935 resultados para Physico-chemical properties
SILVA, J. S. P. Estudo das características físico-químicas e biológicas pela adesão de osteoblastos em superfícies de titânio modificadas pela nitretação em plasma. 2008. 119 f. Tese (Doutorado) - Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo. São Paulo, 2008.
Carbon materials are found versatile and applicable in wide range of applications. During the recent years research of carbon materials has focussed on the search of environmentally friendly, sustainable, renewable and low-cost starting material sources as well as simple cost-efficient synthesis techniques. As an alternative synthesis technique in the production of carbon materials hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) has shown a great potential. Depending on the application HTC can be performed as such or as a pretreatment technique. This technique allows synthesis of carbon materials i.e. hydrochars in closed vessel in the presence of water and self-generated pressure at relatively low temperatures (180-250 ˚C). As in many applications well developed porosity and heteroatom distribution are in a key role. Therefore in this study different techniques e.g. varying feedstock, templating and post-treatment in order to introduce these properties to the hydrochars structure were performed. Simple monosaccharides i.e. fructose or glucose and more complex compounds such as cellulose and sludge were performed as starting materials. Addition of secondary precursor e.g. thiophenecarboxaldehyde and ovalbumin was successfully exploited in order to alter heteroatom content. It was shown that well-developed porosity (SBET 550 m2/g) can be achieved via one-pot approach (i.e. exploitation of salt mixture) without conventionally used post-carbonization step. Nitrogen-enriched hydrochars indicated significant Pb(II) and Cr(VI) removal efficiency of 240 mg/g and 68 mg/g respectively. Sulphur addition into carbon network was not found to have enhancing effect on the adsorption of methylene blue or change acidity of the carbon material. However, these hydrochars were found to remove 99.9 % methylene blue and adsorption efficiency of these hydrochars remained over 90 % even after regeneration. In addition to water treatment application N-rich high temperature treated carbon materials were proven applicable as electrocatalyst and electrocatalyst support. Hydrothermal carbonization was shown to be workable technique for the production of carbon materials with variable physico-chemical properties and therefore hydrochars could be applied in several different applications e.g. as alternative low-cost adsorbent for pollutant removal from water.
Campylobacter is a leading cause of foodborne bacterial gastroenteritis worldwide and infections can be fatal. The emergence of antibiotic-resistant Campylobacter spp. necessitates the development of new antimicrobials. We identified novel anti-Campylobacter small molecule inhibitors using a high throughput growth inhibition assay. To expedite screening, we made use of a “bioactive” library of 4,182 compounds that we have previously shown to be active against diverse microbes. Screening for growth inhibition of Campylobacter jejuni, identified 781 compounds that were either bactericidal or bacteriostatic at a concentration of 200 µM. Seventy nine of the bactericidal compounds were prioritized for secondary screening based on their physico-chemical properties. Based on the minimum inhibitory concentration against a diverse range of C. jejuni and a lack of effect on gut microbes, we selected 12 compounds. No resistance was observed to any of these 12 lead compounds when C. jejuni was cultured with lethal or sub-lethal concentrations suggesting that C. jejuni is less likely to develop resistance to these compounds. Top 12 compounds also possessed low cytotoxicity to human intestinal epithelial cells (Caco-2 cells) and no hemolytic activity against sheep red blood cells. Next, these 12 compounds were evaluated for ability to clear C. jejuni in vitro. A total of 10 compounds had an anti-C. jejuni effect in Caco-2 cells with some effective even at 25 µM concentrations. These novel 12 compounds belong to five established antimicrobial chemical classes; piperazines, aryl amines, piperidines, sulfonamide and pyridazinone. Exploitation of analogues of these chemical classes may provide Campylobacter specific drugs that can be applied in both human and animal medicine.
Water treatment using photocatalysis has gained extensive attention in recent years. Photocatalysis is promising technology from green chemistry point of view. The most widely studied and used photocatalyst for decomposition of pollutants in water under ultraviolet irradiation is TiO2 because it is not toxic, relatively cheap and highly active in various reactions. Within this thesis unmodified and modified TiO2 materials (powders and thin films) were prepared. Physico-chemical properties of photocatalytic materials were characterized with UV-visible spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray photoelectron spectrometry (XPS), inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), ellipsometry, time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS), Raman spectroscopy, goniometry, diffuse reflectance measurements, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and nitrogen adsorption/desorption. Photocatalytic activity of prepared samples in aqueous environment was tested using model compounds such as phenol, formic acid and metazachlor. Also purification of real pulp and paper wastewater effluent was studied. Concentration of chosen pollutants was measured with high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). Mineralization and oxidation of organic contaminants were monitored with total organic carbon (TOC) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) analysis. Titanium dioxide powders prepared via sol-gel method and doped with dysprosium and praseodymium were photocatalytically active for decomposition of metazachlor. The highest degradation rate of metazachlor was observed when Pr-TiO2 treated at 450ºC (8h) was used. The photocatalytic LED-based treatment of wastewater effluent from plywood mill using commercially available TiO2 was demonstrated to be promising post-treatment method (72% of COD and 60% of TOC was decreased after 60 min of irradiation). The TiO2 coatings prepared by atomic layer deposition technique on aluminium foam were photocatalytically active for degradation of formic and phenol, however suppression of activity was observed. Photocatalytic activity of TiO2/SiO2 films doped with gold bipyramid-like nanoparticles was about two times higher than reference, which was not the case when gold nanospheres were used.
Background: The capacity of European pear fruit (Pyrus communis L.) to ripen after harvest develops during the final stages of growth on the tree. The objective of this study was to characterize changes in 'Bartlett' pear fruit physico-chemical properties and transcription profiles during fruit maturation leading to attainment of ripening capacity. Results: The softening response of pear fruit held for 14days at 20°C after harvest depended on their maturity. We identified four maturity stages: S1-failed to soften and S2- displayed partial softening (with or without ET-ethylene treatment); S3 - able to soften following ET; and S4 - able to soften without ET. Illumina sequencing and Trinity assembly generated 68,010 unigenes (mean length of 911bp), of which 32.8% were annotated to the RefSeq plant database. Higher numbers of differentially expressed transcripts were recorded in the S3-S4 and S1-S2 transitions (2805 and 2505 unigenes, respectively) than in the S2-S3 transition (2037 unigenes). High expression of genes putatively encoding pectin degradation enzymes in the S1-S2 transition suggests pectic oligomers may be involved as early signals triggering the transition to responsiveness to ethylene in pear fruit. Moreover, the co-expression of these genes with Exps (Expansins) suggests their collaboration in modifying cell wall polysaccharide networks that are required for fruit growth. K-means cluster analysis revealed that auxin signaling associated transcripts were enriched in cluster K6 that showed the highest gene expression at S3. AP2/EREBP (APETALA 2/ethylene response element binding protein) and bHLH (basic helix-loop-helix) transcripts were enriched in all three transition S1-S2, S2-S3, and S3-S4. Several members of Aux/IAA (Auxin/indole-3-acetic acid), ARF (Auxin response factors), and WRKY appeared to play an important role in orchestrating the S2-S3 transition. Conclusions: We identified maturity stages associated with the development of ripening capacity in 'Bartlett' pear, and described the transcription profile of fruit at these stages. Our findings suggest that auxin is essential in regulating the transition of pear fruit from being ethylene-unresponsive (S2) to ethylene-responsive (S3), resulting in fruit softening. The transcriptome will be helpful for future studies about specific developmental pathways regulating the transition to ripening. © 2015 Nham et al.
O rápido crescimento da procura e na produção de Physalis está associado às suas características nutracêuticas e medicinais, por estarem associadas ao bemestar e à saúde. O reconhecimento e o conceito da qualidade dos frutos é cada vezmais importante, abrangendo a aparência do produto, o aroma, a textura e o valor nutricional. Com a realização deste trabalho pretendeu-se avaliar as propriedades físicoquímicas das bagas de physalis, bem como os conteúdos em compostos bioativos com potenciais benefícios para a saúde humana. Neste trabalho foi avaliada uma variedade de physalis (Physalis peruviana L.), sendo os frutos provenientes de uma exploração localizada na região Norte-Centro de Portugal. Foram realizadas análises físicas às 'physalis' frescas, tendo sido determinados o calibre, a cor e a textura. Na análise química, realizaram-se as determinações, da humidade, da fibra bruta, dos açúcares totais e redutores, da acidez total titulável, do teor de sólidos solúveis totais, do ácido ascórbico, dos carotenóides, dos compostos fenólicos totais, dos orto-difenóis e dos flavonóides. Foi ainda determinada a atividade antioxidante pelos métodos ABTS e DPPH e os extratos submetidos a condições simulantes do trato digestivo. As physalis em estudo apresentaram, em média um diâmetro de 1,69 cm e uma massa de 2,77 g. Relativamente à cor, as bagas apresentaram-se claras, (L*=65,72), e com uma tendência para a cor vermelha (a*=16,69), e uma forte intensidade amarela (b*=58,11). No que diz respeito à textura, a firmeza foi de 2,40 N e a elasticidade foi de 2,94 mm. Quanto à caracterização química foram encontrados os seguintes resultados: 83,02% de água, 4,61% de fibra, 8,79% de açúcares totais, 1,25% de acidez total, expressa em ácido cítrico. A amostra continha ainda 5,95 μg/g de carotenoides 26,7 mg de ácido ascórbico por 100 g. Os valores de fenóis totais (42,74 e 59,95 mg EAG/100 g) e de atividade antioxidante determinada pelo método DPPH (7,73 e 9,61 μmol TE/g), e pelo método ABTS (12,28 e 13,71 μmol TE/g) variam de acordo com as condições de extração. Verificou-se ainda uma correlação forte entre os dois métodos. No que diz respeito às condições in vitro de simulação das condições do trato digestivo, verificou-se um decréscimo ao longo do trato digestivo tanto no teor em compostos fenólicos bem como na atividade antioxidante. Em termos globais houve uma retenção de 43% dos compostos fenólicos totais e 26% da atividade antioxidante.
Herbicide runoff from cropping fields has been identified as a threat to the Great Barrier Reef ecosystem. A field investigation was carried out to monitor the changes in runoff water quality resulting from four different sugarcane cropping systems that included different herbicides and contrasting tillage and trash management practices. These include (i) Conventional - Tillage (beds and inter-rows) with residual herbicides used; (ii) Improved - only the beds were tilled (zonal) with reduced residual herbicides used; (iii) Aspirational - minimum tillage (one pass of a single tine ripper before planting) with trash mulch, no residual herbicides and a legume intercrop after cane establishment; and (iv) New Farming System (NFS) - minimum tillage as in Aspirational practice with a grain legume rotation and a combination of residual and knockdown herbicides. Results suggest soil and trash management had a larger effect on the herbicide losses in runoff than the physico-chemical properties of herbicides. Improved practices with 30% lower atrazine application rates than used in conventional systems produced reduced runoff volumes by 40% and atrazine loss by 62%. There were a 2-fold variation in atrazine and >10-fold variation in metribuzin loads in runoff water between reduced tillage systems differing in soil disturbance and surface residue cover from the previous rotation crops, despite the same herbicide application rates. The elevated risk of offsite losses from herbicides was illustrated by the high concentrations of diuron (14mugL-1) recorded in runoff that occurred >2.5months after herbicide application in a 1st ratoon crop. A cropping system employing less persistent non-selective herbicides and an inter-row soybean mulch resulted in no residual herbicide contamination in runoff water, but recorded 12.3% lower yield compared to Conventional practice. These findings reveal a trade-off between achieving good water quality with minimal herbicide contamination and maintaining farm profitability with good weed control.
Résumé : La prééclampsie (PE) est un désordre de la grossesse caractérisée par une dysfonction endothéliale faisant en sorte que l’endothélium devient moins sensible aux signaux de vasodilatation. La réponse provoquée par la liaison de la sérotonine au sous-type de récepteur S[indice inférieur 2] entraîne la libération de molécules aux propriétés vasoconstrictrices, qui, par une boucle de rétroaction positive, entraîne la libération de davantage de sérotonine par les plaquettes. Cette boucle amplifie la réponse et contribue ainsi à l’hypertension présente chez les femmes ayant une PE. Précédemment, il a été démontré par notre laboratoire que le Bisphénol A (BPA) s’accumulait davantage dans le placenta des femmes avec PE en comparaison aux femmes normotensives. Cette accumulation pourrait découler d’une perturbation de sa métabolisation qui impliquerait notamment la β-glucuronidase (GUSB). Des études chez les animaux ont quant à elles démontré que le BPA pouvait inhiber l’activité de la monoamine oxydase (MAO) à forte dose. Nous avons étudié l’effet du BPA à faible concentration (10 ng/ml) sur la MAO-A des cellules placentaires et démontré que le BPA inhibait la MAO-A de façon significative sans affecter son expression protéique. Afin d’expliquer l’accumulation particulière du BPA chez les femmes PE, nous avons comparé l’activité spécifique et l’expression protéique de la β-glucuronidase (GUSB) placentaire en utilisant un devis cas-témoins. Une tendance non significative suggère que la GUSB pourrait partiellement contribuer à l’accumulation du BPA chez les femmes PE. Nous avons étudié la relation entre la concentration sérique maternelle de BPA et la concentration à laquelle le fœtus est exposé par régression linéaire et corrélation de Spearman. Un tel modèle ne pourrait être utilisé pour déterminer de façon quantitative l’exposition fœtale. En revanche, en vue de la forte corrélation entre ces deux variables, une haute concentration sérique maternelle de BPA devrait se refléter par une haute exposition fœtale. Cette corrélation implique aussi que le métabolisme placentaire ne joue pas un rôle significatif dans la protection du fœtus. Le BPA pourrait ainsi contribuer à l’hypertension chez les femmes PE présentant une dysfonction endothéliale en inhibant la MAO-A et ainsi, favorisant la hausse de sérotonine circulante. Cette étude suggère les bases d’un mécanisme par lequel le BPA s’accumulerait davantage chez les femmes PE et affecterait ainsi la MAO-A placentaire et potentiellement, la MAO-A fœtale vu ses propriétés physico-chimiques.
Hydroxymethylnitrofurazone (NFOH) is a prodrug that is active against Trypanosoma cruzi. It however presents low solubility and high toxicity. Hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin (HP-beta-CD) can be used as a drug-delivery system for NFOH modifying its physico-chemical properties. The aim of this work is to characterize the inclusion complex between NFOH and HP-beta-CD. The rate of NFOH release decreases after complexation and thermodynamic parameters from the solubility isotherm studies revealed that a stable complex is formed (deltaGº= 1.7 kJ/mol). This study focuses on the physico-chemical characterization of a drug-delivery formulation that comes out as a potentially new therapeutic option for Chagas disease treatment.
N-(diethylaminothiocarbonyl)benzimido derivatives are polar multifunctional substances. A set of these compounds was synthesised by successive substitution on the enamine side, resulting in similar substances with different polarities, providing a set of model compounds with respect to the study of substituent effects on physico-chemical properties. Experimental aqueous solubility data, at T = 298.15 K, of N-(diethylaminothiocarbonyl)benzamidine, PhCNH2NCSNEt2 (1),N-(diethylaminothiocarbonyl)-N'-phenylbenzamidine, PhCNHPhNCSNEt2 (2), N-(diethylaminothiocarbonyl)-N'-monoethylbenzamidine, PhCNHEtNCSNEt2 (3), N-(diethylaminothiocarbonyl)-N',N'-diethylbenzamidine, PhCNEt2NCSNEt2 (4), and N-(diethylaminothiocarbonyl)benzimido ethylester, PhCOEtNCSNEt2 (5) were measured at T = 298.15 K. The obtained data are supplemented by COSMO-RS aqueous solubility predictions as well as other environmentally important partition coefficients. This information is shown in a two-dimensional chemical space diagram, providing indications about the compartment into which the bulk of the compounds is likely to concentrate. The expected quality of COSMO-RS predictions for this type of screening exercise is illustrated on a set of pesticides with established thermophysical property data.
Laboratory incubation experiments were carried out to estimate the mineralisation of metalaxyl 14C {N-(2-6 dimethyphenyl)-N-(methoxyacetyl) alanine methyl ester} in four Brazilian soils with different physico-chemical properties, at 3 and 30 ?g a.i. g-1. In the Petrolina sandy soil the mineralisation presented higher 14CO2 production rates, at two essayed concentrations, after 70 days. Microbiological studies were done to determine the numbers of bacteria, actinobacteria and fungi (CFU g-1 soil). In relation with other microbial community, bacterial population demonstrated to be a major component of the cultivable heterotrophic community after the application.of the compound. No detectable metabolites were found in this study. The results suggest that soil properties and application history may have a strong influence on the fungicide behavior in these soil samples.
A major challenge of the 21st century will be to generate transportation fuels using feedstocks such as lignocellulosic waste materials as a substitute for existing fossil and nuclear fuels. The advantages of lignocellulosics as a feedstock material are that they are abundant, sustainable and carbon-neutral. To improve the economics of producing liquid transportation fuels from lignocellulosic biomass, the development of value-added products from lignin, a major component of lignocellulosics, is necessary. Lignins produced from black liquor through the fractionation of sugarcane bagasse with soda and organic solvents have been characterised by physical, chemical and thermal means. The soda lignin fractions have different physico-chemical and thermal properties from one another. Some of these properties have been compared to bagasse lignin extracted with aqueous ethanol.
Zeolite-based technology can provide a cost effective solution for stormwater treatment for the removal of toxic heavy metals under increasing demand of safe water from alternative sources. This paper reviews the currently available knowledge relating to the effect of properties of zeolites such as pore size, surface area and Si:Al ratio and the physico-chemical conditions of the system such as pH, temperature, initial metal concentration and zeolite concentration on heavy metal removal performance. The primary aims are, to consolidate available knowledge and identify knowledge gaps. It was established that an in-depth understanding of operational issues such as, diffusion of metal ions into the zeolite pore structure, pore clogging, zeolite surface coverage by particulates in stormwater as well as the effect of pH on stormwater quality in the presence of zeolites is essential for developing a zeolite-based technology for the treatment of polluted stormwater. The optimum zeolite concentration to treat typical volumes of stormwater and initial heavy metal concentrations in stormwater should also be considered as operational issues in this regard. Additionally, leaching of aluminium and sodium ions from the zeolite structure to solution were identified as key issues requiring further research in the effort to develop cost effective solutions for the removal of heavy metals from stormwater.
Dry Powder Inhaler (DPI) technology has a significant impact in the treatment of various respiratory disorders. DPI formulations consist of a micronized drug (<5ìm) blended with an inert coarse carrier, for which lactose is widely used to date. DPIs are one of the inhalation devices which are used to target the delivery of drugs to the lungs. Drug delivery via DPI formulations is influenced by the physico-chemical characteristics of lactose particles such as size, shape, surface roughness and adhesional forces. Commercially available DPI formulations, which utilise lactose as the carrier, are not efficient in delivering drug to the lungs. The reasons for this are the surface morphology, adhesional properties and surface roughness of lactose. Despite several attempts to modify lactose, the maximum efficient drug delivery to the lungs remains limited; hence, exploring suitable alternative carriers for DPIs is of paramount importance. Therefore, the objective of the project was to study the performance of spherical polymer microparticles as drug carriers and the factors controlling their performance. This study aimed to use biodegradable polymer microspheres as alternative carriers to lactose in DPIs for achieving efficient drug delivery into the lungs. This project focused on fabricating biodegradable polymer microparticles with reproducible surface morphology and particle shape. The surface characteristics of polymeric carriers and the adhesional forces between the drug and carrier particles were investigated in order to gain a better understanding of their influence on drug dispersion. For this purpose, two biodegradable polymers- polycaprolactone (PCL) and poly (DL-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) were used as the carriers to deliver the anti-asthmatic drug - Salbutamol Sulphate (SS). The first study conducted for this dissertation was the aerosolization of SS from mixtures of SS and PCL or PLGA microparticles. The microparticles were fabricated using an emulsion technique and were characterized by laser diffraction for particle size analysis, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) for surface morphology and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) to obtain surface elemental composition. The dispersion of the drug from the DPI formulations was determined by using a Twin Stage Impinger (TSI). The Fine particle Fraction (FPF) of SS from powder mixtures was analyzed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). It was found that the drug did not detach from the surface of PCL microspheres. To overcome this, the microspheres were coated with anti-adherent agents such as magnesium stearate and leucine to improve the dispersion of the drug from the carrier surfaces. It was found that coating the PCL microspheres helped in significantly improving the FPF of SS from the PCL surface. These results were in contrast to the PLGA microspheres which readily allowed detachment of the SS from their surface. However, coating PLGA microspheres with antiadherent agents did not further improve the detachment of the drug from the surface. Thus, the first part of the study demonstrated that the surface-coated PCL microspheres and PLGA microspheres can be potential alternatives to lactose as carriers in DPI formulations; however, there was no significant improvement in the FPF of the drug. The second part of the research studied the influence of the size of the microspheres on the FPF of the drug. For this purpose, four different sizes (25 ìm, 48 ìm, 100 ìm and 150 ìm) of the PCL and PLGA microspheres were fabricated and characterized. The dispersion of the drug from microspheres of different sizes was determined. It was found that as the size of the carrier increased there was a significant increase in the FPF of SS. This study suggested that the size of the carrier plays an important role in the dispersion of the drug from the carrier surface. Subsequent experiments in the third part of the dissertation studied the surface properties of the polymeric carrier. The adhesion forces existing between the drug particle and the polymer surfaces, and the surface roughness of the carriers were quantified using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). A direct correlation between adhesion forces and dispersion of the drug from the carrier surface was observed suggesting that adhesion forces play an important role in determining the detachment potential of the drug from the carrier surface. However, no direct relationship between the surface roughness of the PCL or PLGA carrier and the FPF of the drug was observed. In conclusion, the body of work presented in this dissertation demonstrated the potential of coated PCL microspheres and PLGA microspheres to be used in DPI formulations as an alternative carrier to sugar based carriers. The study also emphasized the role of the size of the carrier particles and the forces of interaction prevailing between the drug and the carrier particle surface on the aerosolization performances of the drug.
The effect of a change of tillage and crop residue management practice on the chemical and micro-biological properties of a cereal-producing red duplex soil was investigated by superimposing each of three management practices (CC: conventional cultivation, stubble burnt, crop conventionally sown; DD: direct-drilling, stubble retained, no cultivation, crop direct-drilled; SI: stubble incorporated with a single cultivation, crop conventionally sown), for a 3-year period on plots previously managed with each of the same three practices for 14 years. A change from DD to CC or SI practice resulted in a significant decline, in the top 0-5 cm of soil, in organic C, total N, electrical conductivity, NH4-N, NO3-N, soil moisture holding capacity, microbial biomass and CO2 respiration as well as a decline in the microbial quotient (the ratio of microbial biomass C to organic C; P <0.05). In contrast, a change from SI to DD or CC practice or a change from CC to DD or SI practice had only negligible impact on soil chemical properties (P >0.05). However, there was a significant increase in microbial biomass and the microbial quotient in the top 0-5 cm of soil following the change from CC to DD or SI practice and with the change from SI to DD practice (P <0.05). Analysis of ester-linked fatty acid methyl esters (EL-FAMEs) extracted from the 0- to 5-cm and 5- to 10-cm layers of the soils of the various treatments detected changes in the FAME profiles following a change in tillage practice. A change from DD practice to SI or CC practice was associated with a significant decline in the ratio of fungal to bacterial fatty acids in the 0- to 5-cm soil (P <0.05). The results show that a change in tillage practice, particularly the cultivation of a previously minimum-tilled (direct-drilled) soil, will result in significant changes in soil chemical and microbiological properties within a 3-year period. They also show that soil microbiological properties are sensitive indicators of a change in tillage practice.