808 resultados para Political-Strategic Project
Policy brokers and policy entrepreneurs are assumed to have a decisive impact on policy outcomes. Their access to social and political resources is contingent on their influence on other agents. In social network analysis (SNA), entrepreneurs are often closely associated with brokers, because both are agents presumed to benefit from bridging structural holes; for example, gaining advantage through occupying a strategic position in relational space. Our aim here is twofold. First, to conceptually and operationally differentiate policy brokers from policy entrepreneurs premised on assumptions in the policy-process literature; and second, via SNA, to use the output of core algorithms in a cross-sectional analysis of political brokerage and political entrepreneurship. We attempt to simplify the use of graph algebra in answering questions relevant to policy analysis by placing each algorithm within its theoretical context. In the methodology employed, we first identify actors and graph their relations of influence within a specific policy event; then we select the most central actors; and compare their rank in a series of statistics that capture different aspects of their network advantage. We examine betweenness centrality, positive and negative Bonacich power, Burt’s effective size and constraint and honest brokerage as paradigmatic. We employ two case studies to demonstrate the advantages and limitations of each algorithm for differentiating between brokers and entrepreneurs: one on Swiss climate policy and one on EU competition and transport policy.
In Germany's compensatory mixed electoral system, alternative electoral routes lead into parliament. We study the relationship between candidates' electoral situations across both tiers and policy representation, fully accounting for candidate, party and district preferences in a multi-actor constellation and the exact electoral incentives for candidates to represent either the party or the district. The results (2009 Bundestag election data) yield evidence of an interactive effect of closeness of the district race and list safety on candidates' positioning between their party and constituency.
The study of strategic behaviour and the impact of institutions on elections has mainly focused on simple and conventional electoral systems: list-proportional electoral systems (PR) and the plurality vote. Less conventional systems are not on the agenda of comparative studies, even though no less than 30% of countries use unconventional electoral systems for their national parliamentary elections, such as the Single Transferable Vote, PR with majority bonuses, or mixed electoral systems. Often, they provide for unusual combinations of different institutional incentives, and hence to particular actor strategies.
In the aftermath of the devastating civil war, the Sierra Leonean government created favourable conditions for foreign investors willing to lease large areas of land to bring development to the country. A team of anthropologists and geographers did extensive fieldwork on the Addax Bioenergy Project in order to a) document the project affected people’s (PAP) perceptions and interests on a horizontal level and b) identify the different actors that are necessary for the implementation of such a project on the vertical level. Findings indicate that the project triggers a number of processes: Cultural and linguistic differences between PAP and company, their diverse understanding of development and the stance of local elites led to misunderstandings concerning each other’s responsibilities and created a lot of frustration on both sides. Further, the loss of natural resources that comes along with the land lease affects mostly women and other vulnerable groups.
The aim of this paper is investigate the role of conversation in strategic change so as to enhance both theory and practice in this respect. As an investigation on how conversations shape change processes in practice, we reflect on an interpretive case study in a health care organization. Through an OD project complemented by semi-structured interviews with participants, we gained a set of data and experiences that allows us to inquire into the relationship between conversations and change in more depth.
Max Horkheimer (?): "Why Research on Antisemitism?" (12.11.1943), a) Typoskript, 8 Blatt, b) Typoskript mit eigenhändigen Korrekturen und handschriftlichen Ergänzungen, 7 Blatt, c) Teilstück, Typoskript, 1 Blatt; Isaque Graeber: "Modern Antisemitism in Western Society. A Comperative Study of 'Critical Situations'" (1943), Typoskript mit eigenhändigen Korrekturen, 118 Blatt; Institute of Social Research: "Report on Isaque Graebers Study on Modern Antisemitism in Western Society. A Comperative Study of 'Critical Situations'" (24.11.1943), Typoskript, 73 Blatt; Institute of Social Research: "The Project of Political Antisemitism" (30.11.1943) a) Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Ergänzungen, 29 Blatt, b) Kurzfassung, Typoskript, 6 Blatt; "Memorandum to John Doe. Subject: Research Project on Antisemitism" (30.11.1943), Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Ergänzungen, 2 Blatt; Institute of Social Research: "Project on Antisemitism. Studies Completed or in Preparation" (Dezember 1943), Entwurf, Typoskript, 2 Blatt;
The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of the Arkansas Long-Term Care Demonstration Project upon Arkansas' Medicaid expenditures and upon the clients it serves. A Retrospective Medicaid expenditure study component used analyses of variance techniques to test for the Project's effects upon aggregated expenditures for 28 demonstration and control counties representing 25 percent of the State's population over four years, 1979-1982.^ A second approach to the study question utilized a 1982 prospective sample of 458 demonstration and control clients from the same 28 counties. The disability level or need for care of each patient was established a priori. The extent to which an individual's variation in Medicaid utilization and costs was explained by patient need, presence or absence of the channeling project's placement decision or some other patient characteristic was examined by multiple regression analysis. Long-term and acute care Medicaid, Medicare, third party, self-pay and the grand total of all Medicaid claims were analyzed for project effects and explanatory relationships.^ The main project effect was to increase personal care costs without reducing nursing home or acute care costs (Prospective Study). Expansion of clients appeared to occur in personal care (Prospective Study) and minimum care nursing home (Retrospective Study) for the project areas. Cost-shifting between Medicaid and Medicare in the project areas and two different patterns of utilization in the North and South projects tended to offset each other such that no differences in total costs between the project areas and demonstration areas occurred. The project was significant ((beta) = .22, p < .001) only for personal care costs. The explanatory power of this personal care regression model (R('2) = .36) was comparable to other reported health services utilization models. Other variables (Medicare buy-in, level of disability, Social Security Supplemental Income (SSI), net monthly income, North/South areas and age) explained more variation in the other twelve cost regression models. ^
Primary Objectives - Describe and quantify the present strength and variability of the circulation and oceanic processes of the Nordic Seas regions using primarily observations of the long term spread of a tracer purposefully released into the Greenland Sea Gyre in 1996. - Improve our understanding of ocean processes critical to the thermaholine circulation in the Nordic Seas regions so as to be able to predict how this region may respond to climate change. - Assess the role of mixing and ageing of water masses on the carbon transport and the role of the thermohaline circulation in carbon storage using water transports and mixing coefficients derived from the tracer distribution. Specific Objectives Perform annual hydrographic, chemical and SF6 tracer surveys into the Nordic regions in order to: - Measure lateral and diapycnal mixing rates in the Greenland Sea Gyre and in the surrounding regions. - Document the depth and rates of convective mixing in the Greenland Sea using the SF6 and the water masses characteristics. - Measure the transit time and transport of water from the Greenland Sea to surrounding seas and outflows. Document processes of water mass transformation and entrainment occurring to water emanating from the central Greenland Sea. - Measure diapycnal mixing rates in the bottom and margins of the Greenland Sea basin using the SF6 signal observed there. Quantify the potential role of bottom boundary-layer mixing in the ventilation of the Greenland Sea Deep Water in absence of deep convection. Monitor the variability of the entrainment of water from the Greenland Sea using time series auto-sampler moorings at strategic positions i.e., sill of the Denmark Strait, Labrador Sea, Jan Mayen fracture zone and Fram Strait. Relate the observed variability of the tracer signal in the outflows to convection events in the Greenland Sea and local wind stress events. Obtain a better description of deepwater overflow and entrainment processes in the Denmark Strait and Faeroe Bank Channel overflows and use these to improve modelling of deepwater overflows. Monitor the tracer invasion into the North Atlantic using opportunistic SF6 measurements from other cruises: we anticipate that a number of oceanographic cruises will take place in the north-east Atlantic and the Labrador Sea. It should be possible to get samples from some cruises for SF6 measurements. Use process models to describe the spread of the tracer to achieve better parameterisation for three-dimensional models. One reason that these are so resistant to prediction is that our best ocean models are as yet some distance from being good enough, to predict climate and climate change.
La provincia de Santa Fe, Argentina, se encuentra en una localización estratégica. La potencialidad de la Hidrovía Paraná-Paraguay, los corredores bioceánicos viales y la red existente de trazados ferroviarios le confieren gran dinamismo a su integración económica, social, cultural y política, no sólo hacia el interior del propio territorio, sino también en relación a las demás provincias y más allá de los confines nacionales. La región capital, cuyo núcleo es la ciudad de Santa Fe, se encuentra caracterizada por factores realmente dinámicos: el riesgo hídrico que es intrínseco del área, la intensificación de los flujos económicos pasantes, los procesos de concentración demográfica y la creciente interdependencia entre ciudades, como es el casode Santa Fe y Paraná (capital de la vecina provincia de Entre Ríos), bajo un progresivo proceso de metropolización binuclear. Estos factores, sumados a la escasa cantidad de conexiones físicas sobre el sistema fluvial del río Paraná, han instalado la creciente necesidad de contar con un nuevo enlace interprovincial, adaptado a una hipótesis de reactivación ferroviaria. El proyecto se encuentra en fase preliminar. La cuestión principal gira en torno a la decisión de su localización específica, que deberá considerar el profundo efecto transformador propio de una obra civil de gran calibre, tanto en relación a la plataforma natural como al sistema de asentamientos humanos. También sus alcances territoriales y el impacto potencial en la micro, meso y macroescala. El propósito de la investigación reside en profundizar sobre las dimensiones involucradas por el proyecto (técnica, social, económica, ambiental, de movilidad), en la búsqueda de una toma de posición que permita echar luz sobre los escenarios más beneficiosos y/o menos desfavorables, en relación a las numerosas propuestas de localización que se encuentran actualmente en discusión. El resultado es una matriz analítica basada en variables cuantitativas y cualitativas, que permite una evaluación integral de las propuestas en función de considerar, en síntesis, el grado de impacto sobre la plataforma natural sustentante, sus capacidades para revertir las problemáticas territoriales actuales, y finalmente sus posibilidades para generar nuevos ejes de desarrollo en la región o bien potenciar los existentes. Se concluye que análisis preliminares de tipo pluridimensional son necesarios para someter a discusión, como instancia previa a estudios específicos de factibilidad y viabilidad, puesto que permiten una visualización integral de las variables intervinientes, marcando el camino hacia su adecuada ponderación. Palabras clave: enlace, multimodalidad, región, transformaciones
Colombia has oceanic waters, catchment areas, like lakes, cienagas and swamps, water flows, like rivers, gorges and streams, small rivers and groundwater. The oceanic waters are the Caribbean Sea-1600 km and the Pacific Ocean-1300 km that comprise the north and west continental territory, respectively. Actually the Region of Darién, geographically bounded by the Carribean Sea to the north is becoming to be focused by studies due to use conflicts and disputes about water and a forest reserve on its territories. Considering its location, strategic at northwestern Colombia, frontier region with Central America, several dynamics are imposed. One of them is the implantation of a road system entitled Connecting Road of the Americas. This fact means the construction of an infra-structure that will cross a special zone formed by swamps and jungle known as The Darién Gap. Evidences of such interests are revealed by projects like the constructions of Turbo's Port in the Atlantic Ocean, Department of Antioquia and Tribugá's Port in the Pacific Ocean, Department of Choco, the mountain road and the coastal conection Colombia-Venezuela attending to the main intentions of the central region of the department (Metropolitan Area of Aburrá Valley-AMVA). Human settlements form a productive system, based on small and medium familiar agriculture's production, corresponding to the western portion and piedmont of Abibe's mountain at its antioquian portion, alluvial plan that forms the rivers on this area, the littoral zone that delimits the Carribean Sea, the Darién and Baudó Mountains and the gulf that receives, among other waters, the ones from Atrato and León, as well as the exodus process constitutes a forced exit resulting from actions of several armed groups. It can be identified intense historical, cultural, political and environmental relations, specially the last one associated with strategic ecosystems that are fundamental for the hydric regulation of the region, as well as food safety of the local inhabitants. Results from two researches (UPB, 2007 y 2010) reveals this quick transformation in the spatial re-configuration, demographical and economical indicators and the exacerbated fight for resources, damaging the extractive vocation in the Region. Path to commerce of illegalities (drugs, guns) and to implementation of the agroindustrial project for biofuel production, cooperation program that involves Venezuela, Brazil and Colombia. Appropriation modes allow the existence of strategies since global interests revealing a development logic that privileges the conception of an artificialized nature. Since the smallest portion of rural areas, specific modes of resources exploration are linked to imposed interests of transnational corporations. Disparate consequences are going deeper evidenced by social, technical and nature transformations, envisioning risks for the habitability's condition
El despliegue sobre el presente latinoamericano de la problemática gramsciana de la hegemonía, exige tanto una elucidación de yerros y simplificaciones en la utilización de la categoría original, como un repaso histórico de la evolución social y cultural del continente. La estructura de clase, los modos de la lucha social y política, la configuración organizacional y la subjetividad de los luchadores, se han modificado profundamente en estos años, enmarcadas por una ofensiva de alcance estratégico del gran capital. Las concepciones gramscianas pueden (deben) constituir un auxilio fundamental a la hora de volver a pensar en una perspectiva de transformación social radical, que eluda el doble riesgo de la adaptación al orden existente, en un extremo, y un «choque frontal¼ contra el mismo que cambie eficacia real por radicalismo programático. Se encontrarán allí herramientas para examinar críticamente el pasado y el presente del pensamiento y las prácticas contestatarias de nuestro continente; y proyectarlas en dirección a su perspectiva futura.
El despliegue sobre el presente latinoamericano de la problemática gramsciana de la hegemonía, exige tanto una elucidación de yerros y simplificaciones en la utilización de la categoría original, como un repaso histórico de la evolución social y cultural del continente. La estructura de clase, los modos de la lucha social y política, la configuración organizacional y la subjetividad de los luchadores, se han modificado profundamente en estos años, enmarcadas por una ofensiva de alcance estratégico del gran capital. Las concepciones gramscianas pueden (deben) constituir un auxilio fundamental a la hora de volver a pensar en una perspectiva de transformación social radical, que eluda el doble riesgo de la adaptación al orden existente, en un extremo, y un «choque frontal¼ contra el mismo que cambie eficacia real por radicalismo programático. Se encontrarán allí herramientas para examinar críticamente el pasado y el presente del pensamiento y las prácticas contestatarias de nuestro continente; y proyectarlas en dirección a su perspectiva futura.
La provincia de Santa Fe, Argentina, se encuentra en una localización estratégica. La potencialidad de la Hidrovía Paraná-Paraguay, los corredores bioceánicos viales y la red existente de trazados ferroviarios le confieren gran dinamismo a su integración económica, social, cultural y política, no sólo hacia el interior del propio territorio, sino también en relación a las demás provincias y más allá de los confines nacionales. La región capital, cuyo núcleo es la ciudad de Santa Fe, se encuentra caracterizada por factores realmente dinámicos: el riesgo hídrico que es intrínseco del área, la intensificación de los flujos económicos pasantes, los procesos de concentración demográfica y la creciente interdependencia entre ciudades, como es el casode Santa Fe y Paraná (capital de la vecina provincia de Entre Ríos), bajo un progresivo proceso de metropolización binuclear. Estos factores, sumados a la escasa cantidad de conexiones físicas sobre el sistema fluvial del río Paraná, han instalado la creciente necesidad de contar con un nuevo enlace interprovincial, adaptado a una hipótesis de reactivación ferroviaria. El proyecto se encuentra en fase preliminar. La cuestión principal gira en torno a la decisión de su localización específica, que deberá considerar el profundo efecto transformador propio de una obra civil de gran calibre, tanto en relación a la plataforma natural como al sistema de asentamientos humanos. También sus alcances territoriales y el impacto potencial en la micro, meso y macroescala. El propósito de la investigación reside en profundizar sobre las dimensiones involucradas por el proyecto (técnica, social, económica, ambiental, de movilidad), en la búsqueda de una toma de posición que permita echar luz sobre los escenarios más beneficiosos y/o menos desfavorables, en relación a las numerosas propuestas de localización que se encuentran actualmente en discusión. El resultado es una matriz analítica basada en variables cuantitativas y cualitativas, que permite una evaluación integral de las propuestas en función de considerar, en síntesis, el grado de impacto sobre la plataforma natural sustentante, sus capacidades para revertir las problemáticas territoriales actuales, y finalmente sus posibilidades para generar nuevos ejes de desarrollo en la región o bien potenciar los existentes. Se concluye que análisis preliminares de tipo pluridimensional son necesarios para someter a discusión, como instancia previa a estudios específicos de factibilidad y viabilidad, puesto que permiten una visualización integral de las variables intervinientes, marcando el camino hacia su adecuada ponderación. Palabras clave: enlace, multimodalidad, región, transformaciones
Colombia has oceanic waters, catchment areas, like lakes, cienagas and swamps, water flows, like rivers, gorges and streams, small rivers and groundwater. The oceanic waters are the Caribbean Sea-1600 km and the Pacific Ocean-1300 km that comprise the north and west continental territory, respectively. Actually the Region of Darién, geographically bounded by the Carribean Sea to the north is becoming to be focused by studies due to use conflicts and disputes about water and a forest reserve on its territories. Considering its location, strategic at northwestern Colombia, frontier region with Central America, several dynamics are imposed. One of them is the implantation of a road system entitled Connecting Road of the Americas. This fact means the construction of an infra-structure that will cross a special zone formed by swamps and jungle known as The Darién Gap. Evidences of such interests are revealed by projects like the constructions of Turbo's Port in the Atlantic Ocean, Department of Antioquia and Tribugá's Port in the Pacific Ocean, Department of Choco, the mountain road and the coastal conection Colombia-Venezuela attending to the main intentions of the central region of the department (Metropolitan Area of Aburrá Valley-AMVA). Human settlements form a productive system, based on small and medium familiar agriculture's production, corresponding to the western portion and piedmont of Abibe's mountain at its antioquian portion, alluvial plan that forms the rivers on this area, the littoral zone that delimits the Carribean Sea, the Darién and Baudó Mountains and the gulf that receives, among other waters, the ones from Atrato and León, as well as the exodus process constitutes a forced exit resulting from actions of several armed groups. It can be identified intense historical, cultural, political and environmental relations, specially the last one associated with strategic ecosystems that are fundamental for the hydric regulation of the region, as well as food safety of the local inhabitants. Results from two researches (UPB, 2007 y 2010) reveals this quick transformation in the spatial re-configuration, demographical and economical indicators and the exacerbated fight for resources, damaging the extractive vocation in the Region. Path to commerce of illegalities (drugs, guns) and to implementation of the agroindustrial project for biofuel production, cooperation program that involves Venezuela, Brazil and Colombia. Appropriation modes allow the existence of strategies since global interests revealing a development logic that privileges the conception of an artificialized nature. Since the smallest portion of rural areas, specific modes of resources exploration are linked to imposed interests of transnational corporations. Disparate consequences are going deeper evidenced by social, technical and nature transformations, envisioning risks for the habitability's condition
Colombia has oceanic waters, catchment areas, like lakes, cienagas and swamps, water flows, like rivers, gorges and streams, small rivers and groundwater. The oceanic waters are the Caribbean Sea-1600 km and the Pacific Ocean-1300 km that comprise the north and west continental territory, respectively. Actually the Region of Darién, geographically bounded by the Carribean Sea to the north is becoming to be focused by studies due to use conflicts and disputes about water and a forest reserve on its territories. Considering its location, strategic at northwestern Colombia, frontier region with Central America, several dynamics are imposed. One of them is the implantation of a road system entitled Connecting Road of the Americas. This fact means the construction of an infra-structure that will cross a special zone formed by swamps and jungle known as The Darién Gap. Evidences of such interests are revealed by projects like the constructions of Turbo's Port in the Atlantic Ocean, Department of Antioquia and Tribugá's Port in the Pacific Ocean, Department of Choco, the mountain road and the coastal conection Colombia-Venezuela attending to the main intentions of the central region of the department (Metropolitan Area of Aburrá Valley-AMVA). Human settlements form a productive system, based on small and medium familiar agriculture's production, corresponding to the western portion and piedmont of Abibe's mountain at its antioquian portion, alluvial plan that forms the rivers on this area, the littoral zone that delimits the Carribean Sea, the Darién and Baudó Mountains and the gulf that receives, among other waters, the ones from Atrato and León, as well as the exodus process constitutes a forced exit resulting from actions of several armed groups. It can be identified intense historical, cultural, political and environmental relations, specially the last one associated with strategic ecosystems that are fundamental for the hydric regulation of the region, as well as food safety of the local inhabitants. Results from two researches (UPB, 2007 y 2010) reveals this quick transformation in the spatial re-configuration, demographical and economical indicators and the exacerbated fight for resources, damaging the extractive vocation in the Region. Path to commerce of illegalities (drugs, guns) and to implementation of the agroindustrial project for biofuel production, cooperation program that involves Venezuela, Brazil and Colombia. Appropriation modes allow the existence of strategies since global interests revealing a development logic that privileges the conception of an artificialized nature. Since the smallest portion of rural areas, specific modes of resources exploration are linked to imposed interests of transnational corporations. Disparate consequences are going deeper evidenced by social, technical and nature transformations, envisioning risks for the habitability's condition