845 resultados para Television and sports
OdACAV és un banc electrònic d’objectes d’aprenentatge (OdA) que te com a finalitat principal servir als docents de les assignatures troncals dels Estudis de Comunicació Audiovisual (CAV) de la UB (obert també a altres universitats catalanes) implicats o que es vulguin implicar en la innovació docent i pretén facilitar i potenciar la documentació per a la investigació i la recerca a l’entorn del paper innovador dels OdA digitals; així com la patrimonialització dels mateixos. Què és i que no és un OdA de CAV? És tot allò que serveix en un procés d'ensinistrament, d'aprenentatge, de formació - que en els cas que ens ocupa, es tradueix en una col·lecció d'imatges fixes, en un hipertext, en una hipermèdia, un vídeo, etc.-, i la missió dels quals és suscitar l’interès i l'aprofitament en el transvasament dels continguts de les assignatures dels estudis actuals (de la Llicenciatura) i futurs (del Grau) de Comunicació Audiovisual. El projecte sorgeix com a necessitat orgànica de la mateixa naturalesa de l'ensenyament de Comunicació Audiovisual, on en el pla dels continguts els exemples, els referents, els models no són encara prou desenvolupats i costa molt disposar d'OdAs suficientment competents. Les fonts documentals del cinema, de la televisió i dels mitjans en general són la base sobre la que s’han bastit els OdA de la base de dades del web http://www.lmi.ub.es/repositori/ amb l’esperança que resultin adequats a la innovació en els Estudis de Comunicació Audiovisual. És, doncs, un repositori de condició cooperativa, dinàmic i flexible; amb esperit blog/wiki, els objectius del qual són: la creació d'un sistema de dipositació dels OdA; l'establiment d'un sistema de recuperació dels mateixos; la implantació de fluxos d'entrada i sortida; la consolidació d'un observatori d'investigació i de recerca sobre la innovació dels OdA en els entorns i els sistemes educatius actuals; l’articulació de possibles accions patrimonials al voltant de la creació i preservació d’aquests.
The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) is an independent statutory organisation responsible for certain aspects of television and radio services in Ireland, guided by the Broadcasting Act 2009. The BAI are undertaking a review of the Children’s Commercial Communications Code section 11 rules on Diet and Nutrition. This section sets down standards with which commercial communications for food and drink shown during children’s programmes and/or where these communications are for food and drink products or services that are of special interest to children.
El treball de recerca té com a principal objectiu l'estudi del cinema documental rus contemporani a través de l'obra cinematogràfica d'Alexander Sokurov, Sergei Dvortsevoi, Sergei Loznitsa i Victor Kossakovski. En un primer moment la investigació s'havia encaminat en un estudi comparatiu sobre les noves tendències del documental i els models de realisme proposats des de la Rússia post-comunista. El treball s'ha realitzat a partir de tres vies d'investigació. La primera ha consistit en una exhaustiva recerca bibliogràfica sobre cinema documental i cinema soviètic. La segona s'ha plantejat a partir d'un anàlisi acurat de les diverses pel•lícules. Finalment, la tercera via s'ha desenvolupat a partir d'un treball de camp realitzat durant una estada a Rússia, un període en el qual va ser possible entrevistar dos dels cineastes protagonistes de l'estudi, Sergei Dvortsevoi i Victor Kossakovski, així com el crític de cinema Andrei Xemijakin. També va ser fonamental l'assistència a la taula rodona i la master class impartida per Sergei Loznitsa en el marc del desè aniversari del Màster en Teoria i Pràctica de Documental Creatiu de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Tot i que es poden traçar vincles entre el treball dels quatre cineastes escollits i algunes de les pràctiques contemporànies en l'àmbit de la no-ficció, com pot ser l'experiència de Sergei Loznitsa en el terreny del found-footage, o els documentals experimentals de caràcter assagístic d'Alexander Sokurov, així com la tendència observacional i el pas al cinema de ficció de Segei Dvortsevoi, o l'ús de la tecnologia digital en les últimes pel•lícules de Victor Kossakovski. Tot i aquestes aproximacions, es pot afirmar que el model de realisme proposat per aquests cineastes troba el seu autèntic llegat en el cinema soviètic. Una herència que comença amb el cinema de Dziga Vertov –pioner del documental artístic i revolucionari- i acaba en el d'Artavadz Pelechian –cineasta armeni i un dels màxims representatnts del documental poètic-. El treball de recerca ha estat presentat en forma de comunicació en el congrés internacional “IMAGEing Reality: Representing the Real in Film, Television and New Media”, celebrat a Pamplona el mes d'Octubre de 2009. La comunicació s'ha redactat en format article i està pendent de publicació.
As we face a difficult economic climate, in which inequalities may worsen, the PHA faces many challenges in its efforts to improve the health of the population. One such challenge is the issue of obesity. Recently, in the Draft Programme for Government and, again today, in anticipation of the publication of the Consultation on the Review of Health and Social Care Services in Northern Ireland, the specific issue of obesity has been highlighted in the media.The PHA is committed to playing a lead role in tackling this major health issue and has been systematically examining the evidence of best practice and effectiveness to ensure that investment and working in partnership will bring clear benefits. A welcome consequence of any success would be a reduction in the impact of the physical, and emotional costs of obesity related ill-health to individuals - and the financial costs to an overstretched healthcare system.A multi-facetted approach to tackling obesity is required for Northern Ireland. This will mean working across government departments, looking at relevant legislation, taxation, food standards and labelling, as well as supporting a raft of programmes within education, workplace, and at the local community level."The prevalence of overweight and obesity has risen dramatically in recent years in Northern Ireland and is now the norm to be overweight, rather than the exception. The Northern Ireland Health and Social Wellbeing Survey (2010-11) indicated that 36% of adults are overweight and a further 23% are obese; this means that approximately 3 in 5 adults in Northern Ireland carry excess weight. A similar proportion of males and females were obese (23%) however males were more likely to be overweight (44%) than females (30%).Data from the Northern Ireland Health and Wellbeing Survey (2010-11) reported that 27% of children aged 2-15 years are obese or overweight. The findings presented here are based on the guidelines put forward by the International Obesity Task Force. Using this approach, 8% of children were assessed as obese, with similar results for boys (8%) and girls (9%). Obesity has serious implications for health and wellbeing and is associated with an increased risk of heart disease and stroke, type 2 diabetes, some cancers, respiratory problems and joint pain.Evidence indicates that being obese can reduce life expectancy by up to 9 years; and it can impact on emotional and psychological well-being and self-esteem, especially among young people.Obesity also impacts on wider society through economic costs, loss of productivity and increased demands on our health and social care system. It is estimated that obesity in Northern Ireland is resulting in 260,000 working days lost each year with a cost to the local economy of £500 million.The good news is that the intentional loss of significant weight (approx 10kg) in overweight and obese adults has been shown to confer significant health benefits, decreased morbidity and may also reduce obesity-related mortality.Key programmes and interventions are undertaken by the PHA in order to prevent and reduce overweight and obesity. The programmes/interventions are supported by significant ongoing work at local level. Examples include:the promotion of breastfeeding; local programmes to increase awareness of good nutrition and develop cooking skills, for example 'Cook It!'; promotion of more active lifestyles, for example, Walking for Health' and 'Teenage Kicks'; development of community allotment schemes; programmes for primary school children, for example Skip2bfit and Eat, Taste and Grow; and sports and other recreation, for example 'Active Belfast'. The PHA's multi media campaign 'It all adds up!' to encourage children to become more active and understand the importance of keeping fit, in a fun and exciting way, ran until October 2011. It encouraged parents and carers to go to the website www.getalifegetactive.com and download the PHA logbook It all adds up! to plan activities as a family. The logbook helped children and parents plan and keep track of their participation in physical activity at school, home and in the community. PHA is currently developing a public information campaign and other supportive work to increase public awareness of obesity as well as to provide advice and support for those who want to make real changes. The campaign development is well underway and is anticipated for launch in late Spring 2012. Like many common health problems, people living in disadvantaged circumstances suffer most and the PHA is committed to tackling this aspect of health inequality. The good news is that even a modest weight loss, of 1-1 Â_ stones, can help to reduce the risk of many of the health problems resulting from being overweight or obese. Information on losing weight through healthier eating and being more active can be found on the PHA websites - www.enjoyhealthyeating.info and www.getalifegetactive.com . These websites provide help and advice for anyone who wants to improve their eating habits and fitness levels, by making small, sustainable, healthy changes to their lifestyle. The PHA leaflet, Small changes, big benefits is also available to download from the PHA website, 'Publications' section.
L'objectiu d'aquest projecte és l'anàlisi, disseny i la seva corresponent implementació d'una solució basada en programari per a poder gestionar un conjunt de fabriques de televisors i monitors en quan a la gestió de l'estoc d'escandall, la gestió de les OF's i la gestió dels FR.
A ban on tobacco advertising is one of the major tools to promote tobacco control. Swiss citizens recently refused to modify the Swiss Constitution to ban tobacco advertising. This case study shows how a strong alliance among the tobacco industry, the state, the media, and sports and cultural activities planners made it difficult for people to make an informed decision. The promoters of the ban were unable to provide counter-arguments to the mostly fallacious claims made by the opponents regarding the likely health and economic impact of this ban. A comparison to successful campaigns in Canada and New Zealand provides insight regarding factors missing in the Swiss campaign which might have been useful in obtaining support from Swiss citizens.
Fent ús del programari lliure s'ha generat la unitat didàctica del joc del terceti per a la televisió digital interactiva i s'ha desada en format SCORM. La facilitat d'ús del comandament a distància fa possible practicar un tipus de t-learning fonamentat en l'edutainment (education+entertaiment) i provoca que el teleespectador passiu passi a ser un "teleusuari" més actiu.
Objective To compute the burden of cancer attributable to current and former alcohol consumption in eight European countries based on direct relative risk estimates from a cohort study. Design Combination of prospective cohort study with representative population based data on alcohol exposure. Setting Eight countries (France, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Greece, Germany, Denmark) participating in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study. Participants 109 118 men and 254 870 women, mainly aged 37-70. Main outcome measures Hazard rate ratios expressing the relative risk of cancer incidence for former and current alcohol consumption among EPIC participants. Hazard rate ratios combined with representative information on alcohol consumption to calculate alcohol attributable fractions of causally related cancers by country and sex. Partial alcohol attributable fractions for consumption higher than the recommended upper limit (two drinks a day for men with about 24 g alcohol, one for women with about 12 g alcohol) and the estimated total annual number of cases of alcohol attributable cancer. Results If we assume causality, among men and women, 10% (95% confidence interval 7 to 13%) and 3% (1 to 5%) of the incidence of total cancer was attributable to former and current alcohol consumption in the selected European countries. For selected cancers the figures were 44% (31 to 56%) and 25% (5 to 46%) for upper aerodigestive tract, 33% (11 to 54%) and 18% (−3 to 38%) for liver, 17% (10 to 25%) and 4% (−1 to 10%) for colorectal cancer for men and women, respectively, and 5.0% (2 to 8%) for female breast cancer. A substantial part of the alcohol attributable fraction in 2008 was associated with alcohol consumption higher than the recommended upper limit: 33 037 of 178 578 alcohol related cancer cases in men and 17 470 of 397 043 alcohol related cases in women. Conclusions In western Europe, an important proportion of cases of cancer can be attributable to alcohol consumption, especially consumption higher than the recommended upper limits. These data support current political efforts to reduce or to abstain from alcohol consumption to reduce the incidence of cancer.
Aquest estudi representa la primera exploració de l'ús de la televisió i la selecció de programes per part de grups d'indígenes a Chiapas. Més concretament, s'examina com els membres d'aquests grups seleccionen canals i programes específics dels mitjans de comunicació per raons d'etnicitat, i com això té a veure amb estratègies de mobilitat social. Les dades de 173 indígenes estudiants de la universitat Intercultural de Chiapas van indicar que per a 77 membres d'aquesta mostra, veure la televisió i seleccionar programes sobre la base de la seva etnicitat és una activitat de visualització important per a la seva autoestima etnolingüística. Aquests resultats es discuteixen en termes de la representació televisiva dels grups ètnics de Chiapas i motiven la realització de futures investigacions sobre aquests temes a Chiapas.
The general practice of altitude training is widely accepted as a means to enhance sport performance despite a lack of rigorous scientific studies. For example, the scientific gold-standard design of a double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over trial has never been conducted on altitude training. Given that few studies have utilised appropriate controls, there should be more scepticism concerning the effects of altitude training methodologies. In this brief review we aim to point out weaknesses in theories and methodologies of the various altitude training paradigms and to highlight the few well-designed studies to give athletes, coaches and sports medicine professionals the current scientific state of knowledge on common forms of altitude training. Another aim is to encourage investigators to design well-controlled studies that will enhance our understanding of the mechanisms and potential benefits of altitude training.
La tesis titulada “La práctica médica en el ejercicio físico en la Barcelona de principios del siglo XX” trata de examinar cómo se relacionaba la práctica médica con los ejercicios físicos como la gimnasia y el deporte, y saber si realmente se llegó a formar una especialidad médica llamada medicina del deporte en la Barcelona de los principios del siglo XX. La primera parte se titula “Perspectiva histórica del ejercicio físico y la medicina”, y trata de la relación general entre el ejercicio físico y la medicina desde el punto de macro-vista histórico y regional. La segunda parte se titula “Hacia la formación de la especialización de la medicina del deporte en Barcelona”, y analiza la práctica médica relacionada con el deporte en una ciudad concreta durante un tiempo determinado, es decir, desde un punto de micro-vista. En el fondo de la creación de las especialidades médicas a partir de mediados del siglo XIX existe la formación de una sociedad moderna, simbolizada por el sistema administrativo de la democracia nacional y el sistema económico del capitalismo. Considerando los elementos comprendidos dentro del sistema de la modernidad que provocaron la especialización médica tales como la urbanización, la industrialización, el aumento de la población, el interés estatal, el desarrollo de la prensa, el elevado interés público, el progreso intelectual y tecnológico de la ciencia y la medicina, la creación de un sistema de atención de la salud, la formación y participación en las instituciones internacionales, el cambio de la identidad de los médicos, y la reposición de la medicina holística, investigo integralmente la formación de la especialidad de la medicina del deporte en Catalunya, y lo caracterizo por las iniciativas privadas emprendidas por un sector experto y profano, y la ausencia de un interés estatal suficiente en la dicha especialidad.
BACKGROUND Excess body weight, physical activity, smoking, alcohol consumption and certain dietary factors are individually related to colorectal cancer (CRC) risk; however, little is known about their joint effects. The aim of this study was to develop a healthy lifestyle index (HLI) composed of five potentially modifiable lifestyle factors - healthy weight, physical activity, non-smoking, limited alcohol consumption and a healthy diet, and to explore the association of this index with CRC incidence using data collected within the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) cohort. METHODS In the EPIC cohort, a total of 347,237 men and women, 25- to 70-years old, provided dietary and lifestyle information at study baseline (1992 to 2000). Over a median follow-up time of 12 years, 3,759 incident CRC cases were identified. The association between a HLI and CRC risk was evaluated using Cox proportional hazards regression models and population attributable risks (PARs) have been calculated. RESULTS After accounting for study centre, age, sex and education, compared with 0 or 1 healthy lifestyle factors, the hazard ratio (HR) for CRC was 0.87 (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.44 to 0.77) for two factors, 0.79 (95% CI: 0.70 to 0.89) for three factors, 0.66 (95% CI: 0.58 to 0.75) for four factors and 0.63 (95% CI: 0.54 to 0.74) for five factors; P-trend <0.0001. The associations were present for both colon and rectal cancers, HRs, 0.61 (95% CI: 0.50 to 0.74; P for trend <0.0001) for colon cancer and 0.68 (95% CI: 0.53 to 0.88; P-trend <0.0001) for rectal cancer, respectively (P-difference by cancer sub-site = 0.10). Overall, 16% of the new CRC cases (22% in men and 11% in women) were attributable to not adhering to a combination of all five healthy lifestyle behaviours included in the index. CONCLUSIONS Combined lifestyle factors are associated with a lower incidence of CRC in European populations characterized by western lifestyles. Prevention strategies considering complex targeting of multiple lifestyle factors may provide practical means for improved CRC prevention.
BACKGROUND Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), the most prevalent form of liver cancer, is difficult to diagnose and has limited treatment options with a low survival rate. Aside from a few key risk factors, such as hepatitis, high alcohol consumption, smoking, obesity, and diabetes, there is incomplete etiologic understanding of the disease and little progress in identification of early risk biomarkers. METHODS To address these aspects, an untargeted nuclear magnetic resonance metabolomic approach was applied to pre-diagnostic serum samples obtained from first incident, primary HCC cases (n = 114) and matched controls (n = 222) identified from amongst the participants of a large European prospective cohort. RESULTS A metabolic pattern associated with HCC risk comprised of perturbations in fatty acid oxidation and amino acid, lipid, and carbohydrate metabolism was observed. Sixteen metabolites of either endogenous or exogenous origin were found to be significantly associated with HCC risk. The influence of hepatitis infection and potential liver damage was assessed, and further analyses were made to distinguish patterns of early or later diagnosis. CONCLUSION Our results show clear metabolic alterations from early stages of HCC development with application for better etiologic understanding, prevention, and early detection of this increasingly common cancer.
Annual Report, Agency Performance Plan
The Center "la Guglera", located in the canton of Fribourg (Switzerland) provides a novel approach to the care of severely obese adolescents who are currently unemployed. These young people, whose BMI is usually higher than 35 to 40 kg/m2 spend a 6 to 12 months long stay in an in-patient institution which also takes care of other unemployed non obese adolescents on an outpatient basis. Besides a nutritional education which is part of the everyday life of the institution, the program includes a generous amount of hours of physical activities and sports. The adolescents also participate in a rehabilitation training program which fosters the future integration in a professional milieu, such as an apprenticeship. The short term results of la Guglera seem very promising. The program is financially co-supported by the Swiss and cantonal administrations, the insurance companies and the parents.