986 resultados para Optical film


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Oxygen-deficient TiO2 films with enhanced visible and near-infrared optical absorption have been deposited by reactive sputtering using a planar diode radio frequency magnetron configuration. It is observed that the increase in the absorption coefficient is more effective when the O-2 gas supply is periodically interrupted rather than by a decrease of the partial O-2 gas pressure in the deposition plasma. The optical absorption coefficient at 1.5 eV increases from about 1 x 10(2) cm(-1) to more than 4 x 10(3) cm(-1) as a result of the gas flow discontinuity. A red-shift of similar to 0.24 eV in the optical absorption edge is also observed. High resolution transmission electron microscopy with composition analysis shows that the films present a dense columnar morphology, with estimated mean column width of 40nm. Moreover, the interruptions of the O-2 gas flow do not produce detectable variations in the film composition along its growing direction. X-ray diffraction and micro-Raman experiments indicate the presence of the TiO2 anatase, rutile, and brookite phases. The anatase phase is dominant, with a slight increment of the rutile and brookite phases in films deposited under discontinued O-2 gas flow. The increase of optical absorption in the visible and near-infrared regions has been attributed to a high density of defects in the TiO2 films, which is consistent with density functional theory calculations that place oxygen-related vacancy states in the upper third of the optical bandgap. The electronic structure calculation results, along with the adopted deposition method and experimental data, have been used to propose a mechanism to explain the formation of the observed oxygen-related defects in TiO2 thin films. The observed increase in sub-bandgap absorption and the modeling of the corresponding changes in the electronic structure are potentially useful concerning the optimization of efficiency of the photocatalytic activity and the magnetic doping of TiO2 films. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4724334]


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This paper deals with the study of optical, structural and biocompatible properties of PEO-like plasma polymerized films resulting from RF excited diethylene glycol dimethyl ether (CH3O(CH2CH2O)(2)CH3 diglyme) glow discharges. The study was carried out using visible-ultraviolet and FTIR spectroscopies and contact angle measurements. FTIR spectra of plasma polymerized diglyme showed a stronger presence of ethylene glycol groups in film structure for lower RF power levels. The contact angle measurements for water revealed an increasing from 30degrees to 62,5degrees when the RF power was varied from 2 to 45 W, indicating the decreasing of the hydrophilic character of diglyme films with the increasing of RF power. This trend is in agreement with FTIR results. The data from visible-ultraviolet reflectance and transmittance spectra revealed alterations on optical properties of plasma polymerized diglyme films. The film's optical gap varied from 3.8 to 3 eV for RF power running from 5 to 45 W.


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Plasmas generated in de discharges in aromatic compounds have been used for several years in polymerization processes. The chemical kinetics developed in such a plasma environment are extremely complicated. Therefore it is extremely important to set up optical and electrical diagnostics in order to establish the kinetics of the film growth, In this work we studied de plasmas generated ill low-pressure atmospheres of benzene for different values of gas pressure and power coupled to the discharge. The pressure range varied from 0.2 to 1.0 mbar for electric power running from 4 to 25 W, the main chemical species observed within the discharge were CH, H and C. It was observed that the CH relative concentration increases continuously with the power in the range investigated. The electron temperature varied from 0.5 to 2.0 eV with the increase of the power, for a fixed value of gas pressure. The relative dielectric constant of the plasma polymerized benzene was kept around 4.8 from 100 Hz to 10 kHz, presenting a resonance near 25 kHz. This electric behaviour of the film was the same fur different conditions of polymeric film deposition, (C) 1997 Elsevier B.V. S.A.


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Structural and optical characteristics of zein-based films produced with different xanthan gum concentrations have been studied in this work. Scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) and optical microscopy (OM) were performed to identify if the incorporation of the material into the matrix film, formed a homogeneous structure, as well as to characterize its constituents as the colour and shape. SEM showed a homogeneous matrix for the control (0% xanthan) with good lipid distribution. However, when the samples were investigated by OM, lipids globules in the control biofilm appeared larger and more dispersed in the matrix than the others samples. Transparency/opacity test measurements by UV-VIS analysis indicated that the addition of xanthan to the film matrix lowered significantly its transparency properties Overall, the addition of xanthan gum favoured lipid dispersion in the matrix, making biomaterials more homogeneous, although with less transparency.


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We report optical and morphological properties of poly(2-methoxy-5-hexyloxy-p-phenylenevinylene) (OC1OC6-PPV) films processed by casting, spin-coating (SC) and Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) techniques. The absorption spectra are practically the same, with an absorption maximum at approximately at 500 nm. For the photoluminescence (PL) spectra at low temperature (T=10K), a small but significant difference was noted in the cast film, in comparison with the LB and SC films. The zero-phonon transition shifted from 609 nm for the LB film to 615 and 621 nm for the SC and cast films, respectively. At room temperature, the PL spectra are similar for all films, and blue shifted by ca. 25 nm in comparison with the spectra at low temperature due to thermal disorder. Using atomic force microscopy (AFM) we inferred that the distinctive behavior of the cast film, probably associated with structural defects, is related to the large thickness of this film. The surface roughness, which was surprisingly higher for the LB film, apparently played no role in the emission properties of OC1OC6-PPV films.


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A significant part of film production by the coating industry is based on wet bench processes, where better understanding of their temporal dynamics could facilitate control and optimization. In this work, in situ laser interferometry is applied to study properties of flowing liquids and quantitatively monitor the dip coating batch process. Two oil standards Newtonian, non-volatile, with constant refractive indices and distinct flow properties - were measured under several withdrawing speeds. The dynamics of film physical thickness then depends on time as t(-1/2), and flow characterization becomes possible with high precision (linear slope uncertainty of +/-0.04%). Resulting kinematic viscosities for OP60 and OP400 are 1,17 +/- 0,03. St and 9,9 +/- 0,2 St, respectively. These results agree with nominal values, as provided by the manufacturer. For more complex films (a multi-component sol-gel Zirconyl Chloride aqueous solution) with a varying refractive index, through a direct polarimetric measurement, allowing also determination of the temporal evolution of physical thickness (uncertainty of +/- 0,007 microns) is also determined during dip coating.


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Photoconductivity of SnO2 sol-gel films is excited, at low temperature, by using a 266 nm line-fourth harmonic-of a Nd:YAG laser. This line has above bandgap energy and promotes generation of electron-hole pairs, which recombines with oxygen adsorbed at grain boundary. The conductivity increases up to 40 times. After removing the illumination on an undoped SnO2 film, the conductivity remains unchanged, as long as the temperature is kept constant. Adsorbed oxygen ions recombine with photogenerated holes and are continuously evacuated from the system, leaving a net concentration of free electrons into the material, responsible for the increase in the conductivity. For Er doped SnO2, the excitation of conductivity by the laser line has similar behavior, however after removing illumination, the conductivity decreases with exponential-like decay. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Strontium titanate (SrTiO3) thin films were prepared by dip-coating Si(111) single-crystal substrates in citrate solutions of ethylene glycol, considering several citric acid/ethylene glycol (CA/EG) ratios. Measurements of intrinsic viscosity indicate that increasing the amount of EG increases the precursors' polymeric chains and increases the weight loss. After deposition the substrates were dried on a hotplate (approximate to 150 degrees C); this was followed by heat treatment at temperatures ranging from 500 to 700 degrees C using heating and cooling rates of 1 degrees C min(-1). SEM and optical microscopy investigations of the sintered films obtained from different CA/EG ratios indicate that there is a critical thickness above which the films present cracks. This critical thickness for SrTiO3 films deposited on the Si(111) substrate is about 150 nm, Measurements of crack spacing as a function of film thickness indicate that the origin of cracks cannot be explained by the elastic behavior of the film but rather by the viscoelastic relaxation of the film during pyrolysis and sintering. Copyright (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The influence of the substrate temperature on the structural features and opto-electrical properties of undoped and indium-doped ZnO thin films deposited by pyrosol process was investigated. The addition of indium induces a drastic decrease (by a factor approximate to 10(10) for samples deposited at 300 degreesC) in the electrical resistivity of films, the lowest electrical resistivity (6 mOmega-cm) being observed for the film deposited at 450 degreesC. Films are highly transparent (>80%) in the Vis-NIR ranges, and the optical band gap exhibits a blue shift (from 3.29 to 3.33 eV) for the In-doped films deposited at increasing temperature. Preferential orientation of the ZnO crystallites with the c-axis perpendicular to the substrate surface and an anisotropic morphology of the nanoporous structure was observed for films growth at 300 and 350 degreesC. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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dThe detection of aromatic compounds from pesticides and industrial wastewater has become of great interest, since these compounds withstand chemical oxidation and biological degradation, accumulating in the environment. In this work, a highly sensitive biosensor for detecting catechol was obtained with the immobilization of Cl-catechol 1,2-dioxygenase (CCD) in nanostructured films. CCD layers were alternated with poly(amidoamine) generation 4 (PAMAM G4) dendrimer using the electrostatic layer-by-layer (LbL) technique. Circular dichroism (CD) measurements indicated that the immobilized CCD preserved the same conformation as in solution. The thickness of the very first CCD layers in the LbL films was estimated at ca. 3.6 nm, as revealed by surface plasmon resonance (SPR). PAMAM/CCD 10-bilayer films were employed in detecting diluted catechol solutions using either an optical or electrical approach. Due to the mild immobilization conditions employed, especially regarding the pH and ionic strength of the dipping solutions, CCD remained active in the films for periods longer than 3 weeks. The optical detection comprised absorption experiments in which the formation of cis-cis muconic acid, resulting from the reaction between CCD and catechol, was monitored by measuring the absorbance at 260 nm after film immersion in catechol solutions. The electrical detection was carried out using LbL films deposited onto gold-interdigitated electrodes immersed in aqueous solutions at different catechol concentrations. Using impedance spectroscopy in a broad frequency range (1Hz-1kHz), we could detect catechol in solutions at concentrations as low as 10(-10) M. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Thin polymer films were grown in radio frequency discharges containing C2H2. Actinometry revealed the trend in the plasma concentration of the CH species as a function of the operating pressure. The C-H bond density in the films, revealed by infrared analysis, was found to increase with the pressure of C2H2 in a similar way to that of the concentration of the CH species in the discharge. From transmission ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy data, optical parameters of the polymers, namely, the refractive index and the optical gap, were calculated. For the range of pressure studied, the refractive index decreased from 1.73 to 1.63 and the optical gap increased from 2.4 to 3.3 eV. Finally, measurements of the residual stress of the polymer films were carried out by the bending beam method, using a He-Ne laser, yielding values from 0.05 to 0.3 GPa. (C) 1995 American Vacuum Society.


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The optical properties of cubic GaN epitaxial layers were investigated by modulated photoreflectance (PR) and photoluminescence in the temperature interval from 5 to 300 K. The epilayers were grown on GaAs(001) substrates by molecular beam epitaxy using a nitrogen RIF-activated plasma source. The PR spectra show a transition which is well fitted using the third-derivative functional form of the unperturbed dielectric function, which we interpret as band-to-band transition. Our results allow determination of the temperature dependence of the main gap of c-GaN and give insights into the residual strain in the film, as well as allow us to estimate the binding energy of the complex formed by an exciton bound to a neutral acceptor. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Films were grown in hexamethyldisiloxane (HMDS)-argon mixtures in a diode sputtering system with a gold cathode. Quantitative optical emission spectroscopy (OES)-actinometry revealed that the electron density or mean electron energy (or both) increased with increasing Ar concentrations in the gas feed. Increasing concentrations of Ar produced greater sputtering of the cathode and hence greater plasma A u concentrations. Fragmentation of the HMDS molecule resulted in species such as CH, Fl, and Si which were detected by OES. Film deposition rate, as determined by optical interferometry, was found to be increased by the inclusion of Ar in the gas feed. Transmission electron microscopy revealed particles, probably of Au, embedded in the polymer films. Actinometric measurements of Au in the discharge and electron probe microscopy of the deposited material showed that film Au concentrations increase with increasing concentrations of Au in the plasma. A relatively low fragmentation of HMDS molecules in the de plasma was revealed by the very small Si-HIR absorption band which is usually prominent in spectra of plasma polymerized HMDS films.


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This work reports the preparation and characterization of (SnO2) thin films doped with 7 mol% Sb2O3. The films were prepared by the polymeric precursor method, and deposited by spin-coating, all of them were deposited on amorphous silica substrate. Then, we have studied the thickness effect on the microstrutural, optical and electric properties of these samples. The microstructural characterization was carried out by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). The electrical resistivity measurements were obtained by the van der Pauw four-probe method. UV-visible spectroscopy and ellipsometry were carried out for the optical characterization. The films present nanometric grains in the order of 13 nm, and low roughness. The electrical resistivity decreased with the increase of the film thickness and the smallest measured value was 6.5 x 10(-3) Omega cm for the 988 nm thick film. The samples displayed a high transmittance value of 80% in the visible region. The obtained results show that the polymeric precursor method is effective for the TCOs manufacturing.


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Calcium modified lead titanate sol was synthesized using a soft solution processing, the so-called polymeric precursor method. In soft chemistry method, soluble precursors such as lead acetate trihydrate, calcium carbonate and titanium isopropoxide, as starting materials, were mixed in aqueous solution. Pb0.7Ca0.3TiO3 thin films were deposited on platinum-coated silicon and quartz substrates by means of the spinning technique. The surface morphology and crystal structure, dielectric and optical properties of the thin films were investigated. The electrical measurements were conducted on metal-ferroelectric-metal (MFM) capacitors. The typical measured small signal dielectric constant and dissipation factor at a frequency of 100 kHz were 299 and 0.065, respectively, for a thin film with 230 nm thickness annealed at 600degreesC for 2 h. The remanent polarization (2P(r)) and coercive field (E-c) were 32 muC/cm(2) and 100 kV/cm, respectively. Transmission spectra were recorded and from them, refractive index, extinction coefficient, and band gap energy were calculated. Thin films exhibited good optical transmissivity, and had optical direct transitions. The present study confirms the validity of the DiDomenico model for the interband transition, with a single electronic oscillator at 6.858 eV. The optical dispersion behavior of PCT thin film was found to fit well the Sellmeir dispersion equation. The band gap energy of the thin film, annealed at 600degreesC, was 3.56 eV. The results confirmed that soft solution processing provides an inexpensive and environmentally friendly route for the preparation of PCT thin films.