986 resultados para Wolff, Charlotta


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In this thesis I have characterized the trace measures for particular potential spaces of functions defined on R^n, but "mollified" so that the potentials are de facto defined on the upper half-space of R^n. The potential functions are kind Riesz-Bessel. The characterization of trace measures for these spaces is a test condition on elementary sets of the upper half-space. To prove the test condition as sufficient condition for trace measures, I had give an extension to the case of upper half-space of the Muckenhoupt-Wheeden and Wolff inequalities. Finally I characterized the Carleson-trace measures for Besov spaces of discrete martingales. This is a simplified discrete model for harmonic extensions of Lipschitz-Besov spaces.


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Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) è un lepidottero originario dell’America meridionale, infeudato a pomodoro e ad altre solanacee coltivate e spontanee. Con l’attività trofica le larve causano mine fogliari e gallerie nei frutti, con conseguenti ingenti danni alle colture. T. absoluta è stato segnalato per la prima volta in Italia nel 2008 e in Piemonte nel 2009. Pertanto le ricerche sono state condotte per rilevarne la distribuzione in Piemonte, studiarne l’andamento di popolazione in condizioni naturali e controllate, e valutare l’efficacia di differenti mezzi di lotta al fine di definire le strategie di difesa. Il monitoraggio, condotto nel 2010, ha evidenziato come T. absoluta sia ormai largamente diffuso sul territorio regionale già pochi mesi dopo la segnalazione. L’insetto ha mostrato di prediligere condizioni climatiche più miti; infatti è stato ritrovato con maggiore frequenza nelle aree più calde. Il fitofago ha raggiunto densità di popolazione elevate a partire dalla seconda metà dell’estate, a ulteriore dimostrazione che, in una regione a clima temperato come il Piemonte, T. absoluta dà origine a infestazioni economicamente rilevanti solo dopo il culmine della stagione estiva. Per definire le strategie di lotta, sono state condotte prove in laboratorio, semi-campo e campo volte a valutare la tossicità nei confronti del lepidottero di preparati a base di emamectina benzoato, rynaxypyr, spinosad e Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner. In campo è stata verificata anche l’efficacia del miride dicifino Macrolophus pygmaeus (Rambur), reperibile in commercio. In tutte le prove, è stata riscontrata una maggiore efficacia di rynaxypyr ed emamectina benzoato. In campo M. pygmaeus ha mostrato difficoltà d’insediamento ed è stato in grado di contenere efficacemente il fitofago soltanto con bassi livelli d’infestazione. Per contro è stata costantemente osservata la presenza naturale di un altro miride dicifino Dicyphus errans (Wolff), che in laboratorio ha mostrato di non essere particolarmente disturbato dalle sostanze saggiate.


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To determine the protective effect of gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogs (GnRHa) using several ultrasound and endocrine markers to detect ultrastructural ovarian damage in Hodgkin's lymphoma patients.


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze concentrations of endometrial leukocytes in patients with idiopathic-repeated abortions. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Biopsies of exactly dated secretory endometrium in 25 patients with idiopathic-repeated abortions and 10 control patients without a history of miscarriage were compared with respect to the concentrations of T-helper cells (CD4), cytotoxic T-cells (CD8), B-cells (CD19) and uterine natural killer cells (CD56) by immunohistochemistry and RNase protection assays. RESULTS: All examined cells were detectable within secretory endometrium. No statistically significant differences of the examined immune-cell concentrations were seen between the control group and the repeated miscarriage group by either test. CONCLUSION: This study suggests that the concentrations of specific endometrial leukocytes in a non-pregnant cycle are not associated with repeated pregnancy loss. Thus, the hypothesis of an altered endometrial immunity in patients with repeated miscarriages, symbolized by persistently differing local immune-cell concentrations, has to be questioned.


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Bisphosphonates (BPs) are powerful drugs that inhibit bone metabolism. Adverse side effects are rare but potentially severe such as bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ). To date, research has primarily focused on the development and progression of BRONJ in cancer patients with bone metastasis, who have received high dosages of BPs intravenously. However, a potential dilemma may arise from a far larger cohort, namely the millions of osteoporosis patients on long-term oral BP therapy.


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This pilot study evaluated whether combination of partial removal of ovarian tissue for cryobanking followed by ovarian stimulation and cryopreservation of oocytes can improve the efficacy of fertility preservation without further delaying cancer treatment. Initial partial removal of ovarian tissue did not substantially affect the average number and quality of retrieved oocytes after ovarian stimulation in this study.


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Data on the characteristics of female patients counselled for fertility preservation and the efficacy and risk of the applied procedures are still poor. We therefore analysed the registry of a network of 70 infertility centers which are involved in fertility preservation in Germany, Switzerland and Austria, called FertiPROTEKT ( hhtp://www.fertiprotekt.eu ).


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Increasing evidence supports GnRH agonists to be an effective treatment to preserve ovarian function during chemotherapy, but the initial flare-up of FSH during the first week after GnRH agonist application still limits its use. The combination of GnRH agonists with GnRH antagonists might solve this problem to some extent as the addition of GnRH antagonists at least significantly reduces the FSH flare-up.


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Ovarian stimulation and cryopreservation of fertilized oocytes before cancer therapy is the best established and efficient fertility preservation technique and should still be considered before chemotherapy. Within a short time frame of 2 weeks, between 8.6 (18-25 y) and 5.1 (36-40 y) fertilized oocytes can be cryopreserved.


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Reproductive failure, determined as recurrent spontaneous abortions (RSA) or recurrent implantation failure (RIF) in women is not well understood. Several factors, including embryo quality, and cellular and molecular changes in endometrium may contribute to the insufficient feto-maternal interaction resulting in reproductive failure. Prior clinical studies suggest an inadequate endometrial growth and development of the endometrium, leading to a lesser endometrial thickness.


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To evaluate safety and fertility outcome after assisted conception in patients who were treated conservatively for a borderline ovarian tumor (BOT).


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The purpose of this study was to analyse hysteroscopic results in patients with recurrent miscarriages and to compare the frequency of uterine anomalies in women with a history of exactly two and with more than two consecutive miscarriages. A retrospective analysis of 206 patients undergoing hysteroscopy for repeated early pregnancy losses was performed at two university centres. Late miscarriages were excluded, terminations of pregnancy were not counted. Eighty-seven patients had suffered from exactly two early miscarriages and 119 from more than two. Both groups were comparable with respect to age at admission (32.95+/-4.46 versus 34.06+/-5.02 years) and at first miscarriage (30.43+/-4.24 versus 29.08+/-5.38 years). The prevalence of acquired (adhesions, polyps, fibroids) and congenital uterine anomalies (septate or bicornuate uterus, etc.) did not differ significantly (acquired: 28.7 versus 27.7%; congenital: 9.2 versus 16.8%). The rates of uterine anomalies did not differ significantly overall (36.8 versus 42.9%). In conclusion, uterine anomalies are frequently found in patients with two and with more than two early miscarriages. Due to the high rate of anomalies, their risk for adverse pregnancy outcome and a possible therapeutic approach, hysteroscopy might be a diagnostic option even after two early miscarriages.