997 resultados para cura
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Princeton copy is no. 6 of a volume of 6 titles in blue boards with spine title: Semler's Abfertigung.
Thesis (doctoral)--Universitat Greifswald.
Mode of access: Internet.
Bibliographical footnotes.
Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL) is endemic in Brazil and the northeast region had the highest incidence of the disease , despite, in the last 30 years, it has spread to all geographic regions of the country. Leishmania infantum is the m ain etiological agent of VL in Latin America, Europe and North Africa. However, not all infected individuals develop the disease; in fact, the majority present spontaneous re solution of infection without symptoms. The evaluation of the immunological profil e has been mostly conducted stimulating, with Leishmania spp. antigen, peripheral blood mononuclear cells isolated from subjects with VL. These studies showed that VL patients had an inhibition of both, lymphocyte proliferation and proinflammatory response to Leishmania spp. antigen. Our study aimed to evaluate the immune response in active LV, cured post treatment and asymptomatic infection. To reach this aim, we analyzed immunophenotypic features related to activation, Treg and memory lymphocytes, by flow cytometry, as well as, evaluation of cytokine production, in ex vivo or in whole blood culture. In active VL volunteers, a longitu dinal study was conducted with reassessment at 4 and 14 months after clinical cure. The control group included individuals th at live d in endemic region and were either Positive Control, consisting of individuals with positive anti - L eishmania spp. serology and/or positive PCR for Leishmania spp. and Negative Control composed by individuals with negative anti - Leishmania antibodie s serology and negative PCR for Leishmania . During VL, CD4 lymphocytes showed greater activation and memory profile s and were the major source of cytokines in culture when compared to CD8 lymphocytes , and these were not Leishmania specific. There were act ivated lymphocytes during VL (CD4 + CD69 + :4.9%) when compared to control groups, Positive (CD4 + CD69 + :1.96%, p=0.0045) and Negative (CD4 + CD69 + :1.35%, p=0.006), on the other hand, this was non - specific activation. The lymphocyte activation profile remain ed el evated even 14 months post treatmen t. A fter clinical cure , the activation was Leishmania specific (CD4 + CD25 + absence of SLA: 8.4%, and presence of SLA: 10.7% p=0.0279). CD8 + CD25 + lymphocytes were able to produce Leishmania specific IFN - γ in both, Positive Controls (absence of SLA 5.2% and presence of SLA: 9.5%, p=0.0391) and Cured 4 month (absence of SLA: 3.9%; presence of SLA: 10.7% p=0.0098). Whole blood culture cells, of VL patients, were able to produce IFN - γ, by SLA stimulation (absence of SLA: 28.0 pg ∕mL, and presence: 44.3 pg∕mL p=0.0020) as well as recovered groups (absence of SLA 2.3 pg∕mL and presence of SLA 139.8 pg∕mL, p=0.0005). However, the high level of IL - 10 seem ed to inhibit pro - inflammatory activity of IFN - γ and TNF - α during symptomatic dis ease . Unlike other pro - inflammatory cytokines, active VL group d id not produce Leishmania specific IL - 2 (absence of SLA 2.4 pg∕mL and presence of SLA: 2.6 pg∕mL). Based on these data we conclude that the restoration of lymphocyte activation and decreased i n IL - 10 Leishmania specific production were related to a protective immune profile.
Profound changes have marked Greek society from the fourth century B.C.. Conquests, wars and epidemics altered drastically the Greek’s posture regarding his public life, his conception of gods and hence the construction of their spaces, whether sacred or profane. Through the fonts, we perceived that the cult of god Asklepeios turned very popular, in this context, for the peculiar way that the god relates to his devotees, through the dreams. We know that the dream was held, for the Greeks, as a space of real existence, it was sacred, and could be accessed in the healing rituals of Asklepios. Our work intends, thereby, to understand the curious and peculiar oniric space, mainly through the inscriptions, architectural structures of the sanctuary and the ancient texts that refer to the context of the period, because we understand that this space was the essential condition for the popularization of the cult, it placed the individual in direct contact with the divinity, a rare closeness between men and gods accepted by the greek imagery until then.
Surface defects on steel parts borne costs of smelting industries due to the need of rework. Sand molds are frequently used in foundry industries and largely responsible for providing surface defects. This study aims to optimize the levels of the molding process variables to minimize the occurrence of surface defects in steel castings in silica sand molds chemically linked by cold cure process. The methodology used the experimental design with split plot, being considered in the study the resin percentage factors in the mold formulation, addition of iron oxide, type of paint, the paint application method, amount of ink layers, use of hot air along the lines and waiting time of the mold before casting. They were analyzed as response variables erosion defects, sand inclusion, penetration, porosity and surface finish. Tensile strength tests were performed to evaluate the influence of factors on mechanical parameters and the microstructural parameters were carried out the analysis of X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and thermal analysis (TG / DSC / dilatometry). The results elucidate that for the faulty erosion, the only significant factor with a 95% confidence level was the type of ink and the ink alumina-based superior results obtained. For the sand inclusion of defect, there were three significant factors, with best results obtained with alumina-based paint and spray applied using hot air in the mold before casting the metal. For the defect penetration, there were four significant factors, the best results being achieved with 0.8% of resin and addition of iron oxide in the molding formulation, the paint being applied by brush and standby time of 24 hours before leak. For the defect porosity with a 95% confidence level, no significant factors. For the defect surface finish, the best results were achieved with the 0.8% formulation of the resin in the mold and application of the paint brush. To obtain the levels of the factors that optimize all defects simultaneously, we performed a weighted average of the results of each type of fault, concluding that the best levels of the factors were: 0.8% resin and addition of iron oxide in the formulation of the template, application of two coats of paint applied with a brush or spray, using hot air in the mold before casting and 24 hours of waiting ready the mold before casting. These levels of the optimized factors were used in an experiment to confirm that ratified the results, helping to reduce rework and consequently reducing costs of cast steel parts.
Survival models deals with the modelling of time to event data. In certain situations, a share of the population can no longer be subjected to the event occurrence. In this context, the cure fraction models emerged. Among the models that incorporate a fraction of cured one of the most known is the promotion time model. In the present study we discuss hypothesis testing in the promotion time model with Weibull distribution for the failure times of susceptible individuals. Hypothesis testing in this model may be performed based on likelihood ratio, gradient, score or Wald statistics. The critical values are obtained from asymptotic approximations, which may result in size distortions in nite sample sizes. This study proposes bootstrap corrections to the aforementioned tests and Bartlett bootstrap to the likelihood ratio statistic in Weibull promotion time model. Using Monte Carlo simulations we compared the nite sample performances of the proposed corrections in contrast with the usual tests. The numerical evidence favors the proposed corrected tests. At the end of the work an empirical application is presented.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
La prospettiva della teranostica è quella di effettuare contemporaneamente diagnosi e cura, individuando le singole particelle tumorali. Questo è possibile grazie a nanoparticelle magnetiche, entità multifunzionali rivestite da un polimero, accompagnate nel luogo di interesse mediante un campo magnetico esterno. Per quanto riguarda la diagnosi possono essere utilizzate come agenti nella risonanza magnetica nucleare per aumentare il contrasto dell’immagine e consentire una migliore rivelazione del tumore. Per quanto riguarda la terapia esse sono utilizzate per l’ipertermia magnetica, tecnica basata sul riscaldamento mediante l’applicazione di un debole campo magnetico alternato dotato di un’opportuna frequenza. In questo modo le cellule tumorali, essendo più sensibili al calore rispetto a quelle sane, vengono distrutte, una volta raggiunta una temperatura locale tra i 41 e i 46°C. Un’altra grande applicazione terapeutica è il rilascio controllato e mirato dei farmaci (drug target delivery). Infatti un opportuno rivestimento polimerico consente di coniugare alla particella dei medicinali chemioterapici che, una volta raggiunta la zona tumorale, possono essere rilasciati nel tempo, permettendo dunque la somministrazione di una minor dose e un’azione più mirata rispetto ai classici trattamenti. I materiali maggiormente utilizzati per la sintesi delle nanoparticelle sono gli ossidi di ferro (come la magnetite Fe3O4 e la maghemite γ − Fe2O3) e l’oro. Tuttavia, nonostante i possibili vantaggi, questi trattamenti presentano degli effetti collaterali. Trattandosi infatti di particelle ultrafini, dell’ordine dei nanometri, possono migrare all’interno del corpo umano raggiungendo organi bersaglio e comprometterne il loro funzionamento. La teranostica, però, è una disciplina molto studiata e in via di sviluppo; si spera che da qui a breve sia possibile un utilizzo concreto di questi nuovi metodi, riducendo al minimo la tossicità per il corpo umano.
El objetivo de la investigación es analizar desde una perspectiva psicosociológica cuál es la representación de salud que presenta la comunidad pentecostal brasileña a través del estudio de los relatos de conversión y cura. Con tal fin, se ha desarrollado un estudio de caso de una comunidad pentecostal, en un barrio popular brasileño, se tuvo en cuenta aspectos históricos y contextuales, no solo de la comunidad sino también del pentecostalismo como un movimiento religioso, en gran expansión en el escenario sociocultural brasileño. Estos relatos de veinte sujetos conversos adultos a este “nuevo movimiento religioso”, nos revelan como la experiencia religiosa pentecostal repercute en la construcción de un concepto de salud.