398 resultados para Siamese Twins


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Contexte et objectifs. Le contrôle de soi serait, selon Gottfredson et Hirschi (1990), le meilleur prédicteur de la délinquance. Il serait déterminé, selon les auteurs, exclusivement par les facteurs environnementaux (compétences parentales, surveillance et punition) et ce, avant l'âge de sept ans. Il ne serait pas question des facteurs génétiques dans l'étiologie du contrôle de soi. Or, plusieurs études récentes menées à l'adolescence et à l'âge adulte avancent que le contrôle de soi serait d'origine partiellement génétique. Deux objectifs seront poursuivis. D'abord, considérant que le contrôle de soi, tel que décrit par Gottfredson et Hirschi (1990), n'ait jamais été étudié spécifiquement à la petite enfance, il a été nécessaire d'opérationnaliser le construit à la petite enfance à partir des informations existantes sur le contrôle de soi. Ensuite, il s'agira d'estimer l’influence relative des facteurs génétiques et environnementaux sur le contrôle de soi à 18, 30 et 48 mois. Méthodologie. En tout, 672 familles de jumeaux monozygotes ou dizygotes de la grande région métropolitaine de Montréal ont pris part à l'Étude des jumeaux nouveau-nés du Québec. Les items utilisés proviennent du Child Behavior Checklist (Achenbach, 1994) et ont été obtenus via les parents des jumeaux. La zygotie a été évaluée à l’aide du Zygosity Questionnaire for Young Twins (Goldsmith, 1991) et le sexe a été déterminé par les assistants de recherché. Trois temps de mesures furent étudiés : 18 mois (n = 664), 30 mois (n = 617) et 48 mois (n = 531). Résultats. Les résultats des analyses factorielles confirmatoires suggèrent par le biais des estimés qu'il soit possible de générer un facteur du contrôle de soi à la petite enfance à partir des indicateurs sélectionnés et que ceux-ci se regroupent sous l'égide d'un seul facteur. Les résultats concernant l’étiologie montrent que les différences individuelles observées seraient, majoritairement influencées par les facteurs génétiques (additifs ou de dominance) suivis par les environnements uniques. Conclusion. Les résultats suggèrent que les facteurs génétiques jouent un rôle important dans l’étiologie des différences individuelles dans le contrôle de soi tôt dans le développement alors que les environnements communs ne seraient pas impliqués. Les résultats sont compatibles avec les études menées à l'adolescence et à l'âge adulte et sont en contradiction avec les postulats de Gottfredson et Hirschi (1990).


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In this thesis the mostly unknown herpetofauna in Hin Nam No National Protected Area Laos in the northern Truong Son Range was for the first time intensively investigated, and its diversity was compared to the bordering, and well-investigated Phong Nha - Ke Bang National Park in Vietnam. Twelve new vertebrate species were described comprising 11 geckonids (Cyrtodactylus bansocensis, C. calamei, C. hinnamnoensis, C. jaegeri, C. rufford, C. sommerladi, C. soudthichaki, Gekko boehmei, G. bonkowskii, G. sengchanthavongi, G. thakhekensis, Lycodon banksi and one colubrid snake (Lycodon banksi). Seven species were discovered for the first time in Laos including three frogs (Gracixalus quyeti, G. supercornutus, Rhacophorus maximus), two geckos (Cyrtodactylus cryptus, C. pseudoquadrivirgatus) and two snakes (Lycodon futsingensis, L. ruhstrati abditus). The main hypothesis that the Truong Son Range acted as a biogeographic barrier for the distribution of amphibians and reptiles could be confirmed at least for karst adapted gekkonids. Compared to other herpetofaunal groups the number of gekkonids in karst formations was particularly high (seven bent-toed geckos, four true geckos). By comparing the relative amounts of shared species in Hin Nam No and Phong Nha - Ke Bang, it is interesting to note that fewer reptile species (38%) than amphibian species (66%) were shared between both regions. This might indicate that the Truong Son Range acts as a stronger biogeographical barrier for reptiles than for amphibians. Two pairs of karst-adapted cryptic gecko species (i.e. species with distinct genetic differences, but a similar phenotype) occurred on both sides of the Truong Son Range. Only in one case these were sibling species (Crytodactylus sommerladi in Laos versus C. roesleri in Vietnam), but not in the other (C. hinnamnoensis in Laos versus C. phongnhakebangensis in Vietnam). On the Laotian side, nine gecko species (Cyrtodactylus bansocensis, C. calamei, C. darevskii, C. hinnamnoensis, C. khammouanensis, C. multiporus, C. sommerladi, G. boehmei, G. sengchanthavongi) currently have to be regarded as endemic to the Hin Nam No region. On the Vietnamese side, seven species including two bent-toed geckos (Cyrtodactylus phongnhakebangensis and C. roesleri), three skinks (Lygosoma boehmei, Sphenomorphus tetradactylus and Tropidophorus noggei), and two snakes (Hebius andreae and Boiga bourreti) are currently only known from Phong Nha - Ke Bang and adjacent regions. These high numbers of potential endemic species together with the cryptic species complex in Cyrtodactylus provide strong evidence that the karst formations in the northern Truong Son Range represent a hot spot of reptile diversity and of speciation in Crytodactylus in particular. Correct species identification is a fundamental requirement for conservation measures. The discovery of cryptic species complexes poses a challenge for alpha taxonomy and species conservation, because the true distribution ranges of the species are in fact much smaller than previously assumed. Species conservation in this area of Laos is facing a number of further problems. New and potentially endemic species were discovered in highly populated and disturbed areas. Conversion of the Ho Chi Minh Trail into a highway provided easy access for farmers and still continues to accelerate the destruction of remote forest areas. Southern Hin Nam No with its high diversity of endemic species was identified as the first priority area for conservation. Also Ban Soc, an area isolated from Hin Nam No, should be among the conservation priorities because this region houses a so far overlooked population of the critically endangered Siamese crocodile. Efforts to establish a legal conservation status for this habitat are in progress.


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Este tutorial pretende apresentar, de forma sumária: 1) a importância dos estudos gemelares em Educação Física e Ciências do Desporto; 2) a estrutura básica deste tipo de delineamento; 3) as etapas da análise descritiva inicial; 4) os procedimentos de análise em grau crescente de complexidade - da análise de variância, à modelação de estruturas de covariância; 5) bem como a relevância da exploração da disocordância intrapar de gêmeos monozigóticos. Esta processologia, baseada num tutorial, recorrerá aos valores do fenótipo índice de atividade física nos tempos de lazer, com base numa amostra de 207 pares de gêmeos mono e dizigóticos. Todas as etapas da análise são comentadas e será interpretado o signifi cado dos resultados, salientando o fato do fenótipo em causa ser explicado pelos fatores genéticos em cerca de 63%.


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Introducción: La diverticulosis es la condición más frecuentemente encontrada en la colonoscopia, condición asintomática, con un alto costo para el sistema de salud. Diversos factores han demostrado estar en relación con la aparición de la enfermedad. En nuestra población, esta información se desconoce; el objetivo del estudio es la caracterización de la población con diverticulosis y su relación con la frecuencia de la ingesta de fibra. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio observacional prospectivo de corte transversal con componente analítico. Realizado a todas las personas que asistieron al HUS a realización de colonoscopia entre Noviembre de 2015 y Abril de 2016. Se recolectaron datos de la frecuencia de fibra ingerida a través de entrevistas basadas. Resultados: Se estudiaron 278 personas, 55.7% mujeres. La prevalencia de diverticulosis fue de 21.58%, siendo más frecuente en mujeres ( 66,7%), 31% entre los 71-80 años, 2,16% tenían antecedente familiar de diverticulosis; principal sitio de afectación fue colon sigmoide en las mujeres y el colon descendente en los hombres. En las personas con diverticulosis el consumo de harina de trigo fue mayor (91,67% vs 86,7%), mientras el consumo de frutas fue mayor en las personas que no presentaron diverticulosis (83,49% vs 78,33%). Conclusiones: La prevalencia de diverticulosis es similar a lo reportado en la literatura. Así mismo se encontró un mayor consumo de fibra en la población sin divertículos lo que hace pensar que a pesar de que esta condición es multifactorial , el consumo de mayores cantidades de fibra puede prevenir la aparición de la misma


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The central aim of this dissertation is to introduce innovative methods, models, and tools to enhance the overall performance of supply chains responsible for handling perishable products. This concept of improved performance encompasses several critical dimensions, including enhanced efficiency in supply chain operations, product quality, safety, sustainability, waste generation minimization, and compliance with norms and regulations. The research is structured around three specific research questions that provide a solid foundation for delving into and narrowing down the array of potential solutions. These questions primarily concern enhancing the overall performance of distribution networks for perishable products and optimizing the package hierarchy, extending to unconventional packaging solutions. To address these research questions effectively, a well-defined research framework guides the approach. However, the dissertation adheres to an overarching methodological approach that comprises three fundamental aspects. The first aspect centers on the necessity of systematic data sampling and categorization, including identifying critical points within food supply chains. The data collected in this context must then be organized within a customized data structure designed to feed both cyber-physical and digital twins to quantify and analyze supply chain failures with a preventive perspective.


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Embedded systems are increasingly integral to daily life, improving and facilitating the efficiency of modern Cyber-Physical Systems which provide access to sensor data, and actuators. As modern architectures become increasingly complex and heterogeneous, their optimization becomes a challenging task. Additionally, ensuring platform security is important to avoid harm to individuals and assets. This study primarily addresses challenges in contemporary Embedded Systems, focusing on platform optimization and security enforcement. The initial section of this study delves into the application of machine learning methods to efficiently determine the optimal number of cores for a parallel RISC-V cluster to minimize energy consumption using static source code analysis. Results demonstrate that automated platform configuration is not only viable but also that there is a moderate performance trade-off when relying solely on static features. The second part focuses on addressing the problem of heterogeneous device mapping, which involves assigning tasks to the most suitable computational device in a heterogeneous platform for optimal runtime. The contribution of this section lies in the introduction of novel pre-processing techniques, along with a training framework called Siamese Networks, that enhances the classification performance of DeepLLVM, an advanced approach for task mapping. Importantly, these proposed approaches are independent from the specific deep-learning model used. Finally, this research work focuses on addressing issues concerning the binary exploitation of software running in modern Embedded Systems. It proposes an architecture to implement Control-Flow Integrity in embedded platforms with a Root-of-Trust, aiming to enhance security guarantees with limited hardware modifications. The approach involves enhancing the architecture of a modern RISC-V platform for autonomous vehicles by implementing a side-channel communication mechanism that relays control-flow changes executed by the process running on the host core to the Root-of-Trust. This approach has limited impact on performance and it is effective in enhancing the security of embedded platforms.


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Con l’avvento dell’Industry 4.0, l’utilizzo dei dispositivi Internet of Things (IoT) è in continuo aumento. Le aziende stanno spingendo sempre più verso l’innovazione, andando ad introdurre nuovi metodi in grado di rinnovare sistemi IoT esistenti e crearne di nuovi, con prestazioni all’avanguardia. Un esempio di tecniche innovative emergenti è l’utilizzo dei Digital Twins (DT). Essi sono delle entità logiche in grado di simulare il reale comportamento di un dispositivo IoT fisico; possono essere utilizzati in vari scenari: monitoraggio di dati, rilevazione di anomalie, analisi What-If oppure per l’analisi predittiva. L’integrazione di tali tecnologie con nuovi paradigmi innovativi è in rapido sviluppo, uno tra questi è rappresentato dal Web of Things (WoT). Il Web of Thing è un termine utilizzato per descrivere un paradigma che permette ad oggetti del mondo reale di essere gestiti attraverso interfacce sul World Wide Web, rendendo accessibile la comunicazione tra più dispositivi con caratteristiche hardware e software differenti. Nonostante sia una tecnologia ancora in fase di sviluppo, il Web of Thing sta già iniziando ad essere utilizzato in molte aziende odierne. L’elaborato avrà come obiettivo quello di poter definire un framework capace di integrare un meccanismo di generazione automatica di Digital Twin su un contesto Web of Thing. Combinando tali tecnologie, si potrebbero sfruttare i vantaggi dell’interoperabilità del Web of Thing per poter generare un Digital Twin, indipendentemente dalle caratteristiche hardware e software degli oggetti da replicare.


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As a witness on the industrialization in Bologna, since its first generation was born in the late 1760, the Battiferro lock has been coping with the innovation that the city experienced throughout the centuries, until it has lost its functionality due to the technological development for which Bologna’s canals were gradually covered starting from the 1950s under Giuseppe Dozza ’s administration, as part of the reconstruction, reclamation and urban requalification that was carried out in the aftermath the World War II and which involved the whole city. The interest of the research carried out on this case study was primarily to reintroduce the landmark that is still intact, to what is considered to be the fourth generation of the industrial revolution, namely in the construction field, which is recognized as Construction 4.0, by means of the Historic (or Heritage) Information Modeling HBIM and Virtual Reality (VR) application. A scan-to-BIM approach was followed to create 3D as-built BIM model, as a first step towards the storytelling of the abandoned industrial built asset in VR environment, or as a seed for future applications such as Digital Twins (DT), heritage digital learning, sustainable impact studies, and/or interface with other interfaces such as GIS. Based on the HBIM product, examples of the primary BIM deliverables such as 2D layouts is given, then a workflow to VR is proposed and investigated the reliability of data and the type of users that may benefit of the VR experience, then the potential future development of the model is investigated, with comparison of a relatively similar experience in the UK.