906 resultados para Phelps, Nicholas A


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A conceptual analysis of educational leadership explored the influence of managed and living systems on 21st century leadership discourse. Drawing on a detailed understanding of managed and living systems theory compiled from the work of Capra (2002), Morgan (1997), Mitchell and Sackney (2009), and Wheatley (2007), this study draws attention to the managed systems systemic concepts of efficiency, control, and standardization, and the living systems concepts of collaboration, shared meaning, change, and interconnection as markers of systems theory that find resonance within leadership literature. Using these systemic concepts as a framework, this study provides important insights into the espousal of managed and living systems concepts within the leadership discourse.


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The study injected ten pigs with Naltrexone and ten pigs a saline injection to study the effects on relaxation. In the end, the study discovered that "treatment had no effect on the final degree of relaxation", but "pressure on the sides of a pig's body in a comfortable padded apparatus will induce pigs to relax".


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This case study examines how The City, Inc.’s work within North and South Minneapolis, Minnesota neighborhoods from 1987 and 1992 was framed within a compilation of articles drawn from prominent Twin Cities’ daily newspapers. Positioned within a conceptual framework based on the ethical philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas, this study explores how the idea of community, as constructed and reinforced through organizational initiatives and local print media, impacts the everyday relationships of those within and between communities. Framed within a discourse analysis, Levinasian ethics considers what aspects of community discourse restrict and oppress the relation with the other. The study concludes by suggesting how the identified aspects of conditional belonging, finding the trace, and building community can be valuable in offering an alternative to assessment-style research by considering the relationship and responsibility of the one for the other.


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A minute book for Grantham Township, Ontario. It records the proceedings of meetings from 1818-1854 and the names of parish and town officers from 1818 to 1842. Names include: Chisholm, Ball, Steele, TenBroeck, Shipman, Laraway, McKerney, Adams, Pawling, Merritt, Rolls, Robertson, Lampman, Phelps, Darling. Also notes the laws agreed upon for the period, mainly dealing with livestock.


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Abstract of title of parts of lots nos. 12 and 13 in the 8th Concession in the Township of Grantham – Orsen Phelps to Owen Cifford and abstract of title of parts of Lots nos. 10 and 11 in the 9th Concession in the Township of Grantham – David Grass to Owen Clifford. This is a handwritten 2 page summary. This is part of the Owen Clifford Estate signed by W.W. Powell, registrar, Feb. 20, 1871.


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Indenture with the letterhead “St. Catharines Cemetery” between the Town Council of St. Catharines and Joel Phelps of St. Catharines. The deed is for 108 square feet for Lot no.3 in division 3 in section P of the St. Catharines Cemetery. The deed no. is 847, June 11, 1874.


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Clipping regarding the original road allowance which was part of Mr. Woodruff’s property, n.d. Clipping regarding the Lock 2 Bridge. This is a letter to the editor of the Journal from Calvin Phelps of Lockport, Nov. 13, 1889. Clipping entitled “Settled beyond a Dispute”: a letter to the Editor of the Star from J. G. Currie regarding the road allowance in the 5th Concession of Grantham, Nov. 16, 1889. Clipping entitled “That Old Road Allowance” which is a rebuttal to Mr. Currie’s letter, [1889] 2 newspaper clippings regarding: “Reg. vs. Toronto Railway Company”. These 2 articles are glued to a piece of paper. Beneath the newspaper articles is the name M. Chambers, Nov. 18, 1898. Notes regarding the clippings are enclosed with the articles. These notes and written on the back of “Pattison, Collier and Shaw Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.” stationary (notes are 2 pages, handwritten), Nov. 18, 1898. Clipping entitled “History on the Site: St. Davids’ Students Learn Lessons where Events Occurred” (2 copies), n.d.


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Letter from Dr. Thomas A. Woodruff of New London Connecticut (2 pages). The salutation on the letter is Dear Woodruff. The letter states that the Lord Mayor of London during the reign of Queen Elizabeth was Sir Frederick Woodruff. His father was the sheriff of London before him. [In 1555 David Woodroffe/Woodruff became the High Sheriff of London. In 1573, his son Nicholas Woodroffe/Woodruff also became High Sheriff. In 1579, the same Nicholas Woodroffe/Woodruff was elected as Lord Mayor of London], n.d.


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Clipping from a Town Council meeting at which estimates of the costs of Railway Line no. 1 and Line no. 2 were submitted by the office of Port Dalhousie and Thorold Railway. The estimate was submitted by S.D. Woodruff and George Rykert, president. There is also a disclaimer in which Calvin Phelps claims to have resigned as director of the Port Dalhousie and Thorold Railway when he discovered that the company had no intention to adhere to the original plan for building and running the road, Aug. 1854.


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Diagram of lot no. 10 in Willoughby. The names on the outside of this document include: Matthew Singh, provincial land surveyor, Toronto; George S. Field, contractor, Niagara Falls; E. T. Phelps and H. Lyman, lawyer, Niagara Falls. The document is quite warn and fragile. This does not affect the text, n.d.


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La traduction du nouveau Code civil néerlandais en anglais et en fraais représentait un grand défi en raison du caractère systématique et fondateur d’un code, du recours à une terminologie et à une organisation nouvelles et de la longueur des articles. Dans un premier temps, le Code a été traduit selon une terminologie juridique anglaise strictement civiliste, tant en anglais qu’en fraais, et a été publié sous un format trilingue. Toutefois, sous la pression des praticiens, lesquels recherchaient une traduction correspondant mieux aux attentes de lecteurs anglophones habitués à la terminologie de la common law, une formule a été élaborée pour produire une version anglaise compréhensible pour les deux familles juridiques, au besoin hors de tout contexte et sans recourir à des notes. Une telle formule mérite considération lorsqu’il s’agira de produire d’autres traductions de textes civilistes en anglais.


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Faculté de droit


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L’introduction éventuelle, au Québec, de la force exécutoire pour les actes notariés soulève, du point de vue économique, deux questions. La première porte sur les effets prévisibles de cette mesure, notamment sur le marché des services juridiques de rédaction d’actes. Du côté de l’offre, il convient de distinguer selon que l’acte notarié est obligatoire ou facultatif. Du côté de la demande, le changement tendrait à diminuer le coût de réalisation d’un droit. Le gain qui en résulte peut profiter, en partie, aux notaires. L’ampleur de l’effet dépend de la probabilité qu’il faille recourir à l’exécution forcée. L’effet irait dans le sens de réduire le coût du crédit et d’augmenter sa disponibilité. Pour le débiteur, l’engagement deviendrait plus risqué, mais du même coup, lui permettrait de signaler sa « crédibilité ». Les chiffres fournis dans une étude réalisée par le groupe Secor en 1995 font voir une économie plutôt modeste de ces mesures. Pour évaluer l’ampleur du désengorgement prévisible des tribunaux, il faudrait connaître l’importance des procédures essentiellement engagées pour la perception de créances. Au-delà des effets immédiats, les enjeux de cette mesure sont de deux ordres. D’abord, ils soulèvent la question de la justification d’accorder l’avantage comparatif de la force exécutoire aux actes notariés et à eux seuls. Cette question nous conduit à celle du statut d’officier public des notaires, plus précisément aux caractéristiques qui doivent être jugées essentielles pour ce statut. Car si l’on ne peut prêter au notaire une aussi grande confiance qu’au juge, il convient de s’interroger, aux fins de l’exécution forcée, sur les limites à imposer au contenu des actes ayant force exécutoire. Les réponses à ces questions présupposent des données qu’on peut difficilement obtenir autrement que par l’expérience prudente. Les chiffres disponibles permettent de prévoir des économies modestes. L’introduction de la force exécutoire doit s’accompagner de mesures de stricte surveillance, notamment en matière de conflits d’intérêt potentiels.