957 resultados para The supreme victory


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Pursuant to Iowa Code section 2B.5, the State Roster is published as a correct list of state officers and deputies, members of boards and commissions, justices of the Supreme Court, judges of the Court of Appeals, judges of the district courts, including district associate judges and judicial magistrates, and members of the General Assembly. More specifically, the State Roster lists the membership of active, policy-making boards and commissions established by state law, executive order of the Governor, or Iowa Court Rule. The State Roster may also list advisory councils of a permanent nature whose members are appointed by the Governor, as well as other boards and commissions of interest to the public.


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Pursuant to Iowa Code section 2B.5, the State Roster is published as a correct list of state officers and deputies, members of boards and commissions, justices of the Supreme Court, judges of the Court of Appeals, judges of the district courts, including district associate judges and judicial magistrates, and members of the General Assembly. More specifically, the State Roster lists the membership of active, policy-making boards and commissions established by state law, executive order of the Governor, or Iowa Court Rule. The State Roster may also list advisory councils of a permanent nature whose members are appointed by the Governor, as well as other boards and commissions of interest to the public.


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Pursuant to Iowa Code section 2B.5, the State Roster is published as a correct list of state officers and deputies, members of boards and commissions, justices of the Supreme Court, judges of the Court of Appeals, judges of the district courts, including district associate judges and judicial magistrates, and members of the General Assembly. More specifically, the State Roster lists the membership of active, policy-making boards and commissions established by state law, executive order of the Governor, or Iowa Court Rule. The State Roster may also list advisory councils of a permanent nature whose members are appointed by the Governor, as well as other boards and commissions of interest to the public.


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Pursuant to Iowa Code section 2B.5, the State Roster is published as a correct list of state officers and deputies, members of boards and commissions, justices of the Supreme Court, judges of the Court of Appeals, judges of the district courts, including district associate judges and judicial magistrates, and members of the General Assembly. More specifically, the State Roster lists the membership of active, policy-making boards and commissions established by state law, executive order of the Governor, or Iowa Court Rule. The State Roster may also list advisory councils of a permanent nature whose members are appointed by the Governor, as well as other boards and commissions of interest to the public.


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Pursuant to Iowa Code section 2B.5, the State Roster is published as a correct list of state officers and deputies, members of boards and commissions, justices of the Supreme Court, judges of the Court of Appeals, judges of the district courts, including district associate judges and judicial magistrates, and members of the General Assembly. More specifically, the State Roster lists the membership of active, policy-making boards and commissions established by state law, executive order of the Governor, or Iowa Court Rule. The State Roster may also list advisory councils of a permanent nature whose members are appointed by the Governor, as well as other boards and commissions of interest to the public.


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Pursuant to Iowa Code section 2B.5, the State Roster is published as a correct list of state officers and deputies, members of boards and commissions, justices of the Supreme Court, judges of the Court of Appeals, judges of the district courts, including district associate judges and judicial magistrates, and members of the General Assembly. More specifically, the State Roster lists the membership of active, policy-making boards and commissions established by state law, executive order of the Governor, or Iowa Court Rule. The State Roster may also list advisory councils of a permanent nature whose members are appointed by the Governor, as well as other boards and commissions of interest to the public.


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Pursuant to Iowa Code section 2B.5, the State Roster is published as a correct list of state officers and deputies, members of boards and commissions, justices of the Supreme Court, judges of the Court of Appeals, judges of the district courts, including district associate judges and judicial magistrates, and members of the General Assembly. More specifically, the State Roster lists the membership of active, policy-making boards and commissions established by state law, executive order of the Governor, or Iowa Court Rule. The State Roster may also list advisory councils of a permanent nature whose members are appointed by the Governor, as well as other boards and commissions of interest to the public.


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[cat] El presente artículo ofrece una aproximación al complejo fenómeno del exilio provocado por la Guerra Civil española desde un punto de vista poco analizado hasta este momento: el estudio a través de los epistolarios existentes de los sentimientos personales que hizo aflorar este abandono forzado del país (miedos, deseos, esperanzas, incertidumbres, preocupaciones e inquietudes, ánimos, etc.). Para conseguir esta visión más personal hemos basado nuestra investigación en el análisis de unas fuentes que consideramos poco trabajadas hasta el momento como son los epistolarios. El estudio de éstos, ya sean fuentes primarias depositadas en fondos de archivos diversos de Catalunya como los epistolarios editados, nos ha permitido obtener un testimonio personal y de primera mano de un fenómeno, el del exilio, tratado principalmente hasta ahora desde un punto de vista colectivo. El análisis, centrado básicamente en personajes catalanes y en el periodo comprendido entre 1939 y 1946 (cuando se desvanece definitivamente la esperanza que la victoria aliada provoque el fin del régimen) pone de manifiesto una voluntad común: el ansia del retorno.


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En 2008 y en dos ocasiones, la Sala Primera del Tribunal Supremo ha resuelto la cuestión relativa a si el propietario de una finca, la cual había contaminado como consecuencia del desarrollo de su actividad industrial y había vendido ocultando esta circunstancia, es responsable extracontractualmente frente al tercer adquirente por los daños económicos sufridos. En la primera Sentencia, de 29.10.2008, el Tribunal Supremo condena al contaminador por responsabilidad extracontractual. En la segunda, de 22.12.2008, el Tribunal Supremo absuelve a éste de la responsabilidad extracontracual porqué los daños fueron causados a una finca propia.


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La reciente publicación del draft del Common Frame of Reference invita a reflexionar sobre la figura del contrato de servicios, tal como ha sido desarrollada por el Study Group on a European Civil Code, y respecto de la que encontramos verdaderas innovaciones en comparación con la teoría tradicional que aún mantienen nuestra doctrina y jurisprudencia. El objeto del trabajo es exponer algunas de las soluciones que propone el derecho contractual europeo, e incidir en la posibilidad y conveniencia de su aplicación en nuestro país, con vistas a la oportuna elaboración de la tan esperada regulación civil sobre el contrato de servicios.


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Tutkielman tavoitteena on tutkia veronkiertosäännöksen eli VML 28 §:n soveltamista sivuutettaessa osakeyhtiö verotuksessa. Tutkielma on rajattu tapauksiin, joissa osakeyhtiön tuloa on sivuutettu ja verotettu osakkaan palkkatulona. Tutkielma muodostuu lähinnä kirjallisuuteen ja lainsäädäntöön perustuvista teoriaosista sekä oikeuskäytäntöön pohjautuvasta tutkimusosasta. Tutkimus on oikeusdogmaattinen, eli tarkoituksena on selvittää voimassa olevan lainsäädännön sisältö. Tutkimuksessa on käyty läpi korkeimman hallinto-oikeuden ja hallinto-oikeuksien päätöksiä ja selvitetty näiden avulla kriteerejä, joita voidaan pitää tunnusmerkkeinä vallitsevasta palkkasuhteesta. Tämä saattaa johtaa verotuksessa osakeyhtiön tulon sivuuttamiseen. Päätös osakeyhtiön sivuuttamisesta tehdään kuitenkin aina kokonaisarvioinnin perusteella. Päätöksen lopputulokseen vaikuttaa kuitenkin merkittävästi mm. osakeyhtiön toimeksiantajien lukumäärä. Mikäli toimeksisaaja työskentelee hyvin samankaltaisissa olosuhteissa kuin toimeksiantajan työntekijät, voidaan osakeyhtiö verotuksessa sivuuttaa, mikäli tilanne tulee esille esim. verotarkastuksen yhteydessä.


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[spa] El presente artículo ofrece una aproximación al complejo fenómeno del exilio provocado por la Guerra Civil española desde un punto de vista poco analizado hasta este momento: el estudio a través de los epistolarios existentes de los sentimientos personales que hizo aflorar este abandono forzado del país (miedos, deseos, esperanzas, incertidumbres, preocupaciones e inquietudes, ánimos, etc.). Para conseguir esta visión más personal hemos basado nuestra investigación en el análisis de unas fuentes que consideramos poco trabajadas hasta el momento como son los epistolarios. El estudio de éstos, ya sean fuentes primarias depositadas en fondos de archivos diversos de Catalunya como los epistolarios editados, nos ha permitido obtener un testimonio personal y de primera mano de un fenómeno, el del exilio, tratado principalmente hasta ahora desde un punto de vista colectivo. El análisis, centrado básicamente en personajes catalanes y en el periodo comprendido entre 1939 y 1946 (cuando se desvanece definitivamente la esperanza que la victoria aliada provoque el fin del régimen) pone de manifiesto una voluntad común: el ansia del retorno.


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Djur och djurskyddet hör till ett rättsligt regleringsområde som inte varit föremål för omfattande rättsvetenskaplig forskning i vårt land även om intresset för djurs välbefinnande ökat både i samhället och inom EU. Avhandlingen har avfattats som en artikelavhandling och är en offentligrättslig studie om djurskyddslagstiftningen och förvaltningen av djurskyddsärenden i Finland. Tematiken har behandlats både ur djurens och djurens ägares eller innehavares synvinkel med utgångspunkt i djurskyddslagstiftningen och förvaltningen av djurskyddsärenden i Finland. Forskningen är fokuserad huvudsakligen på skyddet av och välbefinnandet hos produktions- och slaktdjur även om bland annat de begrepp som granskas också berör andra djurkategorier. De övergripande frågeställningarna i avhandlingen är två. För det första, vad är det som avses med djurs välbefinnande och skydd i regleringen av djurskyddet och för det andra, hur realiseras dessa i djurskyddsmyndigheternas förvaltningsverksamhet? I forskningen presenteras och diskuteras bland annat en ny begreppskonstruktion: djurs rättsliga välbefinnande. Den empiriska delen i avhandlingen omfattar förvaltningsverksamheten inom området av djurskydd under åren 1996–2006. Sammanlagt 10468 dokument som upprättats av djurskyddsmyndigheten i samband med verkställandet av djurskyddsövervakning ingår i undersökningen. Forskningen utmynnar i en åtgärdsförteckning med förslag till utvecklingen av området för djurskydd.