964 resultados para clonal
Staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) is a bacterial superantigen that binds to major histocompatibility complex class II molecules and selectively interacts with T cells that bear certain T cell receptor (TCR) V beta domains. Administration of SEB in adult mice results in initial proliferation of V beta 8+ T cells followed by a state of unresponsiveness resulting from a combination of clonal deletion and clonal anergy in the SEB-reactive population. At this time, it is unclear what relationship exists between the T cells that have proliferated and those that have been deleted or have become anergic. Here we show that only a fraction of the potentially reactive V beta 8+ T cells proliferate in response to SEB in vivo, and that all the cells that have proliferated eventually undergo apoptosis. Virtually no apoptosis can be detected in the nonproliferating V beta 8+ T cells. These data demonstrate a causal relationship between proliferation and apoptosis in response to SEB in vivo, and they further indicate that T cells bearing the same TCR V beta segment can respond differently to the same superantigen. The implications of this differential responsiveness in terms of activation and tolerance are discussed.
How positive selection molds the T cell repertoire has been difficult to examine. In this study, we use TCR-beta-transgenic mice in which MHC shapes TCR-alpha use. Differential AV segment use is directly related to the constraints placed on the composition of the CDR3 loops. Where these constraints are low, efficient selection of alphabeta pairs follows. This mode of selection preferentially uses favored AV-AJ rearrangements and promotes diversity. Increased constraint on the alpha CDR3 loops leads to inefficient selection associated with uncommon recombination events and limited diversity. Further, the two modes of selection favor alternate sets of AJ segments. We discuss the relevance of these findings to the imprint of self-MHC restriction and peripheral T cell activation.
A total of 189 Candida albicans isolates have been typed by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis. The results obtained confirm the clonal mode of reproduction of C. albicans. The C. albicans populations found in the oropharynx of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients, in the oropharynx of healthy carriers, or in association with invasive candidiasis could not be distinguished. No clone or group of clones could be associated with the appearance of clinical disorders or with a reduced in vitro susceptibility to the antifungal agent fluconazole. Multiple and sequential oral isolates from 24 HIV-infected patients were also typed by restriction enzyme analysis with the enzymes EcoRI and HinfI and by use of the Ca3 repetitive probe. The results obtained by the combination of all three typing methods show that all but one patient each carried a unique major C. albicans clone in their oropharynx. The 21 patients with sequential isolates had the same C. albicans clones in their throats during recurrent oropharyngeal candidiasis episodes, independently of clinical status or of changes of in vitro susceptibility to fluconazole. Finally, several isolates of the same C. albicans clone found simultaneously in the oropharynx of a patient may present different levels of susceptibility to fluconazole.
In order to prevent allograft rejection, most current immunosuppressive drugs nonspecifically target T-cell activation, clonal expansion or differentiation into effector cells. Experimental models have shown that it is possible to exploit the central and peripheral mechanisms that normally maintain immune homeostasis and tolerance to self-antigens, in order to induce tolerance to alloantigens. Central tolerance results from intrathymic deletion of T cells with high avidity for thymically expressed antigens. Peripheral tolerance to nonself-molecules can be achieved by various mechanisms including deletion of activated/effector T cells, anergy induction and active regulation of effector T cells. In this article, we briefly discuss the pathways of allorecognition and their relevance to current immunosuppressive strategies and to the induction of transplantation tolerance (through haematopoietic mixed chimerism, depleting protocols, costimulatory blockade and regulatory T cells). We then review the prospect of clinical applicability of these protocols in solid organ transplantation.
The genetic determinants and phenotypic traits which make a Staphylococcus aureus strain a successful colonizer are largely unknown. The genetic diversity and population structure of 133 S. aureus isolates from healthy, generally risk-free adult carriers were investigated using four different typing methods: multilocus sequence typing (MLST), amplified fragment length polymorphism analysis (AFLP), double-locus sequence typing (DLST), and spa typing were compared. Carriage isolates displayed great genetic diversity which could only be revealed fully by DLST. Results of AFLP and MLST were highly concordant in the delineation of genotypic clusters of closely related isolates, roughly equivalent to clonal complexes. spa typing and DLST provided considerably less phylogenetic information. The resolution of spa typing was similar to that of AFLP and inferior to that of DLST. AFLP proved to be the most universal method, combining a phylogeny-building capacity similar to that of MLST with a much higher resolution. However, it had a lower reproducibility than sequencing-based MLST, DLST, and spa typing. We found two cases of methicillin-resistant S. aureus colonization, both of which were most likely associated with employment at a health service. Of 21 genotypic clusters detected, 2 were most prevalent: cluster 45 and cluster 30 each colonized 24% of the carrier population. The number of bacteria found in nasal samples varied significantly among the clusters, but the most prevalent clusters were not particularly numerous in the nasal samples. We did not find much evidence that genotypic clusters were associated with different carrier characteristics, such as age, sex, medical conditions, or antibiotic use. This may provide empirical support for the idea that genetic clusters in bacteria are maintained in the absence of adaptation to different niches. Alternatively, carrier characteristics other than those evaluated here or factors other than human hosts may exert selective pressure maintaining genotypic clusters.
For many induced and spontaneous autoimmune diseases, a predominant role for T cells in the organ-specific destruction process has been shown. In one of the induced models of autoimmunity, experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE), a very small heterogeneity of T-cell receptor (TcR) molecules is expressed by the pathogenic T cells in both rats and mice. Contrary to induced autoimmune diseases, little is known about the autoantigens recognized by these autoimmune T cells and the heterogeneity of their TcR in spontaneous autoimmune diseases. The aim of this work was to establish a system which allows characterization of relevant autoantigens in spontaneous insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) in non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice. A completely different approach was taken to characterize the gene products of the minor lymphocyte stimulatory (Mls) loci. These gene products are responsible for the clonal elimination or the clonal stimulation of T cells expressing particular TcR V beta genes and therefore could be implicated in induction of autoimmune diseases by oligoclonal T-cell populations. The finding that Mls antigens are encoded by retroviral sequences leads to the hypothesis that viruses could be the inducing agents of autoimmune diseases.
Endogenous and infectious mouse mammary tumor viruses (MMTVs) encode in their 3' long terminal repeat a protein that exerts superantigen activity; that is, it is able to interact with T cells via the variable domain of the T cell receptor (TCR) beta chain. We show here that transmission of an infectious MMTV is prevented when superantigen-reactive cells are absent through either clonal deletion due to the expression of an endogenous MTV with identical superantigen specificity or exclusion due to expression of a transgenic TCR beta chain that does not interact with the viral superantigen. A strict requirement for superantigen-reactive T cells is also seen for a local immune response following MMTV infection. This immune response locally amplifies the number of MMTV-infected B cells, most likely owing to their clonal expansion. Collectively, our data indicate that a superantigen-induced immune response is critical for the MMTV life cycle.
O enraizamento adventício de estacas é influenciado por fatores intrínsecos e extrínsecos do material vegetal, e o conhecimento da ação deles é fundamental para o sucesso da produção de mudas por miniestaquia. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o grau de associação entre o estado nutricional das minicepas e o enraizamento de miniestacas de eucalipto, cultivadas em minijardim clonal em tubetes com subirrigação. Foram utilizados dados de enraizamento de miniestacas e teores de nutrientes quantificados pelas análises químicas dos tecidos foliares. A taxa de enraizamento foi correlacionada com o estado nutricional das brotações. Verificou-se que a nutrição mineral desempenha papel importante no enraizamento adventício de modo genótipo-dependente, ou seja, há diferença de comportamento dos clones em relação ao efeito dos nutrientes no enraizamento das miniestacas. Com relação ao teor de K, Ca, Mg e Mn, não foi observada associação com as taxas de enraizamento. Quanto aos demais nutrientes, em pelo menos um clone, houve associação positiva ou negativa entre as variáveis analisadas, com grau variável de acordo com o clone e o nutriente.
The effect of plantation silviculture on soil organic matter and particle-size fractions in Amazonia
Eucalyptus grandis and other clonal plantations cover about 3.5 million ha in Brazil. The impacts of intensively-managed short-rotation forestry on soil aggregate structure and Carbon (C) dynamics are largely undocumented in tropical ecosystems. Long-term sustainability of these systems is probably in part linked to maintenance of soil organic matter and good soil structure and aggregation, especially in areas with low-fertility soils. This study investigated soil aggregate dynamics on a clay soil and a sandy soil, each with a Eucalyptus plantation and an adjacent primary forest. Silvicultural management did not reduce total C stocks, and did not change soil bulk density. Aggregates of the managed soils did not decrease in mass as hypothesized, which indicates that soil cultivation in 6 year cycles did not cause large decreases in soil aggregation in either soil texture. Silt, clay, and C of the sandy plantation soil shifted to greater aggregate protection, which may represent a decrease in C availability. The organic matter in the clay plantation soil increased in the fractions considered less protected while this shift from C to structural forms considered more protected was not observed.
No Brasil, com a intensificação da silvicultura clonal, o plantio de materiais genéticos mais produtivos e exigentes nutricionalmente tem aumentado o aparecimento de sintomas de deficiência de micronutrientes, principalmente de B e, mais recentemente, de Cu e de Zn, sobretudo em áreas de Cerrado. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar três métodos de determinação da disponibilidade de Cu (Mehlich-1, Mehlich-3 e DTPA pH 7,3) para mudas de eucalipto cultivadas em casa de vegetação, em amostras de seis solos de Cerrado, e a influência de propriedades do solo na eficiência desses extratores. Os tratamentos foram arranjados no esquema fatorial 6 x 5, correspondendo a seis solos e cinco doses de Cu (0, 2, 4, 8 e 16 mg dm-3), com quatro repetições, em blocos ao acaso. Os níveis críticos de Cu em solos de Cerrado, para o crescimento de mudas de eucalipto, são iguais ou inferiores a 0,12 e 0,09 mg dm-3; pelos extratores Mehlich-1 e DTPA, respectivamente. Os teores e conteúdos de Cu na planta mostram estreita relação com os teores de Cu no solo pelos três extratores. Os teores de Cu pelo Mehlich-1, Mehlich-3 e DTPA são altamente correlacionados entre si. A avaliação da disponibilidade de Cu para mudas de eucalipto pode ser feita com qualquer um dos três extratores. Entretanto, o Mehlich-1 é o extrator mais recomendado, pela facilidade operacional deste método em relação aos outros e por ele já ser usado na grande maioria dos laboratórios do País.
Adequate nutrient levels in plants vary according to the species or clone, age and management practice. Therefore, adjustments of the nutrient solution are often necessary according to the plant material for multiplication. This study aimed to evaluate the influence of NPK fertilization on production and leaf nutrient contents of eucalyptus cuttings in nutrient solution. The study was conducted from November 2008 to January 2009 in a greenhouse. The experimental design was completely randomized fractional factorial (4 x 4 x 4)½, with a total of 32 treatments with three replications. The treatments consisted of four doses of N (50, 100, 200 and 400 mg L-1) as urea, P (7.5, 15, 30 and 60 mg L-1) in the form of phosphoric acid and K (50, 100, 200 and 400 mg L-1) in the form of potassium chloride in the nutrient solution. Only the effect of N alone was significant for the number and dry weight of minicuttings per ministump, with a linear decreasing effect with increasing N levels. The highest number of cuttings was obtained at a dose of 50, 7.5 and 50 mg L-1 of N, P and K, respectively.
PURPOSE: To investigate the prognostic value of various cytogenetic components of a complex karyotype in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Cytogenetics and overall survival (OS) were analyzed in 1,975 AML patients age 15 to 60 years. RESULTS: Besides AML with normal cytogenetics (CN) and core binding factor (CBF) abnormalities, we distinguished 733 patients with cytogenetic abnormalities. Among the latter subgroup, loss of a single chromosome (n = 109) conferred negative prognostic impact (4-year OS, 12%; poor outcome). Loss of chromosome 7 was most common, but outcome of AML patients with single monosomy -7 (n = 63; 4-year OS, 13%) and other single autosomal monosomies (n = 46; 4-year OS, 12%) did not differ. Structural chromosomal abnormalities influenced prognosis only in association with a single autosomal monosomy (4-year OS, 4% for very poor v 24% for poor). We derived a monosomal karyotype (MK) as a predictor for very poor prognosis of AML that refers to two or more distinct autosomal chromosome monosomies (n = 116; 4-year OS, 3%) or one single autosomal monosomy in the presence of structural abnormalities (n = 68; 4-year OS, 4%). In direct comparisons, MK provides significantly better prognostic prediction than the traditionally defined complex karyotype, which considers any three or more or five or more clonal cytogenetic abnormalities, and also than various individual specific cytogenetic abnormalities (eg, del[5q], inv[3]/t[3;3]) associated with very poor outcome. CONCLUSION: MK enables (in addition to CN and CBF) the prognostic classification of two new aggregates of cytogenetically abnormal AML, the unfavorable risk MK-negative category (4-year OS, 26% +/- 2%) and the highly unfavorable risk MK-positive category (4-year OS, 4% +/- 1%).
Carriage of animal-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) clonal complex 398 (CC398) is common among pig farmers. This study was conducted (i) to investigate whether pig farmers are colonized with pig-specific S. aureus genotypes other than CC398 and (ii) to survey antimicrobial resistance of S. aureus isolates from pigs and pig farmers. Forty-eight S. aureus isolates from pig farmers and veterinarians and 130 isolates from pigs collected in Western Switzerland were genotyped by spa typing and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). Antimicrobial resistance profiles were determined for representative sample of the isolates. The data obtained earlier on healthy S. aureus carriers without exposure to agriculture were used for comparison. The genotype composition of S. aureus isolates from pig farmers and veterinarians was similar to isolates from pigs with predominant AFLP clusters CC398, CC9, and CC49. The resistance to tetracycline and macrolides (clarithromycin) was common among the isolates from farmers and veterinarians (52 and 21%, respectively) and similar to resistance levels in isolates from pigs (39 and 23%, respectively). This was in contrast to isolates from persons without contact with agriculture, where no (0/128) isolates were resistant to tetracycline and 3% of the isolates were resistant to clarithromycin. MRSA CC398 was isolated from pigs (n = 11) and pig farmers (n = 5). These data imply that zoonotic transmission of multidrug-resistant S. aureus from pigs to farmers is frequent, and well-known MRSA transmission merely represents the tip of the iceberg for this phenomenon. We speculate that the relatively low frequency of MRSA isolation is related to lower antimicrobial use in Switzerland compared to, for example, the Netherlands.
Promoter IV of the class II transactivator gene is essential for positive selection of CD4+ T cells.
Major histocompatibility complex class II (MHCII) expression is regulated by the transcriptional coactivator CIITA. Positive selection of CD4(+) T cells is abrogated in mice lacking one of the promoters (pIV) of the Mhc2ta gene. This is entirely due to the absence of MHCII expression in thymic epithelia, as demonstrated by bone marrow transfer experiments between wild-type and pIV(-/-) mice. Medullary thymic epithelial cells (mTECs) are also MHCII(-) in pIV(-/-) mice. Bone marrow-derived, professional antigen-presenting cells (APCs) retain normal MHCII expression in pIV(-/-) mice, including those believed to mediate negative selection in the thymic medulla. Endogenous retroviruses thus retain their ability to sustain negative selection of the residual CD4(+) thymocytes in pIV(-/-) mice. Interestingly, the passive acquisition of MHCII molecules by thymocytes is abrogated in pIV(-/-) mice. This identifies thymic epithelial cells as the source of this passive transfer. In peripheral lymphoid organs, the CD4(+) T-cell population of pIV(-/-) mice is quantitatively and qualitatively comparable to that of MHCII-deficient mice. It comprises a high proportion of CD1-restricted natural killer T cells, which results in a bias of the V beta repertoire of the residual CD4(+) T-cell population. We have also addressed the identity of the signal that sustains pIV expression in cortical epithelia. We found that the Jak/STAT pathways activated by the common gamma chain (CD132) or common beta chain (CDw131) cytokine receptors are not required for MHCII expression in thymic cortical epithelia.
No Brasil, com a expansão da silvicultura clonal, o plantio de materiais genéticos mais produtivos e exigentes nutricionalmente tem aumentado o aparecimento de sintomas de deficiência de micronutrientes, principalmente de B, e, mais recentemente, de Cu e de Zn, sobretudo em áreas de Cerrado. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar três métodos de determinação da disponibilidade de Zn (Mehlich-1, Mehlich-3 e DTPA pH 7,3) para mudas de eucalipto cultivadas em casa de vegetação, em amostras de seis solos de Cerrado, bem como a influência de propriedades do solo na eficiência desses extratores. Os tratamentos foram arranjados no esquema fatorial 6 x 5, correspondendo a seis solos e cinco doses de Zn (0, 2,5, 5, 10 e 20 mg dm-3), com quatro repetições, em blocos ao acaso. Os níveis críticos de Zn em solos de Cerrado, para o crescimento de mudas de eucalipto, são iguais ou inferiores a 0,23 e 0,05 mg dm-3, pelos extratores Mehlich-1 e DTPA, respectivamente. Os teores de Zn no solo pelos três extratores, assim como os teores e conteúdo na planta, aumentam com a elevação das doses adicionadas de Zn e são altamente correlacionados entre si. A avaliação da disponibilidade de Zn para mudas de eucalipto pode ser feita com qualquer um dos três extratores; entretanto, o Mehlich-1 é o mais recomendado, pela facilidade operacional deste método em relação aos outros e por ele já ser usado na grande maioria dos laboratórios do país.