999 resultados para University of California, Berkeley.


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A series of pamphlets by members of the faculty of the University of California.


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Issues for 1843-19<41> called année 13-<111>.


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Online case studies. Managing Innovation is an established, bestselling text for MBA, MSc and advanced undergraduate courses on management of technology, innovation management and entrepreneurship. It is also used widely by managers in both the service and manufacturing sectors. Now in its fourth edition, Managing Innovation has been fully revised and updated based on extensive user feedback to incorporate the latest findings and techniques in innovation management. The authors have included a new and more explicit innovation model, which is used throughout the book and have introduced two new features – Research Notes and Views from the Front Line – to incorporate more real life case material into the book. The strong evidence–based and practical approach makes this a must–read for anyone studying or working within innovation. An extensive website accompanies this text at www.managing–innovation.com. Readers can browse an online database of audio and video clips, as well as case study material, interactive exercises and tools for innovation, whilst lecturers can find additional support material including instructor slides and teaching guides and tips. "Tidd and Bessant's text has become a standard for students and practitioners of innovation. They offer a lively account on innovation management full of interesting and new examples, but one that at the same is rigorously anchored in what we have learned over the last thirty years on how to manage that ultimate business challenge of renewing products, processes, and business models. Those who want to innovate must read this book." — Professor Arnoud De Meyer, Director, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, UK "Innovation matters and this book by two leaders in the field which is clear and practical as well as rigorous should be essential reading for all seeking to study or to become involved in innovation." — Chris Voss, Professor of Operations and Technology Management, London Business School "...comprehensive and comprehensible compendium on the management of innovation. It is very well organized and very well presented. A pedagogic tool that will work at multiple levels for those wishing to gain deeper insights into some of the most challenging and important management issues of the day." — David J. Teece, Thomas W. Tusher Professor in Global Business, Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley, USA "Those of us who teach in the field of Innovation Management were delighted when the first edition of this book appeared 11 years ago. The field had long been in need of such a comprehensive and integrated empirically–based work. The fact that this is now the 4th edition is clear testimony to the value of its contribution. We are deeply indebted to the authors for their dedication and diligence in providing us with this updated and expanded volume." — Thomas J. Allen,Howard W. Johnson Professor of Management, MIT Sloan School of Management, USA.


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Symposium of scholars, pollsters and elected officials to discuss the changes and continuities in Cuban-American voting patterns. Participants include: Dr. Astrid Arraras, Department of Politics & International Relations, FlU Dr. Danielle Pilar Clealand, Department of Politics & International Relations, FlU Dr. Rodolfo de Ia Garza, Department of Political Science, Columbia University Dr. Susan Eckstein, Department of Sociology, Boston University Dr. Eduardo Gamarra, Department of Politics & International Relations, FlU Dr. Lisa Garcia Bedolla, Graduate School of Education, University of California, Berkeley Dr. Guillermo J. Grenier, Department of Global & Sociocultural Studies, FlU Dr. Mark Hugo Lopez, Pew Hispanic Center Dr. Daria Moreno, Department of Politics & International Relations, FlU


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Acknowledgements. This work was mainly funded by the EU FP7 CARBONES project (contracts FP7-SPACE-2009-1-242316), with also a small contribution from GEOCARBON project (ENV.2011.4.1.1-1-283080). This work used eddy covariance data acquired by the FLUXNET community and in particular by the following networks: AmeriFlux (U.S. Department of Energy, Biological and Environmental Research, Terrestrial Carbon Program; DE-FG02-04ER63917 and DE-FG02-04ER63911), AfriFlux, AsiaFlux, CarboAfrica, CarboEuropeIP, CarboItaly, CarboMont, ChinaFlux, Fluxnet-Canada (supported by CFCAS, NSERC, BIOCAP, Environment Canada, and NRCan), GreenGrass, KoFlux, LBA, NECC, OzFlux, TCOS-Siberia, USCCC. We acknowledge the financial support to the eddy covariance data harmonization provided by CarboEuropeIP, FAO-GTOS-TCO, iLEAPS, Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, National Science Foundation, University of Tuscia, Université Laval and Environment Canada and US Department of Energy and the database development and technical support from Berkeley Water Center, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Microsoft Research eScience, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, University of California-Berkeley, University of Virginia. Philippe Ciais acknowledges support from the European Research Council through Synergy grant ERC-2013-SyG-610028 “IMBALANCE-P”. The authors wish to thank M. Jung for providing access to the GPP MTE data, which were downloaded from the GEOCARBON data portal (https://www.bgc-jena.mpg.de/geodb/projects/Data.php). The authors are also grateful to computing support and resources provided at LSCE and to the overall ORCHIDEE project that coordinate the development of the code (http://labex.ipsl.fr/orchidee/index.php/about-the-team).


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Australian scientist Shirley Jeffrey was a pioneer in oceanographic research, identifying the then theoretical chlorophyll c, and was a worldwide leader in the application of pigment methods in quantifying phytoplankton as the foundation of the oceanic food supply. Her research paved the way for the successful application of microalgae in aquaculture around the world. Jeffrey earned bachelor's and master's degrees at University of Sydney, majoring in microbiology and biochemistry, followed by a PhD from the King's College London Hospital Medical School. Returning to Sydney, she was hired by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) to research chlorophyll c. Following this successful effort, she became a research fellow at the University of California, Berkeley from 1962 to 1964. She then became affiliated with the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research. After a 1973 sabbatical at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in San Diego, she returned to CSIRO, where she spent the rest of her career.


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Although wildfire plays an important role in maintaining biodiversity in many ecosystems, fire management to protect human assets is often carried out by different agencies than those tasked for conserving biodiversity. In fact, fire risk reduction and biodiversity conservation are often viewed as competing objectives. Here we explored the role of management through private land conservation and asked whether we could identify private land acquisition strategies that fulfill the mutual objectives of biodiversity conservation and fire risk reduction, or whether the maximization of one objective comes at a detriment to the other. Using a fixed budget and number of homes slated for development, we simulated 20 years of housing growth under alternative conservation selection strategies, and then projected the mean risk of fires destroying structures and the area and configuration of important habitat types in San Diego County, California, USA. We found clear differences in both fire risk projections and biodiversity impacts based on the way conservation lands are prioritized for selection, but these differences were split between two distinct groupings. If no conservation lands were purchased, or if purchases were prioritized based on cost or likelihood of development, both the projected fire risk and biodiversity impacts were much higher than if conservation lands were purchased in areas with high fire hazard or high species richness. Thus, conserving land focused on either of the two objectives resulted in nearly equivalent mutual benefits for both. These benefits not only resulted from preventing development in sensitive areas, but they were also due to the different housing patterns and arrangements that occurred as development was displaced from those areas. Although biodiversity conflicts may still arise using other fire management strategies, this study shows that mutual objectives can be attained through land-use planning in this region. These results likely generalize to any place where high species richness overlaps with hazardous wildland vegetation.


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Education in entrepreneurship is a relatively new addition to the curriculum of institutions of higher education in Portugal. Forty-one percent of the current courses were first offered in 2003 or 2004. This recent awakening to the importance of entrepreneurship education is both reactive to the needs of the market as well as pro-active through the interests of professors. As the developing phenomenon of entrepreneurship education grows there is an urgent need to better understand and develop this area through academic research. Pedagogy, course content, the use of technology as well as other parallel initiatives related to entrepreneurship education in Portugal are the primary focus of this national survey of academic year 2004/2005. The majority (76.5%) of professors surveyed stated that their university has plans to create an entrepreneurship/innovation center. However, it is believed that roles and activities that a “center” must have to be effective are, as of yet, not well-defined in the Portuguese context. In developing future initiatives, Portugal could benefit by looking at models from other countries that have well-developed entrepreneurship educational offerings and support structures. Findings indicate that current course pedagogy in Portugal relies heavily on business plan creation and theoretical lectures and seldom makes use of computer business simulations, role-playing or internships. In addition, greater use of the Internet as a method for disseminating information to students and entrepreneurs could help “market” entrepreneurship education better and improve the perception of those students not currently taking an entrepreneurship course.


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La propuesta de crear una nueva línea de investigación basada en temas de Administración en Salud nación de la necesidad de ampliar la fundamentación temática impartida en este tema, dado que hoy en día la Universidad del Rosario cuenta con cuatro especializaciones y una maestría enfocadas en la Administración en Salud. El proyecto inicia con una fundamentación teórica basada en temáticas impartidas en grandes escuelas de negocios a nivel mundial que tengan en sus enfoques la Administración en Salud. Esto permitió recolectar gran cantidad de información que serviría de base para posteriormente generar la propuesta de investigación. Seguido de esto se realizó el análisis de los trabajos de grado realizado tanto en la maestría como en las Especializaciones de la Universidad del Rosario enfocadas en este tema, generando así revisión temática de estos estudios y sus respectivos aportes. Esto con el fin de poder realizar una comparación temática entre las escuelas de negocios del mundo y los estudio impartidos por la Universidad del Rosario, lo cual abriría paso a generar una lista temática para la propuesta de la línea de investigación. Una vez realizada la fundamentación teórica y la revisión de los trabajos de grado tanto de Maestría como de Especialización, se definió la propuesta de la línea de investigación la cual se estableció en dos partes fundamentales: Concepción de la línea de investigación y construcción de la línea de investigación, en donde se definió un nombre, un objetivo, una jerarquía, una propuesta temáticas, unos lineamientos generales y se definieron unos entregables a realizar por parte de los integrantes de la línea de investigación. Concluyendo así la viabilidad de la creación de la línea de investigación en la Universidad del Rosario, dada la necesidad requerida


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Grant Chapman, University of Southern California Law School graduation, 1925.


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Night view of Hashinger Hall, Chapman University, 346 N. Center Street, Orange, California. The late Dr. Edward H. Hashinger, former trustee and past chairman of the board is the man whose name has graced the walls of this building since 1969. The Hashinger Science Center (3 floors, 65,364 sq.ft.) houses all science departments including biology, natural and applied sciences, environmental and chemical sciences, food science and nutrition, kinesiology and physical therapy.


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Architectural model of the Pralle-Sodaro Residence Hall, Chapman University, Orange, California, dedicated October 21, 1991. Pralle-Sodaro Hall (3 floors, 75,382 sq.ft.) is a three-story building containing one-hundred-fifty-five units. This state-of-the-art residence hall was made possible by the tremendous generosity of Bob and Helga Pralle and Don and DeeDee Sodaro. Bob Pralle served as a trustee for eighteen years beginning in 1984 and Don Sodaro as Chairman of the board of trustees and has served on the board for fourteen years beginning in 1988. Pralle-Sodaro Hall (3 floors, 75,382 sq.ft.) is a three-story building containing one-hundred-fifty-five units.