1000 resultados para Serviço hospitalar de emergência : Utilização


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A crescente preocupação com a deterioração e consequente reparação e reabilitação das estruturas de betão armado tradicionais, sobretudo devido ao fenómeno da corrosão associada aos varões de aço, que afecta significativamente a durabilidade deste tipo de estruturas, tem impulsionado a introdução dos varões de GFRP na área da engenharia civil. A progressiva utilização dos varões de GFRP, nas estruturas de betão armado, surge não só no sentido de colmatar as deficiências apresentadas pelo aço convencional, mas igualmente, pelas características que lhe são inerentes, das quais se destacam, entre outras, a elevada resistência à tracção e à fadiga, a elevada resistência química, a sua não condutividade electromagnética e corrosibilidade nula e o seu baixo peso próprio. Contudo, o comportamento frágil consequente do reduzido módulo de elasticidade, o custo início elevado e a falta de códigos de dimensionamento, têm tardado a sua aplicação generalizada. Neste contexto, procede-se no presente documento à elaboração de um Estado da Arte, com intuito de analisar o ponto de situação dos conhecimentos, seguida da apresentação da filosofia de dimensionamento e da descrição das propriedades físicas e mecânicas dos varões de GFRP. No sentido de avaliar o Estado Limite Último (E.L.U.) e o Estado Limite de Serviço (E.L.S.), dos elementos de betão armado com GFRP, realiza-se uma exposição dos modelos de dimensionamento sugeridos pelo ACI 440.1R-06 [3], pelo Fib-Bulletin 40 [21] e pelo ISIS Manual No.3 [25]. Por fim, dimensiona-se três elementos estruturais de betão armado com GFRP, com o objectivo de delinear as principais diferenças entre as armaduras de aço e de GFRP. Os exemplos de aplicação efectuados permitiram concluir, que de facto, o E.L.S. é maioritariamente condicionante neste tipo de estruturas, devido ao reduzido módulo de elasticidade, que afecta significativamente a deformação.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo compreender a emergência das Inteligências Múltiplas na prática pedagógica, tendo como campo de pesquisa três turmas da Educação Infantil em uma escola particular na cidade de Feira de Santana – Bahia. Utilizou-se o método etnográfico, a abordagem qualitativa de base hermenêutica e a coleta de dados feita através de observação participante, entrevista com as professoras das referidas turmas, imagens e análise de documentos. Assim, a pesquisa interpretou a forma como a teoria se fundamenta e se configura nas práticas pedagógicas e explicitou contextualmente as ações observadas que validaram as práticas pedagógicas como inovadoras. Nesta perspectiva, a presente pesquisa fornece conceitos e estratégias inovadoras que contribuirão para o enriquecimento de práticas dos educadores e consequentemente para uma aprendizagem voltada para o desenvolvimento das habilidades e competências dos alunos.


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A adoção de software de gestão de alarmes revela-se essencial nas organizações, sobretudo no contexto hospitalar e de segurança, devido à celeridade com que os alarmes têm de ser processados nos ambientes críticos em que são gerados. Nos últimos anos, tem-se verificado uma enorme promoção de diretivas que recomendam a utilização de software de gestão de alarmes, de forma a que as organizações estejam preparadas para lidar com situações problemáticas e para prestar um serviço de qualidade. O fenómeno da ubiquidade computacional promovido pela utilização massiva da Web e de dispositivos móveis revolucionou de forma significativa o modo como as pessoas comunicam e partilham informação entre si. Deste modo, tem havido uma consciencialização por parte das organizações que desenvolvem sistemas de gestão de alarmes em investir recursos na migração das suas aplicações de desktop para a Web e para dispositivos móveis. O Connexall é uma das soluções de gestão de alarmes com maior adoção no mercado, no entanto, carece de aplicações de software focalizadas na Web e nos dispositivos móveis. Neste sentido, o objetivo deste projeto de mestrado consiste em desenvolver duas aplicações de gestão de alarmes, o Active Alarm Client Plus para Android e o Device Assignment Client para a Web, integradas com o Connexall, através da utilização de um Web service para o efeito. Com o desenvolvimento deste projeto, pretende-se expandir os horizontes de aplicação do Connexall no que diz respeito à diversidade de equipamentos computacionais presentes no mercado, de modo a promover a ubiquidade cada vez mais assente no acesso e partilha de informação no contexto de gestão de alarmes.


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SILVA, Dany Geraldo Kramer Cavalcanti e et al. Lixo hospitalar: na estrutura curricular de cursos superiores de saude na cidade de Imperatriz-MA. Educação Ambiental em Ação, v. 27, p. 00-10, 2009.


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The change in the economic world and the emergence of Internet as a tool for communication and integration among the markets have forced organizations to adopt a different structure, process-oriented with a focus on information management. Thus, information technology has gained prominence in the organizational context, increasing its complexity and range of services provided by this function. Moreover, outsourcing has become an important model for flexible corporate structure, helping organizations to achieve better results when carrying out their activities and processes and be more competitive. To make the IT outsourcing, it is necessary to follow certain steps that range from strategic assessment to the management of outsourced service. Such steps can influence the form of contracting services, varying the types of service providers and contractors. Thus, the study aimed to identify how this IT outsourcing process influences the use of models for contracting services. For this, a study was conducted in multiple cases study involving two companies in Rio Grande do Norte State, specifically the health sector. Data collection was carried out with the CIOs of the companies surveyed through semi-structured interviews. According to the results obtained, it was found that the outsourcing process more structured influences the use of a more advanced contracting model. However, there are features found in these steps carrying more clearly this influence, as the goals pursued by outsourcing, the criteria used in selecting the supplier, a contract negotiation, how to transition services and the use of methods management, but can vary depending on the level of maturity in the relationship of the companies examined. Moreover, it was found that the use of contracting model may also influence how it is developed the IT outsourcing process, requiring or not its more formalized and organization


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Providing information about medication, an essential function of pharmaceutical practice to ensure rational drug use, is an important activity of hospital pharmacy services. The Drug Information Center of Onofre Lopes University Hospital (DIC-HUOL) initiated its activities in 1979 with the first Clinical Pharmacy Service in Brazil. The aim of this study was to assess information provided by DIC-HUOL, describing the profile of passive information offered by the center. A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted to identify the profile of information requests (IR). One hundred percent of the IR received by the DIC between January 2008 and December 2009 were used. The results were divided by year to determine the influence of the restructuring process that occurred in 2008 and 2009. The study at DIC-HUOL showed a mean of 5.5 IR/month in 2008 and 20.3 IR/month in 2009; the mean of the last year is comparable to that of other Brazilian DIC. Most of the IR were made by medical residents (22.7%) in 2008 and by pharmacists (32.5%) in 2009. The significant use of the DIC by medical residents may be due to its location in a university hospital. The most recurrent types of IR concerned issues related to pathway/mode of administration (16.8%) and drug stability (13.1%) in 2008 and 2009, respectively. Requests were made verbally in 100% of the cases in 2008 and 78.8% in 2009, owing to the fact that most of the DIC users were professionals from the hospital itself. Time elapsed between request and response was not reported in 83.3% and 21.3% of the cases in 2008 and 2009, respectively. The most widely used bibliographic source during the two years was MICROMEDEX®, with 41.9% and 39.2%, respectively. The restructuring process had a positive influence on the DIC-HUOL, exhibiting similar parameters to those of other Brazilian DIC, but some of these parameters must be improved to achieve international standards


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Este estudio que busca para identificar como la formación de un grupo de profesores experimentados ocurrió, el tener como objetivo para saber el modelo formativo de curso de Pedagogía conveniado con el pasillo de cuidad municipal de Teresina páctico acentuar el educativo en la forma de período supervisado de entrenamiento, para saberlos que habían sido construidos y reconstruidos por medios de learnings continuos de estas noticias para saber que son decurrente del proceso formativo. Para lograr la investigación adentro los dirigimos en la pregunta siguiente: ¿a donde estará eficaz la medida el proceso formativo en la pregunta provoque los cambios cualitativos en el práctico de los profesores, objeto de estudio? Tomando para la base este preguntar, defendimos la tesis de eso que el proceso formativo debe promover cambios cualitativos en práctico el pedagógico y en desarrollo profesional de el colectivo de experimentado profesores. En nosotros todavía los apoyamos, en las cuestiones siguientes de los norteadoras del estudio: 1- ¿Cono el proyecto formativo del departamento de métodos y las técnicas de la técnicas de la educación del UFPI era considerado, en vista del perfil de profesores con el promedio de diez años de experiencia? 2- ¿Cono el proyecto citado contribuye a la cuenta de la elasticidad del necesidades profesionales de los profesores en quienes dice práctico respecto el educativo el período del entrenamiento supervisó elevado a través en servicio? 3- ¿Que obstáculos las dificultades pedagógicas emergen del proceso formativo? Uno esta sobre una investigación que si los rellenos en os parámetros del investigación cualitativa de la matriz del etnográfica, soporte en el método de autobiogáfico, sin, sin embargo, asumís el cono solamente referencia: valorizou desde el punto de vista teórico conceptual y del perspectiva en el paradigma centrado en lo pensamiento de lo profesor. Varios autores fueran consultados para la composición de lo referencial teórico, opción esta que expresa las orientaciones de la línea de la pesquisa Formación y profesionalización docente del Programa de Pós Graduación de la UFRN. Dentre los autores podemos citar: Brzezinski; Freire; García; Gatti; Gauthier; Imbernón; Nóvoa; Nuñez; Perrenoud; Steves; Stenhouse; Schön; Ramalho; Tardif e Zeichner, entre otros. Tomando cono base es a perspectiva, consideramos que la práctica profesional debe ser iluminada por un teoria. Cuando lo profesor se apoya en una referencia su lado profesional gana una consistencia cualitativa e la aprendizaje de los alumnos consiguen niveis deseaveis. Asi, nos apoyamos nos aportes teóricos metodológicos encima citados, para iluminar nuestra relexión sobre nuestro objeto de estudio. La investigación que desarrollada teniendo cono ciudadanos 8 formadoras e 8 profesores pupilas de practico la educativa periodo supervisado del entrenamiento del curso del conveniado Pedagogía. Cono campo de la colección de información, habían estado implicados 7 escuelas de la ciudad, sitio de trabajo de los profesores y la agencia de formadora el UFPI. Los datos recogidos que analizamos habían sido recogidos por medio de cuestionarios, entrevistas biograficas, documentos personales (proyecto de la intervención práctica y diaria del el educativo), comentarios y proyecto del político pedagógico de la agencia formadora. Los resultados confirman que el modele formativo desarrollado práctico adentro el educativo el período supervisado del entrenamiento contribuyo de la manera significativa para avance del profissionalidade de los profesores. Los descubrimientos sugieren, la emergencia de un nuevo perfil de docente, siendo observado la parte de las características ligadas al sexo, edad, tiempo de ejercicio de la docencia, de la formación y de los saberes profesionales adquiridos y construidos en longo del proceso formativo. Lo proceso formativo posibilitó las docente la capacidad de transformación y rompimiento con antiguas practicas tradicionales por uso de nuevas estrategias de acción pedagógica


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This dissertation focuses on the narratives of children hospitalized with chronic diseases. The overall goal is to deduce, from the look of the child health care, hospital class contributions to the process of school inclusion. The research is part of the qualitative ethnographical approach and is based on the principles and research methods (auto)biographical in education and schooling in hospital. Participated in the investigation 05(five) children, aged between 06 (six) and 12 (twelve) years of age, treated at the Center for Children s Onco-Hematology, Varela Santiago Children s Hospital in Natal-RN. The corpus used for the analysis comprises five (05) narrative interviews, 03 (three) drawings made by children as well as records in the researcher s field diary. The sources were collected during the months of August 2010 to February 2011. The analysis revealed that the inclusion of the hospital class, and ensure the right to education, contributes to the construction of strategies for coping with illness and hospitalization, as it promotes autonomy, comfort, playfulness and self-knowledge, the rand the world, easing the stress of hospitalization. The figure of the teacher took the class hospital in the voices of children, a reliever and minimizing the role of double exclusion that cause illness and hospitalization, showing the contributions to (re) construction of identity and subjectivity constitution strengthened. The children interviewed said that the hospital class leave the hospital more cheerful. The playfulness and learning experiences in the hospital are seen by children as actions that go beyond the physical treatment of the disease, since it provides them with acceptance and understanding of hospitalization and illness, to give them affective security and emotional. In conclusion, the narratives of children confirm that the service class hospital ensures continuity of schooling, but they reveal, namely, that this service provides them socialization among peers and with adults, strengthening the emotional, social and cognitive biopsychosocial perspective of attention


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Descriptive exploratory study, with quantitative approach and prospective data performed on the Monsenhor Walfredo Gurgel Hospital Complex (MWGH), in Natal/RN, aiming to classify the type of motor vehicle involved in the accident, the public roadway s user quality and the more frequent injuries; to evaluate the severity of trauma in traffic accident victims; characterized the severity of the injuries and the trauma, and the type of motor vehicle involved. The population comprises 605 traffic accident victims, with data collected between October and December 2007. We used as a support for the evaluation of severity of injuries and trauma the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCSl), the Condensed Abbreviated Injury Scale (CAIS) and the Injury Severity Score (ISS). The results show that 82.8% of the victims were male; 78.4% were aged 18 to 38; the victims originating from the State s Countryside prevailed (43.1%); 24.3% of the population had completed middle-level instruction; 23.1% worked on commerce and auxiliary activities; most (79.4%) was catholic; 48.8% were married/consensual union; 76.2% earned up to two monthly minimum wages; Sunday was the day with the most accidents (25.1%); 47.4% were attended to in under an hour after the event; the motorcycle on its own was responsible for 53.2% of the accidents; 42.3% were attended to by the SAMU; 61.8% were victims of crashes; over half (53.4%) used individual protection equipment (IPE); 49.4% were helmets and 4.0% the seatbelt; 61.3% were motorcycle drivers; 43.3% of the accidents took place in the afternoon shift; from 395 drivers, 55.2% were licensed, and 50.7% among those had been licensed for 1 to 5 years; 90.7% of the victims had GCS1 between 13 and 15 points at the time of evaluation; the body area most affected was the external surface (35.9%); 38.8% of the injuries were light or moderate (AIS=1 and AIS=2); 83.2% had light trauma (ISS between 1 and 15 points). In face of the results, we can conclude that there is a risk for the elevation of injury severity and trauma resulting from traffic accidents, when these events are related to certain variables such as gender, age, weekday, the interval between the accident and the first care, ingestion of drugs, type of accident, the public roadway s user quality, the use of IPE, day shift, body regions and the type of motor vehicle involved in the accident


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We believe that the dissatisfaction arising from the lack of belief in the possibilities of change in the workplace, which cause difficulties to achieve professional results in the professional psychological distress that currently fits into the context of mental health. This is a qualitative, descriptive and representational research aiming to discover how the professional nurses represent the very psychological distress from work in the hospital environment. Aided and supported by specific objectives of identifying factors that generates this suffering and strategies for defense and confronting these professionals in the hospital. 22 nurses participated in this research, officials of the University Hospital Onofre Lopes, located in the city of Natal / RN, with length of service in the institution more than one year and less than five, and they accepted, by signing the Term of Free and Informed Consent, participate in the study. We use plurimethodological approach: a questionnaire, a semi-structured interview and the design-story with a theme adapted from Trinca with the support of the Theory of Social Representations and that nurses do in their psychological distress of the Central Core. We reviewed the data from the results generated by the ALCESTE software, based on hierarchical categorization downward, leading seven classes used as categories: Work process: completeness vs. incompleteness; labor contradiction of the nurse; qualitative aspects of interpersonal relationships; hospital surveillance: Challenges, muteness and neglect; Expectations, conflicts and feelings in the work process; Leisure: the other side of the work process, and Suffering generating aspects of in the work process. We consider the analysis of quarters generated by the program, which SLQ houses in the central core of the representations; the SRQ and the DLQ the intermediaries elements and the DRQ the peripheral elements that nurses do in their psychological distress. We analytically adequate results in the three belonging dimensions of social representations: the Subjectivity, the Intersubjectivity and Trans-subjectivity. We infer that the interpersonal relationship, the extra work, the deviation in the role of nurse show themself as the factors responsible for psychological distress of it. In that sense, the central core of SR of this profession is based on the level of trans-subjectivity and understood as a Social Representation controversy


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Estudo de caráter exploratório e descritivo, de abordagem quantitativa, realizado num hospital de urgência hospitalar referência em traumatologia, em Natal/RN, com o objetivo de identificar o conhecimento do enfermeiro a respeito da ECGl para avaliação do nível de consciência e do processo de cuidar na fase pré-hospitalar e hospitalar às vítimas de TCE. A população constou de 44 enfermeiros e os dados foram coletados entre abril e maio de 2010. Os resultados mostram que, 35 (79,5%) dos enfermeiros eram do sexo feminino; 17 (38,64%) estavam na faixa etária entre 24 a 30 anos e 12 (27,27%) entre 51 a 60 anos; 25(56,82%) solteiros, 30 (68,18%) católicos e 25 (56,82%) sem filhos; 40 (90,90%) eram formados por instituições públicas, 18 (40,92%) tinham tempo de serviço na enfermagem acima de 21 anos e 14 (31,82%) até quatro anos; 18 (40,91%) estavam alocados nas UTIs e 13 (29,55%) atuavam em mais de um setor e 20 (65,90%) possuíam especialização. Dos que estavam mais especializados, 18 (40,92%) tinham tempo de serviço até quatro anos e 08 (34,48%) acima de 21 anos. Todos relataram ter prestado assistência às vítimas de TCE e 36 (81,82%) sentiam-se preparados; 35 (46,67%) adquiriram essas informações na prática e apenas 8 (10,67%) na graduação. Em relação a opinião dos pesquisados sobre os empecilhos que dificultam esta assistência, 23 (23,01%) relataram déficit de recursos humanos e 19 (20,65%) despreparo da equipe de enfermagem, estrutura física inadequada e recursos materiais precários. Como propostas de solução para os problemas, 26 (47,27%) sugeriram reforma na gestão e 13 (23,63%) referiram educação continuada. Em relação a ECGl, 40 (90,1%) afirmaram conhecê-la, 33 (82,50%) a utilizavam, 32 (80%) conheciam sua finalidade, 25 (62,5%) acertaram os indicadores fisiológicos e 36 (90%) classificaram corretamente a gravidade do TCE. Dos enfermeiros que utilizam a ECGl, 23 (92%) conheciam seus indicadores e classificação e 20 (60,61%) utilizavam uma vez por plantão. Em relação às dificuldades no manejo da ECGl, 11 (21,58%) não tinham nenhum problema; 10 (19,60%) citaram a falta de tempo e com o mesmo percentual responderam interpretação da resposta verbal nos pacientes intubados. Quanto ao conhecimento dos enfermeiros na descrição do processo de cuidar, 31 (70,45%) das respostas da fase pré e 35 (79,55%) da hospitalar não possuíam etapas importantes, sendo consideradas como incorretas. Quanto à afirmativa dos enfermeiros em estar, e realmente estar preparados para esta assistência, detectamos que daqueles que disseram estar preparados, apenas 12 (33,33%) acertaram todos os passos do atendimento pré hospitalar e 6 (16,67%) no atendimento hospitalar. Concluímos que diante dos resultados obtidos, os enfermeiros conhecem a ECGl, no entanto, necessitam de capacitação para sua melhor compreensão e utilização. Quanto ao conhecimento do processo de cuidar aos pacientes com TCE, é necessário modificar urgente esta realidade, especialmente na atenção às ações desenvolvidas pelo enfermeiro no âmbito hospitalar, onde as consequências das lesões secundárias, muitas delas evitadas com diagnóstico precoce e intervenções imediatas, podem acarretar incapacidades permanentes e prejudicar a qualidade de vida desses indivíduos


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The objective of this work which is characterized as an applied research, with a qualitative exploratory approach and has case study character has been the analysis of the conceptions and dealings of health professionals of SAMU in Natal RN about the attendance of psychiatric urgencies. The information was collected between the months of March and April of 2010, by means of semi-structured interviews, performed with 24 health professionals integrating of SAMU-Natal as well as the usage of direct observation technique, performed in the institution's medical regulation room. Both the number of professionals involved in the interviews and the bringing about of the observations, were determined by saturation methods in qualitative research's information collecting. The interviews and observations were transcribed and submitted to contents analysis technique , more specifically, to thematic analysis, which made possible to reach the deepest levels, that go beyond what has simply been manifest in the speech of the interviewed, getting to the relations among the categories and social structures of the issue of the research. Keeping this in mind, three analysis categories have been built, namely: conceptions and concepts of psychiatric urgencies shared by health professionals in SAMU-Natal; attendances to psychiatric urgencies in SAMU-Natal; and the Brazilian Psychiatric Reformation under the view of the SAMU-Natal's health professionals. Reflection about the analyzed information revealed discussions pertaining to the stigma and prejudice on mental illness, and also, pointed out to some hindrances which impair the attendance to individuals in mental suffering in SAMU-Natal. The interviewed health professionals' conceptions on the individual in psychical crisis involve concepts of unpredictability, aggressiveness and risk, stigmatizing elements and historically associated to the social hazard ideology and need for mentally sicks' segregation. The predominance of these conceptions, seen in health professionals speech, had identifiable reflexes on assistance to psychiatric demands performed by SAMU-Natal, namely: indiscriminate request for military police's presence during psychic crisis intervention, neglect about occasions that involve mental health patients, as well as repetitive assisting practice directed on physical contention, and transportation to psychiatric hospital. Associated to it, the professionals have shown distorted and reductionist understanding about Brazilian Psychiatric Reformation, and, in the majority, haven't lent credibility to present model of attention to mental health, based on psycho-social treatment, pointing their speech to a need for psychiatric patient's internment. In this sense, we notice that the hospital-centered and excluding model conceived by classical psychiatry still remains alive in these health professionals' mentality as a reference to psychiatric urgency's assistance. Therefore, the research revealed a sequence of elements, that make us think about the challenges that health sector and society must face to realize Brazilian Psychiatric Reformation's principles and guidelines


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Exploratory, descriptive and quantitative study with prospective data, performed in the Mobile Emergency Care Service in the metropolitan region of Natal/RN, in order to identify the knowledge of the multidisciplinary team about the rules of standard precautions and worker safety, to identify occupational hazards peculiar to the activities of this service; characterize work-related accidents (WRA) and know the procedures adopted after each WRA. The population consisted of 162 professionals and data were collected between the months of November and December 2010. As for personal and professional characteristics, of the 162 professional, 12,96% were physicians; 6,79%, nurses; 33,95%, nursing technicians, 46,29%, conductors; 74,70% were male; 43,21% were between 31 and 40 years old; 69,33% lived in Natal/RN, 50,00% had completed high school; 58,64% were married; 69,75% had children, 46,91% were between 1 and 4 years of training; 61,73% had improvement courses; 59,25% had 3 to 4 years of service; 54,32%, with 1-4 years experience in emergency; 44,44% received 1-2 minimum wages; 78,40% received insalubrity premium; 67,28% worked in Basic Support Unit (BSU); 83,95% had journey on SAMU Metropolitano of 31-40 hours per week; 52,47% had other employments. As for knowledge of rules of standard precautions, safety and occupational hazards, 99,38% knew what it was WRA; 62,96% gave incomplete answers; 74,07% knew the rules of prevent WRA; 46,67% acquired this knowledge in lectures; 53,09% knew Personal Protective Equipment (PPE); 71,60% gave incorrect answers about the importance of standard precautions; 45,06% never received an educational intervention on this issue; 89,51% said that educational interventions in the prevention of WRA are very important; 90,12% pointed out this as a very important issue in the workplace; 27,00% suggested guidance on the topic in the workplace; regarding the physical hazards, 34,57% considered noise as the most important; about chemical hazards, 78,40% chose the gases and smoke; for biological hazards, 48,77% reported contact with the blood; for mechanical hazards, 80,86% said that were transport accidents; about ergonomic risks, 40,12% say it is the tension/stress in the care of critically ill, psychiatric and aggressive patients; and there was an average of 4,5 to the feeling of safety in the workplace. Regarding the data on the WRAs occurred, 31,48% experienced at least one accident event; 72,55% did not notify it; 60,98% answered that there was no routine for notification; 56,86% were performing patient transportation; 49,02% were hurt in the Basic Support Unit/Rescue Unit (BSU/RH); 60,78% occurred during the day; 96,08% of professionals were in normal work schedule (24 hours on duty); 31,37% had contusion; 58.82% had damage to members/pelvic girdle; 43,14% had traffic accidents. About the evolution of the WRA, 62,75% did not have to take time away from work; 76,47% had no sequelae; 88,24% did not require rehabilitation; no professional had a change of occupation. And by means of univariate logistic regression, showed that the nurses and male sex were risk factors for the occurrence of WRA. We conclude that there were gaps in the knowledge of staff regarding WRA, emphasizing the need for continuing education in biosafety in the service.


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Em Goiás, o pequi (Caryocar brasiliense) se destaca, dentre as frutíferas nativas do Cerrado, como promissora para a produção comercial. Um dos obstáculos para a sua produção em grande escala, no entanto, é o fato de que a germinação de sementes seja baixa e irregular. Com o objetivo de avaliar a emergência de sementes de pequizeiro e o desenvolvimento inicial de mudas oriundas de 16 plantas, aos dez meses após a colheita, na presença e ausência de ácido giberélico (GA3), foram conduzidos dois experimentos. O primeiro foi implantado em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com parcelas subdivididas, tendo as matrizes nas parcelas e, nas subparcelas, um tratamento de imersão por 48 horas, em água pura e em solução de 500 mg L-1 de GA3. Foram realizadas avaliações a cada sete dias, para determinação da percentagem final, tempo médio e índice de velocidade de emergência. Para o segundo experimento, foi utilizado delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com número variado de repetições, de acordo com o número de mudas obtidas no primeiro experimento. Para percentagem, índice de velocidade e tempo médio de emergência, o efeito dos tratamentos foi significativo, sendo que, para os dois primeiros, houve interação significativa entre genótipo e tratamento, para superação da dormência. Observou-se que a utilização de 500 mg L-1 de ácido giberélico pode minimizar a dormência em sementes de Caryocar brasiliense e que o crescimento das matrizes em campo foi linear e contínuo, ao longo do tempo.


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The changes that have taken place in the organizational environment in recent decades have led to new performance measurement systems being proposed, given the inadequacy of traditional models. The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) emerged as an instrument to translate financial and non-financial assets into real values for all interested parties in the organization, allowing the introduction of strategies to achieve the desired goals. Research shows that most errors committed with the use of this method are related to the implementation process. Thus, the aim of this dissertation is to analyze the process of building and implementing the BSC in an organization. This empirical exploratory study is based on the classic case study method, which enables the researcher to work with a set of evidence, including direct observation, interviews and document analysis. The results show that the use of BSC in the company investigated posed problems during the process of building and implementing the method. These problems were caused mainly by the lack of involvement on the part of upper management and the team s scant knowledge of Balanced Scorecard. One of the gains obtained from adopting the system was the introduction and/or consolidation of a culture of strategic planning and participative management. The continuous implementation phase was highlighted in the monitoring program, created by the organization in an attempt to reverse existing problems, using the BSC as a third generation strategic management system, which led to significant gains, better use of the system and stronger management practices