906 resultados para Work related road safety
Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia Humana
Dissertação de mestrado em Marketing e Estratégia
OBJECTIVE: To study the long-term follow-up of patients with bipolar disorder (BPD). METHOD: Eleven outpatients with BPD type I were followed up naturalistically for five years at a university teaching hospital. The Clinical Global Impression Scale (BPD version) was used to evaluate the occurrence of affective episodes, and the Strauss-Carpenter Outcome Scale was used to evaluate social and occupational functioning. RESULTS: The majority of patients were symptomatic most of the time, with predominantly depressive episodes. Overall, patients remained euthymic a mean of 47.7% of the time. Despite a low rate of hospitalization, social and occupational functioning was poor in the majority of patients. A poor disease course with respect to work-related functioning was associated with fewer months of euthymia with a longer duration of depressive episodes. The total number of months of euthymia negatively correlated with the patient's age and disease duration. CONCLUSION: Despite the small sample size, the present findings appear to corroborate previous studies on the evolution of BPD. Most of the patients had a poor disease course, with long symptomatic periods, particularly depressive episodes, and significantly impaired social and occupational functioning.
Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Enfermagem da Pessoa em Situação Crítica
Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Ensino de Inglês e Espanhol no 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e Ensino Secundário
Dissertação de mestrado em Sociologia (área de especialização em Desenvolvimento e Políticas Sociais)
Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Ensino de Informática
A renewed interest on the use of tolls for funding motorways and regulating their demands has been recovered in the last years. However, less attention has been put to the road safety effects derived from this policy. Although toll motorways show quality levels equal or above free motorways, charging users for the use of better infrastructure shifts some traffic to their low quality adjacent alternatives. In the present study we test whether charging for the use of the better road might negatively affect road safety in the worst adjacent road. The results confirm our hypothesis opening a new concern.
Road safety has become an increasing concern in developed countries due to the significant amount of mortal victims and the economic losses derived. Only in 2005 these losses rose to 200.000 million euros, a significant amount - approximately the 2% of its GDP- that easily justifies any public intervention. One tool used by governments to face this challenge is the enactment of stricter policies and regulations. Since drunk driving is one of the most important concerns of public authorities on this field, several European countries decided to lower their illegal Blood Alcohol Content levels to 0.5 mg/ml during the last decade. This study evaluates for the first time the effectiveness of this transition using European panel-based data (CARE) for the period 1991-2003 using the Differences-in-Differences method in a fixed effects estimation that allows for any pattern of correlation (Cluster-Robust). My results show the existence of positive impacts on certain groups of road users and for the whole population when the policy is accompanied by some enforcement interventions. Moreover, a time lag of more than two years is found in that effectiveness. Finally, I also assert the importance of controlling for serial correlation in the evaluation of this kind of policies.
Report for the scientific sojourn carried out at the Department of Structure and Constituents of Matter during 2007.The main focus of the work was on phenomena related to nano-electromechanical processes that take place on a cellular level. Additionally, it has also been performed independent work related to charge and energy transfer in bio molecules, energy transfer in coupled spin systems as well as electrodynamics of nonlinear metamaterials.
La recent qualificació de certs comportaments en la conducció de vehicles, amb conseqüències letals i indesitjables per a les víctimes, com a conductes delictives ha impactat de manera notable en la reducció de la freqüència i la gravetat d'aquestes conductes. La gestió i la intervenció juridicopenal amb aquests nous tipus d'infractors requereix conèixer les seves característiques individuals psicològiques i criminològiques que els fan especialment susceptibles de reincidir en el futur en aquests tipus delictius. L'objectiu d'aquest treball era avaluar les possibles diferències actitudinals i de personalitat entre un grup de condemnats per delictes contra la seguretat del trànsit, que estaven seguint una MPA, i un grup de controls. Es van seleccionar dues mostres de conductors, infractors i no-infractors, i es van avaluar mitjançant el NEO-FFI i el JI-R simultàniament. Els resultats indiquen que, respecte a les actituds antisocials, els membres del grup d'infractors mostren més actituds antisocials en general que els del grup control. Els infractors de trànsit mostren actituds antisocials compartides amb d'altres delinqüents. Tanmateix, en relació amb el segon objectiu de l'estudi, no es van detectar diferències significatives respecte a la personalitat entre els dos grups. És important ressenyar que la combinació de les mesures de personalitat i actitudinals emprades en aquest estudi permet classificar els conductors amb un bon nivell de precisió en les categories de presència/absència d'una condemna judicial per delicte de trànsit. Cal remarcar la necessitat d'un estudi més ampli i perllongat en el temps per tal de replicar aquests resultats i especialment verificar el seu efecte en la reincidència a un any, ja que en aquesta mostra no hem pogut contrastar-ho.
En este trabajo hemos explorado las diferencias de personalidad y actitudinales entre un grupo de penados por delitos contra la seguridad del tráfico y un grupo de control. Ambos grupos presentan perfiles diferentes, especialmente por lo que se refiere a las actitudes. Las implicaciones se discuten en el texto.
Com a conseqüència dels canvis legislatius introduïts en el Codi penal i l’augment de la població penitenciària per delictes contra la seguretat de trànsit, s’ha elaborat i implementat el programa CONTE (Conducció Temerària) en el Centre Penitenciari d’Homes de Barcelona. Des de la seva implementació a l’abril del 2008, 93 interns han participat en el programa en onze edicions. El programa té una durada d’un mes, amb 16 sessions, quatre setmanals d’una hora i mitja cadascuna. Es descriu el contingut i objectiu de les sessions. Els interns que han participat han manifestat la seva satisfacció amb el programa. En un futur caldria establir mesures per avaluar l’eficàcia d’aquest tipus de programes.
Como consecuencia de los cambios introducidos en el Código Penal y el aumento de población penitenciaria por delitos contra la seguridad del tráfico, se ha elaborado e implementado el programa CONTE (conducción temeraria) en el Centro penitenciario de Hombres de Barcelona. Desde su implementación en abril de 2008, 93 internos han participado en el programa en 11 ediciones. El programa tiene una duración de un mes, con 16 sesiones, cuatro semanales de una hora y media cada una. Se describe el contenido y objetivo de las sesiones. Los internos que han participado han manifestado su satisfacción con el programa. En un futuro convendría establecer indicadores de evaluación para medir la eficacia de este tipo de programas.
PURPOSE: In Burkina Faso, gold ore is one of the main sources of income for an important part of the active population. Artisan gold miners use mercury in the extraction, a toxic metal whose human health risks are well known. The aim of the present study was to assess mercury exposure as well as to understand the exposure determinants of gold miners in Burkinabe small-scale mines.METHODS: The examined gold miners' population on the different selected gold mining sites was composed by persons who were directly and indirectly related to gold mining activities. But measurement of urinary mercury was performed on workers most susceptible to be exposed to mercury. Thus, occupational exposure to mercury was evaluated among ninety-three workers belonging to eight different gold mining sites spread in six regions of Burkina Faso. Among others, work-related exposure determinants were taken into account for each person during urine sampling as for example amalgamating or heating mercury. All participants were medically examined by a local medical team in order to identify possible symptoms related to the toxic effect of mercury.RESULTS: Mercury levels were high, showing that 69% of the measurements exceeded the ACGIH (American Conference of Industrial Hygienists) biological exposure indice (BEI) of 35 µg per g of creatinine (µg/g-Cr) (prior to shift) while 16% even exceeded 350 µg/g-Cr. Basically, unspecific but also specific symptoms related to mercury toxicity could be underlined among the persons who were directly related to gold mining activities. Only one-third among the studied subpopulation reported about less than three symptoms possibly associated to mercury exposure and nearly half of them suffered from at least five of these symptoms. Ore washers were more involved in the direct handling of mercury while gold dealers in the final gold recovery activities. These differences may explain the overexposure observed in gold dealers and indicate that the refining process is the major source of exposure.CONCLUSIONS: This study attests that mercury exposure still is an issue of concern. North-South collaborations should encourage knowledge exchange between developing and developed countries, for a cleaner artisanal gold mining process and thus for reducing human health and environmental hazards due to mercury use.