979 resultados para UASB reactors


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Chemical looping combustion (CLC) provides a promising technology to help cut carbon dioxide emissions. CLC is based on separated oxidation and reduction processes. Oxygen carrier, which is made from metal and supporting material, is in continuous recirculation between the air and fuel reactors. The CLC process does not require separation unit for carbon dioxide. The fuel reactor can produce an almost pure carbon dioxide feed which decrease costs of carbon capture and storage (CCS). The CLC method is one of the most promising ones for energy efficient carbon capture. A large amount of literature was examined for this study and from it the most promising methods and designs were chosen. These methods and designs were combined as reactor system design which was then sized during the making of this thesis. Sizing was done with a mathematical model that was further improved during the study.


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Tässä kirjallisuustyössä tutustutaan kolmeen kaupallisissa painevesilaitoksissa käytettyyn höyrystinkonstruktioon: U-putkipystyhöyrystimeen, U-putkivaakahöyrystimeen ja läpivirtaushöyrystimeen. Työssä tutustutaan näiden ratkaisujen erityispiirteisiin ja vertaillaan niitä keskenään.


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Kandidaatintutkielmassa esitellään kolmannen sukupolven painevesireaktorilaitosten passiivisia turvallisuusjärjestelmiä.


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Monte Carlo -reaktorifysiikkakoodit nykyisin käytettävissä olevilla laskentatehoilla tarjoavat mielenkiintoisen tavan reaktorifysiikan ongelmien ratkaisuun. Neljännen sukupolven ydinreaktoreissa käytettävät uudet rakenteet ja materiaalit ovat haasteellisia nykyisiin reaktoreihin suunnitelluille laskentaohjelmille. Tässä työssä Monte Carlo -reaktorifysiikkakoodi ja CFD-koodi yhdistetään kytkettyyn laskentaan kuulakekoreaktorissa, joka on yksi korkealämpötilareaktorityyppi. Työssä käytetty lähestymistapa on uutta maailmankin mittapuussa ajateltuna.


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Tässä kirjallisuustyössä tutustutaan kiehutusvesireaktorien polttoainenipun kehitykseen. Työssä esitellään kolmen suurimman polttoainenippuvalmistajan polttoainemalleja ja muutoksia polttoainenippumallien välillä.


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A biodegradabilidade de dejetos da bovinocultura e da suinocultura foi avaliada por meio de metodologia simplificada que permitiu a verificação da aplicabilidade de processos anaeróbios. Os ensaios foram realizados com reatores em batelada, com lodos granulados de três procedências: reator UASB tratando efluente de bovinocultura, reator UASB tratando efluente de suinocultura e reator UASB tratando efluente de abatedouro de aves. Os ensaios (1) - efluente de bovinocultura e lodo de abatedouro de aves não-adaptado; (2) - efluente de suinocultura e lodo de abatedouro de aves não- adaptado; (3) - efluente de bovinocultura e lodo de abatedouro de aves adaptado; (4) - efluente de suinocultura e lodo de abatedouro de aves adaptado; (5) - efluente de bovinocultura e lodo de bovinocultura, e (6) - efluente de suinocultura e lodo de suinocultura realizados em "Shaker", em temperatura de 35 °C, sob agitação a 150 rpm, por 5 minutos a cada 1 hora. Foi utilizada uma relação de substrato:biomassa igual a 0,5. Foram testados modelos cinéticos do tipo Monod, Ordem Zero, Primeira e Segunda Ordens e verificou-se que o modelo de Primeira Ordem foi o que melhor se ajustou para os seis ensaios realizados. A constante de velocidade de Primeira Ordem (k1) foi estimada para os ensaios 1; 2; 3; 4; 5 e 6, resultando 2,51 x 10-2; 2,49 x 10-2; 1,90 x 10-2; 3,09 x 10-2; 2,54 x 10-2, e 4,09 x 10-2 h-1, respectivamente.


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Avaliou-se o desempenho de dois reatores anaeróbios de fluxo ascendente com manta de lodo (UASB) em escala-piloto com volumes de 908 L e 188 L, instalados em série, alimentados com águas residuárias de suinocultura com concentrações médias de sólidos suspensos totais (SST) variando de 2.216 mg L-1 a 7.131 mg L-1 e submetidos a tempos de detenção hidráulica (TDH) de 62,3 e 31,1 h, no primeiro reator, e de 12,9 e 6,5 h, no segundo reator. As eficiências médias de remoção de DQOtotal variaram de 74,0% a 89,6% no Reator 1 e de 34,3% a 45,1% no Reator 2, resultando em valores médios de 86,6% a 93,1% para o sistema de tratamento em dois estágios com carga orgânica volumétrica (COV) na faixa de 3,40 a 14,44 kg DQOtotal m-3 reator d-1 no Reator 1. As concentrações de metano no biogás foram acima de 75% para o Reator 1 e de 80% para o Reator 2. Os valores médios de pH variaram na faixa de 6,9 a 8,2 para o efluente do Reator 1 e de 7,0 a 8,3 para o efluente do Reator 2. Os ácidos voláteis totais mantiveram-se estáveis com concentrações médias abaixo de 200 mg L-1. Esses resultados indicaram que as condições de carga orgânica, em termos de DQO e SSV, impostas ao sistema de tratamento anaeróbio em dois estágios, não foram limitantes para que houvesse o desenvolvimento de lodo com microbiota adaptada e com alta atividade, propiciando altas eficiências médias de remoção de matéria orgânica (86,6 a 93,1% para DQOtotal e 85,6 a 88,2% para SSV) e taxas de produção de metano de 0,156 a 0,289 m³ CH4 kg-1 de DQO removida.


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Tässä kirjallisuustyössä tutustutaan kiehutusvesireaktorien polttoainenipun kehitykseen. Työssä esitellään kolmen suurimman polttoainenippuvalmistajan polttoainemalleja ja muutoksia polttoainenippumallien välillä.


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Este trabalho apresenta uma alternativa de baixo custo e fácil instalação para o tratamento de esgotos de pequenas comunidades. O experimento foi desenvolvido no Campo Experimental da Faculdade de Engenharia Agrícola (FEAGRI/UNICAMP). O volume total de esgoto gerado na FEAGRI é de cerca de 20 m³ dia-1, sendo metade desse tratado pelos sistemas modulares. O sistema da linha (A) é constituído por um reator UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket), seguido de dois filtros anaeróbios e o outro sistema, linha (B), é constituído por um reator tipo RAC (Reator Anaeróbio Compartimentado), seguido de dois filtros anaeróbios (FA). Os sistemas foram operados de dezembro de 2002 a fevereiro de 2004, totalizando 30 coletas de amostras. Observou-se que, de maneira geral, o desempenho dos sistemas foram similares e com resultados satisfatórios. As eficiências médias de remoção de Sólidos Sedimentáveis, Sólidos Suspensos Totais e DQO, observadas no sistema modular da Linha (A), foram, respectivamente, 99,58%; 94,33% e 67,30%. O sistema modular da Linha (B) apresentou remoção de 99,49%; 93,34% e 70,45% para os mesmos parâmetros. Os sistemas modulares mostraram-se adequados e viáveis para promover o tratamento sanitário do esgoto produzido em pequenas comunidades.


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The condensation rate has to be high in the safety pressure suppression pool systems of Boiling Water Reactors (BWR) in order to fulfill their safety function. The phenomena due to such a high direct contact condensation (DCC) rate turn out to be very challenging to be analysed either with experiments or numerical simulations. In this thesis, the suppression pool experiments carried out in the POOLEX facility of Lappeenranta University of Technology were simulated. Two different condensation modes were modelled by using the 2-phase CFD codes NEPTUNE CFD and TransAT. The DCC models applied were the typical ones to be used for separated flows in channels, and their applicability to the rapidly condensing flow in the condensation pool context had not been tested earlier. A low Reynolds number case was the first to be simulated. The POOLEX experiment STB-31 was operated near the conditions between the ’quasi-steady oscillatory interface condensation’ mode and the ’condensation within the blowdown pipe’ mode. The condensation models of Lakehal et al. and Coste & Lavi´eville predicted the condensation rate quite accurately, while the other tested ones overestimated it. It was possible to get the direct phase change solution to settle near to the measured values, but a very high resolution of calculation grid was needed. Secondly, a high Reynolds number case corresponding to the ’chugging’ mode was simulated. The POOLEX experiment STB-28 was chosen, because various standard and highspeed video samples of bubbles were recorded during it. In order to extract numerical information from the video material, a pattern recognition procedure was programmed. The bubble size distributions and the frequencies of chugging were calculated with this procedure. With the statistical data of the bubble sizes and temporal data of the bubble/jet appearance, it was possible to compare the condensation rates between the experiment and the CFD simulations. In the chugging simulations, a spherically curvilinear calculation grid at the blowdown pipe exit improved the convergence and decreased the required cell count. The compressible flow solver with complete steam-tables was beneficial for the numerical success of the simulations. The Hughes-Duffey model and, to some extent, the Coste & Lavi´eville model produced realistic chugging behavior. The initial level of the steam/water interface was an important factor to determine the initiation of the chugging. If the interface was initialized with a water level high enough inside the blowdown pipe, the vigorous penetration of a water plug into the pool created a turbulent wake which invoked the chugging that was self-sustaining. A 3D simulation with a suitable DCC model produced qualitatively very realistic shapes of the chugging bubbles and jets. The comparative FFT analysis of the bubble size data and the pool bottom pressure data gave useful information to distinguish the eigenmodes of chugging, bubbling, and pool structure oscillations.


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The high load of nitrogen present in swine wastewater is one of the biggest management challenges of the activity. The Anammox process emerges as a good alternative for biological removal of nitrogen. This study aims to acclimate sludge collected from swine effluent treatment systems to establish the Anammox process. Two sludge samples were collected at Embrapa Swine and Poultry, Concordia - SC, Brazil, one from the bottom of an inactive anaerobic pond (inoculum A) and another from an aeration tank (inoculum B). Both were acclimated until the depletion of NO3-N, being subsequently inoculated in two reactors (Reactor A - Inoculum A and Reactor B - Inoculum B). The Reactor A showed activity after 110 days of operation, while the Reactor B needed 170 days. The difference in the start-up time could be explained by the different environmental conditions to which each sludge was submitted. FISH and PCR analyses confirmed the presence of microorganisms with Anammox activity, demonstrating that the sludge of swine wastewater treatment systems is a good source of inoculum for the development of the Anammox process.


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Neljännen sukupolven reaktoreissa käytetään uusia teknisiä ratkaisuja ja uudenlaisia materiaaleja, joten myös niiden turvallisuuskriteerien laatimiseen tarvitaan uusia näkökulmia. Tällä hetkellä kehitetäänkin teknologianeutraaleja turvallisuuskriteerejä, joista voitaisiin johtaa jokaiselle uudelle reaktorikonseptille reaktorin erityispiirteet huomioivat teknologiaspesifit turvallisuuskriteerit. Näin pystytään takaamaan turvallisuuden korkea taso kaikissa uusissa reaktoreissa. Eksotermiset eli lämpöä vapauttavat kemialliset reaktiot muodostavat merkittävän uhan ydinvoimalaitosten turvallisuudelle. Tutkimalla nykyisin käytössä olevia turvallisuuskriteerejä sekä kehitteillä olevia teknologianeutraaleja turvallisuuskriteerejä voitiin havaita, että eksotermiset kemialliset reaktiot on niissä huomioitu hyvin, mutta ei kovin systemaattisesti. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena oli pohtia, kuinka eksotermiset kemialliset reaktiot voitaisiin huomioida systemaattisemmin teknologianeutraaleissa turvallisuuskriteereissä. Johtopäätöksenä on, että epätoivottujen eksotermisten kemiallisten reaktioiden tapahtuminen tulisi ensisijaisesti pyrkiä estämään, mutta jos tällainen reaktio kuitenkin tapahtuu, tulisi sen seurauksia lieventää. Eksotermisten kemiallisten reaktioiden tapahtuminen pystytään estämään, jos eksotermisesti reagoivia aineita ei ole tai ne pystytään pitämään erillään toisistaan, tai jos lämpötilat saadaan pidettyä riittävän alhaisina. Tutkielman toisena tavoitteena oli tarkastella onnettomuusskenaarioita, jotka voisivat johtaa eksotermisiin kemiallisiin reaktioihin erityisesti neljännen sukupolven reaktoreissa. Tätä varten tutkitaan kirjallisuuden avulla joidenkin reaktorimateriaalien kemiallisia ominaisuuksia sekä muutamia neljännen sukupolven reaktoreja. Kirjallisuuden avulla tarkastellaan myös muutamaa sellaista ydinvoimalaitosonnettomuutta, joissa eksotermiset kemialliset reaktiot ovat olleet merkittävässä roolissa.


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Climate change has given an impetus to research and developed new technologies to reduce significantly carbon dioxide emissions in energy production in the developed countries. The major pollution source, fossil fuels, will be used as an energy source for many decades, which provides the demand for carbon capture and storage technologies. Over recent years many new technologies has been developed and one of the most promising is calcium-looping in post-combustion carbon capture process, which use carbonation-calcination cycle to capture carbon dioxide from the flue gas of a combustion process. First pilot plant for calcium-looping process has been built in Oviedo, Spain. In this study, a three-dimensional model has been created for the calciner, which is one of the two fluidized bed reactors needed for the process. The calciner is a regenerator where the captured carbon dioxide is removed from the calcium material and then collected after the reactor. Thesis concentrates in creating the calciner 3D-model frame with CFB3D-program and testing the model with two different example cases. Used input parameters and calciner geometry are Oviedo pilot plant design parameters. The calculation results give information about the process and show that pilot plant calciner should perform as planned. This Master’s Thesis is done in participation to EU FP7 project CaOling.


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The fuel element of LMFBR consists of a bundle of rods wrapped with an helical wire as spacer, surrounded by an hexagonal duct. In the present work, a semi-empirical model is developed to calculate bundle average and subchannel based friction factors and flow redistribution. The obtained results were compared to experimental data and they were considered satisfactory for wide range of geometrical parameters.


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An experimental investigation is performed in a turbulent flow in a seven wire-wrapped rod bundle, mounted in an open air facility. Static pressure distributions are measured on central and peripheral rods. By using a Preston tube, the wall shear stress profiles are experimentally obtained along the perimeter of the rods. The geometric parameters of the test section are P/D=1.20 and H/D=15. The measuring section is located at L/D=40 from the air inlet. It is observed that the dimensionless static pressure and wall shear stress profiles are nearly independent of the Reynolds number and strongly dependent of the wire-spacer position, with abrupt variations of the parameters in the neighborhood of the wires.