997 resultados para basis-set
Este trabalho tem por objetivo discutir o surgimento de um programa de pesquisa na Ciência Econômica, no que concerne a análise das assimetrias de informação, as diferenças epistemológicas e as implicações em termos de equilíbrio ótimo de Pareto, em contraponto à abordagem neoclássica standard. Em busca de tal objetivo, foi necessário destacar o método de ambos os paradigmas; todavia, era igualmente necessário discutir a filosofia/epistemologia da ciência envolvida e que serviria de base para uma abordagem relacionada a mudanças paradigmáticas na ciência. No capítulo 1, discutimos a epistemologia da ciência, a partir de três autores: Popper, Kuhn e Lakatos. Definimos o conjunto de hipóteses que podem ser associadas ao método empregado pela Escola Neoclássica, a partir da filosofia da ciência proposta por Lakatos. Em seguida, no capítulo 2, fizemos uma longa exposição do método neoclássico, definindo os axiomas inerentes às preferências bem-comportadas, apresentando algebricamente o equilíbrio geral walrasiano, exemplificando o relaxamento de hipóteses auxiliares do modelo neoclássico a partir de Friedman e, por fim, aplicando o instrumental neoclássico ao relaxamento da hipótese auxiliar de perfeição da informação, a partir do modelo desenvolvido por Grossman & Stiglitz (1976), bem como da expansão matemática desenvolvida pelo presente trabalho. Finalmente, encerramos a presente dissertação com o capítulo 3, no qual, basicamente, expomos as principais contribuições de autores como Stiglitz, Akerlof e Arrow, no que concerne a mercados permeados por informações assimétricas e comportamentos oportunistas. Procuramos mostrar as consequências para o próprio mercado, chegando a resultados em que o mesmo era extinto. Apresentamos a segunda parte do modelo de Grossman & Stiglitz, enfatizando a natureza imperfeita do sistema de preços, sua incapacidade de transmitir todas as informações sobre os bens ao conjunto dos agentes, e, por fim, discutimos tópicos variados ligados à Economia da Informação.
LUDA is a research project of Key Action 4 "City of Tomorrow & Cultural Heritage" of the programme "Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development" within the Fifth Framework Programme of the European Commission
In the past thirty years, a series of plans have been developed by successive Brazilian governments in a continuing effort to maximize the nation's resources for economic and social growth. This planning history has been quantitatively rich but qualitatively poor. The disjunction has stimulated Professor Mello e Souza to address himself to the problem of national planning and to offer some criticisms of Brazilian planning experience. Though political instability has obviously been a factor promoting discontinuity, his criticisms are aimed at the attitudes and strategic concepts which have sought to link planning to national goals and administration. He criticizes the fascination with techniques and plans to the exclusion of proper diagnosis of the socio-political reality, developing instruments to coordinate and carry out objectives, and creating an administrative structure centralized enough to make national decisions and decentralized enough to perform on the basis of those decisions. Thus, fixed, quantified objectives abound while the problem of functioning mechanisms for the coordinated, rational use of resources has been left unattended. Although his interest and criticism are focused on the process and experience of national planning, he recognized variation in the level and results of Brazilian planning. National plans have failed due to faulty conception of the function of planning. Sectorial plans, save in the sector of the petroleum industry under government responsibility, ha e not succeeded in overcoming the problems of formulation and execution thereby repeating old technical errors. Planning for the private sector has a somewhat brighter history due to the use of Grupos Executivos which has enabled the planning process to transcend the formalism and tradition-bound attitudes of the regular bureaucracy. Regional planning offers two relatively successful experiences, Sudene and the strategy of the regionally oriented autarchy. Thus, planning history in Brazil is not entirely black but a certain shade of grey. The major part of the article, however, is devoted to a descriptive analysis of the national planning experience. The plans included in this analysis are: The Works and Equipment Plan (POE); The Health, Food, Transportation and Energy Plan (Salte); The Program of Goals; The Trienal Plan of Economic and Social Development; and the Plan of Governmental Economic Action (Paeg). Using these five plans for his historical experience the author sets out a series of errors of formulation and execution by which he analyzes that experience. With respect to formulation, he speaks of a lack of elaboration of programs and projects, of coordination among diverse goals, and of provision of qualified staff and techniques. He mentions the absence of the definition of resources necessary to the financing of the plan and the inadequate quantification of sectorial and national goals due to the lack of reliable statistical information. Finally, he notes the failure to coordinate the annual budget with the multi-year plans. He sees the problems of execution as beginning in the absence of coordination between the various sectors of the public administration, the failure to develop an operative system of decentralization, the absence of any system of financial and fiscal control over execution, the difficulties imposed by the system of public accounting, and the absence of an adequate program of allocation for the liberation of resources. He ends by pointing to the failure to develop and use an integrated system of political economic tools in a mode compatible with the objective of the plans. The body of the article analyzes national planning experience in Brazil using these lists of errors as rough model of criticism. Several conclusions emerge from this analysis with regard to planning in Brazil and in developing countries, in general. Plans have generally been of little avail in Brazil because of the lack of a continuous, bureaucratized (in the Weberian sense) planning organization set in an instrumentally suitable administrative structure and based on thorough diagnoses of socio-economic conditions and problems. Plans have become the justification for planning. Planning has come to be conceived as a rational method of orienting the process of decisions through the establishment of a precise and quantified relation between means and ends. But this conception has led to a planning history rimmed with frustration, and failure, because of its rigidity in the face of flexible and changing reality. Rather, he suggests a conception of planning which understands it "as a rational process of formulating decisions about the policy, economy, and society whose only demand is that of managing the instrumentarium in a harmonious and integrated form in order to reach explicit, but not quantified ends". He calls this "planning without plans": the establishment of broad-scale tendencies through diagnosis whose implementation is carried out through an adjustable, coherent instrumentarium of political-economic tools. Administration according to a plan of multiple, integrated goals is a sound procedure if the nation's administrative machinery contains the technical development needed to control the multiple variables linked to any situation of socio-economic change. Brazil does not possess this level of refinement and any strategy of planning relevant to its problems must recognize this. The reforms which have been attempted fail to make this recognition as is true of the conception of planning informing the Brazilian experience. Therefore, unworkable plans, ill-diagnosed with little or no supportive instrumentarium or flexibility have been Brazil's legacy. This legacy seems likely to continue until the conception of planning comes to live in the reality of Brazil.
The Portuguese Energy Policy considers the development of a commercially viable and competitive market for energy performance contracting (EPC) as a main mechanism to achieve the objectives of energy efficiency improvement. This paper proposes a study to investigate how to achieve widespread adoption of energy performance contracting by means of system dynamics modelling and simulation. To explore and gather insights on this question, a system dynamics model representing the system of the Portuguese EPC market at industry level will be created. The simulation of that model will provide a helpful basis for analysing and explaining the development of key variables, and accelerating learning on the managerial, organizational and political adaptation processes that foster the diffusion of EPC adoption. The first phase of this research project aims at identifying and analysing the key factors and critical cause-effect relations that drive the adoption of EPC. With this purpose, a qualitative content analysis on relevant documents was performed and a set of interviews was conducted. That data was analysed to capture the critical variables and its interrelation to formulate a preliminary representation of the system structure as stock and flow diagrams.
Nowadays, the Portuguese insurance industry operates in a market with a much more aggressive structure than a few decades ago. Markets and the economy have become globalised since the last decade of the 20th century. Market forces have gradually shifted – power is now mainly on the demand side. In order to meet the new requirements, the insurance industry must develop a strong strategic ability to respond to constant changes of the new international economic order.One of the basic aspects of this strategic development will focus on the ability to predict the future. We introduce the subject by briefly describing the sector, its organisational structure in the Portuguese market, and challenges arising from the development of the European Union. We then analyse the economic and financial structure of the sector. From this point of view, we aim at the possibility of designing models that could explain the demand for insurance, claims and technical reserves evolution. Such models, (even if based on the past), would resolve, at least partly, one of the greatest difficulties experienced by insurance companies when estimating the budget. Thus, we examine the existence of variables that explain the previous points, which are capable of forming a basis for designing models that are simple but efficient, and can be used for strategic planning.
Formaldehyde (FA) had been considered to be carcinogenic by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (group1), on the basis of sufficient evidence both in humans and in experimental animals, making it a subject of major environmental concern, especially in the occupational context. Manifold in vitro studies clearly indicated that FA is genotoxic, inducing various genotoxic effects in proliferating cultured mammalian cells. Cytokinesis-blocked micronucleus (CBMN) assay is used extensively in molecular epidemiology, and the chromosomal alterations most reported and studied by the CBMN are: micronucleus (MN), nucleoplasmic bridges (NPB) and nuclear buds (NBUDs). The pathology anatomy laboratories are work places that manipulate routinely FA and pathology anatomy technologists and pathologists contact daily with this chemical compound particularly in the macroscopic exam and grossing procedures. The aim of this study was to identify genotoxicity biomarkers in the set workers groups, such as micronucleus (MN), nucleoplasmic bridges (NPB) and nuclear buds (NBUD) in peripheral blood lymphocytes.
A Resolução do Conselho de Ministros n.º 120/2008, de 30 de Julho, definiu como prioridade estratégica para o País, no sector das comunicações electrónicas, a promoção do investimento em redes de nova geração. Com o objectivo de dar execução às orientações estratégicas estabelecidas, o Decreto -Lei n.º 123/2009, de 21 de Maio, veio estabelecer um conjunto de obrigações aplicáveis ao Estado, às Regiões Autónomas, às autarquias locais, empresas públicas, concessionárias e, genericamente, às entidades que detenham infra-estruturas que se integrem em domínio público, de forma a garantir a todas empresas de comunicações electrónicas, o acesso às infra-estruturas aptas ao alojamento de redes de comunicações electrónicas. Em Portugal, o caminho a ser traçado até as redes de nova geração passa pela, abertura eficaz e não discriminatória de todas as condutas e outras infra-estruturas aptas ao alojamento de redes de comunicações electrónicas, elaboração de regras técnicas aplicáveis às infra-estruturas de telecomunicações em loteamentos, urbanizações e conjuntos de edifícios, adopção de soluções que eliminem ou atenuem as barreiras verticais à instalação de fibra óptica e que evitem a monopolização do acesso aos edifícios pelo primeiro operador. Neste âmbito, excluem-se, pela sua especial natureza e fins a que estão afectas, as redes privativas dos órgãos políticos de soberania, do Ministério da Defesa Nacional, das forças e serviços de segurança, de emergência e de protecção civil. Assim, este trabalho visa apresentar procedimentos aplicáveis às infra-estruturas de telecomunicações para elaboração de um cadastro de todas as infra-estruturas, públicas e privadas, aptas ao alojamento de redes de comunicações electrónicas, e propor instruções técnicas para as condições e direitos de acesso, construção e intervenção sobre estas infra-estruturas.
Os Eurocódigos estruturais são um conjunto de normas técnicas que têm como objectivo abranger o projecto e verificação de qualquer tipo de construção para os países membros da União Europeia. O objectivo deste trabalho é sistematizar todos os procedimentos que estão presentes nos Eurocódigos e que são aplicáveis, de uma forma geral, à construção metálica. Foi feito o desenvolvimento de uma solução estrutural para o caso concreto de uma estrutura metálica de uma ponte rolante com o objectivo de se fazer o levantamento dos normativos estabelecidos para o projecto de estruturas metálicas. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido considerando fundamentalmente três Eurocódigos. O Eurocódigo 0 que estabelece o princípio e bases para o projecto de estruturas, o Eurocódigo 1 que define as acções em estruturas e o Eurocódigo 3 que estabelece as regras gerais, de verificação ao fogo, de projecto de ligações e de verificação à fadiga. O trabalho desenvolvido consistiu em projectar a estrutura metálica da ponte rolante considerada e para tal foram feitos os seguintes passos. - Determinação das acções na estrutura e das situações de projecto; - Projecto da estrutura considerando a verificação de cedência ou deformação excessiva dos seus elementos; - Projecto da estrutura considerando a perda de equilíbrio estático da estrutura; - Projecto da estrutura considerando a verificação da sua resistência ao fogo; - Projecto das ligações aparafusadas; - Verificação da resistência à fadiga.
Collaborative networks are typically formed by heterogeneous and autonomous entities, and thus it is natural that each member has its own set of core-values. Since these values somehow drive the behaviour of the involved entities, the ability to quickly identify partners with compatible or common core-values represents an important element for the success of collaborative networks. However, tools to assess or measure the level of alignment of core-values are lacking. Since the concept of 'alignment' in this context is still ill-defined and shows a multifaceted nature, three perspectives are discussed. The first one uses a causal maps approach in order to capture, structure, and represent the influence relationships among core-values. This representation provides the basis to measure the alignment in terms of the structural similarity and influence among value systems. The second perspective considers the compatibility and incompatibility among core-values in order to define the alignment level. Under this perspective we propose a fuzzy inference system to estimate the alignment level, since this approach allows dealing with variables that are vaguely defined, and whose inter-relationships are difficult to define. Another advantage provided by this method is the possibility to incorporate expert human judgment in the definition of the alignment level. The last perspective uses a belief Bayesian network method, and was selected in order to assess the alignment level based on members' past behaviour. An example of application is presented where the details of each method are discussed.
Formaldehyde (CH2O), the most simple and reactive aldehyde, is a colorless, reactive and readily polymerizing gas at room temperature (National Toxicology Program [NTP]. It has a pungent suffocating odor that is recognized by most human subjects at concentrations below 1 ppm. Aleksandr Butlerov synthesized the chemical in 1859, but it was August Wilhelm von Hofmann who identified it as the product formed from passing methanol and air over a heated platinum spiral in 1867. This method is still the basis for the industrial production of formaldehyde today, in which methanol is oxidized using a metal catalyst. By the early 20th century, with the explosion of knowledge in chemistry and physics, coupled with demands for more innovative synthetic products, the scene was set for the birth of a new material–plastics. According to the Report on Carcinogens, formaldehyde ranks 25th in the overall U.S. chemical production, with more than 5 million tons produced each year. Formaldehyde annual production rises up to 21 million tons worldwide and it has increased in China with 7.5 million tons produced in 2007. Given its economic importance and widespread use, many people are exposed to formaldehyde environmentally and/or occupationally. Commercially, formaldehyde is manufactured as an aqueous solution called formalin, usually containing 37% by weight of dissolved formaldehyde. This chemical is present in all regions of the atmosphere arising from the oxidation of biogenic and anthropogenic hydrocarbons. Formaldehyde concentration levels range typically from 2 to 45 ppbV (parts per billion in a given volume) in urban settings that are mainly governed by primary emissions and secondary formation.
Mestrado em Intervenção Sócio-Organizacional na Saúde - Área de especuialização: Políticas de administração e gestão de serviços de saúde.
The aim of this article is to present a Project in the Oporto’s Institute of Accounting and Administration, which pretends to contribute for a change in the way of teaching and learning Mathematics. One of the main objectives of this project is to innovate the teaching and learning processes, exploring technologies as a pedagogical resource and to induce higher motivation to students, improve the rate of success and make available to students a set of materials adapted to their needs. This concern is justified due to the fact that students have a weak preparation, without consolidated basis. Since the year 2007/2008 the courses were adjusted to the Bologna process, which requires several changes in teacher’s and student’s roles, methodologies and assessment. The number of weekly classes has been reduced, so it was necessary to develop new strategies and methodologies to support the student. With the implementation of the Bologna Process in the Accounting degree, we felt a great need to provide other types of activities to students. To complement our theoretical and practical classes we have developed a project called MatActiva based on the Moodle platform offered by PAOL - Projecto de Apoio On-Line (Online Support Project). Moodle allows us to use the language TEX to create materials that use mathematical symbols. Using this functionality, we created a set of easy to use interactive resources. In MatActiva project, the students have access to a variety of different materials. We have followed a strategy that makes the project compatible with the theoretical and practical subjects/classes, complementing them. To do so, we created some resources, for instance multiple-choice tests, which are the most accessed by the students. These tests can be realized and corrected on-line and for each wrong answer there is a feedback with the resolution. We can find other types of resources: diagnostic tests, theoretical notes. There are not only the pre-requirements for subjects mathematics, but also materials to help students follow up the programs. We also developed several lessons. This activity consists of a number of pages, where each page has contents and leads to other pages, based on the student's progress. The teacher creates the choices and determines the next page that the student will see, based upon their knowledge. There is also an area of doubts, where the students can place all the mathematical doubts they have, and a teacher gives the answers or clues to help them in their work. MatActiva also offers an area where we can find some humour, curiosities, contests and games including mathematical contents to test the math skills, as well as links to pages about mathematical contents that could be useful for the study. Since ISCAP receives ERASMUS students and some of them attend mathematics, we developed some materials in English, so they can also use MatActiva. The main objectives of our project are not only to bring success in the subjects of mathematics, but also to motivate the students, encourage them to overcome theirs difficulties through an auto-study giving them more confidence and improve their relationship with the mathematics as well as the communication between students and teachers and among students.
This paper proposes a simulated annealing (SA) approach to address energy resources management from the point of view of a virtual power player (VPP) operating in a smart grid. Distributed generation, demand response, and gridable vehicles are intelligently managed on a multiperiod basis according to V2G user´s profiles and requirements. Apart from using the aggregated resources, the VPP can also purchase additional energy from a set of external suppliers. The paper includes a case study for a 33 bus distribution network with 66 generators, 32 loads, and 1000 gridable vehicles. The results of the SA approach are compared with a methodology based on mixed-integer nonlinear programming. A variation of this method, using ac load flow, is also used and the results are compared with the SA solution using network simulation. The proposed SA approach proved to be able to obtain good solutions in low execution times, providing VPPs with suitable decision support for the management of a large number of distributed resources.