884 resultados para Qualidade dos produtos
O pescado e seus derivados têm uma grande importância na dieta, em todo o mundo. Sabe-se que peixes e frutos do mar fortalecem o sistema imunológico, contribuem para a redução dos níveis de colesterol, diminuem as chances de depressão, ajudam na formação dos músculos e protegem contra doenças cardiovasculares. Também, são ricos em vitaminas lipossolúveis A, D e E, além do ômega 3. Muitas vezes, esses produtos são consumidos crus ou com pouco preparo e com isso faz-se necessário medidas higiênico- sanitárias, pois podem ser contaminados com micro-organismos causadores de doenças. A análise microbiológica dos alimentos para se verificar a presença de micro-organismos prejudiciais é fundamental para se conhecer as condições de higiene nas quais estes alimentos foram preparados. Assim, 80 amostras de peixes e frutos do mar de peixarias e supermercados de Botucatu, SP, foram analisadas com o objetivo de verificar se esses alimentos estão dentro dos padrões estabelecidos pela legislação brasileira, através da RDC nº12, através da detecção da presença de Salmonella sp., Staphylococcus aureus e determinação do número mais provável de coliformes termotolerantes (CT), mesmo que este último não faça parte dos parâmetros para esse alimento, mas foi pesquisado para avaliação de suas condições higiênicas. Cada amostra (25 gramas) foi homogeneizada em 225ml de água peptonada e para a detecção de S. aureus, utilizou-se método spread Baird Parker, seguida de catalase, coagulase e kit Dry Spot. Para a detecção de Salmonella, utilizou-se caldo tetrationato (35ºC/24h) e Rapapport (42ºC/24h), semeados em ágar SS e XLD. As colônias foram testadas em TSI, ágar fenilalanina e testadas em poli soros somático e flagelar. Quanto aos CT, empregou-se a técnica de tubos múltiplos, inoculando diluições da amostra em caldo Lauril sulfato, na fase presuntiva e depois em caldo EC (45ºC) na fase confirmatória. De ...
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The high perishability of the onion has limited its conservation period and caused great post-harvest losses. The need of consuming fresh products has led the market of minimally processed products to considerably rise. Cut operations during the minimal processing may not only cause important biochemical reactions in the onion tissues, but also affect its sensorial quality, resulting in a drastic reduction in the post-harvest life of the product. In this study the influence of different cut types was assessed on the quality of minimally processed onions. 'Baia Periforme'onions were transported to the laboratory, where they were selected, cleaned, classified, peeled, minimally processed into slices, grated and chopped, and subsequently sanitized for 10 minutes in sodium hypochlorite at 100 mg L-1. The product was kept on polystyrene trays covered with plastic film (PVC) as 80 g portions and conserved in a cold chamber at 5 +/- 1 degrees C and 85 +/- 5% RH, during 6 days. Physical, chemical and physico-chemical assays were carried out. Statistical design was completely randomized with 3 treatments and 3 replications (plot group) and 5 replicationss for the control group. For sensorial analysis (aspect and smell), 10 replications were used. To compare means, Tukey test at 5% significance was adopted. During the refrigerated conservation, sliced onions kept more stable levels of soluble solids, titratable acidity, total sugars, reducing and non-reducing sugars. The grated onion was superior considering the sensorial characteristics, indicating that the cut types interfered in these features and the grated onion was more accepted by evaluators.
The objective of this trial was to evaluate the effect of ascorbic acid (AA) and calcium chloride (CaCl2) applied by immersion at temperatures of 20 and 40 degrees C on the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of minimally processed cabbage, stored under refrigeration. Cabbages were processed in an industrial food processing equipment to be cut in slices with thickness of 3 mm. Slices were immersed in sodium hypochlorite (50 ppm) during 5 minutes for sanitization. After, the following treatments were carried out T1= control (immersion in water during 5 minutes at 20 degrees C); T2= immersion in 1% AA solution, during 5 minutes at 20 degrees C; T3= immersion in 2% AA solution, during 5 minutes at 20 degrees C; T4= immersion in 1% CaCl2 solution during 5 minutes at 20 degrees C; T5= immersion in 2% CaCl2 solution during 5 minutes at 20 degrees C, T6= immersion in 1% CaCl2 solution during 5 minutes at 40 degrees C; and T7= immersion in 2% CaCl2 solution during 5 minutes at 40 degrees C; with four replications each one. After application of treatments, cabbage was centrifuged during one minute, wrapped with polyvinyl chloride, 20 mu m, in trays of expanded polystyrene and maintained in refrigerated environment, at 6 +/- 1 degrees C and 85-90% of relative humidity, during eight days. Little increasing was observed in pH and titratable acidity values and reduction in soluble solids during conservation period on all treatments. Treatment with AA did not differ from control for color and general appearance, while treatment with 2% CaCl2 at 20 degrees C maintained the best quality, with less intensity of browning, best general appearance and purchase intent and least strange odor at the end of evaluation period.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Collective food services have been increasing worldwide, and the self-service restaurant has been the current preference by consumers. Considering the importance of hygienic quality of food, the microbiological composition of ready-to-eat food was assessed. In the second semester of 2008, 20 samples of meals, mainly meat-based foods, were collected from different self-service restaurants in Araçatuba city, SP. Bacteriological analyses were performed following the conventional methodologies, and the results were compared with the standards established by the effective Brazilian legislation. Coliforms at 35ºC were detected in 90% of analyzed samples. Coliforms at 45°C were found in 55% of the samples and, among these, in 63.63%, the occurrence of Escherichia coli was confirmed. Coagulase-positive staphylococci were detected in 10% of samples and no sample showed Salmonella spp. or Bacillus cereus contamination. Sulfite reducing clostridia at 42o C were not investigated in this study. These findings indicate the need for a rigorous approach for improving the sanitary conditions during preparation and presentation of ready-to-eat food, as the consumption of contaminated products represents a potential risk to public health.
It is known that a high microbial count can compromise the stability of medicines, thus reducing their therapeutic efficacy. This work tried to demonstrate that the microbial contamination can be directly related to the inadequate handling of the medicines stored in homes, making it possible to draw strategies to reduce the possible risks of medical therapy offering correct information and advising. The objective of this work was to evaluate the quality of the medicines containing paracetamol found in the residences of Américo Brasiliense-SP, using the microbial analysis of non-sterile method described in the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia (1988). The medicine samples (30 samples) were obtained directly from the interviewed local residents, who had received new medicine bottles of the same product. An analysis of viable microorganisms (bacteria and fungus) was carried out to identify pathogens found in the collected samples. Although 90% of the analyzed samples have shown some microbial contamination, the results indicated the absence of pathogenic microorganisms, and the total count of viable microorganisms was below the maximum value for non-sterile (104 UFC/g or mL). It was also verified that the local residents stored the medicines in appropriate places, according to the orientations received when they bought the medicines in pharmacies and drugstores, showing the importance of information for the correct use and conservation of pharmaceuticals.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O Modelo de Gestão do Sistema Integrado de Bibliote cas da Universidade de São Paulo (SIBi/USP) incorpora conceitos e ferramentas de ger enciamento que permeiam as organizações modernas para garantir melhores índice s de desempenho sistêmico e prestar serviços com qualidade e eficiência aos usuários. C omo parte do Modelo está a identificação e a descrição detalhada dos processos de trabalho do Sistema, assim como o estabelecimento de alguns indicadores de desempenho . A partir do trabalho inicial, foi elaborado um levantamento complementar para identif icação dos processos que abrangessem o conjunto do Sistema de forma ampla. O s dados foram dispostos em planilhas para melhor visualização, especialmente q uanto aos macro processos, processos, sub processos e atividades. Os processos foram sepa rados em essenciais, gerenciais e de apoio, além de elencadas as atividades pertinentes a cada um deles, bem como as instruções técnicas e fluxos de trabalho. Foram est abelecidos alguns indicadores, tendo por referência os da IFLA já estudados por outro Grupo de Trabalho. Daquele estudo quatro indicadores foram testados e validados pelo SIBi/US P por meio de aplicação piloto em algumas das Bibliotecas do Sistema e outros foram d efinidos no estudo atual. Com isso foi possível mapear os processos e as atividades desenv olvidas pelo conjunto de Bibliotecas sendo que cada Biblioteca, em função de sua especia lidade e especificidade pode adequar o seu mapeamento. A definição de um núcleo básico d e indicadores objetiva viabilizar a concretização da missão e dos objetivos em consonân cia com a política do SIBI/USP