821 resultados para Relevance, IS Research, Focus Group, IS Success
Las reflexiones metodológicas sobre grupos focalizados (GF) de este artículo tienen como punto de partida una investigación con sectores medios del Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires. El estudio de referencia aborda los discursos y prácticas de cuidado de la salud en el escenario contemporáneo caracterizado por la diversificación de especialistas, la creciente cobertura mediática de recomendaciones sobre la vida sana y el bienestar, la implementación de políticas públicas de promoción de la salud, y el crecimiento de la industria de productos y servicios vinculados con la temática. El objetivo del artículo es reflexionar, a partir de nuestra experiencia de investigación, sobre dos aspectos que han recibido especial atención en la literatura metodológica más reciente: los criterios para componer los grupos y sus consecuencias para la dinámica de las conversaciones grupales, y las estrategias para dar cuenta de la interacción grupal en el análisis de los datos. En este último eje exploramos el potencial de los GF para observar el trabajo identitario vinculado con el cuidado de la salud. Enmarcamos nuestro estudio y las decisiones metodológicas tomadas en los debates actuales sobre la variedad de usos de los GF.
Canadian young people are increasingly more connected through technological devices. This computer-mediated communication (CMC) can result in heightened connection and social support but can also lead to inadequate personal and physical connections. As technology evolves, its influence on health and well-being is important to investigate, especially among youth. This study aims to investigate the potential influences of computer-mediated communication (CMC) on the health of Canadian youth, using both quantitative and qualitative research approaches. This mixed-methods study utilized data from the 2013-2014 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children survey for Canada (n=30,117) and focus group data involving Ontario youth (7 groups involving 40 youth). In the quantitative component, a random-effects multilevel Poisson regression was employed to identify the effects of CMC on loneliness, stratified to explore interaction with family communication quality. A qualitative, inductive content analysis was applied to the focus group transcripts using a grounded theory inspired methodology. Through open line-by-line coding followed by axial coding, main categories and themes were identified. The quality of family communication modified the association between CMC use and loneliness. Among youth experiencing the highest quartile of family communication, daily use of verbal and social media CMC was significantly associated with reports of loneliness. The qualitative analysis revealed two overarching concepts that: (1) the health impacts of CMC are multidimensional and (2) there exists a duality of both positive and negative influences of CMC on health. Four themes were identified within this framework: (1) physical activity, (2) mental and emotional disturbance, (3) mindfulness, and (4) relationships. Overall, there is a high proportion of loneliness among Canadian youth, but this is not uniform for all. The associations between CMC and health are influenced by external and contextual factors, including family communication quality. Further, the technologically rich world in which young people live has a diverse impact on their health. For youth, their relationships with others and the context of CMC use shape overall influences on their health.
Drawing upon critical, communications, and educational theories, this thesis develops a novel framing of the problem of social risk in the extractive sector, as it relates to the building of respectful relationships with indigenous peoples. Building upon Bakhtin’s dialogism, the thesis demonstrates the linkage of this aspect of social risk to professional education, and specifically, to the undergraduate mining engineering curriculum, and develops a framework for the development of skills related to intercultural competence in the education of mining engineers. The knowledge of social risk, as well as the level of intercultural competence, of students in the mining engineering program, is investigated through a mixture of surveys and focus groups – as is the impact of specific learning interventions. One aspect of this investigation is whether development of these attributes alters graduates’ conception of their identity as mining engineers, i.e. the range and scope of responsibilities, and understanding of to whom responsibilities are owed, and their role in building trusting relationships with communities. Survey results demonstrate that student openness to the perspectives of other cultures increases with exposure to the second year curriculum. Students became more knowledgeable about social dimensions of responsible mining, but not about cultural dimensions. Analysis of focus group data shows that students are highly motivated to improve community perspectives and acceptance. It is observed that students want to show respect for diverse peoples and communities where they will work, but they are hampered by their inability to appreciate the viewpoints of people who do not share their values. They embrace benefit sharing and environmental protection as norms, but they mistakenly conclude that opposition to mining is rooted in a lack of education rather than in cultural values. Three, sequential, threshold concepts are identified as impeding development of intercultural competence: Awareness and Acknowledgement of Different Forms of Knowledge; Recognition that Value Systems are a Function of Culture; Respect for varied perceptions of Social Wellbeing and Quality of Life. Future curriculum development in the undergraduate mining engineering program, as well as in other educational programs relevant to the extractive sector, can be effectively targeted by focusing on these threshold concepts.
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to examine the technical adequacy of the Developmental Reading Assessment (Beaver & Carter, 2004). Internal consistency analysis, factor analysis, and linear regression analyses were used to test whether the DRA is a statistically reliable measuring of reading comprehension for Grades 7 and 8 students. Correlational analyses, decision consistency analyses, and a focus group of experienced Intermediate (Grades 7 and 8) teachers examined whether there is evidence that the results from the DRA provide valid interpretations regarding students’ reading skills and comprehension. Results indicated that, as currently scored, internal consistency is low and skewness of distribution is high. Factor analyses did not replicate those cited by the DRA developers to prove construct validity. Two-way contingency analyses determined that decision consistency did not vary greatly between the DRA, EQAO, scores and report card marks. Views expressed during the focus group echoed many of the challenges to validity found in the statistical analysis. The teachers found that the DRA was somewhat useful, as there were limited alternative reading assessments available for the classroom, but did not endorse it strongly. The study found little evidence that the DRA provides valid interpretations regarding Intermediate students’ reading skills. Indicated changes to the structure and administration procedures of the DRA may ameliorate some of these issues.
Abstract Professional language assessment is a new concept that has great potential to benefit Internationally Educated Professionals and the communities they serve. This thesis reports on a qualitative study that examined the responses of 16 Canadian English Language Benchmark Assessment for Nurses (CELBAN) test-takers on the topic of their perceptions of the CELBAN test-taking experience in Ontario in the winter of 2015. An Ontario organization involved in registering participants distributed an e-mail through their listserv. Thematic analyses of focus group and interview transcripts identified 7 themes from the data. These themes were used to inform conclusions to the following questions: (1) How do IENs characterize their assessment experience? (2) How do IENs describe the testing constructs measured by the CELBAN? (3) What, if any, potential sources of construct irrelevant variance (CIV) do the test-takers describe based on their assessment experience? (4) Do IENs feel that the CELBAN tasks provide a good reflection of the types of communicative tasks required of a nurse? Overall, participants reported positive experiences with the CELBAN as an assessment of their language skills, and noted some instances in which they felt some factors external to the assessment impacted their demonstration of their knowledge and skill. Lastly, some test-takers noted the challenge of completing the CELBAN where the types of communicative nursing tasks included in the assessment differed from nursing tasks typical of an IENs country or origin. The findings are discussed in relation to literature on high-stakes large-scale assessment and IEPs, and a set of recommendations are offered to future CELBAN administration. These recommendations include (1) the provision of a webpage listing all licensure requirements (2) monitoring of CELBAN location and dates in relation to the wider certification timeline for applicants (3) The provision of additional CELBAN preparatory materials (4) Minor changes to the CELBAN administrative protocols. Given that the CELBAN is a relatively new assessment format and its widespread use for high-stakes decisions (a component of nursing certification and licensure), research validating IEN-test-taker responses to construct representation and construct irrelevant variance is critical to our understanding of the role of competency testing for IENs.
Entre las actividades de ocio de los/as jóvenes, cabe mencionar las asociadas con los videojuegos. Por ello, la finalidad central de este estudio es analizar las preferencias del colectivo de adolescentes con los videojuegos, así como conocer su dedicación y problemáticas que generan, teniendo en cuenta principalmente la variable de género. El presente trabajo se encuadra en un enfoque metodológico cuantitativo-cualitativo, a partir de la recogida de datos con un cuestionario y la técnica del grupo de discusión. En el estudio han participado un total de 151 adolescentes. 124 a partir de la aplicación de un cuestionario cerrado (62 hombres y 62 mujeres) y 27 a través de la realización de 6 grupos de discusión (17 hombres y 10 mujeres). Como resultados y conclusiones, cabe destacar la existencia diferenciada en el uso de los videojuegos en función de la edad y por razón de género. A su vez, las mujeres muestran una responsabilidad mayor en esta actividad, tanto en el tiempo de dedicación como en la elección. Los chicos destinan una gran cantidad de tiempo a los videojuegos de contenido violento, mientras las chicas prefieren los de estrategia. En general, el juego con videojuegos no genera problemáticas sustanciales y controversias, aunque algunos participantes reflejan manifestaciones de mal humor. Por último, cabe indicar que las prácticas con los videojuegos en la adolescencia se ciñen al mero hecho de divertirse, desperdiciando las posibilidades educativas que esta actividad ofrece.
Durante la educación secundaria los estudiantes comienzan a explorar las ocupaciones y expectativas profesionales, forman sus creencias de autoeficacia y consolidan sus intereses académicos. En este contexto, el artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación realizada en el Principado de Asturias para conocer las percepciones y opiniones que tienen los estudiantes de bachillerato y sus progenitores sobre las elecciones académicas realizadas en la educación secundaria, haciendo especial hincapié en los factores contextuales que pueden ayudar u obstaculizar el desarrollo de la carrera. Se ha usado una metodología cualitativa fundamentada en el uso de la técnica del grupo de discusión. Se han organizado cinco grupos de discusión con estudiantes y dos grupos con progenitores. El total de personas que participó en las entrevistas focales fue de 51 estudiantes y de 14 padres/madres. Los resultados obtenidos nos permiten concluir que el bachillerato sigue siendo considerado la puerta de acceso a la universidad y no a la formación profesional de grado superior. También se concluye que los estudiantes fundamentan sus decisiones académicas sobre la base de la preferencia y gusto personal por determinada opciones y esta razón prevalece sobre otras como las salidas profesionales o el rendimiento académico previo. Respecto a la influencia de distintos agentes sociales en el proceso de decisión académica, los resultados son concluyentes al afirmar que el principal apoyo de los estudiantes son sus progenitores, por encima del que perciben encontrar de docentes y grupo de iguales. El artículo finaliza con algunas sugerencias para mejorar la práctica de la orientación educativa en las instituciones de educación secundaria.
In previous studies research has shown that generation y experience resistance from older generations represented in the labor market in USA. The resistance is due to differences between the generations. On the other hand some studies say that differences are more likely to come from other factors such as gender and which stage in life the individual is in. The purpose of this study is to describe how (women in) generation y is experiencing the cooperation with colleagues from other generations and if they considers that differences due to generations exist. The study will also try to determine if the respondents are aware of each generation’s characteristics. To fulfill the purpose of the study a qualitative method was chosen in the shape of a focus group. To be able to answer the purpose an interview guide was developed from previous studies. The guide was divided in three sections; scenarios, exercises and finally questions. The focus group resulted in a two-hour discussion between four individuals belonging to generation y. The result of the study showed that generation y in Falun, Sweden did identify some of the characteristics each generation had. Further did the respondents conform that resistance due to generational differences was a problem. To answer the purpose of the study generation y felt underestimated by the older generations and expressed a certain degree of hopelessness.
Polymer Optical Fibers have occupied historically a place for large core flexible fibers operating in short distances. In addition to their practical passive application in short-haul communication they constitute a potential research field as active devices with organic dopants. Organic dyes are preferred as dopants over organic semiconductors due to their higher optical cross section. Thus organic dyes as gain media in a polymer fiber is used to develop efficient and narrow laser sources with a tunability throughout the visible region or optical amplifier with high gain. Dyes incorporated in fiber form has added advantage over other solid state forms such as films since the pump power required to excite the molecules in the core of the fiber is less thereby utilising the pump power effectively. In 1987, Muto et.al investigated a dye doped step index polymer fiber laser. Afterwards, numerous researches have been carried out in this area demonstrating laser emission from step index, graded index and hollow optical fibers incorporating various dyes. Among various dyes, Rhodamine6G is the most widely and commonly used laser dye for the last four decades. Rhodamine6G has many desirable optical properties which make it preferable over other organic dyes such as Coumarin, Nile Blue, Curcumin etc. The research focus on the implementation of efficient fiber lasers and amplifiers for short fiber distances. Developing efficient plastic lasers with electrical pumping can be a new proposal in this field which demands lowest possible threshold pump energy of the gain medium in the cavity as an important parameter. One way of improving the efficiency of the lasers, through low threshold pump energy, is by modifying the gain of the amplifiers in the resonator/cavity. Success in the field of Radiative Decay Engineering can pave way to this problem. Laser gain media consisting of dye-nanoparticle composites can improve the efficiency by lowering the lasing threshold and enhancing the photostability. The electric field confined near the surface of metal nanoparticles due to Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance can be very effective for the excitation of active centers to impart high optical gain for lasing. Since the Surface Plasmon Resonance of nanoparticles of gold and silver lies in the visible range, it can affect the spectral emission characteristics of organic dyes such as Rhodamine6G through plasmon field generated by the particles. The change in emission of the dye placed near metal nanoparticles depend on plasmon field strength which in turn depends on the type of metal, size of nanoparticle, surface modification of the particle and the wavelength of incident light. Progress in fabrication of different types of nanostructures lead to the advent of nanospheres, nanoalloys, core-shell and nanowires to name a few. The thesis deals with the fabrication and characterisation of polymer optical fibers with various metallic and bimetallic nanostructures incorporated in the gain media for efficient fiber lasers with low threshold and improved photostability.
Introdução: Em Portugal, bem como nos restantes países mundiais, tem sido registado, em virtude de múltiplas transformações societárias, um aumento crescente do envelhecimento demográfico. Este novo cenário demográfico originou uma reflexão, por parte de organizações supranacionais, sobre as cidades na sua relação com os munícipes mais velhos. Desta reflexão surge o projeto Cidade Amiga das Pessoas Idosas que apresenta referenciais de avaliação das cidades para que estas possam adaptar as suas estruturas e serviços aos seus munícipes mais velhos. Beneficiando desta forma do potencial que as pessoas mais velhas representam para a humanidade. Objetivos: O presente estudo tem como objetivo central verificar se a cidade de Coimbra é uma cidade amiga das pessoas idosas. Metodologia: A pesquisa remete para um estudo qualitativo exploratório a partir dos procedimentos metodológicos que constam do Protocolo de Vancouver. O focus group decorreu em duas sessões. Participantes: Foram auscultados 16 pessoas, 15 (93,8%) do sexo feminino. A idade média situa-se nos 79,88 anos (dp= ± 10,658), são maioritariamente viúvos (7= 43,8 %) e 7 (43,8%) e têm como habilitações a 4ª classe. Autoclassificam-se maioritariamente na classe média baixa (7 =43,8). Resultados: Das oito categorias analisadas três categorias “espaços exteriores e edifícios”, “transportes” e “respeito e inclusão social” são avaliadas com aspetos positivos e negativos. O “suporte comunitário e serviços de saúde” é avaliado como positivo enquanto a “habitação”, “participação social” e “comunicação e informação” são avaliados como negativos. As sugestões efetuadas referem-se a um único tópico “espaços exteriores e edifícios”. Conclusões: Se partilharmos a tese que uma cidade amiga das pessoas idosas estimula o envelhecimento ativo porque otimiza as oportunidades de participação no ambiente urbano melhorando, desta forma, a qualidade de vida das pessoas envelhecem. Os resultados que obtivemos, a partir da auscultação de um grupo de idosos, permitem-nos afirmar que Coimbra precisa de se adaptar aos seus munícipes mais velhos. Só assim Coimbra se poderá tornar uma cidade amiga das pessoas idosas. Importa igualmente registar que os resultados encontrados devem ser mediados pelo perfil sociodemográfico dos idosos entrevistados. / Introduction: In Portugal, as well as in other countries worldwide, has been registered by virtue of multiple associated transformations, an increasing growing of population. This new demographic scenario triggered, led to a reflection on the part of supranational organizations, about the cities in their relationship with the older residents. This reflection comes with the project Friendly City of Older Persons that presents benchmarks for the evaluation of cities so that they can adapt their structures and services to its older citizens. Enjoying this way the potential that older people represent for humanity. Objectives: This study aims to check if the city of Coimbra is an elderly friendly city. Methodology: The research refers to an exploratory qualitative study from the methodological procedures of the Vancouver Protocol. The focus group was held in two sessions. Participants: 16 people were sounded out, 15(93.8%) were female. The average ages tends at79.88 years (dp = ±10,658), are mostly widowers (7=43.8%) and 7 (43.8%) have the qualifications to4th grade. They are classified mostly in the lower middle class(7=43.8). Results: Of the eight analyzed categories three categories" outdoor spaces and buildings", "transport" and "respect and social inclusion" are evaluated on positive and negative aspects. The "community support and health services" is evaluated as positive as the"housing", "social participation "and "communication and information" are evaluated as negative. The suggestions are related to a single topic "buildings and outdoor areas." Conclusions: If we share the view that an elderly friendly citizen courages active aging because it optimizes the opportunities for participation in the urban environment improving, in this manner, the quality of life of the elderly. The results we obtained from the consultation of a group of elderly allow us to say that Coimbra needs to adapt to its older citizens. Only then Coimbra can become a friendly city of the elderly. It should also be noted that the results should be mediated by socio-demographic profile of elderly respondents.
Climate change will exacerbate challenges facing food security in the UK. Increasing frequency and intensity of extreme weather events will further impact upon farm systems. At the heart of the impending challenges to UK agricultural production, farmers’ resilience will be tested to new limits. Research into farmers’ resilience to climate change in the UK is distinctly underdeveloped when compared to research in developing and other developed nations. This research gap is addressed through exploration of farmers’ resilience in the Welsh Marches, establishing the role of risk perceptions, local knowledge and adaptive capacity in farmers’ decision-making to limit climate shocks. Further contributions to agricultural geography are made through experimentation of a ‘cultural-behavioural approach’, seeking to revisit the behavioural approach in view of the cultural-turn. The Welsh Marches, situated on the English-Welsh border, has been selected as a focal point due to its agricultural diversity, and known experiences of extreme weather events. A phased mixed methodological approach is adopted. Phase one explores recorded and reported experiences of past extreme weather events in local meteorological records and local newspaper articles. Phase two consists of 115 survey-questionnaires, 15 in-depth semi-structured interviews, and a scenario based focus group with selected farmers from the Welsh Marches. This allows farmers’ resilience to climate change in the past, present and future to be explored. Original contributions to knowledge are made through demonstrating the value of focusing upon the culture of a specific farm community, applying a ‘bottom-up’ approach. The priority given to the weather in farmers’ decision-making is identified to be determined by individual relationships that farmers’ develop with the weather. Yet, a consensus of farmers’ observations has established recognition of considerable changes in the weather over the last 30 years, acknowledging more extremes and seasonal variations. In contrast, perceptions of future climate change are largely varied. Farmers are found to be disengaged with the communication of climate change science, as the global impacts portrayed are distant in time and place from probable impacts that may be experienced locally. Current communication of climate change information has been identified to alienate farmers from the local reality of probable future impacts. Adaptation options and responses to extreme weather and climate change are identified from measures found to be already implemented and considered for the future. A greater need to explore local knowledge and risk perception in relation to farmers’ understanding of future climate challenges is clear. There is a need to conduct comparable research in different farm communities across the UK. Progression into establishing the role of farmers’ resilience in responding effectively to future climate challenges has only just begun.
Ethics on scientific research is approached and often discussed in several areas of knowledge connected to health. In the Administration area there are very few studies which approach the topic of ethics on research. The present paper tried to fill in this gap in the production of knowledge about the topic, investigating how the ethical principles found in the literature and in the codes of conduct are noticed and taken into account in Administration research activities developed by acting researchers in Administration Post Graduation Programs. Theoretically speaking, the study was based mainly on the approaches by Creswell (2007) and Bell and Bryman (2007), which discuss the research ethical principles. Methodologically speaking it was all about an exploratory kind of study, with qualitative research approach. Upon data collection, personal interviews were made aiming at its depth and focus groups were formed. The first stage had interviews with four experienced researchers who took part on a teaching and researching event and on the second stage we used the focus group technique. The focus groups were done in four college institutions along with the post graduation programs in Administration in the states of Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba and Pernambuco, in Brazil. The results suggest the existence of general principles and parameters for the scientific research recommended in the literature and on official resolution. However, in the Administration area, there are only a few recommendations of good practices when it comes to submitting articles for scientific publications but we found no guidance with ethical principles and parameters which cover all the activities in the scientific research and which specifically meet the research particularities in Administration. The main ethical dilemma pointed by the researchers refers to ethical questions which arise at the time of data collection and on disclosing the results. Most researchers do not know the guidelines and the ethical norms on ethics about research that we have in our country neither do they send in their projects to the research ethics committee. When dilemma arises, they decide the ethical question based on their values and common sense. These elements confirm the thesis that the researcher s procedure in the research activities in Administration is predominantly signed by personal values or by common sense and less by ethical principles, whether by not knowing the normative instruments related to ethics or by disagreeing with any disciplining rules on ethical behavior in the research
In the vein of the "Education for All" campaign to promote access to education, a wave of curriculum revision along the competency-based approach has swept francophone countries in sub-Sahara Africa, thus Benin. The current study documents local actors' various interactions with the curricular reform in the course of its implementation. Secondary data supplemented with qualitative research techniques such as semi-structured interviews with teachers, and focus group discussions with parents enable to relate the patterns of change, the challenges and resistance to change. The actors spectrum generated illustrates advocacy on one hand and resistance on the other. Advocacy of local actors reflects the global optimistic discourse on education and resistance is favoured by disappointing policy outcomes as well as contextual constraints. (DIPF/Orig.)
O objeto central deste estudo são os significados que os alunos do curso de Administração atribuem aos valores do ensino do Empreendedorismo em sua formação acadêmica, delineado à luz dos pressupostos teórico-metodológicos da psicologia de Vygotsky e alicerçado com a pesquisa efetuada durante o ano de 2015, com um cariz qualitativo. A proposta metodológica da pesquisa contempla a triangulação de procedimentos, a saber: questionários, entrevistas e grupo focal. Participaram do trabalho de entrevista e grupo focal um total de 14 alunos somados aos 109 que integraram o procedimento metodológico em forma de questionário. Todos os alunos participantes cursavam, no momento da pesquisa, o sexto e sétimos períodos do curso de administração. Como ponto de partida dos núcleos de significação deste trabalho, procurou-se verificar as possíveis formas de apreensão do conhecimento acadêmico com vistas à ação empreendedora dos sujeitos pesquisados, buscando estudá-los nas seguintes dimensões: quem são os alunos universitários; como é a sua vida acadêmica; de que maneira os estudantes constroem e significam a importância do conhecimento empreendedor para a construção de seu caminho na busca de seus objetivos e sonhos. O estudo permite defender a seguinte tese central: os significados atribuídos pelos alunos do Curso de Administração à sua formação empreendedora. A apreensão do conhecimento é significada com responsabilidade, compromisso, persistência e confiança em si mesmos. São pessoas que possuem esperança de ter um futuro promissor, de realizar seus objetivos, coroados de fortes sentimentos advindos de suas vivências, compreendendo o Empreendedorismo como forma de desenvolvimento social. A partir dessa tese central, outra se destacou por ter sido considerada a base de todo o processo empreendedor delineado pelos sujeitos pesquisados: a família. Esta instituição central declarou-se ser a base geradora para a sua motivação na construção de seus caminhos, rumo à conquista dos sonhos e anseios desejados. É ponto de destaque e elo firme em suprir uma das características do empreendedor, que é ter um “modelo”, aquele que o inspira, que o influencia para seguir em frente em sua meta. Outra tese que emergiu neste estudo foi o distanciamento da instituição de ensino das empresas, fato uníssono nas falas dos sujeitos pesquisados. A carência da prática no curso de administração foi sentida e evocada como um óbice a ser resolvido.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Educação Especial - Especialidade em problemas de cognição e multideficiência