973 resultados para Span-by-span method
Des efforts de recherche considérables ont été déployés afin d'améliorer les résultats de traitement de cancers pulmonaires. L'étude de la déformation de l'anatomie du patient causée par la ventilation pulmonaire est au coeur du processus de planification de traitement radio-oncologique. À l'aide d'images de tomodensitométrie quadridimensionnelles (4DCT), une simulation dosimétrique peut être calculée sur les 10 ensembles d'images du 4DCT. Une méthode doit être employée afin de recombiner la dose de radiation calculée sur les 10 anatomies représentant une phase du cycle respiratoire. L'utilisation de recalage déformable d'images (DIR), une méthode de traitement d'images numériques, génère neuf champs vectoriels de déformation permettant de rapporter neuf ensembles d'images sur un ensemble de référence correspondant habituellement à la phase d'expiration profonde du cycle respiratoire. L'objectif de ce projet est d'établir une méthode de génération de champs de déformation à l'aide de la DIR conjointement à une méthode de validation de leur précision. Pour y parvenir, une méthode de segmentation automatique basée sur la déformation surfacique de surface à été créée. Cet algorithme permet d'obtenir un champ de déformation surfacique qui décrit le mouvement de l'enveloppe pulmonaire. Une interpolation volumétrique est ensuite appliquée dans le volume pulmonaire afin d'approximer la déformation interne des poumons. Finalement, une représentation en graphe de la vascularisation interne du poumon a été développée afin de permettre la validation du champ de déformation. Chez 15 patients, une erreur de recouvrement volumique de 7.6 ± 2.5[%] / 6.8 ± 2.1[%] et une différence relative des volumes de 6.8 ± 2.4 [%] / 5.9 ± 1.9 [%] ont été calculées pour le poumon gauche et droit respectivement. Une distance symétrique moyenne 0.8 ± 0.2 [mm] / 0.8 ± 0.2 [mm], une distance symétrique moyenne quadratique de 1.2 ± 0.2 [mm] / 1.3 ± 0.3 [mm] et une distance symétrique maximale 7.7 ± 2.4 [mm] / 10.2 ± 5.2 [mm] ont aussi été calculées pour le poumon gauche et droit respectivement. Finalement, 320 ± 51 bifurcations ont été détectées dans le poumons droit d'un patient, soit 92 ± 10 et 228 ± 45 bifurcations dans la portion supérieure et inférieure respectivement. Nous avons été en mesure d'obtenir des champs de déformation nécessaires pour la recombinaison de dose lors de la planification de traitement radio-oncologique à l'aide de la méthode de déformation hiérarchique des surfaces. Nous avons été en mesure de détecter les bifurcations de la vascularisation pour la validation de ces champs de déformation.
L’objectif de cette étude est de réaliser une analyse comparative de la pauvreté et de la structure de consommation des ménages des capitales des Etats membres de l’Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine (UEMOA) à partir des données des enquêtes dépenses des ménages (EDM) réalisées en 2008 dans ces agglomérations. En s’appuyant sur l’approche monétaire de la pauvreté mise en oeuvre par la méthode du coût des besoins essentiels, il ressort que plus d’un ménage sur 10, soit 10,5% de l’ensemble de la population étudiée vit sous le seuil de pauvreté estimé à 277450 F CFA de dépenses annuelles par unité de consommation. Le test de dominance stochastique de 1er ordre confirme que l’ampleur du phénomène est en moyenne plus importante dans les villes sahéliennes (Bamako, Niamey, Ouagadougou) que dans les grandes villes côtières (Abidjan, Dakar, Lomé). Par ailleurs, l’analyse économétrique révèle que la taille du ménage et le capital humain du chef de ménage sont des déterminants importants du niveau de vie monétaire des ménages. En effet, tandis que le risque de pauvreté est plus élevé chez les ménages de grande taille, le niveau de vie d’un ménage est d’autant plus élevé que le niveau d’instruction du chef est important. En outre, on observe que dans les agglomérations où le taux de pauvreté est le plus élevé, les ménages accordent un poids plus élevé aux dépenses alimentaires. Enfin, l’estimation des élasticités dépenses totales de la demande à l’aide d’une régression linéaire suggère qu’en moyenne, les besoins de consommation insatisfaits par les ménages portent sur les services (les transports, la communication, la santé, l’éducation et les loisirs).
Les positions des évènements de recombinaison s’agrègent ensemble, formant des hotspots déterminés en partie par la protéine à évolution rapide PRDM9. En particulier, ces positions de hotspots sont déterminées par le domaine de doigts de zinc (ZnF) de PRDM9 qui reconnait certains motifs d’ADN. Les allèles de PRDM9 contenant le ZnF de type k ont été préalablement associés avec une cohorte de patients affectés par la leucémie aigüe lymphoblastique. Les allèles de PRDM9 sont difficiles à identifier à partir de données de séquençage de nouvelle génération (NGS), en raison de leur nature répétitive. Dans ce projet, nous proposons une méthode permettant la caractérisation d’allèles de PRDM9 à partir de données de NGS, qui identifie le nombre d’allèles contenant un type spécifique de ZnF. Cette méthode est basée sur la corrélation entre les profils représentant le nombre de séquences nucléotidiques uniques à chaque ZnF retrouvés chez les lectures de NGS simulées sans erreur d’une paire d’allèles et chez les lectures d’un échantillon. La validité des prédictions obtenues par notre méthode est confirmée grâce à analyse basée sur les simulations. Nous confirmons également que la méthode peut correctement identifier le génotype d’allèles de PRDM9 qui n’ont pas encore été identifiés. Nous conduisons une analyse préliminaire identifiant le génotype des allèles de PRDM9 contenant un certain type de ZnF dans une cohorte de patients atteints de glioblastomes multiforme pédiatrique, un cancer du cerveau caractérisé par les mutations récurrentes dans le gène codant pour l’histone H3, la cible de l’activité épigénétique de PRDM9. Cette méthode ouvre la possibilité d’identifier des associations entre certains allèles de PRDM9 et d’autres types de cancers pédiatriques, via l’utilisation de bases de données de NGS de cellules tumorales.
Thèse réalisée en cotutelle entre Aix-Marseille Université et l'Université de Montréal
This proposed thesis is entitled “Plasma Polymerised Organic Thin Films: A study on the Structural, Electrical, and Nonlinear Optical Properties for Possible Applications. Polymers and polymer based materials find enormous applications in the realm of electronics and optoelectronics. They are employed as both active and passive components in making various devices. Enormous research activities are going on in this area for the last three decades or so, and many useful contributions are made quite accidentally. Conducting polymers is such a discovery, and eversince the discovery of conducting polyacetylene, a new branch of science itself has emerged in the form of synthetic metals. Conducting polymers are useful materials for many applications like polymer displays, high density data storage, polymer FETs, polymer LEDs, photo voltaic devices and electrochemical cells. With the emergence of molecular electronics and its potential in finding useful applications, organic thin films are receiving an unusual attention by scientists and engineers alike. This is evident from the vast literature pertaining to this field appearing in various journals. Recently, computer aided design of organic molecules have added further impetus to the ongoing research activities in this area. Polymers, especially, conducting polymers can be prepared both in the bulk and in the thinfilm form. However, many applications necessitate that they are grown in the thin film form either as free standing or on appropriate substrates. As far as their bulk counterparts are concerned, they can be prepared by various polymerisation techniques such as chemical routes and electrochemical means. A survey of the literature reveals that polymers like polyaniline, polypyrrole, polythiophene, have been investigated with a view to studying their structural electrical and optical properties. Among the various alternate techniques employed for the preparation of polymer thin films, the method of plasma polymerisation needs special attention in this context. The technique of plasma polymerisation is an inexpensive method and often requires very less infra structure. This method includes the employment of ac, rf, dc, microwave and pulsed sources. They produce pinhole free homogeneous films on appropriate substrates under controlled conditions. In conventional plasma polymerisation set up, the monomer is fed into an evacuated chamber and an ac/rf/dc/ w/pulsed discharge is created which enables the monomer species to dissociate, leading to the formation of polymer thin films. However, it has been found that the structure and hence the properties exhibited by plasma polymerized thin films are quite different from that of their counterparts produced by other thin film preparation techniques such as electrochemical deposition or spin coating. The properties of these thin films can be tuned only if the interrelationship between the structure and other properties are understood from a fundamental point of view. So very often, a through evaluation of the various properties is a pre-requisite for tailoring the properties of the thin films for applications. It has been found that conjugation is a necessary condition for enhancing the conductivity of polymer thin films. RF technique of plasma polymerisation is an excellent tool to induce conjugation and this modifies the electrical properties too. Both oxidative and reductive doping can be employed to modify the electrical properties of the polymer thin films for various applications. This is where organic thin films based on polymers scored over inorganic thin films, where in large area devices can be fabricated with organic semiconductors which is difficult to achieve by inorganic materials. For such applications, a variety of polymers have been synthesized such as polyaniline, polythiophene, polypyrrole etc. There are newer polymers added to this family every now and then. There are many virgin areas where plasma polymers are yet to make a foray namely low-k dielectrics or as potential nonlinear optical materials such as optical limiters. There are also many materials which are not been prepared by the method of plasma polymerisation. Some of the materials which are not been dealt with are phenyl hydrazine and tea tree oil. The advantage of employing organic extracts like tea tree oil monomers as precursors for making plasma polymers is that there can be value addition to the already existing uses and possibility exists in converting them to electronic grade materials, especially semiconductors and optically active materials for photonic applications. One of the major motivations of this study is to synthesize plasma polymer thin films based on aniline, phenyl hydrazine, pyrrole, tea tree oil and eucalyptus oil by employing both rf and ac plasma polymerisation techniques. This will be carried out with the objective of growing thin films on various substrates such as glass, quartz and indium tin oxide (ITO) coated glass. There are various properties namely structural, electrical, dielectric permittivity, nonlinear optical properties which are to be evaluated to establish the relationship with the structure and the other properties. Special emphasis will be laid in evaluating the optical parameters like refractive index (n), extinction coefficient (k), the real and imaginary components of dielectric constant and the optical transition energies of the polymer thin films from the spectroscopic ellipsometric studies. Apart from evaluating these physical constants, it is also possible to predict whether a material exhibit nonlinear optical properties by ellipsometric investigations. So further studies using open aperture z-scan technique in order to evaluate the nonlinear optical properties of a few selected samples which are potential nonlinear optical materials is another objective of the present study. It will be another endeavour to offer an appropriate explanation for the nonlinear optical properties displayed by these films. Doping of plasma polymers is found to modify both the electrical conductivity and optical properties. Iodine is found to modify the properties of the polymer thin films. However insitu iodine doping is tricky and the film often looses its stability because of the escape of iodine. An appropriate insitu technique of doping will be developed to dope iodine in to the plasma polymerized thin films. Doping of polymer thin films with iodine results in improved and modified optical and electrical properties. However it requires tools like FTIR and UV-Vis-NIR spectroscopy to elucidate the structural and optical modifications imparted to the polymer films. This will be attempted here to establish the role of iodine in the modification of the properties exhibited by the films
This thesis aims to develop new toughened systems for epoxy resin via physical and chemical modifications. Initially the synthesis of DGEBA was carried out and the properties compared with that of the commercial sample. Subsequently the modifier resins to be employed were synthesized. The synthesized resin were characterized by spectroscopic method (FTIR and H NMR), epoxide equivalent and gel permeation chromatography. Chemical modification involves the incorporation of thermoset resins such a phenolics, epoxy novolacs, cardanol epoxides and unsaturated polyester into the epoxy resin by reactive belnding. The mechanical and thermal properties of the blends were studied. In the physical modification route, elastomers, maleated elastomers and functional elastomers were dispersed as micro-sized rubber phase into the continuous epoxy phase by a solution blending technique as against the conventional mechanical blending technique. The effect of matrix toughening on the properties of glass reinforced composites and the effect of fillers on the properties of commercial epoxy resin were also investigated. The blends were characterized by thermo gravimetric analysis, differential scanning calorimetry, dynamic mechanical analysis, scanning electron microscopy and mechanical property measurements. Among the thermoset blends, substantial toughening was observed in the case of epoxy phenolic novolacs especially epoxy para cresol novolac (ECN). In the case of elastomer blending , the toughest blends were obtained in the case of maleic anhydride grafted NBR. Among functional elastomers the best results were obtained with CTBN. Studies on filled and glass reinforced composites employing modified epoxy as matrix revealed an overall improvement in mechanical properties
The present work is an attempt to understand the characteristics of high energy ball milling on the structural, electrical and magnetic properties of some normal spinets in the ultra fine regime, Magnetism and magnetic materials have been a fascinating subject for the mankind ever since the discovery of lodestone. Since then, man has been applying this principle of magnetism to build devices for various applications. Magnetism can be classified broadly into five categories. They are diamagnetic, paramagnetic, ferromagnetic antiferromagnetic and ferrimagnetic. Of these, ferro and ferri magnetic materials assume great commercial importance due to their unique properties like appropriate magnetic characteristics, high resistivity and low eddy current losses. The emergence of nanoscience and nanotechnology during the last decade had its impact in the field of magnetism and magnetic materials too. Now, it is common knowledge that materials synthesized in the nanoregime exhibit novel and superlative properties with respect to their coarser sized counterparts in the micron regime. These studies reveal that dielectric properties can be varied appreciably by high-energy ball milling in nanosized zinc ferrites produced by coprecipitation method. A semi conducting behaviour was observed in these materials with the Oxygen vacancies acting as the main charge carrier for conduction, which was produced at the time of coprecipitation and milling. Thus through this study, it was possible to successfully investigate the finite size effects on the structural, electrical and magnetic properties of normal spinels in the ultra fine regime
Nanoscale silica was synthesized by precipitation method using sodium silicate and dilute hydrochloric acid under controlled conditions. The synthesized silica was characterized by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), BET adsorption and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). The particle size of silica was calculated to be 13 nm from the XRD results and the surface area was found to be 295 m2/g by BET method. The performance of this synthesized nanosilica as a reinforcing filler in natural rubber (NR) compound was investigated. The commercial silica was used as the reference material. Nanosilica was found to be effective reinforcing filler in natural rubber compound. Filler-matrix interaction was better for nanosilica than the commercial silica. The synthesized nanosilica was used in place of conventional silica in HRH (hexamethylene tetramine, resorcinol and silica) bonding system for natural rubber and styrene butadiene rubber / Nylon 6 short fiber composites. The efficiency of HRH bonding system based on nanosilica was better. Nanosilica was also used as reinforcing filler in rubber / Nylon 6 short fiber hybrid composite. The cure, mechanical, ageing, thermal and dynamic mechanical properties of nanosilica / Nylon 6 short fiber / elastomeric hybrid composites were studied in detail. The matrices used were natural rubber (NR), nitrile rubber (NBR), styrene butadiene rubber (SBR) and chloroprene rubber (CR). Fiber loading was varied from 0 to 30 parts per hundred rubber (phr) and silica loading was varied from 0 to 9 phr. Hexa:Resorcinol:Silica (HRH) ratio was maintained as 2:2:1. HRH loading was adjusted to 16% of the fiber loading. Minimum torque, maximum torque and cure time increased with silica loading. Cure rate increased with fiber loading and decreased with silica content. The hybrid composites showed improved mechanical properties in the presence of nanosilica. Tensile strength showed a dip at 10 phr fiber loading in the case of NR and CR while it continuously increased with fiber loading in the case of NBR and SBR. The nanosilica improved the tensile strength, modulus and tear strength better than the conventional silica. Abrasion resistance and hardness were also better for the nanosilica composites. Resilience and compression set were adversely affected. Hybrid composites showed anisotropy in mechanical properties. Retention in ageing improved with fiber loading and was better for nanosilica-filled hybrid composites. The nanosilica also improved the thermal stability of the hybrid composite better than the commercial silica. All the composites underwent two-step thermal degradation. Kinetic studies showed that the degradation of all the elastomeric composites followed a first-order reaction. Dynamic mechanical analysis revealed that storage modulus (E’) and loss modulus (E”) increased with nanosiica content, fiber loading and frequency for all the composites, independent of the matrix. The highest rate of increase was registered for NBR rubber.
This paper presents gamma stochastic volatility models and investigates its distributional and time series properties. The parameter estimators obtained by the method of moments are shown analytically to be consistent and asymptotically normal. The simulation results indicate that the estimators behave well. The insample analysis shows that return models with gamma autoregressive stochastic volatility processes capture the leptokurtic nature of return distributions and the slowly decaying autocorrelation functions of squared stock index returns for the USA and UK. In comparison with GARCH and EGARCH models, the gamma autoregressive model picks up the persistence in volatility for the US and UK index returns but not the volatility persistence for the Canadian and Japanese index returns. The out-of-sample analysis indicates that the gamma autoregressive model has a superior volatility forecasting performance compared to GARCH and EGARCH models.
We have investigated the changes in surface acidity/basicity and catalytic pro~erties of samarium oxide due to surface modification by SO42- ion. The acidity/basicity of the catalysts is determined by titration method using Hammett indicators. Esterification of acetic acid by n-butanol is chosen as a test reaction. Sm203, owing to its high basicity and low acidity, does not catalyze the reaction. But sulphated Sm20J catalyzes the esterification reaction effectively. Activation temperature does not have much effect on the acidity of sulphated samaria.
The surface electron donor properties of sulphate modified stannic oxide have been determined from the adsorption of electron acceptors of various electron affinities on the oxide surface. The acid base properties of stannic oxide have been determined by titration method using Hammett indicators. Catalytic activities of the oxide for esterification of acetic acid using n-butanol.reduction of cyclohexanone in 2-propanol and oxidation of cyclohexanol with benzophenone have been studied. The data have been correlated with the surface electron donor properties of these oxides. The activity for reduction and oxidation decreases and that for esterification reaction increases on modification with sulphate ion. It has heen found that electron donating capacity decreased when stannic oxide was modified with sulphate ion.
The surface acidity/ basicity of TiO2 (rutile) and its sulphate modified form have been determined by titration method using Hammett indicators after activation at different temperatures. The electron donating properties of these oxides are also studied from the adsorption of electron acceptors of different electron affinity values. The data have been correlated with the catalytic activity of these oxides towards esterification of acetic acid using n-butanol, reduction of cyclohexanone in isopropanol and oxidation of cyclohexanol in benzophenone. Catalytic activity for esterification and oxidation reaction parallels the acidity while that for reduction reaction parallels the basicity of these oxides.
The acidity of the various rare-earth exchanged zeolite-Y catalysts has been examined by titration method using Hammett indicators and is correlated with the catalytic activity of the samples in the benzylation of 0-xylene.
Sm2O3 - vanadia catalysts have been prepared by wet impregnation method using NH4VO3 solution. The surface properties of the prepared catalysts have been studied using FTIR. XRD. surface area and pore volume data. The acid-base properties of the system have been investigated by titrimetric method using Hammett indicators. adsorption of electron acceptors as well as decomposition of cyclohexanol. Phenol alkylation reaction by methanol has been carried out to investigate the catalytic activity. It has been observed that the selectivity of the products depends upon the composition of the supported system
The electron donating properties of Ce02 and its mixed oxides with alumina have been determined from the studies of adsorption of electron acceptors of various electron affinities on the surface of these oxides. The catalytic activity of these oxides towards some reactions such as oxidation of alcohols and reduction of ketones have been Correlated with their surface electrondonor properties. The surface acidity/basicity of these oxides have also been determined by titration method using a set of Hammett indicators.