815 resultados para Traduzione Specializzata, Imballaggio Flessibile, Customer Service, Capitolato di Fornitura


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In 2011 the Reference Department at the Glenn Hubert Library (HL), Biscayne Bay Campus, Florida International University (FIU) moved to a joint ser-vice desk with the circulation desk. Shortly after the move reference librarians became concerned with the misinformation that the circulation department’s work-study students sometimes provided to patrons. As a result, we felt a Secret Shopping program would be a good method to evaluate the information provided. Furthermore, it was seen as a method of improving customer service and com-paring the self-perceptions of service to patrons’ perceptions.


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The study discusses the changes in public management and their impacts on the educational field from the adoption of the flexible model production. It is based on the assumption that the changes incontemporary societies were influenced by the need to reorganize the capital that, in crisis, tried to overcome the Taylor/Ford production model, by implementing a more agile, more flexible one to meet the current demands of the market. For the implementation of the new public management, the Latin American countries started to use strategies based on the business model and the criteria of efficiency, effectiveness and productivity. This new management paradigm advocated replacing the bureaucratic model of management by a decentralized model, with focus on customer service. These guidelines have a broad impact on the educational management and were disseminated by international organizations. Studies show that the management model has been unable to overcome the bureaucratic model of management that existed within the school, which is found in the transformation of a bureaucratic flexibility, consistent with the new model of production.


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La tesi tratta di un web service capace di estrapolare i dati da un database Oracle utilizzato da un gestionale già esistente, per darli come output ad un portale da cui il cittadino si potrà collegare, visionandoli. Il gestionale si occupa della fase coattiva, ovvero quando un contribuente non paga una multa o una qualsiasi tassa; fino ad oggi non era possibile far vedere in via telematica i dati della situazione coattiva di un contribuente. Grazie al web service da me creato un portale potrà fare vedere i dati al contribuente tramite esso. Inoltre grazie a questo web service in futuro si potranno collegare anche con altri portali o app smartphone per dare ulteriori servizi al cittadino.


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Al Large Hadron Collider (LHC) ogni anno di acquisizione dati vengono raccolti più di 30 petabyte di dati dalle collisioni. Per processare questi dati è necessario produrre un grande volume di eventi simulati attraverso tecniche Monte Carlo. Inoltre l'analisi fisica richiede accesso giornaliero a formati di dati derivati per centinaia di utenti. La Worldwide LHC Computing GRID (WLCG) è una collaborazione interazionale di scienziati e centri di calcolo che ha affrontato le sfide tecnologiche di LHC, rendendone possibile il programma scientifico. Con il prosieguo dell'acquisizione dati e la recente approvazione di progetti ambiziosi come l'High-Luminosity LHC, si raggiungerà presto il limite delle attuali capacità di calcolo. Una delle chiavi per superare queste sfide nel prossimo decennio, anche alla luce delle ristrettezze economiche dalle varie funding agency nazionali, consiste nell'ottimizzare efficientemente l'uso delle risorse di calcolo a disposizione. Il lavoro mira a sviluppare e valutare strumenti per migliorare la comprensione di come vengono monitorati i dati sia di produzione che di analisi in CMS. Per questa ragione il lavoro è comprensivo di due parti. La prima, per quanto riguarda l'analisi distribuita, consiste nello sviluppo di uno strumento che consenta di analizzare velocemente i log file derivanti dalle sottomissioni di job terminati per consentire all'utente, alla sottomissione successiva, di sfruttare meglio le risorse di calcolo. La seconda parte, che riguarda il monitoring di jobs sia di produzione che di analisi, sfrutta tecnologie nel campo dei Big Data per un servizio di monitoring più efficiente e flessibile. Un aspetto degno di nota di tali miglioramenti è la possibilità di evitare un'elevato livello di aggregazione dei dati già in uno stadio iniziale, nonché di raccogliere dati di monitoring con una granularità elevata che tuttavia consenta riprocessamento successivo e aggregazione “on-demand”.


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Estudo sobre as práticas comunicacionais da área de pós-vendas nas redes sociais on-line, com relação ao atendimento das empresas e os canais por elas disponibilizados para interação com o consumidor. Dentre as etapas, realizou-se uma análise sobre os hábitos dos consumidores de realizar buscas nas redes socais on-line; com o intuito de chamar a atenção das empresas sobre problemas de pós-venda nestes canais (reclamações, dúvidas técnicas, sugestões etc.). O objetivo principal foi elaborar de forma cronológica e estruturada a práticas de comunicação no pós-venda por meio dos diversos canais do SAC; resgatando as fases evolutivas do SAC, a lei de proteção do consumidor, desde a era analógica (sem acesso à internet e espontânea), até a chegada das redes sociais on-line. Para tal estudo foram realizados: levantamento bibliográfico, exploratório e documental sobre a área de pós-venda, marketing de relacionamento e de resultados de pesquisas sobre os hábitos dos consumidores conectados à internet; apresentação de casos que exemplificam as práticas comunicacionais do mercado; entrevista aplicada com oito especialistas do mercado; e formulário eletrônico aplicado com gestores das centrais de atendimento. Com todas essas análises, foi possível traçar um diagnóstico sobre a realidade atual da área de atendimento ao cliente das empresas selecionadas, nas redes sociais on-line, além de reforçar sensivelmente a ideia do consumidor produtor de conteúdo (prosumer) e a mudança no fluxo comunicacional consumidor versus empresa.


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Understanding consumer behavior is critical for firms' decision making. How consumers make decisions about what they want and buy directly affect the profits of firms. Therefore, it is important to consider consumer behaviors and incorporate them into the model when studying the optimal strategy of firms and competition between firms. In this dissertation, I study rich and interesting consumer behaviors and their impact on firms' strategy in two essays. The first essay considers consumers' shopping cost which leads to their preference for one-stop shopping. I examine how store visit costs and consumer knowledge about a product affect the strategic store choice of consumers and, in turn, the pricing, customer service and advertising decisions of competing retailers. My analysis offers insights on how specialty stores can compete with big-box retailers. In the second essay, I focus on a well-established psychology phenomenon, cognitive dissonance. I incorporate the idea of cognitive dissonance into a model of spatial competition and examine its implications for selling strategy. I provide new insight on the profitability of advance selling and spot selling as well as the pricing of bundle and its components. Collectively, two essays in this dissertation introduce novel ways to model consumer behaviors and help to understand the impact of consumer behaviors on firm profitability and strategy.


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Research endeavors on spoken dialogue systems in the 1990s and 2000s have led to the deployment of commercial spoken dialogue systems (SDS) in microdomains such as customer service automation, reservation/booking and question answering systems. Recent research in SDS has been focused on the development of applications in different domains (e.g. virtual counseling, personal coaches, social companions) which requires more sophistication than the previous generation of commercial SDS. The focus of this research project is the delivery of behavior change interventions based on the brief intervention counseling style via spoken dialogue systems. Brief interventions (BI) are evidence-based, short, well structured, one-on-one counseling sessions. Many challenges are involved in delivering BIs to people in need, such as finding the time to administer them in busy doctors' offices, obtaining the extra training that helps staff become comfortable providing these interventions, and managing the cost of delivering the interventions. Fortunately, recent developments in spoken dialogue systems make the development of systems that can deliver brief interventions possible. The overall objective of this research is to develop a data-driven, adaptable dialogue system for brief interventions for problematic drinking behavior, based on reinforcement learning methods. The implications of this research project includes, but are not limited to, assessing the feasibility of delivering structured brief health interventions with a data-driven spoken dialogue system. Furthermore, while the experimental system focuses on harmful alcohol drinking as a target behavior in this project, the produced knowledge and experience may also lead to implementation of similarly structured health interventions and assessments other than the alcohol domain (e.g. obesity, drug use, lack of exercise), using statistical machine learning approaches. In addition to designing a dialog system, the semantic and emotional meanings of user utterances have high impact on interaction. To perform domain specific reasoning and recognize concepts in user utterances, a named-entity recognizer and an ontology are designed and evaluated. To understand affective information conveyed through text, lexicons and sentiment analysis module are developed and tested.


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Airline competition with customer service as product differentiator has forced down costs, air fares and investor returns. Two passenger markets operate in aviation: (a) able-bodied passengers for whom airlines compete and (b) passengers with reduced mobility (PRMs) – disabled by age, obesity or medical problems – for whom airlines do not compete. Government interference in the market intended to protect a minority of narrowly-defined PRMs has had unintended consequences of enabling increasing numbers of more widely-defined PRMs to access complimentary airline provisions. With growing ageing and overweight populations and long-haul travelling medical tourists such regulation could lead to even lower investors’ returns. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) (2013) examined the air transport value chain for competitiveness using Porter’s (2008) five forces but did not distinguish between able-bodied passengers and PRMs. Findings during an investigation of these two markets concurred with IATA-Porter that the markets for the bargaining powers of PRM buyers and PRM suppliers were highly competitive. However, in contrast to the IATA conclusions, intensity of competition, and threats from new entrants and substitute products for PRM travel were low. The conclusion is that airlines are strategically PRM defensive by omission. Paradoxically, the airline which delivers the best PRM customer service could become the least profitable.


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Airline competition with customer service as product differentiator has forced down costs, air fares and investor returns. Two passenger markets operate in aviation: (1) able-bodied passengers for whom airlines openly compete and (2) passengers with reduced mobility (PRMs) – disabled by age, obesity or medical problems – for whom airlines do not compete. Government interference in the market intended to protect a minority of narrowly-defined PRMs has had unintended consequences of enabling increasing numbers of more widely-defined PRMs to access complimentary airline provisions. With growing ageing and overweight populations and long-haul travelling medical tourists such regulation could lead to even lower investors’ returns. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) (2013) examined the air transport value chain for competitiveness using Porter’s (2008) five forces but did not distinguish between able-bodied passengers and PRMs. Findings during an investigation of these two markets concurred with IATA-Porter that the markets for the bargaining powers of PRM customers and PRM suppliers were ‘highly competitive’. However, in contrast to the IATA conclusions the threats posed by new entrants, substitute products and intensity of competition for PRM passengers were all ‘low’. The conclusion is that airlines are strategically PRM defensive by omission. Paradoxically, the airline which delivers the best PRM customer service could become the least profitable.


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A public organization has a section for customer service which is responsible of order entry from customers concerning errands within real estate and business equipment, cleaning, transport operations and handicap appliance. According to the co-ordinators in hospitals within the organisation the customers are requesting for staff to talk to physically, meaning a person to speak with face to face. The customers experiencing that it’s sometimes difficult to call customer service or use the web form, which is the only communication paths in the current situation. Proposed changes presented claim that a complement to customer service with local service centers in every hospital. The purpose of this study is to evaluate a change proposition by weigh between efficiency and working environment, this by using multi-criteria analysis. To achieve the goal a decision model is designed in the decision tool DecideIT. The aim of the study is to recommend decision makers to choose one of the options based on as rational grounds as possible. The result of the study showed that the preferred alternative is not to supplement customer service with local service centers. For the most part, the result depending on the survey (represented result from working environment criteria) which showed that the majority of customers do not request a person to speak with face to face at all.


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Bakgrund Dagligvaruhandel på internet växer och efterfrågas från fler kunder än någonsin tidigare. De större aktörerna märker att efterfrågan finns och inser att de behöver utöka sina försäljningskanaler, samtidigt som de mindre företagen som varit med och bidragit till denna efterfrågan behöver arbeta för att hålla sina kunder lojala och inte förlora marknadsandelar när marknadssituationen förändras av de stora aktörerna. Den förändrade konkurrenssituationen innebär att företag behöver lägga större fokus på kunden genom strategi och framförallt uppbyggnaden av lojalitet. Syfte Syftet är att få en ökad kunskap om hur ett företag som var tidigt ute på en marknad håller sina kunder lojala i samband med att konkurrenssituationen förändras. Metod För att besvara syftet har en kvalitativ fallstudie om företaget MatHem gjorts, för att slutligen kunna dra en generaliserad slutsats. Där insamling av primärdata och sekundärdata har analyserats för att slutligen nå en slutsats. Slutsats Det undersökta företaget håller sina kunder lojala genom att ha en hög generell kvalitet. Vilket betyder att de har hög kvalitet på produkterna, väl fungerande kundservice, överträffar kundens förväntningar och ett brett sortiment. När konkurrenssituationen förändras har företaget inga speciella strategier för att hålla sina kunder lojala, eftersom att företaget inte ser de andra aktörerna som konkurrenter. Företaget är den dyraste aktören på marknaden, men differentierar sig med ekologiska produkter för att erhålla lojala kunder.


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An extensive literature exists on the problems of daily (shift) and weekly (tour) labor scheduling. In representing requirements for employees in these problems, researchers have used formulations based either on the model of Dantzig (1954) or on the model of Keith (1979). We show that both formulations have weakness in environments where management knows, or can attempt to identify, how different levels of customer service affect profits. These weaknesses results in lower-than-necessary profits. This paper presents a New Formulation of the daily and weekly Labor Scheduling Problems (NFLSP) designed to overcome the limitations of earlier models. NFLSP incorporates information on how changing the number of employees working in each planning period affects profits. NFLP uses this information during the development of the schedule to identify the number of employees who, ideally, should be working in each period. In an extensive simulation of 1,152 service environments, NFLSP outperformed the formulations of Dantzig (1954) and Keith (1979) at a level of significance of 0.001. Assuming year-round operations and an hourly wage, including benefits, of $6.00, NFLSP's schedules were $96,046 (2.2%) and $24,648 (0.6%) more profitable, on average, than schedules developed using the formulations of Danzig (1954) and Keith (1979), respectively. Although the average percentage gain over Keith's model was fairly small, it could be much larger in some real cases with different parameters. In 73 and 100 percent of the cases we simulated NFLSP yielded a higher profit than the models of Keith (1979) and Danzig (1954), respectively.


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Il presente elaborato si propone di analizzare la tematica della sostenibilità nella gestione della Supply Chain, con particolare attenzione alla misurazione delle performance attraverso indicatori KPI e modelli multidimensionali. Nella prima sezione, dopo un’introduzione sul tema dello sviluppo sostenibile, si offre una descrizione dello scenario attuale e degli approcci alla sostenibilità, evidenziandone i principi guida e le sfide future, mentre in seguito vengono analizzate le pressioni esercitate dagli stakeholder per l’implementazione di pratiche sostenibili. La seconda porzione dell’elaborato è incentrata sull’introduzione della sostenibilità nel Supply Chain Management, caratterizzandone l’evoluzione dalla tradizionale gestione della catena di fornitura e mettendone in luce opportunità e barriere. Successivamente, la terza parte si propone di entrare nel dettaglio in merito alle pratiche adottabili nella filiera finalizzate all’implementazione di un management sostenibile, proponendo un modello concettuale per l’analisi delle varie attività, dalla progettazione di prodotto fino alla logistica inversa. Un’ulteriore tematica approfondita è rappresentata dall’impatto di queste pratiche sostenibili sulle performance economiche aziendali, proponendo diversi approcci. Nell’ultima sezione dell’elaborato il focus è incentrato sulla misurazione delle performance di sostenibilità, dove ne vengono indagate opportunità e difficoltà, proponendo in seguito un modello teorico. Contestualmente vengono quindi esposti diversi KPI e modelli multidimensionali, i quali, con modalità e prospettive diverse, contribuiscono alla misurazione delle prestazioni di sostenibilità: in particolare viene fatto riferimento agli indici caratteristici del GRI e all’utilizzo combinato della balanced scorecard e dell’analytic hierarchy process.


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The current paper aims at analyzing customer retention in Internet provider services. For this study, we sought to understand what are the client's expectations regarding the services available and compare them with management perception in relation to the use of those services. Identifying the coherence level between the two points of view, management and client, it is possible to pinpoint how service is assessed in real conditions. Then, from this point on, a new vision can be implemented on available services, and new customer service strategies aiming at best serving to their expectation and need, can be rethought. The exploratory research was utilized. It was based on case study, and quantitative and qualitative methods were used. The quantitative method was done by applying the cluster technique with six variables of control derived from the six main services, whose definition was done through qualitative survey of the internal management team. Then, an structured interview with 443 clients, from a probabilistic sample of 800 costumers. The total number of active clients of the internet provider is of 10.677. Client perception in relation to services varied, if compared with the four services that were under the managerial metric method, this comparison showed a more positive evaluation than the real use of the service. Thus, it was observed that the value of each service available for the client depends on his/her perception of it, regardless of using or not the offered service. As a result, it is possible to understand which services offered by the company under study effectively contribute to a good client-company relationship, and the upkeep of those clients