800 resultados para Voyages around the world


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Pro gradu -tutkielmassani tarkastelen niitä merkityksiä, joita afrikkalaisamerikkalainen musiikillinen esitystraditio saa Nobel-kirjailija Toni Morrisonin romaanissa Jazz (1992).Morrison on toistuvasti löytänyt vertailukohdan omalle kirjoittamiselleen mustasta musiikkitraditiosta. Kuvaillessaan Jazz-romaanin luomisprosessia hän on kertonut pyrkineensä rakentamaan teoksen improvisatorisen jazz-performanssin muotoon. Tutkielmassa kysyn, millä tavalla tämä jazz-improvisatorinen kerrontamuoto ilmenee Jazz-romaanissa ja miksi musiikki ja kerronnan musiikillisuus on saanut niin merkittävän roolin afrikkalaisamerikkalaisen kirjallisuuden traditiossa. Keskeiselle sijalle tutkielmassani nousee ajatus improvisatorisesta jazz-performanssista sekä romaania ohjaavana kerronnallisena periaatteena että mustan diasporisen kulttuurin ja identiteetin rakentamisen välineenä. Tukeutumalla muun muassa Ralph Ellisonin, James Baldwinin, Albert Murrayn, Henry Louis Gates Jr:n, Houston A. Baker Jr:n, Paul Gilroyn, Kimberly W. Benstonin ja Nathaniel Mackeyn kirjoituksiin mustasta esitystraditiosta tarkastelen, mitä eri merkityksiä jazz- ja blues-musiikille on annettu afrikkalaisamerikkalaisessa kirjallisuudessa. Jazzissa musiikki toimii ensisijaisesti keinona työstää menneisyyttä: musiikillinen improvisaatio avaa tien ihmisen henkilökohtaisten muistojen ja menneisyyden konfliktien tarkastelulle. Kyse on identiteettiprosessista, joka ohjaa toistuvasti määrittelemään uudelleen ne rakenteet, joissa ihmisen minuus kehittyy. Samalla musiikillisuuden taustalta voidaan löytää pyrkimys vapauttaa teos kertovuudesta ja kohdistaa lukijan huomio tekstin tuottamaan liikkeeseen, romaaniin performanssina. Tämä ohjaa kirjallisuuden kohti rituaalista: musiikillisuuden funktiona on tuoda tarina voimakkaammin osaksi lukijan kokemuksellista nykyhetkeä. Morrisonin romaanikirjoittamista ohjaa halu kehittää jatkuvasti uusia mahdollisuuksia ymmärtää ja lähestyä menneisyyttä sekä rakentaa kriittinen suhde afrikkalaisamerikkalaista kulttuuria määrittäneisiin historiallisiin narratiiveihin. Jazzromaanin tapahtumat sijoittuvat keskelle afrikkalaisamerikkalaisen urbaanin kulttuurin ja amerikkalaisen modernismin kehityksen keskeisintä vuosikymmentä, 1920-lukua. Romaanin sisällön analyysissa tarkastelen muun muassa romaanin kaupunkitilan kuvausta ja sen kiinnittymistä urbaanin kulutuskulttuurin tuottamaan visuaaliseen spektaakkeliin. Jazzissa Morrisonin voidaan nähdä työstävän suhdetta tiettyyn historialliseen aikakauteen, joka on merkittävällä tavalla muokannut sekä afrikkalaisamerikkalaista kulttuurista yhteisöllisyyttä että tiettyjä ”mustan” tai ”mustuuden” representaatioita osana amerikkalaista urbaania ympäristöä.


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The calyxes of Hibiscus sabdariffa are used in traditional medicine around the world. However, quality assurance protocols and chemical variability have not been previously analyzed. In the present study, chemical characterization of a set of samples of H. sabdariffa calyxes commercialized in Colombia was accomplished with the aim to explore the chemical variability among them. Chemometrics-based analyses on the data obtained from the HPLC-UV-DAD-derived profiles were then performed. Thus, the pre-processed single-wavelength data were subjected to principal component analysis (PCA). The PCA-derived results evidenced different groups which were well-correlated to the corresponding total phenolic and total anthocyanin contents. Multi-wavelength chromatographic (HPLC-UV-DAD surfaces) data were additionally examined via parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) as data reduction method and the obtained loadings were subsequently submitted to PCA and orthogonal partial least squares discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA). Results were thus consistent with those from single-wavelength data. PCA loadings were employed to determine those chemical components responsible for the data variance and OPLS-DA model, constructed from PARAFAC loadings, and indicated differentiation according total anthocyanin contents among samples. The present chemometric analysis therefore demonstrated to be an excellent tool for differentiation of H. sabdariffacalyxes according to their chemical composition.


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Avhandlingen behandlar temat territoriell autonomi ur ett globalt perspektiv. Syftet är dels att kartlägga de territoriella autonomierna i världen och dels att visa hur en ny metod som fuzzy-set kan användas inom ämnesområdet jämförande politik. Forskningsproblemet är att försöka finna de bakgrundsfaktorer som förklarar uppkomsten av territoriell autonomi som sådant. Territoriella autonomier ses som särlösningar inom stater. Dessa regioner har erhållit en specialställning i förhållande till andra regioner inom respektive stat och även i förhållande till centralmakten i övrigt. Regionerna kan därför ses som undantag inom det enhetliga federala, regionala eller decentraliserade systemet inom en viss stat ifråga. En kartläggning visar att det finns 65 specialregioner fördelade på 25 stater i världen. De flesta av dessa utgörs av öar. Resultaten visar att det finns två vägar vilka leder till territoriell autonomi i allmänhet. Den ena vägen är en kombination av etnisk särprägel och liten befolkningsmängd, medan den andra vägen utgörs av kombinationen av historiska orsaker och geografiskt avstånd. Båda vägar är lika giltiga och förutsättningen är en demokratisk miljö.


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Human trafficking is not a new phenomenon. It has existed in various forms for ages around the world. Some researchers have even compared it to slavery, calling it the modern form of slavery in the 21st century. This study is particularly interested in the role of work-related human trafficking in Finnish business. In order for something to be called work-related human trafficking, the concepts of forced labour and human trafficking have to overlap. From the economic point of view, human trafficking is governed by the laws of supply and demand. In many countries the global pressure on cutting costs has created two trends: the increased supply of migrant workers and the deregulation of labour markets. These competitive pressures can have an adverse impact on the conditions of employment and, in the worst cases, can lead to forced labour and trafficking. In fact, trafficking has become one of the most profitable illicit industries worldwide, generating tremendous profits due to its low costs and huge profits. Therefore, it is important to investigate the phenomenon from the business point of view. This study is a qualitative research conducted by using theme interviews as a research approach. Altogether 13 interviews have been conducted and some secondary data has been used in order to find out what the role of human trafficking is in Finnish business. The special sectors investigated are the Finnish construction and service sectors. The theory framework used in this study follows the stakeholder approach. The relevant stakeholder groups for this study are: ‘institutions and authorities’, ‘law enforcement’, ‘management’ and ‘employees – potential victims’ of trafficking. With the help of these stakeholder groups, a holistic picture of the phenomenon is formed. It can be concluded that the role of human trafficking is complicated but it does exist in Finnish business. It appears in low-cost business sectors where the demand for cheap labour is high. Thus, often the victims are foreigners who do not know the culture or the Finnish conditions of employment. Especially smaller Finnish companies are at risk of getting involved in human trafficking or related exploitation cases since monitoring is much more scarce in these firms than in larger companies. The risk of human trafficking and exploitation is also higher at the bottom of the complicated subcontracting chains or when using foreign recruitment agencies. Thus, the study believes that active and intensive collaboration between the company’s different stakeholder groups is needed in order to prevent work-related human trafficking from flourishing in Finland.


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kuv., 14 x 21 cm


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Sawfly larval poisoning (SLP) is an acute hepatotoxicosis documented in livestock in Australia, Denmark and in countries of South America. It is caused by the ingestion of the larval stage of insects of the suborder Symphyta, order Hymenoptera, commonly known as "sawfly". Three species of sawfly are reportedly involved in the toxicosis. The insect involved in Australian SLP is Lophyrotoma interrupta (Pergidae), in Denmark the cause of SLP is the ingestion of the larvae Arge pullata (Argidae), and in South American countries documented outbreaks of SLP were caused by the ingestion of yet another sawfly, Perreyia flavipes (Pergidae). In all geographical areas where it occurred, SLP causes important livestock losses. In cattle, as well as in other affected species, the disease has a short clinical course and in many outbreaks affected cattle can be found dead. When observed, clinical signs include apathy, recumbence, tremors, paddling movements and death in 24-48 hours. Neurological signs such aggressiveness attributable to hepatic encephalopathy are also observed. In cases with a more protracted course icterus and photodermatitis may develop. Gross findings included ascites, petechiae and ecchymosis over serosal surfaces of thoracic and abdominal cavities, and an enlarged liver that displays accentuation of the lobular pattern and edema of the gall bladder wall. Sawfly larval body fragments and heads are consistently found in the fore stomachs and occasionally abomasum of affected cattle. Main microscopic lesions are restricted to the liver and consist of centrolobular (periacinar) to massive hepatocellular necrosis. In most lobules necrotic areas extended up to the portal triads where only a few viable hepatocytes remain. Mild to moderate lymphocyte necrosis is seen in lymphatic tissues. Cases occur in the winter months when the larval stages of the sawfly are developing. D-amino acid-containing peptides have been found to be the toxic principle in each sawfly involved in SLP. The octapeptide lophyrotomin is the major toxin in the in the larvae of Australian and Danish sawflies and is present in small amounts in the larvae of South American sawfly. The heptadecapeptide pergidin is the main toxin in the South American sawfly while small amounts of pergidin have been found in the other two species of toxic sawfly. During the winter of 2011 (July-August) four outbreaks of SLP were diagnosed in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The findings in those outbreaks are reported here and a brief review of the literature regarding SLP around the world is provided.


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Presentation at the Nordic Perspectives on Open Access and Open Science seminar, Helsinki, October 15, 2013


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In recent years, chief information officers (CIOs) around the world have identified Business Intelligence (BI) as their top priority and as the best way to enhance their enterprises competitiveness. Yet, many enterprises are struggling to realize the business value that BI promises. This discrepancy causes important questions, for example: what are the critical success factors of Business Intelligence and, more importantly, how it can be ensured that a Business Intelligence program enhances enterprises competitiveness. The main objective of the study is to find out how it can be ensured that a BI program meets its goals in providing competitive advantage to an enterprise. The objective is approached with a literature review and a qualitative case study. For the literature review the main objective populates three research questions (RQs); RQ1: What is Business Intelligence and why is it important for modern enterprises? RQ2: What are the critical success factors of Business Intelligence programs? RQ3: How it can be ensured that CSFs are met? The qualitative case study covers the BI program of a Finnish global manufacturer company. The research questions for the case study are as follows; RQ4: What is the current state of the case company’s BI program and what are the key areas for improvement? RQ5: In what ways the case company’s Business Intelligence program could be improved? The case company’s BI program is researched using the following methods; action research, semi-structured interviews, maturity assessment and benchmarking. The literature review shows that Business Intelligence is a technology-based information process that contains a series of systematic activities, which are driven by the specific information needs of decision-makers. The objective of BI is to provide accurate, timely, fact-based information, which enables taking actions that lead to achieving competitive advantage. There are many reasons for the importance of Business Intelligence, two of the most important being; 1) It helps to bridge the gap between an enterprise’s current and its desired performance, and 2) It helps enterprises to be in alignment with key performance indicators meaning it helps an enterprise to align towards its key objectives. The literature review also shows that there are known critical success factors (CSFs) for Business Intelligence programs which have to be met if the above mentioned value is wanted to be achieved, for example; committed management support and sponsorship, business-driven development approach and sustainable data quality. The literature review shows that the most common challenges are related to these CSFs and, more importantly, that overcoming these challenges requires a more comprehensive form of BI, called Enterprise Performance Management (EPM). EPM links measurement to strategy by focusing on what is measured and why. The case study shows that many of the challenges faced in the case company’s BI program are related to the above-mentioned CSFs. The main challenges are; lack of support and sponsorship from business, lack of visibility to overall business performance, lack of rigid BI development process, lack of clear purpose for the BI program and poor data quality. To overcome these challenges the case company should define and design an enterprise metrics framework, make sure that BI development requirements are gathered and prioritized by business, focus on data quality and ownership, and finally define clear goals for the BI program and then support and sponsor these goals.


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Workshop at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Universities around the world are facing global competition and challenges to finance their main functions - research and education. This study focused on the role of graduates, alumni, in the success of a university. The purpose of this study was to examine the role of brand identification in alumni willingness to support their alma mater. The research concentrated on finding out what is the relationship between brand identification and it’s antecedents (prestige, satisfaction, interpretation of brand) to alumni willingness to promote university, participate in university activities and support financially by donating money to university’s research. The research method was quantitative and the data was collected via online survey from 569 alumni of a Finnish university. The findings suggest that there is a strong relationship between brand identification and alumni support. The stronger brand identification is, the more willing alumni were to promote university, participate in university activities and support financially. Based on the research, it is beneficial for universities to invest in brand development in order to get alumni to act as ambassadors of the university after their graduation.


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Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which includes Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC), is a chronic disorder that affects thousands of people around the world. These diseases are characterized by exacerbated uncontrolled intestinal inflammation that leads to poor quality of life in affected patients. Although the exact cause of IBD still remains unknown, compelling evidence suggests that the interplay among immune deregulation, environmental factors, and genetic polymorphisms contributes to the multifactorial nature of the disease. Therefore, in this review we present classical and novel findings regarding IBD etiopathogenesis. Considering the genetic causes of the diseases, alterations in about 100 genes or allelic variants, most of them in components of the immune system, have been related to IBD susceptibility. Dysbiosis of the intestinal microbiota also plays a role in the initiation or perpetuation of gut inflammation, which develops under altered or impaired immune responses. In this context, unbalanced innate and especially adaptive immunity has been considered one of the major contributing factors to IBD development, with the involvement of the Th1, Th2, and Th17 effector population in addition to impaired regulatory responses in CD or UC. Finally, an understanding of the interplay among pathogenic triggers of IBD will improve knowledge about the immunological mechanisms of gut inflammation, thus providing novel tools for IBD control.