996 resultados para cognate object construction
Sex differences in cognition have been largely investigated. The most consistent sex differences favoring females are observed in object location memory involving the left hemisphere whereas the most consistent sex differences favoring males are observed in tasks that require mental rotation involving the right hemisphere. Here we used a task involving these two abilities to see the impact of mental rotation on object location memory. To that end we used a combination of behavioral and event-related potential (ERP) electroencephalography (EEG) measures.A computer screen displayed a square frame of 4 pairs of images (a "teddy" bear, a shoe, an umbrella and a lamp) randomly arranged around a central fixation cross. After a 10-second interval for memorization, images disappeared and were replaced by a test frame with no image but a random pair of two locations marked in black. In addition, this test frame was randomly displayed either in the original orientation (0° rotation) or in the rotated one (90° clockwise - CW - or 90° counterclockwise - CCW). Preceding the test frame, an arrow indicating the presence or the absence of rotation of the frame was displayed on the screen. The task of the participants (15 females and 15 males) was to determine if two marked locations corresponded or not to a pair of identical images. Each response was followed by feedback.Findings showed no significant sex differences in the performance of the original orientation. In comparison with this position, the rotation of the frame produced an equal decrease of male and female performance. In addition, this decrease was significantly higher when the rotation of the frame was in a CCW direction. We further assessed the ERP when the arrow indicated the direction of rotation as stimulus-onset, during four time windows representing major components C1, P1, N1 and N2. Although no sex differences were observed in performance, brain activities differed according to sex. Enhanced amplitudes were found for the CCW compared to CW rotation over the right posterior areas for the P1, N1 and N2 components for men as well as for women. Major topographical differences related to sex were measured for the CW rotation condition as marked lateralized amplitude: left-hemisphere amplitude larger than right one was measured during P1 time range for men. These similar patterns prolonged from P1 to N1 for women. Early distinctions were found in interaction with sex between CCW and CW waveform amplitudes, expressing over anterior electrode sites during C1 time range (0-50 ms post-stimulus).In conclusion (i) women do not outperform men in object location memory in this study (absence of rotation condition); (ii) mental rotation, in particular the direction of rotation, influences performance on object location memory; (iii) CCW rotation is associated with activity in the right parietal hemisphere whereas the CW rotation involves the left parietal hemisphere; (iv) this last effect is less pronounced in males, which could explain why greater involvement of right parietal areas in men and of bilateral posterior areas in women is generally reported in mental rotation tasks; and (v) the early distinctions between both directions of rotation located over anterior sites could be related to sex differences in their respective involvement of control mechanisms.
The 81st General Assembly of the Iowa legislature, in Section 85 of House File 868, required the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) to conduct a study of current Road Use Tax Fund (RUTF) revenues, and projected roadway construction and maintenance needs.
OBJECTIVE To construct statements of nursing diagnoses related to nursing practice for individuals with diabetes in Specialized Care, on the basis of the Database of Nursing Practice Terms related to diabetes, in the International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP®) and in the Theory of Basic Human Needs and to validate them with specialist nurses in the area. METHOD Methodological research, structured into sequential stages of construction, cross-mapping, validation and categorization of nursing diagnoses. RESULTS A list was indicated of 115 statements of diagnostic, including positive, negative and improvement statements; 59 nursing diagnoses present in and 56 nursing diagnoses absent from the ICNP® Version 2011. 66 diagnoses with CVI ≥ 0.50 were validated, being categorized on the basis of human needs. CONCLUSION It was observed that the use of the ICNP® 2011 favored the specifications of the concepts of professional practice in care with individuals with diabetes.
Abstract OBJECTIVE To describe the stages of construction and validation of an instrument in order to analyze the adherence to best care practices during labour and birth. METHOD Methodological research, carried out in three steps: construction of dimensions and items, face and content validity and semantic analysis of the items. RESULTS The face and content validity was carried out by 10 judges working in healthcare, teaching and research. Items with Content Validity Index (CVI) ≥ 0.9 were kept in full or undergone revisions as suggested by the judges. Semantic analysis, performed twice, indicated that there was no difficulty in understanding the items. CONCLUSION The instrument with three dimensions (organization of healthcare network to pregnancy and childbirth, evidence-based practices and work processes) followed the steps recommended in the literature, concluded with 50 items and total CVI of 0.98.
Ce travail se situe au carrefour de la rhétorique, des théories de l'argumentation et de la linguistique du discours : il s'intéresse aux modalités diverses selon lesquelles une émotion peut être sémiotisée par un locuteur, et cela dans le cadre spécifique d'un discours de type argumentatif. Le questionnement vise à reprendre à nouveaux frais le concept rhétorique de pathos et porte, de façon générale, sur les rapports complexes qui unissent l'argumentation, d'une part, et l'émotion, d'autre part. L'hypothèse développée a trait à ce que l'on peut appeler l'argumentabilité des émotions. Les locuteurs ne font pas seulement « appel » à l'émotion dans le but d'accroître l'efficacité d'une argumentation visant à établir le bien-fondé d'une opinion ou l'opportunité d'une action : ils peuvent aussi, dans certains cas, chercher à argumenter pour ou contre l'émotion elle-même. Ils s'efforcent alors de formuler les raisons pour lesquelles il convient ou, au contraire, il ne convient pas d'éprouver cette émotion. La construction de l'émotion est dite « argumentative », dans le sens où l'émotion en vient à constituer l'objet même de l'argumentation : l'effort argumentatif des locuteurs porte moins sur des dispositions à croire et à agir que sur des dispositions à ressentir. Parler de l'« argumentabilité » des émotions, c'est insister sur le fait - essentiel, mais rarement relevé - que les émotions donnent elles aussi prise aux opérations argumentatives que l'on recense traditionnellement (mise en doute quant à la légitimité, justification ou, au contraire, tentative de réfutation). Ce travail ne vise pas seulement à apporter une contribution théorique aux études sur l'argumentation : il entend aussi mettre en pratique l'analyse argumentative sur un corpus de textes. Il s'agit des comptes-rendus écrits des principaux débats parlementaires français relatifs à l'abolition de la peine de mort (1791, 1848, 1908 et 1981). Bien qu'il s'échelonne sur une période de près de deux siècles, ce corpus présente une forte cohésion, dans la mesure où les textes qui le composent traitent d'un même thème et appartiennent à un même genre de discours. Cette cohésion est essentielle, dans la mesure où elle autorise une pratique raisonnée de la comparaison en diachronie : l'enjeu est de décrire l'évolution des stratégies argumentatives à travers le temps. Observé sur une longue durée, le pathos que développent les parlementaires favorables ou au contraire hostiles à l'abolition présente des visages multiples. On cherche à décrire aussi rigoureusement que possible la logique qui, lors de chaque débat, préside à la construction d'émotions comme la peur, la pitié, l'indignation ou encore la honte.
Statistical computing when input/output is driven by a Graphical User Interface is considered. A proposal is made for automatic control ofcomputational flow to ensure that only strictly required computationsare actually carried on. The computational flow is modeled by a directed graph for implementation in any object-oriented programming language with symbolic manipulation capabilities. A complete implementation example is presented to compute and display frequency based piecewise linear density estimators such as histograms or frequency polygons.
Since the advent of high-throughput DNA sequencing technologies, the ever-increasing rate at which genomes have been published has generated new challenges notably at the level of genome annotation. Even if gene predictors and annotation softwares are more and more efficient, the ultimate validation is still in the observation of predicted gene product( s). Mass-spectrometry based proteomics provides the necessary high throughput technology to show evidences of protein presence and, from the identified sequences, confirmation or invalidation of predicted annotations. We review here different strategies used to perform a MS-based proteogenomics experiment with a bottom-up approach. We start from the strengths and weaknesses of the different database construction strategies, based on different genomic information (whole genome, ORF, cDNA, EST or RNA-Seq data), which are then used for matching mass spectra to peptides and proteins. We also review the important points to be considered for a correct statistical assessment of the peptide identifications. Finally, we provide references for tools used to map and visualize the peptide identifications back to the original genomic information.
This paper examines factors explaining subcontracting decisions in the construction industry. Rather than the more common cross-sectional analyses, we use panel data to evaluate the influence of all relevant variables. We design and use a new index of the closeness to small numbers situations to estimate the extent of hold-up problems. Results show that as specificity grows, firms tend to subcontract less. The opposite happens when output heterogeneity and the use of intangible assets and capabilities increase. Neither temporary shortage of capacity nor geographical dispersion of activities seem to affect the extent of subcontracting. Finally, proxies for uncertainty do not show any clear effect.
This document is intended to lay the foundation for resource reduction strategies in new construction, renovation and demolition. If you have an innovative idea or information that you believe should be included in future updates of this manual please email Shelly Codner at scodner@region12cog.org or Jan Loyson at Jan.Loyson@Iowalifechanging.com. Throughout this manual, we use the term “waste reduction” to define waste management initiatives that will result in less waste going to the landfill. In accordance with the waste management hierarchy these practices include reducing (waste prevention), reusing (deconstruction and salvage), recycling and renewing (making old things new again) - in that order. This manual will explain what these practices are and how to incorporate them into your projects.