567 resultados para Paraphrasis Christiana.


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Contient : « Abrégé des Remarques sur la préface du 4e siècle du R. P. Mabillon, par D. Philippe Bastide » ; « In sæculum v Benedictinum animadversiones » ; « De antiqua Ordinis sancti Benedicti intra Gallias propagatione dissertatio » ; « Mémoires pour justifier le procédé que j'ay tenu dans l'édition des Vies de nos saints, » etc ; « Brièves reflections sur quelques règles de l'histoire » ; Notes et extraits divers ; « Mémoires touchant l'approbation de nostre Règle, qui commence : « Ego Gregorius, etc. » ; « Lettre d'un solitaire touchant l'obligation des règles » ; Inscriptions du prieuré de Saint-Fromund près Coutances ; Dissertation sur une borne milliaire découverte à Vic-sur-Aisne ; Note du libraire Robustel au sujet de différents ouvrages de Mabillon ; Copies de lettres du cardinal de Bouillon à Baluze, au sujet de l'Histoire de la maison d'Auvergne (1707) ; Prospectus de : « Sequani christiani, sive de re Sequanorum christiana decas historica,... studio P. Andreæ a S. Nicolao..., » in-4°, impr


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Contient : « Choses remarquables arrivées à Sablé et aux environs de Sablé » ; « Hommes celebres dans les lettres, nés à Sablé » ; « Baillis et chatelains de Sablé » ; « Lieutenans de Sablé » ; « Avocats fiscaux de Sablé » ; « Procureurs fiscaux de Sablé » ; « Gouverneur de Sablé » ; « Garenniers de Sablé ». Le commencement manque, lacune représentée par quatre pages blanches, 313 à 316 ; « De l'office de chambellan de Sablé » ; « Curez de Sablé » ; « Prieurs de S. Nicolas de Sablé » ; « Archidiacres de Sablé » ; « Doyens de Sablé ... Familles considerables de la ville d'Angers ou de celle du Mans, originaires de Sablé... Principaux du collège de Sablé... Abbez de Bellebranche... Abbez du Perray neuf... De la juridiction de Sablé »


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Contient : 1 Lettre originale de « MARIE [DE MEDICIS]... à monseigneur de Breves, ambassadeur à Rome... Escript à Paris, le XXVIIIe jour de janvier 1614 » ; 2 Mémoire sur la situation des réformés « d'Avignon » ; 3 « Instruction pour obtenir de Sa Saincteté la ratification du traicté » relatif aux réformés « d'Avignon et païs de Venayssin » ; 4 Mémoire sur l'affaire des réformés d'Avignon, présenté au pape par l'ambassadeur de France. En italien ; 5 Procès-verbal de l'information faite par le Sr « Anathoille Willemot, advocat fiscal au siege d'Orgelet... sur les entreprises du Sr baron de Luz sur le conté de Bourgongne » ; 6 Lettre du Sr « DE DORTANT,... De Dortan, ce XIe jour de novembre 1609 » ; 7 Enquête du baron de Luz dans la Bresse et le Bugey ; 8 Procès-verbal de l'enquête faite par le Sr « de Paviet de Ferrieres » relativement aux menées du « conte de Chavinte, gouverneur du comté de Bourgongne » en Bresse. « Le neufiesme de novembre 1609 » ; 9 Lettre du Sr « DAMOT,... A Bourg, ce XIIme novembre 1609 » ; 10 « Lettre escripte au parlement de Dôle par le baron DE LUZ » ; 11 Bref du pape GREGOIRE XIII. « Donné à Rome, le septieme febvrier 1579 ». Traduction ; 12 Bref du pape CLEMENT VIII. « Datum Romae... die X maii M.D.CIII ». En latin ; 13 « Plaintes de ceux de la religion [d'Avignon], et des responces que l'on pourroit leur representer » ; 14 Bref du pape « Paul V » concernant les affaires d'Avignon. « Donné à Rome, 6 sept. 1613, à Sainte Marie Majour ». Deux traductions ; 15 Deux copies d'un bref du pape Paul V concernant les affaires d'Avignon. « Datum Romae... die sexta septembris 1613 ». En latin ; 16 Extraits des livres XXI et XXIII des Histoires de Paul Émile. En italien ; 17 « Articles accordez entre les solliciteurs françoys de court de Rome », pour le « remboursement de 4120 escuz... au Sr Gueffier,... A Rome, ce 22 juillet 1609 » ; 18 La même pièce en italien ; 19 Lettre de l'ambassadeur de France à Rome au pape ; 20 Traité en italien intitulé : « Che la religion christiana ha fiorito fin' da principio nella Francia, et s'è conservata nelli suoi principi et re sempre incorr etta » ; 21 Discours sur le cérémonial des « jurnées ou dietes imperialles... 1580 » ; 22 Fragment de « Nouvelles aportées par Rascalon, et la relation faicte par luy au nom du conte Palatin electeur » ; 23 « Manifeste du duc DE LORRAINE » sur la dissolution de son mariage ; 24 Lettres patentes de « LOUIS XIII », relatives à l'«assiette du douaire de la royne regente [Marie de Médicis]... Donné à Paris », le 25 juillet 1611 ; 25 « Harangue du roy de la Grande Bretagne [CHARLES Ier] aux Estats assemblez en la ville de Wessimynster » ; 26 « Harangue du garde des sceaux de la Grande Bretagne en l'assemblée des Estats, le 27 mars 1628 » ; 27 Quatre chiffres avec clefs ; 28 « Double du chiffre envoyé à monseigneur de Villeroy, en 1614 », avec clef ; 29 « Chiffre reformé pour Levant, duquel a esté envoyé un double à monseigneur de Breves, ambassadeur, en avril 1604 », avec clef ; 30 « Chiffre à monseigneur de Fresnes », avec clef


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Studies of code-switching in writing are very limited in comparison with the numerous investigations of this phenomenon in oral communication. Recent research has revealed that in text-based computer-mediated communication internet users bring into play the various languages available in their linguistic repertoire and, consequently, switch between them. In this case study, I investigate digital code-switching between Cypriot and Standard Greek, the two varieties of Greek spoken on the island of Cyprus. Following Auer’s conversation analytic approach and Gafaranga’s view that conversational structure coexists with social structure, I investigate code-switching in online interactions. The data to be analysed here, unlike those considered in most studies of code-switching, are written data, obtained from channel #Cyprus of Internet Relay Chat. The results suggest that code-switching in writing is influenced not only by macro-sociolinguistic factors, but they are also shaped by the medium- and social-specific characteristics of Internet Relay Chat. This, in turn, allows internet users to gain access to different roles and perform various identities within this online context.


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Cypriot Greek, a variety of Greek spoken in the island of Cyprus, is relatively distinct from Standard Greek in all linguistic domains. The regional variety does not have a standard, official orthography and it is rarely used for everyday written purposes. Following technological development and the emergence of Computer-mediated Communication, a Romanized version of written CG is now widely used in online text-based communication, among teenagers and young adults (Themistocleous, C. (2008), The use of Cypriot-Greek in synchronous computer-mediated communication (PhD thesis), University of Manchester). In this study, I present the innovative ways that Greek-Cypriots use Roman characters in an effort to represent features of their spoken language in their online writings. By analysing data obtained from channel #Cyprus of Internet Relay Chat, I demonstrate how the choice of writing in CG affects the ways that Roman characters are used. I argue that this practice is not just a response to technological constrains but it actually has a wider social significance.


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Parkinson's disease (PD) is considered the second most frequent and one of the most severe neurodegenerative diseases, with dysfunctions of the motor system and with nonmotor symptoms such as depression and dementia. Compensation for the progressive loss of dopaminergic (DA) neurons during PD using current pharmacological treatment strategies is limited and remains challenging. Pluripotent stem cell-based regenerative medicine may offer a promising therapeutic alternative, although the medical application of human embryonic tissue and pluripotent stem cells is still a matter of ethical and practical debate. Addressing these challenges, the present study investigated the potential of adult human neural crest-derived stem cells derived from the inferior turbinate (ITSCs) transplanted into a parkinsonian rat model. Emphasizing their capability to give rise to nervous tissue, ITSCs isolated from the adult human nose efficiently differentiated into functional mature neurons in vitro. Additional successful dopaminergic differentiation of ITSCs was subsequently followed by their transplantation into a unilaterally lesioned 6-hydroxydopamine rat PD model. Transplantation of predifferentiated or undifferentiated ITSCs led to robust restoration of rotational behavior, accompanied by significant recovery of DA neurons within the substantia nigra. ITSCs were further shown to migrate extensively in loose streams primarily toward the posterior direction as far as to the midbrain region, at which point they were able to differentiate into DA neurons within the locus ceruleus. We demonstrate, for the first time, that adult human ITSCs are capable of functionally recovering a PD rat model.


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Two varieties of Greek are spoken on the island of Cyprus: the local dialect, namely the Greek-Cypriot Dialect (GCD), and Standard Modern Greek (SMG). English is also influential, as Cyprus was an English colony until 1960. The dialect is rarely employed for everyday written purposes; however, it is now evident in computer-mediated communication (CMC). As a contribution to the field of code-switching in writing, this study examines how Greek-Cypriot internet users employ GCD, SMG, and English in their Facebook interactions. In particular, we investigate how identities (discursive and social) are performed and indexed through the linguistic choices of Greek-Cypriot internet users. The findings indicate that switches to GCD add a humorous tone and express solidarity and informality. SMG is mostly used for ‘official’ statements, and it is preferred by mature internet users, while English is used with expressions of affect and evaluative comments.


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The representation in online environments of non-Roman-based script languages has proved problematic. During the initial years of Computer-mediated Communication, the American Standard Code for Information Interchange character set only supported Roman-alphabeted languages. The solution for speakers of languages written in non-Roman scripts was to employ unconventional writing systems, in an effort to represent their native language in online discourse. The first aim of this chapter is to present the different ways that internet users choose to transliterate or even transcribe their native languages online, using Roman characters. With technological development, and consequently the availability of various writing scripts online, internet users now have the option to either use Roman characters or their native script. If the latter is chosen, internet users still seem to deviate from conventional ways of writing, in this case, however, with regards to spelling. The second aim, therefore, is to bring into light recent developments, by looking at the ways that internet users manipulate orthography, to achieve their communicative purposes.


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The Cypriot Greek variety (CG), spoken in the island of Cyprus, is relatively distinct from Standard Greek (SG) in all linguistic domains and, especially, in the area of pronunciation. Youth language, within the Greek-Cypriot context, is an area of study that has, until recently, received little attention. Tsiplakou (2004) makes reference to the emergence of a new slang among young Greek-Cypriots, influenced by new comedy series, in which the actors make extensive use of ‘exaggeratedly peasant’ CG. As these comedy series become increasingly popular, the use of marked regional features becomes evident in the speech style of young Greek-Cypriots. A preliminary study has also revealed that marked CG linguistic features are equally evident in the online interactions of young internet users (Themistocleous 2005). In this study, I examine the use of CG phonological elements in a corpus of messages collected from channel #Cyprus, of Internet Relay Chat (IRC). It is demonstrated that young Greek-Cypriots use language in creative ways, in order to represent in writing phonological features, typical of their informal speech.


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This paper investigates the attitudes of Greek-Cypriot internet users towards written Cypriot Greek (CG) in online chat. CG does not have a standard official orthography and it is only used in informal oral communication. With the emergence of computer-mediated communication (CMC), a novel Romanized form of CG is used instead of Standard Greek (SG) in online environments (Themistocleous 2005). To investigate language attitudes, an online questionnaire was distributed electronically to Greek-Cypriot internet users. The results show that the majority of the informants have positive attitudes towards written CG, a practice that goes against the results of previous attitudinal surveys. In this paper, I demonstrate how the internet can influence and change the attitudes of Greek-Cypriots towards their regional variety. It is argued that the unconventional and norm-free character of CMC allows internet users to use their non-standard variety in a domain where the standard would be expected to be used.


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Nanostructured films comprising a 3-n-propylpyridiniunn silsesquioxane polymer (designated as SiPy(+)Cl(-)) and copper (II) tetrasulfophthalocyanine (CuTsPc) were produced using the Layer-by-Layer technique (LbL). To our knowledge this is the first report on the use of silsesquioxane derivative polymers as building blocks for nanostructured thin films fabrication. Deposition of the multilayers were monitored by UV-Vis spectroscopy revealing the linear increment in the absorbance of the Q-band from CuTsPc at 617 nm with the number of SiPy(+)Cl(-)/CuTsPc or CuTsPc/SiPy(+)Cl(-) bilayers. FTIR analyses showed that specific interactions between SiPy+Cl- and CuTsPc occurred between SO(3)(-) groups of tetrasulfophthalocyanine and the pyridinium groups of the polycation. Morphological studies were carried out using the AFM technique, which showed that the roughness and thickness of the films increase with the number of bilayers. The films displayed electroactivity and were employed to detection of dopamine (DA) and ascorbic acid (AA) using cyclic voltammetry, at concentrations ranging from 1.96 x 10(-4) to 1.31 x 10(-3) molL(-1). The number and the sequence of bilayers deposition influenced the electrochemical response in presence of DA and AA. Using differential pulse technique, films comprising SiPy(+)/CuTsPc were able to distinguish between DA and ascorbic acid (AA), with a potential difference of approximately with 500 mV, in the concentration range of 9.0 x 10(-5) to 2.0 x 10(-4) molL(-1), in pH 3.0.