata ad FT-IR, utili per la comprensione dei meccanismi di azione dei ritardanti di fiamma e della loro influenza sulla degradazione termica del PVC plastificato. Infine, le foglie sono state sottoposte ai classici test di resistenza meccanica, resistenza alla fiamma, stabilità termica, ecc. I migliori ritardanti di fiamma individuati sono: ipofosfito di calcio, sali carbossilati ed allumina triidrata, da soli o miscelati con zinco idrossistannato.
Negli esperimenti con particelle elementari si rende spesso necessario misurarne l’impulso e discriminare il segno della carica con l’ausilio di campi magnetici. Il lavoro presentato in questa tesi si inserisce nell'attività preliminare per la realizzazione di uno spettrometro per muoni con impulso nell'intervallo 0.5-4 GeV, posto all'interno di un campo magnetico in aria. Il prototipo di tracciatore su cui sono state condotte le misure presentate in questa tesi è costituito da diversi piani di barre di scintillatore plastico accoppiate a fotomoltiplicatori al Silicio. Le misure di laboratorio sono state finalizzate a determinare la risoluzione spaziale del prototipo a partire dai segnali di muoni cosmici nelle barre di scintillatore. Dalla ricostruzione delle tracce dei muoni è stata determinata una risoluzione spaziale migliore di 2 mm, che risulta adeguata per lo spettrometro che si vuole realizzare.
Enantioselective CE with sulfated cyclodextrins as chiral selectors was used to determine the CYP3A4-catalyzed N-demethylation kinetics of ketamine to norketamine and its inhibition in the presence of ketoconazole in vitro. Ketamine, a chiral phencyclidine derivative, was incubated with recombinant human CYP3A4 from a baculovirus expression system as racemic mixture and as single enantiomer. Alkaline liquid/liquid extracts of the samples were analyzed with a pH 2.5 buffer comprising 50 mM Tris and phosphoric acid together with either multiple isomer sulfated β-cyclodextrin (10 mg/mL) or highly sulfated γ-cyclodextrin (2%, w/v). Data obtained in the absence of ketoconazole revealed that the N-demethylation occurred stereoselectively with Michaelis-Menten (incubation of racemic ketamine) and Hill (separate incubation of single enantiomers) kinetics. Data generated in the presence of ketoconazole as the inhibitor could best be fitted to a one-site competitive model and inhibition constants were calculated using the equation of Cheng and Prusoff. No stereoselective difference was observed, but inhibition constants for the incubation of racemic ketamine were found to be larger compared with those obtained with the incubation of single ketamine enantiomers.
UV filters belong to a group of compounds that are used by humans and are present in municipal waste-waters, effluents from sewage treatment plants and surface waters. Current information regarding UV filters and their effects on fish is limited. In this study, the occurrence of three commonly used UV filters - 2-phenylbenzimidazole-5-sulfonic acid (PBSA), 2-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzophenone (benzophenone-3, BP-3) and 5-benzoyl-4-hydroxy-2-methoxy-benzenesulfonic acid (benzophenone-4, BP-4) - in South Bohemia (Czech Republic) surface waters is presented. PBSA concentrations (up to 13μgL(-1)) were significantly greater than BP-3 or BP-4 concentrations (up to 620 and 390ngL(-1), respectively). On the basis of these results, PBSA was selected for use in a toxicity test utilizing the common model organism rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Fish were exposed to three concentrations of PBSA (1, 10 and 1000µgL(-1)) for 21 and 42 days. The PBSA concentrations in the fish plasma, liver and kidneys were elevated after 21 and 42 days of exposure. PBSA increased activity of certain P450 cytochromes. Exposure to PBSA also changed various biochemical parameters and enzyme activities in the fish plasma. However, no pathological changes were obvious in the liver or gonads.
Temporary zinc oxide-eugenol cement: eugenol quantity in dentin and bond strength of resin composite
Uptake of eugenol from eugenol-containing temporary materials may reduce the adhesion of subsequent resin-based restorations. This study investigated the effect of duration of exposure to zinc oxide–eugenol (ZOE) cement on the quantity of eugenol retained in dentin and on the microtensile bond strength (μTBS) of the resin composite. The ZOE cement (IRM Caps) was applied onto the dentin of human molars (21 per group) for 1, 7, or 28 d. One half of each molar was used to determine the quantity of eugenol (by spectrofluorimetry) and the other half was used for μTBS testing. The ZOE-exposed dentin was treated with either OptiBond FL using phosphoric acid (H3PO4) or with Gluma Classic using ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) conditioning. One group without conditioning (for eugenol quantity) and two groups not exposed to ZOE (for eugenol quantity and μTBS testing) served as controls. The quantity of eugenol ranged between 0.33 and 2.9 nmol mg−1 of dentin (median values). No effect of the duration of exposure to ZOE was found. Conditioning with H3PO4 or EDTA significantly reduced the quantity of eugenol in dentin. Nevertheless, for OptiBond FL, exposure to ZOE significantly decreased the μTBS, regardless of the duration of exposure. For Gluma Classic, the μTBS decreased after exposure to ZOE for 7 and 28 d. OptiBond FL yielded a significantly higher μTBS than did Gluma Classic. Thus, ZOE should be avoided in cavities later to be restored with resin-based materials.
OBJECTIVES: To determine the effect on resin composite-to-dentin bond strength of incorporation of an acidic tin-chloride pretreatment in two adhesive systems. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Human molars were ground to expose mid-coronal dentin. For microtensile bond strength (μTBS) testing, dentin was treated with Optibond FL or Clearfil SE according to one of six protocols (n = 22/group). Group 1: Phosphoric acid etching, Optibond FL Prime, Optibond FL Adhesive (manufacturer's instructions; control); Group 2: Tin-chloride pretreatment, Optibond FL Prime, Optibond FL Adhesive; Group 3: Phosphoric acid etching, tin-chloride pretreatment, Optibond FL Prime, Optibond FL Adhesive; Group 4: Clearfil SE Primer, Clearfil SE Bond (manufacturer's instructions; control); Group 5: Phosphoric acid etching, Clearfil SE Primer, Clearfil SE Bond; and Group 6: Tin-chloride pretreatment, Clearfil SE Primer, Clearfil SE Bond. The molars were then built up with resin composite (Clearfil Majesty Esthetic). After storage (1 week, 100 % humidity, 37 °C) the μTBS was measured and failure mode was determined. Additionally, pretreated dentin surfaces were evaluated using SEM and EDX. The μTBS results were analyzed statistically by a Welch Two Sample t-test and a Kruskal-Wallis test followed by exact Wilcoxon rank sum tests with Bonferroni-Holm adjustment for multiple testing (α = 0.05). RESULTS: When Optibond FL was used, partial or total replacement of phosphoric acid with tin-chloride decreased μTBS significantly. In contrast, when Clearfil SE was used, inclusion of a tin-chloride pretreatment in the adhesive procedure increased μTBS significantly. CONCLUSIONS: Tin-chloride pretreatment had a beneficial influence on the bond promoting capacity of the MDP-containing adhesive system Clearfil SE.
Execution of an enzymatic reaction performed in a capillary with subsequent electrophoretic analysis of the formed products is referred to as electrophoretically mediated microanalysis (EMMA). An EMMA method was developed to investigate the stereoselectivity of the CYP3A4-mediated N-demethylation of ketamine. Ketamine was incubated in a 50 μm id bare fused-silica capillary together with human CYP3A4 Supersomes using a 100 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) at 37°C. A plug containing racemic ketamine and the NADPH regenerating system including all required cofactors for the enzymatic reaction was injected, followed by a plug of the metabolizing enzyme CYP3A4 (500 nM). These two plugs were bracketed by plugs of incubation buffer to ensure proper conditions for the enzymatic reaction. The rest of the capillary was filled with a pH 2.5 running buffer comprising 50 mM Tris, phosphoric acid, and 2% w/v of highly sulfated γ-cyclodextrin. Mixing of reaction plugs was enhanced via application of -10 kV for 10 s. After an incubation of 8 min at 37°C without power application (zero-potential amplification), the capillary was cooled to 25°C within 3 min followed by application of -10 kV for the separation and detection of the formed enantiomers of norketamine. Norketamine formation rates were fitted to the Michaelis-Menten model and the elucidated values for V(max) and K(m) were found to be comparable to those obtained from the off-line assay of a previous study.
OBJECTIVES Creation of an atraumatic, hearing-preservation cochleostomy is integral to the future of minimally invasive inner ear surgery. The goal of this study was to develop and characterize a novel chemical approach to cochleostomy. STUDY DESIGN Prospective animal study. SETTING Laboratory. METHODS Experimental animal study in which phosphoric acid gel (PAG) was used to decalcify the otic capsule in 25 Hartley guinea pigs. Five animals in each of 5 surgical groups were studied: (1) mechanically opening the auditory bulla alone, (2) PAG thinning of the basal turn otic capsule, leaving endosteum covered by a layer of bone, (3) micro-pick manual cochleostomy, (4) PAG chemical cochleostomy, exposing the endosteum, and (5) combined PAG/micro-pick cochleostomy, with initial chemical thinning and subsequent manual removal of the last osseous layer. Preoperative and postoperative auditory brainstem responses and otoacoustic emissions were obtained at 2, 6, 10, and 16 kHz. Hematoxylin and eosin-stained paraffin sections were compared. RESULTS Surgical and histologic findings confirmed that application of PAG provided reproducible local bone removal, and cochlear access was enabled. Statistically significant auditory threshold shifts were observed at 10 kHz (P = .048) and 16 kHz (P = .0013) following cochleostomy using PAG alone (group 4) and at 16 kHz using manual cochleostomy (group 3) (P = .028). No statistically significant, postoperative auditory threshold shifts were observed in the other groups, including PAG thinning with manual completion cochleostomy (group 5). CONCLUSION Hearing preservation cochleostomy can be performed in an animal model using a novel technique of thinning cochlear bone with PAG and manually completing cochleostomy.
The aim of the study was to compare fissure sealant quality after mechanical conditioning of erbium-doped yttrium aluminium garnet (Er:YAG) laser or air abrasion prior to chemical conditioning of phosphoric acid etching or of a self-etch adhesive. Twenty-five permanent molars were initially divided into three groups: control group (n = 5), phosphoric acid etching; test group 1 (n = 10), air abrasion; and test group 2, (n = 10) Er:YAG laser. After mechanical conditioning, the test group teeth were sectioned buccolingually and the occlusal surface of one half tooth (equal to one sample) was acid etched, while a self-etch adhesive was applied on the other half. The fissure system of each sample was sealed, thermo-cycled and immersed in 5% methylene dye for 24 h. Each sample was sectioned buccolingually, and one slice was analysed microscopically. Using specialized software microleakage, unfilled margin, sealant failure and unfilled area proportions were calculated. A nonparametric ANOVA model was applied to compare the Er:YAG treatment with that of air abrasion and the self-etch adhesive with phosphoric acid (α = 0.05). Test groups were compared to the control group using Wilcoxon rank sum tests (α = 0.05). The control group displayed significantly lower microleakage but higher unfilled area proportions than the Er:YAG laser + self-etch adhesive group and displayed significantly higher unfilled margin and unfilled area proportions than the air-abrasion + self-etch adhesive group. There was no statistically significant difference in the quality of sealants applied in fissures treated with either Er:YAG laser or air abrasion prior to phosphoric acid etching, nor in the quality of sealants applied in fissures treated with either self-etch adhesive or phosphoric acid following Er:YAG or air-abrasion treatment.
A computer simulation study describing the electrophoretic separation and migration of methadone enantiomers in presence of free and immobilized (2-hydroxypropyl)-β-CD is presented. The 1:1 interaction of methadone with the neutral CD was simulated by using experimentally determined mobilities and complexation constants for the complexes in a low-pH BGE comprising phosphoric acid and KOH. The use of complex mobilities represents free solution conditions with the chiral selector being a buffer additive, whereas complex mobilities set to zero provide data that mimic migration and separation with the chiral selector being immobilized, that is CEC conditions in absence of unspecific interaction between analytes and the chiral stationary phase. Simulation data reveal that separations are quicker, electrophoretic displacement rates are reduced, and sensitivity is enhanced in CEC with on-column detection in comparison to free solution conditions. Simulation is used to study electrophoretic analyte behavior at the interface between sample and the CEC column with the chiral selector (analyte stacking) and at the rear end when analytes leave the environment with complexation (analyte destacking). The latter aspect is relevant for off-column analyte detection in CEC and is described here for the first time via the dynamics of migrating analyte zones. Simulation provides insight into means to counteract analyte dilution at the column end via use of a BGE with higher conductivity. Furthermore, the impact of EOF on analyte migration, separation, and detection for configurations with the selector zone being displaced or remaining immobilized under buffer flow is simulated. In all cases, the data reveal that detection should occur within or immediately after the selector zone.
El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la fuerza adhesiva de los ionómeros vítreos convencionales a la dentina tratada con ácido fosfórico, con ácido poliacrílico y con solución de hipoclorito de sodio. Los ensayos se realizaron sobre dentina de premolares extraídos por razones ortodóncicas o periodontales, los cuales se asignaron al azar en tres grupos de 10 elementos cada uno. A cada grupo se le practicó un tratamiento distinto (descalcificación, desproteinización o eliminación del barro dentinario). Sobre cada espécimen se le adhirió un cilindro de ionómero vítreo convencional preparado según las especificaciones de su fabricante. Posteriormente las muestras fueron sometidas a fuerzas de cargas de corte utilizando una máquina de ensayos universal (Instron). Los resultados obtenidos fueron sometidos a análisis de ANOVA de una entrada y a post test de comparación múltiple de Tukey. Por lo que puede expresarse que no hubo diferencia estadísticamente significativa (p>0,05) en la fuerza adhesiva de los ionómeros vítreos que fueron adheridos a dentina con tratamiento de ácido poliacrílico, y los que fueron adheridos a dentina con tratamiento de descalcificación (acción del ácido fosfórico). Se encontró diferencia estadísticamente significativa en las muestras adheridas a dentina tratadas con poliacrílico y ácido fosfórico (p<0.01 y p<0.05 respectivamente), con respecto a las que fueron tratadas con hipoclorito.
Relative abundance and isotopic composition of calcite, dolomite and siderite from ODP Leg 164 sites
Authigenic carbonate mineral distributions are compared to pore-water geochemical profiles and used to evaluate diagenesis within sedimentary sections containing gas hydrates on the Blake Ridge (Ocean Drilling Program Sites 994, 995, and 997). Carbonate mineral distributions reveal three distinct diagenetic zones. (1) Carbonate minerals in the upper 20 m are primarily biogenic and show no evidence of diagenesis. The d13C and d18O values of calcite within this zone reflects marine carbonate (~0 per mil Peedee belemnite [PDB]) formed in equilibrium with seawater. (2) Between 20 and 100 mbsf, calcite d13C values are distinctly negative (as low as -7.0 per mil), and authigenic dolomite is common (~2-40 wt%) with d13C values between -3.6 per mil and 13.7 per mil. (3) Below 100 mbsf, dolomite abundance decreases to trace amounts, and disseminated siderite becomes the pervasive (~2-30 wt%) authigenic carbonate. Both siderite textures and stable isotope values indicate direct precipitation from pore fluids rather than dolomite replacement. The d13C and d18O values of siderite vary from 5.0 per mil to 10.9 per mil and 2.9 per mil to 7.6 per mil, respectively. Comparisons between the d13C profiles of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and pore-water concentration gradients, with the d13C and d18O values of authigenic carbonates, delineate a distinct depth zonation for authigenic carbonate mineral formation. Coincidence of the most negative d13CDIC values (<=-38 per mil) and negative d13C values of both calcite and dolomite, with pore-water alkalinity increases, sulfate depletion, and decreases in interstitial Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentrations at and below 20 mbsf, suggests that authigenic calcite and dolomite formation is initiated at the base of the sulfate reduction zone (~21 mbsf) and occurs down to ~100 mbsf. Siderite formation apparently occurs between 120 and 450 mbsf; within, and above, the gas hydrate-bearing section of the sediment column (~200-450 mbsf). Siderite d13C and d18O values are nearly uniform from their shallowest occurrence to the bottom of the sedimentary section. However, present-day pore-water d13CDIC values are only similar to siderite d13C values between ~100 and 450 mbsf. Furthermore, calculated equilibrium d18O values of siderite match the measured 18O values of siderite between 120 and 450 mbsf. This interval is characterized by high alkalinity (40-120 mM) and low Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentrations, conditions that are consistent with siderite formation.
Polar bears (Ursus maritimus) are exposed to high concentrations of mercury because they are apex predators in the Arctic ecosystem. Although mercury is a potent neurotoxic heavy metal, it is not known whether current exposures are of neurotoxicological concern to polar bears. We tested the hypotheses that polar bears accumulate levels of mercury in their brains that exceed the estimated lowest observable adverse effect level (20 µg/g dry wt) for mammalian wildlife and that such exposures are associated with subtle neurological damage, as determined by measuring neurochemical biomarkers previously shown to be disrupted by mercury in other high-trophic wildlife. Brain stem (medulla oblongata) tissues from 82 polar bears subsistence hunted in East Greenland were studied. Despite surprisingly low levels of mercury in the brain stem region (total mercury = 0.36 ± 0.12 µg/g dry wt), a significant negative correlation was measured between N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor levels and both total mercury (r = -0.34, p < 0.01) and methylmercury (r = -0.89, p < 0.05). No relationships were observed among mercury, selenium, and several other neurochemical biomarkers (dopamine-2, gamma-aminobutyric acid type A, muscarinic cholinergic, and nicotinic cholinergic receptors; cholinesterase and monoamine oxidase enzymes). These data show that East Greenland polar bears do not accumulate high levels of mercury in their brain stems. However, decreased levels of NMDA receptors could be one of the most sensitive indicators of mercury's subclinical and early effects.