1000 resultados para Positive organizations


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We applied MIRU-VNTR (mycobacterial interspersed repetitive-unit-variable-number tandem-repeat typing) to directly analyze the bacilli present in 61 stain-positive specimens from tuberculosis patients. A complete MIRU type (24 loci) was obtained for all but one (no amplification in one locus) of the specimens (98.4%), and the allelic values fully correlated with those obtained from the corresponding cultures. Our study is the first to demonstrate that real-time genotyping of Mycobacterium tuberculosis can be achieved, fully transforming the way in which molecular epidemiology techniques can be integrated into control programs.


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PURPOSE: The prevalence of anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) gene fusion (ALK positivity) in early-stage non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) varies by population examined and detection method used. The Lungscape ALK project was designed to address the prevalence and prognostic impact of ALK positivity in resected lung adenocarcinoma in a primarily European population. METHODS: Analysis of ALK status was performed by immunohistochemistry (IHC) and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) in tissue sections of 1,281 patients with adenocarcinoma in the European Thoracic Oncology Platform Lungscape iBiobank. Positive patients were matched with negative patients in a 1:2 ratio, both for IHC and for FISH testing. Testing was performed in 16 participating centers, using the same protocol after passing external quality assessment. RESULTS: Positive ALK IHC staining was present in 80 patients (prevalence of 6.2%; 95% CI, 4.9% to 7.6%). Of these, 28 patients were ALK FISH positive, corresponding to a lower bound for the prevalence of FISH positivity of 2.2%. FISH specificity was 100%, and FISH sensitivity was 35.0% (95% CI, 24.7% to 46.5%), with a sensitivity value of 81.3% (95% CI, 63.6% to 92.8%) for IHC 2+/3+ patients. The hazard of death for FISH-positive patients was lower than for IHC-negative patients (P = .022). Multivariable models, adjusted for patient, tumor, and treatment characteristics, and matched cohort analysis confirmed that ALK FISH positivity is a predictor for better overall survival (OS). CONCLUSION: In this large cohort of surgically resected lung adenocarcinomas, the prevalence of ALK positivity was 6.2% using IHC and at least 2.2% using FISH. A screening strategy based on IHC or H-score could be envisaged. ALK positivity (by either IHC or FISH) was related to better OS.


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BACKGROUND: This study compared the incidence of fatal and nonfatal AIDS and non-AIDS events in HIV-positive individuals with a CD4 cell count more than 350  cells/μl among viral load strata: low (<500  copies/ml), intermediate (500-9999.9  copies/ml) and high (≥ 10000  copies/ml). METHODS: Individuals contributed person-years at risk if their most recent CD4 cell count was more than 350  cells/μl. Follow-up was censored if their CD4 cell count dropped below 350  cells/μl. Poisson regression analysis investigated the relationship between viraemia and the incidence of AIDS and non-AIDS events. RESULTS: Three hundred and fifty-four AIDS events occurred during 51 732  person-years of follow-up (PYFU), crude incidence rate of AIDS across the three strata was 0.53, 0.90 and 2.12 per 100 PYFU, respectively. After adjustment, a higher rate of AIDS was observed in individuals with moderate [incidence rate ratio (IRR) 1.44, 1.02-2.05, P = 0.03] and high viraemia had a higher rate (IRR 3.91, 2.89-5.89, P < 0.0001) compared with low viraemia. Five hundred and seventy-two non-AIDS events occurred during 43 784 PYFU, the crude incidence rates were 1.28, 1.52, and 1.38 per 100 PYFU, respectively. After adjustment, particularly for age, region of Europe and starting combination antiretroviral therapy, there was a 61% (IRR 1.61, 1.21-2.14, P = 0.001) and 66% (IRR 1.66, 1.17-2.32, P = 0.004) higher rate of non-AIDS in individuals with intermediate and high viraemia compared with low viraemia. CONCLUSION: In individuals with a CD4 cell count more than 350  cells/μl, an increased incidence of AIDS and a slightly increased incidence of non-AIDS was found in those with uncontrolled viral replication. The association with AIDS was clear and consistent. However, the association with non-AIDS was only apparent after adjustment and no differences were observed between intermediate and high viraemia.


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Summary: The mammalian epidermis is a pluristratified epithelium composed of 90% keratinocytes, and its main function is to serve as barrier for the body. The epithelial sodium channel (ENaC), formed by three homologous subunits α, β and γ is found in a variety of epithelia including epidermis. Previous studies showed that ENaC modulates different aspects of epidermal differentiation, such as synthesis of differentiation-specific proteins and lipid secretion. ENaC plays also a critical role in sodium homeostasis of renal and pulmonary epithelia, and its activity is thereby well controlled by hormones and non-hormonal factors, such as the serine protease CAP1 (channel-activating protease 1), also termed prostasin encoded by Prss8 gene. Serine proteases are proteolytic enzymes involved in numerous physiological and pathological processes in the epidermis. In order to evaluate the role of β and γENaC in epidermis, we analyzed the skin phenotype of β and γENaC null mutant (βENaC-/- and γENaC-/-) mice in comparison with the phenotype of αENaC-deficient mice. Furthermore, keratin14-specific CAP1-deficient mice (Prss8lox/Δ /K14-Cre) were generated in order to unveil the role of the serine protease CAP1 in epidermal development and function. This study reveals that the skin phenotype of βENaC and γENaC null mutant mice is less severe than the one of αENaC-deficient mice. However, all these mice present a common premature lipid secretion in the mid-granular layer of the epidermis. Further, the composition of the lipids of the stratum corneum in αENaC-deficient mice is strongly altered, suggesting that epidermal barrier function is compromised. K14-specific CAP1-deficient newborn mice are born at the expected Mendelian ratio, but die soon after birth, showing that CAP1 is required for postnatal survival. The epidermis of these mice exhibits striking malformations of the stratum corneum showing hyperkeratosis. These defects seriously affect both inward and outward epidermal barrier function, leading to rapid and fatal dehydration. As in αENaC-deficient mice, the lipid composition of the stratum corneum of K14-specific CAP1-deficient mice is disturbed. Furthermore, lack of CAP1 leads to the selective loss of filaggrin monomers, important for keratins aggregation and skin moisturization, and to an increased of aberrant profilaggrin precursors. In conclusion, both ENaC and CAP1 expression in the epidermis are crucial for keratinocyte differentiation processes and/or barrier function. Since the abnormalities in K14-specific CAP1-deficient mice resemble key features of human skin ichthyosis, in particular Harlequin ichthyosis, the study of ENaC and CAP1 mutant mice might allow new insights into mechanisms underlying skin diseases. Résumé: L'épiderme des mammifères est un épithélium pluristratifié, protégeant le corps contre les perturbations extérieures et la déshydratation. Le canal épithélial à sodium (ENaC), formé de trois sous-unités α, β et γ, est exprimé dans de nombreux épithélia, comme l'épiderme. Des études ont montré que l'absence de la sous-unité αENaC modulait différents aspects de la différenciation des kératinocytes de l'épiderme, comme la synthèse de protéines spécifiques ou la sécrétion de lipides dans la couche granulaire de l'épiderme. ENaC joue également un rôle crucial dans l'homéostasie du sodium dans les épithélia électriquement étanches, comme l'épithélium rénal ou pulmonaire. L'activité de ENaC est par conséquent finement régulée, en partie par des hormones, mais aussi par des facteurs non-hormonaux, telle que la sérine protéase CAP1 (« channel-activating protease 1 >>) (nommée également prostasine et codée par le gène Prss8). Le but de ce travail a donc été d'étudier le rôle des sous-unités β et γENaC dans l'épiderme en comparaison avec celui de la sous-unité α en utilisant des souris mutantes βENaC-/- et γENaC-/-. Dans un deuxième temps, le phénotype d'une souris chez qui CAP1 a été spécifiquement invalidé dans l'épiderme (Prsslox/Δ/K14-Cre) a été analysé, dans le but de mettre en évidence le rôle de cette protéase dans l'épiderme. Comme déjà montré pour les souris αENaC-/-, la sécrétion des lipides dans la couche granulaire de l'épiderme des souris βENaC-/- et γENaC-/- est prématurée. Cependant, l'hyperplasie et l'expression anormale des protéines marqueurs de la différenciation présents chez les souris αENaC-/- n'ont pas été observés dans l'épiderme des souris βENaC-/- et γENaC-/-. La composition lipidique de la couche cornée des souris αENaC-/- est fortement altérée suggérant que la fonction de barrière de l'épiderme de ces souris est compromise. Les souris mutantes CAP1 ont quant à elles révélé des malformations sévères de leur couche cornée, affectant la fonction de barrière de leur épiderme et conduisant à la mort de ces souris par déshydratation quelques jours après leur naissance. De plus, la composition en lipides de la couche cornée ainsi que la taille des cellules cornées, les cornéocytes, de ces souris sont modifiées par rapport aux souris contrôles. L'invalidation de la protéine CAP1 dans l'épiderme conduit aussi à la perte de la filaggrine, une protéine cruciale pour l'agrégation des kératines dans la couche cornée et le maintien du niveau d'hydratation de la peau, et à l'accumulation de ses précurseurs. En conclusion, l'expression de ENaC et de CAP1 est cruciale pour la différenciation de l'épiderme et/ou sa fonction de barrière. De plus, le phénotype des souris mutantes CAP1 présente des caractéristiques qui ressemblent à celles observées dans certaines pathologies humaines cutanées, comme l'ichthyose d'Harlequin. L'étude des souris mutantes ENaC et CAP1 pourrait donc apporter de nouvelles connaissances dans les mécanismes impliqués dans l'ichthyose d'Harlequin ou d'autres maladies de la peau chez l'homme. Résumé tout public: La peau est le plus grand organe vital du corps humain. Sa fonction principale est de protéger le corps comme une barrière, contre les agressions extérieures et la déshydratation. De nombreuses maladies de la peau résultent d'une perte de fonction de cette barrière. Bien que les pathologies cutanées soient très bien décrites, leur cause génétique n'est en général pas encore connue. La souris est alors un modèle de choix pour la recherche fondamentale. En effet, grâce aux progrès récents de la science, le génome de la souris peut aujourd'hui être modifié dans le but d'étudier le rôle de nombreuses protéines. Dans différents organes, comme le rein et le poumon, le canal épithélial à sodium (ENaC), composé de trois sous-unités protéiques homologues (α, β, et γ), joue un rôle essentiel dans la réabsorption du sodium. L'activité de ENaC est régulée par de nombreux facteurs hormonaux et non-hormonaux, telle que la protéase CAP1 (« channel-activating protease 1 »). L'invalidation de la sous-unité αENaC chez la souris a permis de montrer que dans la peau, le canal ENaC est impliqué dans la différenciation des cellules de l'épiderme et la croissance des poils. Durant ce travail, le phénotype des souris chez qui la protéine βENaC, γENaC ou CAP1 a été invalidée (souris mutantes), a été étudié dans le but de mieux comprendre le rôle des sous-unités du canal ENaC et de son régulateur CAP1 dans la peau. Les résultats de ce projet ont montré que les souris mutantes βENaC et γENaC présentent un épiderme anormal avec une synthèse prématurée de lipides dans la couche granulaire, suggérant l'implication de ENaC dans la fonction de barrière de la peau. De plus, quand CAP1 est invalidé de manière totale chez les souris, le développement embryonnaire est perturbé et ces souris meurent avant la naissance. CAP1 a donc été invalidé spécifiquement dans l'épiderme des souris. Ces souris mutantes « épiderme-spécifique » naissent normalement, mais meurent peu après la naissance de déshydratation. La couche superficielle de l'épiderme, appelée couche cornée, de ces souris est malformée et ne confère plus à la peau sa fonction de barrière. De plus, les composants de la couche cornée, les cellules cornées entourées de lipides, sont sévèrement altérés. Le phénotype de ces souris ressemble aux caractéristiques présentes chez les patients atteints d'ichthyoses, en particulier l'ichthyose d'Harlequin. En conclusion, le canal ENaC ainsi que son régulateur CAP1 jouent un rôle clé dans les processus de différenciation de l'épiderme et/ou de sa fonction de barrière. De plus, les souris mutantes pour CAP1 et ENaC se révéleront peut-être comme des modèles appropriés dans l'étude de l'ichthyose d'Harlequin ou d'autres maladies cutanées.


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Résumé en français Cadre : Policlinique pédiatrique à Lausanne en Suisse, pays rencontrant une proportion importante de tuberculose au sein de la population de migrants. But : Déterminer les facteurs de risque associés à un test tuberculinique positif (ou test de Mantoux), notamment l'influence du BCG (Bacille Calmette Guérin) et d'un contact avec un personne ayant une tuberculose active. Les patients concernés étaient des enfants examinés dans le cadre d'un contrôle de santé ou dans le cadre d'une étude d'entourage d'un cas déclaré de tuberculose. Méthode : Etude descriptive comprenant des enfants ayant eu un test tuberculinique (2 unités RT23) entre novembre 2002 et avril 2004. L'âge, le sexe, l'anamnèse de contact avec une personne ayant une tuberculose active, la vaccination par le BCG, le pays d'origine et le lieu de naissance (en Suisse ou hors de la Suisse) étaient répertoriés. Résultats : Parmi les 234 enfants de l'étude, 176 (75%) avaient une réaction tuberculinique égal à zéro et 31 (13%) avaient une réaction positive (> 10mm). Dans le modèle de régression linéaire, la taille de la réaction tuberculinique variait significativement selon l'anamnèse de contact avec une personne ayant une tuberculose active, l'âge, l'incidence de la tuberculose dans le pays d'origine et la vaccination par le BCG. Le sexe ou le lieu de naissance n'influençait pas la taille de la réaction. Dans le modèle de régression logistique incluant toutes les valeurs répertoriées, les paramètres significativement associés avec un Mantoux positif étaient l'âge (Odds Ratio = 1.21, 95% CI 1.08 ; 1.35), l'anamnèse de contact avec une personne ayant une tuberculose active (OR = 7.31, 95% CI 2.23 ; 24) et l'incidence de la tuberculose dans le pays d'origine (OR = 1.01, 95% CI 1.00 ; 1.02). Le sexe (OR = 1.18, 95% CI 0.50 ; 2.78) et la vaçcination par le BCG (OR = 2.97, 95% CI 0.91 ; 9.72) n'étaient pas associés avec une réaction tuberculinique positive. Conclusions : L'incidence de la tuberculose dans le pays d'origine, la vaccination par le BCG et l'âge influencent le test de Mantoux (taille ou proportion de réaction > 10mm). Toutefois, le facteur de risque le plus important d'avoir une réaction tuberculinique positive est l'anamnèse de contact avec. une personne ayant une tuberculose active.


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BACKGROUND To compare outcomes for patients with recurrent or persistent papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) who had metastatic tumors that were fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) positive or negative, and to determine whether the FDG-PET scan findings changed the outcome of medical and surgical management. METHODS From a prospective thyroid cancer database, we retrospectively identified patients with recurrent or persistent PTC and reviewed data on demographics, initial stage, location and extent of persistent or recurrent disease, clinical management, disease-free survival and outcome. We further identified subsets of patients who had an FDG-PET scan or an FDG-PET/CT scan and whole-body radioactive iodine scans and categorized them by whether they had one or more FDG-PET-avid (PET-positive) lesions or PET-negative lesions. The medical and surgical treatments and outcome of these patients were compared. RESULTS Between 1984 and 2008, 41 of 141 patients who had recurrent or persistent PTC underwent FDG-PET (n = 11) or FDG-PET/CT scans (n = 30); 22 patients (54%) had one or more PET-positive lesion(s), 17 (41%) had PET-negative lesions, and two had indeterminate lesions. Most PET-positive lesions were located in the neck (55%). Patients who had a PET-positive lesion had a significantly higher TNM stage (P = 0.01), higher age (P = 0.03), and higher thyroglobulin (P = 0.024). Only patients who had PET-positive lesions died (5/22 vs. 0/17 for PET-negative lesions; P = 0.04). In two of the seven patients who underwent surgical resection of their PET-positive lesions, loco-regional control was obtained without evidence of residual disease. CONCLUSION Patients with recurrent or persistent PTC and FDG-PET-positive lesions have a worse prognosis. In some patients loco-regional control can be obtained without evidence of residual disease by reoperation if the lesion is localized in the neck or mediastinum.


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Rationale: Children with atopic diseases in early life are frequently found with positive IgE tests to nuts, without a history of previous ingestion. We aimed to identify risk factors for reactions to nuts at their first introduction. Methods: A detailed retrospective case note and database analysis was performed. Inclusion criteria were: patients aged 3 to 16 years who had had a standardized food challenge to peanut and/or tree nuts due to primary sensitisation to the nut (positive specific IgE or SPT). A detailed assessment was performed of factors relating to food challenge outcome with univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis. Results: There were 98 food challenges (48% peanut, 52% tree nut) with 29 positive, 67 negative and 2 inconclusive challenges. A positive maternal history and a specific IgE > 2 kU/l were strongly associated with a significantly increased risk of a positive food challenge (OR 3.54; 95% CI 1.28 to 9.81; and OR 4.82; 95% CI 1.57 to 14.86; respectively). There was no significant association between the type of nut, age, presence of other food allergies, paternal or sibling atopic history, other atopic conditions or severity of previous reaction to other foods. Conclusions: We have demonstrated an association between the presence of a maternal atopic history and a specific IgE > 2 kU/l, and a significant increase in the likelihood of a positive food challenge in children with primary sensitisation to nuts. Although requiring further prospective validation we suggest these easily identifiable components should be considered when deciding the need for a nut challenge.


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The proline-specific dipeptidyl aminopeptidase IV (DPP IV, DPP-4, CD26), widely expressed in mammalians, releases X-Pro/Ala dipeptides from the N-terminus of peptides. DPP IV is responsible of the degradation of the incretin peptide hormones regulating blood glucose levels. Several families of DPP IV inhibitors have been synthesized and evaluated. Their positive effects on the degradation of the incretins and the control of blood glucose levels have been demonstrated in biological models and in clinical trials. Presently, several DPP IV inhibitors, the "gliptins", are approved for type 2 diabetes or are under clinical evaluation. However, the gliptins may also be of therapeutic interest for other diseases beyond the inhibition of incretin degradation. In this Perspective, the biological functions and potential substrates of DPP IV enzymes are reviewed and the characteristics of the DPP IV inhibitors are discussed in view of type 2 diabetes and further therapeutic interest.


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Psychodynamic therapists are often suspicious of positive emotions and consider them to be nothing more than a form of denial or of another defense aiming to diminish painful or difficult affects. Positive emotions seem to exist only through the absence of negative emotions or as something that may happen outside of therapy. On the other hand, clinicians also agree that psychoanalytic work could not be successful without such positive emotions as interest, pleasure, surprise and creativity. Contemporary psychoanalytic thinking and new research findings in the area of relationship regulation are likely to give positive emotions an increasingly prominent place in dynamically oriented therapies. With today's emphasis on the therapeutic relationship and intersubjectivity, the time appears right to integrate positive emotions more formally into psychodynamic clinical theories.


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After decades of management reforms in the public sector, questions on the impact of leader-ship behavior in public organizations have been attracting increasing attention. This paper investigates the relationship between transformational leadership behavior and organizational citizenship behavior as one major extra-role outcome of transformational leadership. Refer-ring to a growing body of research that shows the importance of public service values and employee identification in public administration research, we include public service motiva-tion and organizational goal clarification as mediating variables in our analysis. Structural equation modeling is applied as the method of analysis for a sample of 569 public managers at the local level of Switzerland. The findings of our study support the assumed indirect relation-ship between leadership and employee behavior and emphasize the relevance of public ser-vice values when analyzing leadership behavior in public sector organizations.


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STUDY OBJECTIVES: We sought to determine the effect of expiratory positive airway pressure on end expiratory lung volume (EELV) and sleep disordered breathing in obstructive sleep apnea patients. DESIGN: Observational physiology study PARTICIPANTS: We studied 10 OSA patients during sleep wearing a facial mask. We recorded 1 hour of NREM sleep without treatment (baseline) and 1 hour with 10 cm H2O EPAP in random order, while measuring EELV and breathing pattern. RESULTS: The mean EELV change between baseline and EPAP was only 13.3 mL (range 2-25 mL). Expiratory time was significantly increased with EPAP compared to baseline 2.64 +/- 0.54 vs 2.16 +/- 0.64 sec (P = 0.002). Total respiratory time was longer with EPAP than at baseline 4.44 +/- 1.47 sec vs 3.73 +/- 0.88 sec (P = 0.3), and minute ventilation was lower with EPAP vs baseline 7.9 +/- 4.17 L/min vs 9.05 +/- 2.85 L/min (P = 0.3). For baseline (no treatment) and EPAP respectively, the mean apnea+hypopnea index (AHI) was 62.6 +/- 28.7 and 56.8 +/- 30.3 events per hour (P = 0.4). CONCLUSION: In OSA patients during sleep, the application of 10 cm H2O EPAP led to prolongation of expiratory time with only marginal increases in FRC. These findings suggest important mechanisms exist to avoid hyperinflation during sleep.


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Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive patients have a greater prevalence of coinfection with human papillomavirus (HPV) is of high oncogenic risk. Indeed, the presence of the virus favours intraepithelial squamous cell lesion progression and may induce cancer. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of HPV infection, distribution of HPV types and risk factors among HIV-positive patients. Cervical samples from 450 HIV-positive patients were analysed with regard to oncotic cytology, colposcopy and HPV presence and type by means of polymerase chain reaction and sequencing. The results were analysed by comparing demographic data and data relating to HPV and HIV infection. The prevalence of HPV was 47.5%. Among the HPV-positive samples, 59% included viral types of high oncogenic risk. Multivariate analysis showed an association between HPV infection and the presence of cytological alterations (p = 0.003), age greater than or equal to 35 years (p = 0.002), number of partners greater than three (p = 0.002), CD4+ lymphocyte count < 200/mm3 (p = 0.041) and alcohol abuse (p = 0.004). Although high-risk HPV was present in the majority of the lesions studied, the low frequency of HPV 16 (3.3%), low occurrence of cervical lesions and preserved immunological state in most of the HIV-positive patients were factors that may explain the low occurrence of precancerous cervical lesions in this population.


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The programmed death 1 (PD-1) receptor is a negative regulator of activated T cells and is up-regulated on exhausted virus-specific CD8(+) T cells in chronically infected mice and humans. Programmed death ligand 1 (PD-L1) is expressed by multiple tumors, and its interaction with PD-1 resulted in tumor escape in experimental models. To investigate the role of PD-1 in impairing spontaneous tumor Ag-specific CD8(+) T cells in melanoma patients, we have examined the effect of PD-1 expression on ex vivo detectable CD8(+) T cells specific to the tumor Ag NY-ESO-1. In contrast to EBV, influenza, or Melan-A/MART-1-specific CD8(+) T cells, NY-ESO-1-specific CD8(+) T cells up-regulated PD-1 expression. PD-1 up-regulation on spontaneous NY-ESO-1-specific CD8(+) T cells occurs along with T cell activation and is not directly associated with an inability to produce cytokines. Importantly, blockade of the PD-1/PD-L1 pathway in combination with prolonged Ag stimulation with PD-L1(+) APCs or melanoma cells augmented the number of cytokine-producing, proliferating, and total NY-ESO-1-specific CD8(+) T cells. Collectively, our findings support the role of PD-1 as a regulator of NY-ESO-1-specific CD8(+) T cell expansion in the context of chronic Ag stimulation. They further support the use of PD-1/PD-L1 pathway blockade in cancer patients to partially restore NY-ESO-1-specific CD8(+) T cell numbers and functions, increasing the likelihood of tumor regression.