859 resultados para alternative demonstration
La dermatite irritative est décrite comme une réaction réversible, non immunologique caractérisée par des lésions d'aspect très variable, allant de la simple rougeur jusqu'à la formation de bulles voire d'une nécrose, accompagnée de prurit ou d'une sensation de brûlure suite à I' application d'une substance chimique. Le teste de prédiction d'irritation cutanée est traditionnellement depuis les années 1940 le Test de Draize. Ce test consiste en l'application d'une substance chimique sur une peau rasée de lapin pendant 4h et de regarder à 24h si des signes cliniques d'irritations sont présents. Cette méthode critiquable autant d'un point de vue éthique que qualitative reste actuellement le teste le plus utilisé. Depuis le début des années 2000 de nouvelles méthodes in vitro se sont développées tel que le model d'épiderme humain recombiné (RHE). Il s agit d'une multicouche de kératinocyte bien différencié obtenu depuis une culture de don d'ovocyte. Cependant cette méthode en plus d'être très couteuse n'obtient au mieux que 76% de résultat similaire comparé au test in vivo humain. Il existe donc la nécessité de développer une nouvelle méthode in vitro qui simulerait encore mieux la réalité anatomique et physiologique retrouvée in vivo. Notre objectif a été de développer cette nouvelle méthode in vitro. Pour cela nous avons travaillé avec de la peau humaine directement prélevée après une abdominoplastie. Celle ci après préparation avec un dermatome, un couteau dont la lame est réglable pour découper l'épaisseur souhaitée de peau, est montée dans un système de diffusion cellulaire. La couche cornée est alors exposée de manière optimale à 1 ml de la substance chimique testée pendant 4h. L'échantillon de peau est alors fixé dans du formaldéhyde pour permettre la préparation de lames standards d'hématoxyline et éosine. L'irritation est alors investiguée selon des critères histopathologiques de spongioses, de nécroses et de vacuolisations cellulaires. Les résultats de ce.tte première batterie de testes sont plus que prometteurs. En effet, comparé au résultat in vivo, nous obtenons 100% de concordance pour les 4 même substances testes irritantes ou non irritantes, ce qui est supérieur au model d épiderme humain recombiné (76%). De plus le coefficient de variation entre les 3 différentes séries est inférieur à 0.1 ce qui montre une bonne reproductibilité dans un même laboratoire. Dans le futur cette méthode va devoir être testée avec un plus grand nombre de substances chimiques et sa reproductibilité évaluée dans différents laboratoires. Mais cette première evaluation, très encourageante, ouvre des pistes précieuses pour l'avenir des tests irritatifs.
The discovery that stem cells isolated from different organs have the ability to differentiate into mature beating cardiomyocytes has fostered considerable interest in developing cellular regenerative therapies to treat cardiac diseases associated with the loss of viable myocardium. Clinical studies evaluating the potential of stem cells (from heart, blood, bone marrow, skeletal muscle, and fat) to regenerate the myocardium and improve its functional status indicated that although the method appeared generally safe, its overall efficacy has remained modest. Several issues raised by these studies were notably related to the nature and number of injected cells, as well as the route and timing of their administration, to cite only a few. Besides the direct administration of cardiac precursor cells, a distinct approach to cardiac regeneration could be based upon the stimulation of the heart's natural ability to regenerate, using pharmacological approaches. Indeed, differentiation and/or proliferation of cardiac precursor cells is controlled by various endogenous mediators, such as growth factors and cytokines, which could thus be used as pharmacological agents to promote regeneration. To illustrate such approach, we present recent results showing that the exogenous administration of the natriuretic peptide BNP triggers "endogenous" cardiac regeneration, following experimental myocardial infarction.
Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most frequent and lethal primary brain tumor in adults. Accumulating evidence suggests that tumors comprise a hierarchical organization that is, at least partially, not genetically driven. Cells that reside at the apex of this hierarchy are commonly referred to as cancer stem cells (CSCs) and are believed to largely contribute to recurrence and therapeutic failure. Although the complexity of epigenetic regulation of the genome precludes prediction as to which epigenetic changes dominate CSC specification in different cancer types, the ability of microRNAs (miRNAs) to fine-tune expression of entire gene networks places them among prime candidates for establishing CSC properties. In this study we characterized the miRNA expression profile of primary GBM grown either under conditions that enrich for GSCs or their differentiated non-tumorigenic progeny (DGCs). Although, we identified a subset of miRNAs that was strongly differentially expressed between GSCs and DGCs, we observed that in GSCs both let-7 and, paradoxically, their target genes are highly expressed, suggesting protection against let-7 action. Using PAR-CLIP we show that insulin-like growth factor-2 mRNA-binding protein 2 (IMP2) provides a mechanism for let-7 target gene protection that represents an alternative to LIN28A/B, which abrogates let-7 biogenesis in normal embryonic and certain malignant stem cells. By direct binding to miRNA recognition elements, IMP2 protects its targets from let-7 mediated decay. Importantly, depletion of IMP2 in GSCs strongly impairs their self- renewal properties and tumorigenicity in vivo, a phenotype that can be rescued by expression of LIN28B, suggesting that IMP2 mainly contributes to GSC maintenance by protecting let-7 target genes from silencing. Using mouse models, we show that depletion of IMP2 in neural stem cells (NSCs) induces let-7 target gene down-regulation, impairs their clonogenic capacity, and affects differentiation. Taken together, our observations describe a novel regulatory function of IMP2 in the let-7 axis whereby it supports GSC and NSC specification. Résumé (Français) Le glioblastome (GBM) est la tumeur primaire maligne du cerveau la plus fréquente. De nombreuses études ont démontré l'existence d'une organisation hiérarchique des cellules cancéreuses liée à des mécanismes épigénétiques. Les cellules qui se trouvent au sommet de cette hiérarchie sont appelées cellules souches cancéreuses (CSC), et contribuent à l'échec thérapeutique. Bien que la complexité des régulateurs épigénétiques permette difficilement de prédire quel mécanisme contribue le plus aux propriétés des CSC, la capacité des microRNAs (miRNAs) de réguler des réseaux entiers de gènes, les placent comme des candidats de premiers choix. Ici, nous avons caractérisé le profil d'expression des miRNAs dans des tumeurs primaires de GBM cultivées dans des conditions qui enrichissent soit pour les CSC, soit pour leur contrepartie de cellules cancéreuses différences (CCD). De manière surprenante et paradoxale la famille de miRNA let-7 et leurs gènes cibles étaient hautement exprimés dans les CSC, suggérant un mécanisme de protection contre l'action des let-7. Avec l'aide de la technologie PAR-CLIP, nous démontrons que la protéine IMP2, protège les mRNAs de l'action des let-7 et représente une alternative à Lin28A/B, qui d'ordinaire réprime fortement la maturation des let-7 dans les cellules souches embryonnaires et divers cancers. En se liant à la région ciblée par les let-7, IMP2 protège ses transcrits de l'action de cette classe de microRNA qui est tumoro-supressive. La déplétion d'IMP2 dans des CSC de GBM réduit fortement leur clonogénicité in vitro et leur tumorigénicité in vivo. Ceci peut être reversé en introduisant Lin28B dans des CSC de GBM, suggérant qu'IMP2 exerce ses fonctions pro-tumorigéniques en modulant l'axe let-7. Avec l'aide de modèles murins, nous observons que la déplétion de IMP2 dans les cellules souches neurales (CSN) induit une baisse de leur clonogénicité et des cibles des miRNAs let-7, suggérant une conservation de ce mécanisme entre les CSC de GBM et les CSN. En résumé, nos observations définissent une nouvelle fonction de IMP2 dans l'axe let-7 par lequel il contribue au maintien des propriétés des CSC et des CSN.
The aim of the thesis was to examine socially responsible investing, its background, development, and performance relative to conventional investing. Finance theory was exploited in the study in order to find possible weaknesses of socially responsible investing. A number of U.S.-based studies about the same subject were analyzed as well. According to the majority of the studies, socially responsible investing performs equally well with conventional investing. Return differences during May 2000 through November 2008 were measured by conducting an empirical study about the Calvert Social Index, the broad-based S&P 500 index, and the technology-based Nasdaq index. Return differences were observed by using measures of simple return and risk-return ratios. Based on this empirical research we state that socially responsible investing underperforms conventional investing, which differs from the majority of the earlier study results. We also state that the time period used in this study is exceptional compared to that of the earlier studies, however, any factors causing the underperformance were not identified.
This paper describes high-quality journals in Brazil and Spain, with an emphasis on the distribution models used. It presents the general characteristics (age, type of publisher, and theme) and analyzes the distribution model by studying the type of format (print or digital), the type of access (open access or subscription), and the technology platform used. The 549 journals analyzed (249 in Brazil and 300 in Spain) are included in the 2011 Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus databases. Data on each journal were collected directly from their websites between March and October 2012. Brazil has a fully open access distribution model (97%) in which few journals require payment by authors thanks to cultural, financial, operational, and technological support provided by public agencies. In Spain, open access journals account for 55% of the total and have also received support from public agencies, although to a lesser extent. These results show that there are systems support of open access in scientific journals other than the"author pays" model advocated by the Finch report for the United Kingdom.
This Master's thesis deals with a Micro Scale Wind Wind Turbine application. The thesis consists of nine chapters. The first chapter is an introduction to the philosophy of a small scale wind turbine application. The second defines concepts, and lists the requirements. The third presents the whole application for an On-Grid , and for an Off-Grid arrangement, with main concentration on lighting, heating, and energy storage. The fourth deals with the Inverter's technology, which are used for the conversion of the produced power. The fifth chapter presents the available storage technology and it's possibilities. The sixth deals with the system, and the technological means used for the implementation. The seventh presents the PLC device, which was used as the controller for the management of the whole application. The eighth deals with the concept and the control application philosophy that the PLC involves. And the final chapter presents conclusions and ideas for further considerations.
A simple and rapid precipitation titration method was developed and validated to determine sulfate ion content in indinavir sulfate raw material. 0.1 mol L-1 lead nitrate volumetric solution was used as titrant employing potentiometric endpoint determination using a lead-specific electrode. The United States Pharmacopoeia Forum indicates a potentiometric method for sulfate ion quantitation using 0.1 mol L-1 lead perchlorate as titrant. Both methods were validated concerning linearity, precision and accuracy, yielding good results. The sulfate ion content found by the two validated methods was compared by the statistical t-student test, indicating that there was no statistically significant difference between the methods.
Neural signal processing is a discipline within neuroengineering. This interdisciplinary approach combines principles from machine learning, signal processing theory, and computational neuroscience applied to problems in basic and clinical neuroscience. The ultimate goal of neuroengineering is a technological revolution, where machines would interact in real time with the brain. Machines and brains could interface, enabling normal function in cases of injury or disease, brain monitoring, and/or medical rehabilitation of brain disorders. Much current research in neuroengineering is focused on understanding the coding and processing of information in the sensory and motor systems, quantifying how this processing is altered in the pathological state, and how it can be manipulated through interactions with artificial devices including brain–computer interfaces and neuroprosthetics.
We report the use of an optical fiber sensor to measure the soybean oil concentration in samples obtained from the mixture of pure biodiesel and commercial soybean oil. The operation of the device is based on the long-period grating sensitivity to the surrounding medium refractive index, which leads to measurable modifications in the grating transmission spectrum. The proposed analysis method results in errors in the oil concentration of 0.4% and 2.6% for pure biodiesel and commercial soybean oil, respectively. Techniques of total glycerol, dynamic viscosity, density, and hydrogen nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy were also employed to validate the proposed method.
Volatile oils from the leaves of Verbenaceae species Aloysia virgata, Lantana camara, Lantana trifolia, Lantana montevidensis, Lippia brasiliensis and Lippia sericea were investigated for its chemical composition and antibacterial activity. The volatile oils were characterized by a high content of sesquiterpenes of which (E)-caryophyllene (10-35%), germacrene-D (5-46%) and bicyclogermacrene (7-17%) were the major components for all studied species. For the flowers, a higher concentration of monoterpenes was observed for the species L. camara, L. trifolia and L. brasiliensis. These compounds probably act as attractive to specific pollinators. The volatile oils from A. virgata was the most active, exhibiting moderate antimicrobial activity against the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus and Escherichia coli.
The effects of ionic strength on ions in aqueous solutions are quite relevant, especially for biochemical systems, in which proteins and amino acids are involved. The teaching of this topic and more specifically, the Debye-Hückel limiting law, is central in chemistry undergraduate courses. In this work, we present a description of an experimental procedure based on the color change of aqueous solutions of bromocresol green (BCG), driven by addition of electrolyte. The contribution of charge product (z+|z-|) to the Debye-Hückel limiting law is demonstrated when the effects of NaCl and Na2SO4 on the color of BCG solutions are compared.
This work presents the use of potentiometric measurements for kinetic studies of biosorption of Cd2+ ions from aqueous solutions on Eichhornia crassipes roots. The open circuit potential of the Cd/Cd2+ electrode of the first kind was measured during the bioadsorption process. The amount of Cd2+ ions accumulated was determined in real time. The data were fit to different models, with the pseudo-second-order model proving to be the best in describing the data. The advantages and limitations of the methodology proposed relative to the traditional method are discussed.
Coal, natural gas and petroleum-based liquid fuels are still the most widely used energy sources in modern society. The current scenario contrasts with the foreseen shortage of petroleum that was spread out in the beginning of the XXI century, when the concept of "energy security" emerged as an urgent agenda to ensure a good balance between energy supply and demand. Much beyond protecting refineries and oil ducts from terrorist attacks, these issues soon developed to a portfolio of measures related to process sustainability, involving at least three fundamental dimensions: (a) the need for technological breakthroughs to improve energy production worldwide; (b) the improvement of energy efficiency in all sectors of modern society; and (c) the increase of the social perception that education is a key-word towards a better use of our energy resources. Together with these technological, economic or social issues, "energy security" is also strongly influenced by environmental issues involving greenhouse gas emissions, loss of biodiversity in environmentally sensitive areas, pollution and poor solid waste management. For these and other reasons, the implementation of more sustainable practices in our currently available industrial facilities and the search for alternative energy sources that could partly replace the fossil fuels became a major priority throughout the world. Regarding fossil fuels, the main technological bottlenecks are related to the exploitation of less accessible petroleum resources such as those in the pre-salt layer, ranging from the proper characterization of these deep-water oil reservoirs, the development of lighter and more efficient equipment for both exploration and exploitation, the optimization of the drilling techniques, the achievement of further improvements in production yields and the establishment of specialized training programs for the technical staff. The production of natural gas from shale is also emerging in several countries but its production in large scale has several problems ranging from the unavoidable environmental impact of shale mining as well as to the bad consequences of its large scale exploitation in the past. The large scale use of coal has similar environmental problems, which are aggravated by difficulties in its proper characterization. Also, the mitigation of harmful gases and particulate matter that are released as a result of combustion is still depending on the development of new gas cleaning technologies including more efficient catalysts to improve its emission profile. On the other hand, biofuels are still struggling to fulfill their role in reducing our high dependence on fossil fuels. Fatty acid alkyl esters (biodiesel) from vegetable oils and ethanol from cane sucrose and corn starch are mature technologies whose market share is partially limited by the availability of their raw materials. For this reason, there has been a great effort to develop "second-generation" technologies to produce methanol, ethanol, butanol, biodiesel, biogas (methane), bio-oils, syngas and synthetic fuels from lower grade renewable feedstocks such as lignocellulosic materials whose consumption would not interfere with the rather sensitive issues of food security. Advanced fermentation processes are envisaged as "third generation" technologies and these are primarily linked to the use of algae feedstocks as well as other organisms that could produce biofuels or simply provide microbial biomass for the processes listed above. Due to the complexity and cost of their production chain, "third generation" technologies usually aim at high value added biofuels such as biojet fuel, biohydrogen and hydrocarbons with a fuel performance similar to diesel or gasoline, situations in which the use of genetically modified organisms is usually required. In general, the main challenges in this field could be summarized as follows: (a) the need for prospecting alternative sources of biomass that are not linked to the food chain; (b) the intensive use of green chemistry principles in our current industrial activities; (c) the development of mature technologies for the production of second and third generation biofuels; (d) the development of safe bioprocesses that are based on environmentally benign microorganisms; (e) the scale-up of potential technologies to a suitable demonstration scale; and (f) the full understanding of the technological and environmental implications of the food vs. fuel debate. On the basis of these, the main objective of this article is to stimulate the discussion and help the decision making regarding "energy security" issues and their challenges for modern society, in such a way to encourage the participation of the Brazilian Chemistry community in the design of a road map for a safer, sustainable and prosper future for our nation.
This thesis presents two graphical user interfaces for the project DigiQ - Fusion of Digital and Visual Print Quality, a project for computationally modeling the subjective human experience of print quality by measuring the image with certain metrics. After presenting the user interfaces, methods for reducing the computation time of several of the metrics and the image registration process required to compute the metrics, and details of their performance are given. The weighted sample method for the image registration process was able to signifigantly decrease the calculation times while resulting in some error. The random sampling method for the metrics greatly reduced calculation time while maintaining excellent accuracy, but worked with only two of the metrics.