977 resultados para Ultrassonografia prenatal


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In Portugal, prenatal care guidelines advocate two prenatal ultrasound scans for all pregnant women. Not following this recommendation is considered inadequate prenatal surveillance. The National Registry of Congenital Anomalies (RENAC in Portuguese) is an active population-based registry and an important instrument for the epidemiological surveillance of congenital anomalies (CA) in Portugal. Regarding pregnancies with CA, this study aims to describe the epidemiology of absent prenatal ultrasound scans and factors associated with this inadequate surveillance.


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Se revisó todas las historias clínicas del servicio de Obstetricia del Hospital Vicente Corral


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La sensibilidad antimicrobiana es la capacidad que tienen los antibióticos de disminuir el potencial infeccioso de los microorganismos causantes de infección. El método para determinar la sensibilidad antimicrobiana, permite al médico escoger el antibiótico más adecuado con base científica proporcionado por el laboratorio clínico. El objetivo de la investigación fue determinar sensibilidad antimicrobiana de Escherichia coli la causante de infecciones urinarias en mujeres embarazadas entre las edades de 15 a 40 años que asisten al control prenatal en el Hospital Nacional Dr. Jorge Arturo Mena, Santiago de María, departamento de Usulután en el periodo de junio a agosto de 2014. La metodología fue de tipo: prospectiva, transversal, descriptiva. Donde a las muestras de orina de mujeres embarazadas se les realizó un urocultivo en el cual se aisló la bacteria Escherichia coli y a la vez se evaluó la sensibilidad antimicrobiana de la bacteria a nitrofurantoína, gentamicina, amikacina, ampicilina y amoxicilina utilizando el método estandarizado de difusión en agar, Kirby Bauer, estas se procesaron en el laboratorio del Hospital Nacional Dr. Jorge Arturo Mena de Santiago de María. Resultados obtenidos: las cepas de Escherichia coli presentaron una susceptibilidad a la nitrofurantoina del 100%, gentamicina 96.97%, amikacina 90.9%, ampicilina 81.81% y una resistencia a la amoxicilina del 100%. Conclusión: se comprobó estadísticamente que las cepas de Escherichia coli presentaron igual susceptibilidad antimicrobiana ante la nitrofurantoina, gentamicina y amikacina; pero menor susceptibilidad ante ampicilina y amoxicilina.


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El embarazo es un proceso que debe transcurrir con toda normalidad y sin ningún riesgo en toda mujer en edad fértil. El control prenatal constituye uno de los eventos más importantes para la salud materno fetal. El objetivo de la investigación es determinar el perfil prenatal en mujeres que reciben atención médica en los Equipos Comunitarios de Salud San Simón, Potrero, Quebrada y Carrizal del municipio de San Simón, departamento de Morazán. La metodología empleada fue de tipo prospectivo, transversal, descriptiva, de campo, bibliográfica y de laboratorio, se hizo uso de técnicas documentales y técnicas de laboratorio. Se trabajó con una muestra de 81 embarazadas a quienes se les realizó pruebas de sangre y examen general de orina. Resultados: El examen general de orina presentó mayor porcentaje de alteraciones sugestivas a patologías con un 17.6% en el ECOS San Simón, 25.0% ECOS Potreros, 12.5% en ECOS Quebradas y 27.1% en ECOS Carrizal. El hematócrito y hemoglobina presentaron 11.8% de alteración en el ECOS San Simón, 25.0% en ECOS Potrero, 6.2% en ECOS Carrizal y en ECOS Quebrada no hubo alteración. Se descarta la presencia de incompatibilidad sanguínea materno fetal, VIH, sífilis y diabetes gestacional. Se obtuvo un 14.8% de embarazadas con abortos previos. Conclusiones: A partir de la información presentada en los datos descriptivos y la prueba de hipótesis aplicada, estadísticamente se concluyó que: La prueba que presentó mayor efecto en la alteración del perfil prenatal con sugestividad a patología en las embarazadas es el examen general de orina, seguido de las pruebas de Hematócrito-Hemoglobina.


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Introducción: No se conoce la influencia combinada del índice de masa corporal pregestacional (IMC-PG) y de la ganancia de peso gestacional (GPG) sobre el peso al nacer extremo (<3000 gy ≥4000 g) en el Uruguay. Objetivos: Determinar la prevalencia de diferentes categorías de IMC-PG y de GPG y luego conocer sus riesgos independientes y combinados sobre el peso al nacer <3000 go con retardo de crecimiento intrauterino (RCIU) y ≥ 4000 g (macrosomía) en una muestra nacional de madres y recién nacidos. Métodos: Estudio de cohorte con datos prospectivos de 23.832 embarazadas donde se clasificó el estado nutricional pregestacional según IMC-PG del patrón de Estados Unidos. La GPG se clasificó de acuerdo a una propuesta de Dinamarca. Se determinaron los riesgos independientes y combinados de las distintas categorías de IMC-PG y de GPG con RCIU y macrosomía utilizando el riesgo relativo (RR). Resultados: Los RR de RCIU y macrosomía resultaron estadísticamente significativos en su asociación independiente con IMC-PG y GPG. En embarazadas con bajo IMC-PG se apreció un alto riesgo de RCIU y en embarazadas con elevado IMC-PG (sobrepeso u obesidad) un alto riesgo de macrosomía. También en el análisis de la influencia combinada se mantuvieron las importantes asociaciones de IMC-PG y GPG. Conclusiones: Existe un efecto independiente y combinado de las variables maternas sobre los resultados perinatales. Se sugiere comparar estos resultados, que utilizaron categorías de IMC-PG del patrón de Estados Unidos y categorías de GPG provenientes de Dinamarca, con otros patrones.


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Objetivo: Analisar as associações entre a potência muscular dos membros inferiores e a saúde óssea avaliada através de ultrassonografia quantitativa. Métodos: A amostra incluiu 63 crianças de 9 anos de idade. A velocidade de som (VS) do rádio e da tíbia foi avaliada através de ultrassonografia quantitativa, a potência de salto foi estimada a partir de um salto vertical com contramovimento e a maturidade somática foi determinada a partir da estimação do pico de velocidade em altura. O estado geral de saúde e o historial de fraturas foram avaliados através de questionário. As associações entre medidas dos parâmetros ósseos e a potência de salto foram analisadas através de correlações bivariadas, com as variáveis expressas em valores absolutos e relativos (estandardizados). Resultados: Foram observadas associações positivas entre a maturidade somática e a potência de salto expressa tanto em valores absolutos como relativos (p <0,05). A maturidade somática correlacionou-se ainda positivamente com a VS da tíbia nas raparigas (r=0,358, p=0,045), enquanto nos rapazes se verificou uma associação negativa, embora não significativa (r=-0,290, p=0,126). Observou-se uma associação ou propensão para associação negativa entre a VS da tíbia e a potência de salto nos rapazes (r=-0,490, p=0,007) e nas raparigas (r=-0,344, p=0,054). Conclusão: A potência de salto não parece constituir um bom marcador da saúde óssea de rapazes e raparigas de 9 anos de idade quando avaliada através de ultrassom.


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Background: Prenatal hydronephrosis (PNH) is dilation in urinary collecting system and is the most frequent neonatal urinary tract abnormality with an incidence of 1% to 5% of all pregnancies. PNH is defined as anteroposterior diameter (APD) of renal pelvis ≥ 4 mm at gestational age (GA) of < 33 weeks and APD ≥ 7 mm at GA of ≥ 33 weeks to 2 months after birth. All patients need to be evaluated after birth by postnatal renal ultrasonography (US). In the vast majority of cases, watchful waiting is the only thing to do; others need medical or surgical therapy. Objectives: There is a direct relationship between APD of renal pelvis and outcome of PNH. Therefore we were to find the best cutoff point APD of renal pelvis which leads to surgical outcome. Patients and Methods: In this retrospective cohort study we followed 200 patients 1 to 60 days old with diagnosis of PNH based on before or after birth ultrasonography; as a prenatal or postnatal detected, respectively. These patients were referred to the nephrology clinic in Zahedan Iran during 2011 to 2013. The first step of investigation was a postnatal renal US, by the same expert radiologist and classifying the patients into 3 groups; normal, mild/moderate and severe. The second step was to perform voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG) for mild/moderate to severe cases at 4 - 6 weeks of life. Tc-diethylene triamine-pentaacetic acid (DTPA) was the last step and for those with normal VCUG who did not show improvement in follow-up examination, US to evaluate obstruction and renal function. Finally all patients with mild/moderate to severe PNH received conservative therapy and surgery was preserved only for progressive cases, obstruction or renal function ≤35%. All patients’ data and radiologic information was recorded in separate data forms, and then analyzed by SPSS (version 22). Results: 200 screened PNH patients with male to female ratio 3.5:1 underwent first postnatal control US, of whom 65% had normal, 18% mild/moderate and 17% severe hydronephrosis. 167 patients had VCUG of whom 20.82% with VUR. 112 patients performed DTPA with following results: 50 patients had obstruction and 62 patients showed no obstructive finding. Finally 54% of 200 patients recovered by conservative therapy, 12.5% by surgery and remaining improved without any surgical intervention. Conclusions: The best cutoff point of anteroposterior renal pelvis diameter that led to surgery was 15 mm, with sensitivity 88% and specificity 74%.


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Oxytocin (OT) plays a key role in the mediation of social and stress behaviors across many species; however, the mechanism is still unclear. The present study investigated the influence of prenatal levels of mesotocin (MT; avian homologue of OT) on postnatal social and stress behavior in Northern bobwhite quail. Experiment one determined endogenous levels of MT during prenatal development using an enzyme-linked immunoassay kit. Experiment two examined the influence of increased MT during prenatal development on chicks' individual recognition ability and stress response to a novel environment. Experiment one showed MT levels increased significantly throughout embryonic development. Experiment two showed significant differences in stress behavior for chicks with increased MT during prenatal development; however, no significant differences were found for social behavior. This study suggests MT serves different functions depending on the stage of embryonic development and that increasing MT levels affects postnatal stress behavior, but not social behavior.


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OBJECTIVES: Most studies reporting evidence of adverse effects of lead and cadmium on the ability to balance have been conducted in high-exposure groups or have included adults. The effects of prenatal exposure have not been well studied, nor have the effects in children been directly studied. The aim of the study was to identify the associations of lead (in utero and in childhood) and cadmium (in utero) exposure with the ability to balance in children aged 7 and 10 years. DESIGN: Prospective birth cohort study. PARTICIPANTS: Maternal blood lead (n=4285) and cadmium (n=4286) levels were measured by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry in women enrolled in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) during pregnancy. Child lead levels were measured in a subsample of 582 of ALSPAC children at age 30 months. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Children completed a heel-to-toe walking test at 7 years. At 10 years, the children underwent clinical tests of static and dynamic balance. Statistical analysis using SPSS V.19 included logistic regression modelling, comparing categories of ≥ 5 vs <5 µg/dL for lead, and ≥ 1 vs <1 µg/L for cadmium. RESULTS: Balance at age 7 years was not associated with elevated in utero lead or cadmium exposure (adjusted OR for balance dysfunction: Pb 1.01 (95% CI 0.95 to 1.01), n=1732; Cd 0.95 (0.77 to 1.20), n=1734), or with elevated child blood lead level at age 30 months (adjusted OR 0.98 (0.92 to 1.05), n=354). Similarly, neither measures of static nor dynamic balance at age 10 years were associated with in utero lead or cadmium exposure, or child lead level. CONCLUSIONS: These findings do not provide any evidence of an association of prenatal exposure to lead or cadmium, or lead levels in childhood, on balance ability in children. Confirmation in other cohorts is needed.


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association of prenatal alcohol exposure with balance in10-year-old children. DESIGN: Population-based prospective longitudinal study. SETTING: Former Avon region of UK (Southwest England). PARTICIPANTS: 6915 children from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children who had a balance assessment at age 10 and had data on maternal alcohol consumption. OUTCOME MEASURES: 3 composite balance scores: dynamic balance (beam-walking), static balance eyes open, static balance eyes closed (heel-to-toe balance on a beam and standing on one leg, eyes open or closed). RESULTS: Most mothers (95.5%) consumed no-to-moderate amounts (3-7 glasses/week) of alcohol during pregnancy. Higher total-alcohol consumption was associated with maternal-social advantage, whereas binge drinking (≥4 units/day) and abstinence were associated with maternal social disadvantage. No evidence was found of an adverse effect of maternal-alcohol consumption on childhood balance. Higher maternal-alcohol use during pregnancy was generally associated with better offspring outcomes, with some specific effects appearing strong (static balance eyes open and moderate total alcohol exposure at 18 weeks, adjusted OR 1.23 (95% CI 1.01 to 1.49); static balance eyes closed and moderate total alcohol exposure at 18 weeks, adjusted OR 1.25 (95% CI 1.06 to 1.48). Similar results were found for both paternal and postnatal maternal alcohol exposure. A Mendelian-randomization approach was used to estimate the association between maternal genotype and offspring balance using the non-synonymous variant rs1229984*A (ADH1B) to proxy for lower maternal alcohol consumption; no strong associations were found between this genotype/proxy and offspring balance. CONCLUSIONS: No evidence was found to indicate that moderate maternal alcohol consumption in this population sample had an adverse effect on offspring balance at age 10. An apparent beneficial effect of higher total maternal alcohol consumption on offspring balance appeared likely to reflect residual confounding.


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Infantile Neuroaxonal Dystrophy (INAD1, MIM # 256600), is a rare autossomal recessive neurodegenerative disorder. The clinical picture is characterized by psychomotor regression and hypotonia, which progresses to spastic tetraplegia, visual impairment and dementia. Onset is within the first 2 years of life and death usually happens before the age of 10. In 2006, Morgan et al described that mutations in PLA2G6 gene localized in chromosome 22 (22q13), caused INAD1. Evidence showed that a large proportion of patients with infantile neuroaxonal dystrophy have a mutation in the PLA2G6 gene. A 36-years-old pregnant woman presented for obstetric follow up. It was the second pregnancy of this healthy, nonconsanguineous couple. Their 7 year-old daughter was affected with Infantile Neuroaxonal Dystrophy. Molecular testing was done in the child and, as a causal mutation was detected, it was possible to offer a specific prenatal diagnosis. The molecular study of PLA2G6 gene by amniocentesis showed the presence of a mutation in heterozygoty and the karyotype was normal for a female foetus. To our knowledge, this is the first molecular prenatal diagnosis of INAD1 in Portugal.