662 resultados para clown, female clown, humour, profession


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This study explored the patterning of young people’s sexual health competence, and how this relates to sexual health outcomes. A survey of 381 young people attending two sexual health clinics in Northern Ireland was carried out between 2009 and 2010. Latent profile analysis of self-rated decision making, self-rated sexual health knowledge, and knowledge of sexually transmitted disease questionnaire scores was used to determine typologies of sexual health competence. Analysis revealed three categories of sexual health competence and explored their association with other behaviours and social characteristics. Young people’s subjective opinion of their sexual health competency, when not matched with a corresponding knowledge of sexual health, could place people at an increased risk of poor sexual health outcomes. Greater levels of peer pressure to have sex and early sexual debut were associated with poorer sexual health knowledge. This finding warrants further investigation, as the importance of self-perceived competence for sexual health screening and education programmes are considerable.


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Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of blindness among white caucasians over the age of 50 years with a prevalence rate expected to increase markedly with an anticipated increase in the life span of the world population. To further expand our knowledge of the genetic architecture of the disease, we pursued a candidate gene approach assessing 25 genes and a total of 109 variants. Of these, synonymous single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs17810398 located in death-associated protein-like 1 (DAPL1) was found to be associated with AMD in a joint analysis of 3,229 cases and 2,835 controls from five studies [combined P ADJ = 1.15 × 10(-6), OR 1.332 (1.187-1.496)]. This association was characterized by a highly significant sex difference (P diff = 0.0032) in that it was clearly confined to females with genome-wide significance [P ADJ = 2.62 × 10(-8), OR 1.541 (1.324-1.796); males: P ADJ = 0.382, OR 1.084 (0.905-1.298)]. By targeted resequencing of risk and non-risk associated haplotypes in the DAPL1 locus, we identified additional potentially functional risk variants, namely a common 897-bp deletion and a SNP predicted to affect a putative binding site of an exonic splicing enhancer. We show that the risk haplotype correlates with a reduced retinal transcript level of two, less frequent, non-canonical DAPL1 isoforms. DAPL1 plays a role in epithelial differentiation and may be involved in apoptotic processes thereby suggesting a possible novel pathway in AMSaveD pathogenesis.


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There is a long history of recognizing a continuum in social signals of positive affect, with the continuum ranging from mild amusement signals to strong laughter. However there has been little systematic effort to assess what this continuum might mean. We present data that shows that incorporating intensity measures of laughter into laughter research is an important component and that there is a strong relationship between laughter intensity and humour. This may be intuitively obvious but the strength of the relationship suggests that intensity measures should be included in all laughter research.


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This paper analyses the reforms in employment conditions at German public universities from the 1990s to the 2000s, considering how these impact on practical equal opportunities between women and men. It concludes that while the so called "new governance" in universities would have offered opportunities to integrate positive measures to increase female participation in research and teaching, these opportunities were missed in most German states.


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The collection of the data for this volume formed part of the work of the European Science Foundation project on Writing National Histories. I was a member of the Research Team (1) which produced the volume. I also wrote two contributions for the Atlas. I collected the data and wrote the section on academic historians in Ireland. I also wrote a synthesis of the data on academic women historians in Europe, 1815-2005.


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Public discourses on citizenship, identity and nationality, which link geographical borders and the political boundaries of a community, are infused with tensions and contradictions. This paper illustrates how these tensions are interwoven with multilayered notions of home, belonging, migration, citizenship and individual’s ‘longing just to be’, focusing on the Dutch and the British context. The narratives of a number of Dutch and British women, who either immigrated to the respective countries or were born to immigrants, illustrate how the growing rigid integration and assimilative discourses in Europe contradict an individual anchoring in national and local communities. The narratives of women participating in these studies show multilayered angles of belonging presenting an alternative to the increasing strong argument for a fixed notion of positioning and national belonging. The female ‘new’ citizens in our study tell stories of individual choices, social mobility and a sense of multiple belonging in and across different communities.


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We develop a framing for research on the relationship between context, process and outcomes in recruitment to the teaching profession. We do this through a ‘home international’ comparison of policies, outcomes and recruitment processes in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. There is plenty of movement between these countries in the graduate labour market, but the contexts for teacher supply and demand vary in terms of: (i) scale, (ii) excess supply or demand, (iii) reliance of policy on market forces or bureaucracy and (iv) beliefs of policymakers about whether teaching is a craft or a profession. Recent changes in England and Wales have highlighted the importance of recruitment to initial teacher education (ITE as a policy issue whilst also creating further points of comparison which are useful for research. We draw on trends in data on recruitment to teaching and in-depth interviews with gatekeepers to the profession in each country.


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Inbreeding depression is most pronounced for traits closely associated with fitness. The traditional explanation is that natural selection eliminates deleterious mutations with additive or dominant effects more effectively than recessive mutations, leading to directional dominance for traits subject to strong directional selection. Here we report the unexpected finding that, in the butterfly Bicyclus anynana, male sterility contributes disproportionately to inbreeding depression for fitness (complete sterility in about half the sons from brother-sister matings), while female fertility is insensitive to inbreeding. The contrast between the sexes for functionally equivalent traits is inconsistent with standard selection arguments, and suggests that trait-specific developmental properties and cryptic selection play crucial roles in shaping genetic architecture. There is evidence that spermatogenesis is less developmentally stable than oogenesis, though the unusually high male fertility load in B. anynana additionally suggests the operation of complex selection maintaining male sterility recessives. Analysis of the precise causes of inbreeding depression will be needed to generate a model that reliably explains variation in directional dominance and reconciles the gap between observed and expected genetic loads carried by populations. This challenging evolutionary puzzle should stimulate work on the occurrence and causes of sex differences in fertility load.


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During the last 30 years governments almost everywhere in the world are furthering a global neoliberal agenda by withdrawing the state from the delivery of services, decreasing social spending and lowering corporate taxation etc. This restructuring has led to a massive transfer of wealth from the welfare state and working class people into capital. In order to legitimize this restructuring conservative governments engage in collective blaming towards their denizens. This presentation will examine some of the well circulated phrases that have been used by the dominant elite in some countries during the last year to legitimize the imposition of austerity measures. Phrases such as, ‘We all partied’ used by the Irish finance minister, Brian Lenihan, to explain the Irish crisis and collectively blame all Irish people, ‘We must all share the pain’, deployed by another Irish Minister Gilmore and the UK coalition administration’s sound bite ‘We are all in this together’, legitimize the imposition of austerity measures. Utilizing the Gramscian concept of common sense (Gramsci, 1971), I call these phrases ‘austerity common sense’. They are austerity common sense because they both reflect and legitimate the austerity agenda. By deploying these phrases, the ruling economic and political elite seek to influence the perception of the people and pre-empt any intention of resistance. The dominant theme of these phrases is that there is no alternative and that austerity measures are somehow self-inflicted and, as such, should not be challenged because we are all to blame. The purpose of this presentation is to explore the “austerity common sense” theme from a Gramscian approach, focus on its implications for the social work profession and discuss the ways to resist the imposition of the global neoliberal agenda.


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Practice guidelines have long been surrounded by controversy. Despite an almost instinctive outcry against these protocols among many clinicians, current versions provide therapists with considerable freedom in their practice. This paper examines the utility and possible negative evolution of such guidelines.


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In common with many British cities, but unlike the rest of Ireland, late nineteenth-century Belfast experienced rapid industrialization and physical expansion. Women formed a significant proportion of the city’s workforce, attracted by the employment opportunities represented in the burgeoning textile industry. Many of them were economically vulnerable, however, and could find themselves destitute for a number of reasons. This article sets Belfast’s Poor Law workhouse in the landscape of welfare in the city, exploring how its use reflected the development of the city and the ways in which the female poor engaged with it in order to survive.


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Laughter and humor are pervasive phenomena in conversa- tional interactions. This paper argues that they function as displays of mind-reading abilities in social interactions–as suggested by the Analogi- cal Peacock Hypothesis (APH). In this view, they are both social bonding signals and can elevate one’s social status. The relational combination of concepts in humor is addressed. However, it is in the inclusion of context and receiver knowledge, required by the APH view, that it contributes the most to existing theories. Taboo and offensive humor are addressed in terms of costly signaling, and implications for human computer inter- action and some possible routes to solutions are suggested.


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Esta tese é um estudo comparativo que dá conta de uma busca centrada na figura do professor do sexo masculino que trabalha no ensino público do “ensino primário” do Rio de Janeiro - Brasil e em Aveiro - Portugal. O que se pretende averiguar, fundamentalmente, são os motivos e as conseqüências da escolha profissional destes professores que se enveredam por uma área tipicamente associada com o feminino, uma associação tão forte que estes professores parecem um “corpo estranho” no quotidiano das escolas públicas “primárias”. Ou seja, nosso objetivo é entender por que os homens escolhem o magistério? Esta escolha é bem vista pelas pessoas do seu quotidiano ou é desvalorizada? Estes homens estão satisfeitos com a sua profissão ou ela serve como um trampolim para outras? A aptidão para o magistério depende do sexo? Eles são bem recebidos na sua profissão ou sofrem discriminações? Será que ganhamos algo com a existência ou ingresso de homens no magistério primário? Pesquisar a opção docente dos homens que ingressam no magistério público é importante porque a escola é o espaço de vivência e convivência educacional onde a maioria da população é socializada. Desta forma, esta investigação mostra-se relevante ao promover discussões centradas nas representações de gênero que rondam o campo profissional da docência, questionando a normalização do magistério enquanto profissão aliada a atributos considerados femininos, tendo como desafio desmistificar as representações preconceituosas de gênero que cercam os professores deste segmento. A tese foi orientada pela abordagem de investigação narrativa, centrada no método qualitativo, para obter uma maior profundidade dos dados, assim como no método quantitativo, com o fim de obter também dados mais gerais sobre a temática. A informação foi recolhida através de inquéritos por questionário e entrevistas com professores “primários” do sexo masculino. Apontamos que a presença de professores do sexo masculino na docência do “ensino primário” é uma forma de inserir as questões de gênero na educação, mostrando que existem outros temas e outras vozes que ecoam nas escolas, ou seja, indivíduos capazes de exercer esta profissão independente do seu sexo. Demonstramos, acima de tudo, que apesar das discriminações, do malestar, do estatuto financeiro e social, o homem pode escolher essa atividade por gosto, ter sucesso e reconhecimento profissional.


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In many countries, strategies to further develop services and institutions for the education and care of young children are linked to a discourse on professionalism. Ambitious policy goals, it is argued, can only be achieved by a skilled and qualified workforce whose practice is guided by a professional body of knowledge. This article argues that the prevailing conceptualisation of the early childhood professional is constructed out of a particular, hierarchical mode of producing and applying expert knowledge that is not necessarily appropriate to professional practice in the field of early childhood education. However, it is highly effective and contributes to forming a professional habitus that contradicts the relational core of early childhood practice. Drawing on the conceptual framework of hermeneutics, the article explores an alternative paradigm of a relational, systemic professionalism that embraces openness and uncertainty, and encourages co‐construction of professional knowledges and practices. Research, in this frame of thinking, is understood as a dialogic activity of asking critical questions and creating understandings across differences, rather than producing evidence to direct practice.