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The potential of solid phase microextraction (SPME) in the analysis of explosives is demonstrated. A sensitive, rapid, solventless and inexpensive method for the analysis of explosives and explosive odors from solid and liquid samples has been optimized using SPME followed by HPLC and GC/ECD. SPME involves the extraction of the organic components in debris samples into sorbent-coated silica fibers, which can be transferred directly to the injector of a gas chromatograph. SPME/HPLC requires a special desorption apparatus to elute the extracted analyte onto the column at high pressure. Re suits for use of GC[ECD is presented and compared to the results gathered by using HPLC analysis. The relative effects of controllable variables including fiber chemistry, adsorption and desorption temperature, extraction time, and desorption time have been optimized for various high explosives.


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Oceanic crustal drilling by R. V. Glomar Challenger at 15 sites in the North Atlantic has led to a complex picture of the upper half kilometer of the crust. Elements of the picture include the absence of the source for linear magnetic anomalies, marked episodicity of volcanic activity, ubiquitous low temperature alteration and evidence for large scale tectonic disturbance. Comparison sections in the Pacific and much deeper crustal drilling are needed to attack problems arising from the North Atlantic results.


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Background Infant mortality in rural areas of Nigeria can be minimized if childhood febrile conditions are treated by trained health personnel, deployed to primary healthcare centres (PHCs) rather than the observed preference of mothers for patent medicine dealers (PMDs). However, health service utilization/patronage is driven by consumer satisfaction and perception of services/product value. The objective of this study was to determine ‘mothers’ perception of recovery’ and ‘mothers’ satisfaction’ after PMD treatment of childhood febrile conditions, as likely drivers of mothers’ health-seeking behaviour, which must be targeted to reverse the trend. Methods Ugwuogo-Nike, in Enugu, Nigeria, has many PMDs/PHCs, and was selected based on high prevalence of childhood febrile conditions. In total, 385 consenting mothers (aged 15–45 years) were consecutively recruited at PMD shops, after purchasing drugs for childhood febrile conditions, in a cross-sectional observational study using a pre-tested instrument; 33 of them (aged 21–47 years) participated in focus group discussions (FGDs). Qualitative data were thematically analysed while a quantitative study was analysed with Z score and Chi square statistics, at p < 0.05. Results Most participants in FGDs perceived that their child had delayed recovery, but were satisfied with PMDs’ treatment of childhood febrile conditions, for reasons that included politeness, caring attitude, drug availability, easy accessibility, flexibility in pricing, shorter waiting time, their God-fearing nature, and disposition as good listeners. Mothers’ satisfaction with PMDs’ treatment is significantly (p < 0.05) associated with mothers’ perception of recovery of their child (χ2 = 192.94, df = 4; p < 0.0001; Cramer’s V = 0.7079). However, predicting mothers’ satisfaction with PMDs’ treatment from a knowledge of mothers’ perception of recovery shows a high accord (lambda[A from B] = 0.8727), unlike when predicting mothers’ perception of recovery based on knowledge of mothers’ satisfaction with PMDs’ treatment (lambda[A from B] = 0.4727). Conclusions Mothers’ satisfaction could be the key ‘driver’ of mothers’ health-seeking behaviour and is less likely to be influenced by mothers’ perception of recovery of their child. Therefore, mothers’ negative perception of their child’s recovery may not induce proportionate decline in mothers’ health-seeking behaviour (patronage of PMDs), which might be influenced mainly by mothers’ satisfaction with the positive attributes of PMDs’ personality/practice and sets an important agenda for PHC reforms.


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It has been established that Wingate-based high-intensity training (HIT) consisting of 4 to 6 x 30-s all-out sprints interspersed with 4-min recovery is an effective training paradigm. Despite the increased utilisation of Wingate-based HIT to bring about training adaptations, the majority of previous studies have been conducted over a relatively short timeframe (2 to 6 weeks). However, activity during recovery period, intervention duration or sprint length have been overlooked. In study 1, the dose response of recovery intensity on performance during typical Wingate-based HIT (4 x 30-s cycle all-out sprints separated by 4-min recovery) was examined and active recovery (cycling at 20 to 40% of V̇O2peak) has been shown to improve sprint performance with successive sprints by 6 to 12% compared to passive recovery (remained still), while increasing aerobic contribution to sprint performance by ~15%. In the following study, 5 to 7% greater endurance performance adaptations were achieved with active recovery (40%V̇O2peak) following 2 weeks of Wingate-based HIT. In the final study, shorter sprint protocol (4 to 6 x 15-s sprints interspersed with 2 min of recovery) has been shown to be as effective as typical 30-s Wingate-based HIT in improving cardiorespiratory function and endurance performance over 9 weeks with the improvements in V̇O2peak being completed within 3 weeks, whereas exercise capacity (time to exhaustion) being increased throughout 9 weeks. In conclusion, the studies demonstrate that active recovery at 40% V̇O2peak significantly enhances endurance adaptations to HIT. Further, the duration of the sprint does not seem to be a driving factor in the magnitude of change with 15 sec sprints providing similar adaptations to 30 sec sprints. Taken together, this suggests that the arrangement of recovery mode should be considered to ensure maximal adaptation to HIT, and the practicality of the training would be enhanced via the reduction in sprint duration without diminishing overall training adaptations.


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The aim of this study was to optimize the aqueous extraction conditions for the recovery of phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity of lemon pomace using response surface methodology. An experiment based on Box–Behnken design was conducted to analyse the effects of temperature, time and sample-to-water ratio on the extraction of total phenolic compounds, total flavonoids, proanthocyanidins and antioxidant capacity. Sample-to-solvent ratio had a negative effect on all the dependent variables, while extraction temperature and time had a positive effect only on TPC yields and ABTS antioxidant capacity. The optimal extraction conditions were 95 oC, 15 min, and a sample-to-solvent ratio of 1:100 g/ml. Under these conditions, the aqueous extracts had the same content of TPC and TF as well as antioxidant capacity in comparison with those of methanol extracts obtained by sonication. Therefore these conditions could be applied for further extraction and isolation of phenolic compounds from lemon pomace.


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Stakeholder participation is widely acknowledged as a critical component of post-disaster recovery because it helps create a shared understanding of local hazard risk and vulnerability, improves recovery and mitigation decision efficacy, and builds social capital and local resilience to future disasters. But approaches commonly used to facilitate participation and empower local communities depend on lengthy consensus-building processes which is not conducive to time-constrained post-disaster recovery. Moreover, these approaches are often criticized for being overly technocratic and ignoring existing community power and trust structures. Therefore, there is a need for more nuanced, analytical and applied research on stakeholder participation in planning for post-disaster recovery. This research examines participatory behavior of three stakeholder groups (government agencies, non-local non-government organizations, local community-based organizations) in three coastal village communities of Nagapattinam (India) that were recovering from the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. The study found eight different forms of participation and non-participation in the case study communities, ranging from 'transformative' participation to 'marginalized' non-participation. These forms of participation and non-participatory behavior emanated from the negotiation of four factors, namely stakeholder power, legitimacy, trust, and urgency for action. The study also found that the time constraints and changing conditions of recovery pose particular challenges for how these factors operated on the ground and over the course of recovery. Finally, the study uses these insights to suggest four strategies for recovery managers to use in the short- and long-term to facilitate more effective stakeholder participation in post-disaster recovery.


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Spent hydroprocessing catalysts (HPCs) are solid wastes generated in refinery industries and typically contain various hazardous metals, such as Co, Ni, and Mo. These wastes cannot be discharged into the environment due to strict regulations and require proper treatment to remove the hazardous substances. Various options have been proposed and developed for spent catalysts treatment; however, hydrometallurgical processes are considered efficient, cost-effective and environmentally-friendly methods of metal extraction, and have been widely employed for different metal uptake from aqueous leachates of secondary materials. Although there are a large number of studies on hazardous metal extraction from aqueous solutions of various spent catalysts, little information is available on Co, Ni, and Mo removal from spent NiMo hydroprocessing catalysts. In the current study, a solvent extraction process was applied to the spent HPC to specifically remove Co, Ni, and Mo. The spent HPC is dissolved in an acid solution and then the metals are extracted using three different extractants, two of which were aminebased and one which was a quaternary ammonium salt. The main aim of this study was to develop a hydrometallurgical method to remove, and ultimately be able to recover, Co, Ni, and Mo from the spent HPCs produced at the petrochemical plant in Come By Chance, Newfoundland and Labrador. The specific objectives of the study were: (1) characterization of the spent catalyst and the acidic leachate, (2) identifying the most efficient leaching agent to dissolve the metals from the spent catalyst; (3) development of a solvent extraction procedure using the amine-based extractants Alamine308, Alamine336 and the quaternary ammonium salt, Aliquat336 in toluene to remove Co, Ni, and Mo from the spent catalyst; (4) selection of the best reagent for Co, Ni, and Mo extraction based on the required contact time, required extractant concentration, as well as organic:aqueous ratio; and (5) evaluation of the extraction conditions and optimization of the metal extraction process using the Design Expert® software. For the present study, a Central Composite Design (CCD) method was applied as the main method to design the experiments, evaluate the effect of each parameter, provide a statistical model, and optimize the extraction process. Three parameters were considered as the most significant factors affecting the process efficiency: (i) extractant concentration, (ii) the organic:aqueous ratio, and (iii) contact time. Metal extraction efficiencies were calculated based on ICP analysis of the pre- and post–leachates, and the process optimization was conducted with the aid of the Design Expert® software. The obtained results showed that Alamine308 can be considered to be the most effective and suitable extractant for spent HPC examined in the study. Alamine308 is capable of removing all three metals to the maximum amounts. Aliquat336 was found to be not as effective, especially for Ni extraction; however, it is able to separate all of these metals within the first 10 min, unlike Alamine336, which required more than 35 min to do so. Based on the results of this study, a cost-effective and environmentally-friendly solventextraction process was achieved to remove Co, Ni, and Mo from the spent HPCs in a short amount of time and with the low extractant concentration required. This method can be tested and implemented for other hazardous metals from other secondary materials as well. Further investigation may be required; however, the results of this study can be a guide for future research on similar metal extraction processes.


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Introduction: Baseline severity and clinical stroke syndrome (Oxford Community Stroke Project, OCSP) classification are predictors of outcome in stroke. We used data from the ‘Tinzaparin in Acute Ischaemic Stroke Trial’ (TAIST) to assess the relationship between stroke severity, early recovery, outcome and OCSP syndrome. Methods: TAIST was a randomised controlled trial assessing the safety and efficacy of tinzaparin versus aspirin in 1,484 patients with acute ischaemic stroke. Severity was measured as the Scandinavian Neurological Stroke Scale (SNSS) at baseline and days 4, 7 and 10, and baseline OCSP clinical classification recorded: total anterior circulation infarct (TACI), partial anterior circulation infarct (PACI), lacunar infarct (LACI) and posterior circulation infarction (POCI). Recovery was calculated as change in SNSS from baseline at day 4 and 10. The relationship between stroke syndrome and SNSS at days 4 and 10, and outcome (modified Rankin scale at 90 days) were assessed. Results: Stroke severity was significantly different between TACI (most severe) and LACI (mildest) at all four time points (p<0.001), with no difference between PACI and POCI. The largest change in SNSS score occurred between baseline and day 4; improvement was least in TACI (median 2 units), compared to other groups (median 3 units) (p<0.001). If SNSS did not improve by day 4, then early recovery and late functional outcome tended to be limited irrespective of clinical syndrome (SNSS, baseline: 31, day 10: 32; mRS, day 90: 4); patients who recovered early tended to continue to improve and had better functional outcome irrespective of syndrome (SNSS, baseline: 35, day 10: 50; mRS, day 90: 2). Conclusions: Although functional outcome is related to baseline clinical syndrome (best with LACI, worst with TACI), patients who improve early have a more favourable functional outcome, irrespective of their OCSP syndrome. Hence, patients with a TACI syndrome may still achieve a reasonable outcome if early recovery occurs.


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Restoration of natural wetlands may be informed by macroinvertebrate community composition. Macroinvertebrate communities of wetlands are influenced by environmental characteristics such as vegetation, soil, hydrology, land use, and isolation. This dissertation explores multiple approaches to the assessment of wetland macroinvertebrate community composition, and demonstrates how these approaches can provide complementary insights into the community ecology of aquatic macroinvertebrates. Specifically, this work focuses on macroinvertebrates of Delmarva Bays, isolated seasonal wetlands found on Maryland’s eastern shore. A comparison of macroinvertebrate community change over a nine years in a restored wetland complex indicated that the macroinvertebrate community of a rehabilitated wetlands more rapidly approximated the community of a reference site than did a newly created wetland. The recovery of a natural macroinvertebrate community in the rehabilitated wetland indicated that wetland rehabilitation should be prioritized over wetland creation and long-term monitoring may be needed to evaluate restoration success. This study also indicated that characteristics of wetland vegetation reflected community composition. The connection between wetland vegetation and macroinvertebrate community composition led to a regional assessment of predaceous diving beetle (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) community composition in 20 seasonal wetlands, half with and half without sphagnum moss (Sphagnum spp.). Species-level identifications indicated that wetlands with sphagnum support unique and diverse assemblages of beetles. These patterns suggest that sphagnum wetlands provide habitat that supports biodiversity on the Delmarva Peninsula. To compare traits of co-occurring beetles, mandible morphology and temporal and spatial variation were measured between three species of predaceous diving beetles. Based on mandible architecture, all species may consume similarly sized prey, but prey characteristics likely differ in terms of piercing force required for successful capture and consumption. Therefore, different assemblages of aquatic beetles may have different effects on macroinvertebrate community structure. Integrating community-level and species-level data strengthens the association between individual organisms and their ecological role. Effective restoration of imperiled wetlands benefits from this integration, as it informs the management practices that both preserve biodiversity and promote ecosystem services.


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Advances in the diagnosis of Mycobacterium bovis infection in wildlife hosts may benefit the development of sustainable approaches to the management of bovine tuberculosis in cattle. In the present study, three laboratories from two different countries participated in a validation trial to evaluate the reliability and reproducibility of a real time PCR assay in the detection and quantification of M. bovis from environmental samples. The sample panels consisted of negative badger faeces spiked with a dilution series of M. bovis BCG Pasteur and of field samples of faeces from badgers of unknown infection status taken from badger latrines in areas with high and low incidence of bovine TB (bTB) in cattle. Samples were tested with a previously optimised methodology. The experimental design involved rigorous testing which highlighted a number of potential pitfalls in the analysis of environmental samples using real time PCR. Despite minor variation between operators and laboratories, the validation study demonstrated good concordance between the three laboratories: on the spiked panels, the test showed high levels of agreement in terms of positive/negative detection, with high specificity (100%) and high sensitivity (97%) at levels of 10(5) cells g(-1) and above. Quantitative analysis of the data revealed low variability in recovery of BCG cells between laboratories and operators. On the field samples, the test showed high reproducibility both in terms of positive/negative detection and in the number of cells detected, despite low numbers of samples identified as positive by any laboratory. Use of a parallel PCR inhibition control assay revealed negligible PCR-interfering chemicals co-extracted with the DNA. This is the first example of a multi-laboratory validation of a real time PCR assay for the detection of mycobacteria in environmental samples. Field studies are now required to determine how best to apply the assay for population-level bTB surveillance in wildlife.


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The use of biological processes with the aim of the recovery of gold from low-concentration solutions derived from leaching of secondary sources is gaining increasing importance owing to the scarcity of the primary resources and the economic and environmental advantages usually presented by these methods. Thus, the addition in batch and continuous processes of different solutions containing biogenic sulphide, which was generated by the activity of sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB), to gold(III) solutions was investigated for that purpose. In the batch experiments, AuS nanoparticles with sizes of between 6 and 14 nm were obtained (corresponding to 100% removal of Au(III) from solution) if the biogenic sulphide was generated in a typical nutrient medium for SRB, whereas Au(0) nanoparticles with sizes of below 8 nm were obtained (corresponding to 62% removal of Au(III)) if effluent from a SRB bioremediation process for treating acid mine drainage (AMD) was used instead. These results stimulated the development of a continuous process of addition, in which two sulphide-rich effluents, which resulted from a SRB bioremediation process for treating two types of AMD (from a uranium mine and a polysulphide mine), were tested. In both cases, Au(0) nanoparticles with sizes of between 6 and 15 nm were mainly obtained, and the percentage removal of Au(III) from solution ranged from 76% to 100%. The processes described allow the simultaneous treatment of AMD and recovery of metallic gold nanoparticles, which are a product with a wide range of applications (e.g., in medicine, optical devices and catalysis) and high economic value. The synthesis process described in this work can be considered as novel, because it is the first time, to our knowledge, that the use of effluent from a SRB bioremediation process has been reported for the recovery of gold(III) as gold(0) nanoparticles.


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This thesis aims to present the ORC technology, its advantages and related problems. In particular, it provides an analysis of ORC waste heat recovery system in different and innovative scenarios, focusing on cases from the biggest to the lowest scale. Both industrial and residential ORC applications are considered. In both applications, the installation of a subcritical and recuperated ORC system is examined. Moreover, heat recovery is considered in absence of an intermediate heat transfer circuit. This solution allow to improve the recovery efficiency, but requiring safety precautions. Possible integrations of ORC systems with renewable sources are also presented and investigated to improve the non-programmable source exploitation. In particular, the offshore oil and gas sector has been selected as a promising industrial large-scale ORC application. From the design of ORC systems coupled with Gas Turbines (GTs) as topper systems, the dynamic behavior of the GT+ORC innovative combined cycles has been analyzed by developing a dynamic model of all the considered components. The dynamic behavior is caused by integration with a wind farm. The electric and thermal aspects have been examined to identify the advantages related to the waste heat recovery system installation. Moreover, an experimental test rig has been realized to test the performance of a micro-scale ORC prototype. The prototype recovers heat from a low temperature water stream, available for instance in industrial or residential waste heat. In the test bench, various sensors have been installed, an acquisitions system developed in Labview environment to completely analyze the ORC behavior. Data collected in real time and corresponding to the system dynamic behavior have been used to evaluate the system performance based on selected indexes. Moreover, various operational steady-state conditions are identified and operation maps are realized for a completely characterization of the system and to detect the optimal operating conditions.


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The thesis aims at exploring possible legal solutions to remove the obstacles to the free circulation of judgments in the civil justice area that arise from the remarkably diverging national rules on procedural time limits. As shown by the case-law of the CJEU, time limits have recently come under closer scrutiny. The interplay between national and EU law illustrates that time limits raise significant deficiencies connected with the right to a fair trial under Art. 6 ECHR and Art. 47 CFR – e.g. the effective recovery of claims, effective judicial protection, effective cross-border enforcement of judgments – which negatively impact EU cross-border civil litigation. In order to overcome some of the weaknesses of the current legal framework governing the cross-border enforcement of judgments and strengthen the parties’ fundamental procedural rights the PhD thesis intends to determine whether and, to what extent time limits can be harmonised at EU level. EU action on time limits would indeed favour the speed, efficiency and proportionality of cross-border proceedings without sacrificing the fairness of the judicial process and the equality of the parties


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Corynebacterium species (spp.) are among the most frequently isolated pathogens associated with subclinical mastitis in dairy cows. However, simple, fast, and reliable methods for the identification of species of the genus Corynebacterium are not currently available. This study aimed to evaluate the usefulness of matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization/mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) for identifying Corynebacterium spp. isolated from the mammary glands of dairy cows. Corynebacterium spp. were isolated from milk samples via microbiological culture (n=180) and were analyzed by MALDI-TOF MS and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Using MALDI-TOF MS methodology, 161 Corynebacterium spp. isolates (89.4%) were correctly identified at the species level, whereas 12 isolates (6.7%) were identified at the genus level. Most isolates that were identified at the species level with 16 S rRNA gene sequencing were identified as Corynebacterium bovis (n=156; 86.7%) were also identified as C. bovis with MALDI-TOF MS. Five Corynebacterium spp. isolates (2.8%) were not correctly identified at the species level with MALDI-TOF MS and 2 isolates (1.1%) were considered unidentified because despite having MALDI-TOF MS scores >2, only the genus level was correctly identified. Therefore, MALDI-TOF MS could serve as an alternative method for species-level diagnoses of bovine intramammary infections caused by Corynebacterium spp.


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Extraction processes are largely used in many chemical, biotechnological and pharmaceutical industries for recovery of bioactive compounds from medicinal plants. To replace the conventional extraction techniques, new techniques as high-pressure extraction processes that use environment friendly solvents have been developed. However, these techniques, sometimes, are associated with low extraction rate. The ultrasound can be effectively used to improve the extraction rate by the increasing the mass transfer and possible rupture of cell wall due the formation of microcavities leading to higher product yields with reduced processing time and solvent consumption. This review presents a brief survey about the mechanism and aspects that affecting the ultrasound assisted extraction focusing on the use of ultrasound irradiation for high-pressure extraction processes intensification.