741 resultados para Nick Cave


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Las traducciones de los primeros capítulos del libro VII de la República de Platón en los que aparece su famosa imagen de la caverna, eikón, presentan una sorprendente e intrigante variedad interpretativa: "alegoría", "mito", "fábula", "parábola", "símil", "comparación"... Este artículo, tomando como ejemplo la notable fidelidad al texto del traductor victoriano de Platón, B. Jowett, y mediante un análisis riguroso de los términos que acompañan la imagen, mantiene la necesidad de no interpretar ni corregir en este caso al gran filósofo idealista o "ideocéntrico", señalando al mismo tiempo, si es otro el proceder, las contradicciones resultantes y el uso de algún término ajeno al léxico platónico como "alegoría".


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L'objectiu d'aquest article és mostrar com un dramaturg contemporani pensa de bell nou en la imatge platònica de la caverna per parlar del necessari viatge existencial i de formació de l'home, lluny de la protecció que les cavernes de qualsevol tipus, com ara la llar, el jardí­ familiar o la mateixa famí­lia, poden representar. Tot i que des d'una perspectiva en absolut idealista o metafí­sica, Plató esdevé una vegada més gràcies a R. Sirera i a l'aplicabilitat de les mateixes imatges platòniques una referència clàssica tan útil com ineludible, si es té en compte l'origen platònic de totes les cavernes literàries.


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Sleep-wake disturbances are frequently observed in stroke patients and are associated with poorer functional outcome. Until now the effects of sleep on stroke evolution are unknown. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effects of three sleep deprivation (SD) protocols on brain damages after focal cerebral ischemia in a rat model. Permanent occlusion of distal branches of the middle cerebral artery was induced in adult rats. The animals were then subjected to 6h SD, 12h SD or sleep disturbances (SDis) in which 3 x 12h sleep deprivation were performed by gentle handling. Infarct size and brain swelling were assessed by Cresyl violet staining, and the number of damaged cells was measured by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase mediated dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) staining. Behavioral tests, namely tape removal and cylinder tests, were performed for assessing sensorimotor function. In the 6h SD protocol, no significant difference (P > 0.05) was found either in infarct size (42.5 ± 30.4 mm3 in sleep deprived animals vs. 44.5 ± 20.5 mm3 in controls, mean ± s.d.), in brain swelling (10.2 ± 3.8 % in sleep deprived animals vs. 11.3 ± 2.0 % in controls) or in number of TUNEL-positive cells (21.7 ± 2.0/mm2 in sleep deprived animals vs. 23.0 ± 1.1/mm2 in controls). In contrast, 12h sleep deprivation increased infarct size by 40 % (82.8 ± 10.9 mm3 in SD group vs. 59.2 ± 13.9 mm3 in control group, P = 0.008) and number of TUNEL-positive cells by 137 % (46.8 ± 15/mm in SD group vs. 19.7 ± 7.7/mm2 in control group, P = 0.003). There was no significant difference (P > 0.05) in brain swelling (12.9 ± 6.3 % in sleep deprived animals vs. 11.6 ± 6.0 % in controls). The SDis protocol also increased infarct size by 76 % (3 x 12h SD 58.8 ± 20.4 mm3 vs. no SD 33.8 ± 6.3 mm3, P = 0.017) and number of TUNEL-positive cells by 219 % (32.9 ± 13.2/mm2 vs. 10.3 ± 2.5/mm2, P = 0.008). Brain swelling did not show any difference between the two groups (24.5 ± 8.4 % in SD group vs. 16.7 ± 8.9 % in control group, p > 0.05). Both behavioral tests did not show any concluding results. In summary, we demonstrate that sleep deprivation aggravates brain damages in a rat model of stroke. Further experiments are needed to unveil the mechanisms underlying these effects.


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The aim of this article is to show a wide range of lights and shadows in Luis Cernuda's poetry as images which have a specific reference -in spite of not being mentioned-, that is, the Platonic image of the cave. It is thanks to the images that the poet shows us his ideal world, in which shadows symbolize the beautiful, perfect and everlasting world in which Luis Cenuda needs to believe. Once more, it deals with that well-known tension between reality and desire which defines the essence of his poetry.


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La caverna de José Saramago tiene como referencia indudable la imagen de la caverna del libro VII de la República de Platón, y, sin embargo, Saramago no és un escritor idealista o metafísico. Este artículo muestra cómo, aprovechando la aplicabilidad con que Platón dotó a su imagen, Saramago defiende la necesidad de saber recibir los mensajes de la tierra, de la materia, de no convertirnos en prisioneros en las cavernas doradas de la sociedad occidental, y de ser libres en la naturaleza, phýsis, y no lejos o más allá, metá, de ella.


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Expression of laminin-5 alpha3, beta3 and gamma2 protein subunits was investigated in colorectal adenocarcinomas using immunostaining and confocal microscopy. The laminin-5 heterotrimer was found in basement membranes and as extracellular deposits in tumor stroma. In contrast to the alpha3 subunit, which was under-expressed, the gamma2 and beta3 subunits were detected in the cytoplasm of carcinoma cells dissociating (budding) from neoplastic tubules, suggestive of focal alterations in laminin-5 assembly and secretion. Laminin-5 gamma2 or beta3 subunit-reactive budding carcinoma cells expressed cytokeratins but not vimentin; they did not proliferate and were not apoptotic. Furthermore, expression of laminin-5 gamma2 and beta3 subunits in budding cells was associated with focal under-expression of the E-cadherin-beta-catenin complex. Results from xenograft experiments showed that budding activity in colorectal adenocarcinomas could be suppressed when these tumors grew at ectopic s.c. sites in nude mice. In vitro, cultured colon carcinoma cells, but not adenoma-derived tumor cells, shared the laminin-5 phenotype expressed by carcinoma cells in vivo. Using colon carcinoma cell lines implanted orthotopically and invading the cecum of nude mice, the laminin-5-associated budding was restored, indicating that this phenotype is not only determined by tumor cell properties but also dependent on the tissue micro-environment. Our results indicate that both laminin-5 alpha3 subunit expression and cell-cell cohesiveness are altered in budding carcinoma cells, which we consider to be actively invading. We propose that the local tissue micro-environment contributes to these events.


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Peroxynitrite induced in vitro a dose dependent toxicity on retinal pigmented epithelial (RPE) cells. Cell death was partially mediated by apoptosis as demonstrated by nuclear fragmentation and TdT-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling assay. Peroxynitrite-induced tyrosine nitration was revealed by immunocytochemistry, both in the cytoplasm and in the nucleus of the cells. Nitration was not observed in RPE cells, producing nitric oxide (NO) after stimulation by lipopolysacharide and interferon-g (IFN-gamma), suggesting that peroxynitrite was not formed in vitro in such conditions. Peroxynitrite could be responsible for the retinal damages observed in pathological conditions in which NO has been demonstrated to be involved. In this context, EGb761, identified as a free radical scavenger, was showed herein to protect RPE cells against peroxynitrite injury.


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The Simplon tunnel is a railway connection trough the Alps between Brig (Switzerland) and Iselle (Italy). Constructed at the beginning of the last century, it consists of two parallel, interconnected tunnels of 19.8 km each. Due to geothermal conditions, its temperature of 29°C is seasonally invariable. Stories about blind mice induced us to sample small mammals in the central part of the tunnel. We used 30 Longworth traps, set in 6 groups of 5 traps. After a prebaiting period of 2 weeks, the traps were opened during one night. We captured 10 Mus domesticus Rutty, 1772. A karyological analysis showed that they had the standard diploid number of 2n = 40, as mice from Brig. Mice from the Val d'Ossola (Italian side of the tunnel) had a karyotype of 2n = 24 with two specific Robertsonian fusion, Rb(5.8) and Rb(7.15). This "Domodossola race" belongs to the Lago Maggiore sub-groupe. As a conclusion, the tunnel colonisation took place from the north. With a density of about 5 - 10 mice per km, a rough estimate of the total tunnel population is about 200 - 400 mice. The few pick-nick left-overs from workers active in the tunnel cannot sustain such a population. It is concluded that the mice, as well as the regularly encountered Gryllus domesticus, are living from human faeces, dropped from the water closets of the trains. Low food resources, lack of predators and perhaps lack of accidents imply a density dependent population control, coupled with a low reproduction rate.


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The immediate response to skin injury is the release of inflammatory signals. It is shown here, by use of cultures of primary keratinocytes from wild-type and PPAR beta/delta(-/-) mice, that such signals including TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma, induce keratinocyte differentiation. This cytokine-dependent cell differentiation pathway requires up-regulation of the PPAR beta/delta gene via the stress-associated kinase cascade, which targets an AP-1 site in the PPAR beta/delta promoter. In addition, the pro-inflammatory cytokines also initiate the production of endogenous PPAR beta/delta ligands, which are essential for PPAR beta/delta activation and action. Activated PPAR beta/delta regulates the expression of genes associated with apoptosis resulting in an increased resistance of cultured keratinocytes to cell death. This effect is also observed in vivo during wound healing after an injury, as shown in dorsal skin of PPAR beta/delta(+/+) and PPAR beta/delta(+/-) mice.


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Unicellular organisms, such as the protozoan parasite Leishmania, can be stimulated to show some morphological and biochemical features characteristic of mammalian apoptosis. This study demonstrates that under a variety of stress conditions such as serum deprivation, heat shock and nitric oxide, cell death can be induced leading to genomic DNA fragmentation into oligonucleosomes. DNA fragmentation was observed, without induction, in the infectious stages of the parasite, and correlated with the presence of internucleosomal nuclease activity, visualisation of 45 to 59 kDa nucleases and detection of TUNEL-positive nuclei. DNA fragmentation was not dependent on active effector downstream caspases nor on the lysosomal cathepsin L-like enzymes CPA and CPB. These data are consistent with the presence of a caspase-independent cell death mechanism in Leishmania, induced by stress and differentiation that differs significantly from metazoa.


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We investigate the population genetic structure of the Maghrebian bat, Myotis punicus, between the mainland and islands to assess the island colonization pattern and current gene flow between nearby islands and within the mainland. Location North Africa and the Mediterranean islands of Corsica and Sardinia. Methods We sequenced part of the control region (HVII) of 79 bats across 11 colonies. The phylogeographical pattern was assessed by analysing molecular diversity indices, examining differentiation among populations and estimating divergence time. In addition, we genotyped 182 bats across 10 colonies at seven microsatellite loci. We used analysis of molecular variance and a Bayesian approach to infer nuclear population structure. Finally, we estimated sex-specific dispersal between Corsica and Sardinia. Results Mitochondrial analyses indicated that colonies between Corsica, Sardinia and North Africa are highly differentiated. Within islands there was no difference between colonies, while at the continental level Moroccan and Tunisian populations were highly differentiated. Analyses with seven microsatellite loci showed a similar pattern. The sole difference was the lack of nuclear differentiation between populations in North Africa, suggesting a male-biased dispersal over the continental area. The divergence time of Sardinian and Corsican populations was estimated to date back to the early and mid-Pleistocene. Main conclusions Island colonization by the Maghrebian bats seems to have occurred in a stepping-stone manner and certainly pre-dated human colonization. Currently, open water seems to prevent exchange of bats between the two islands, despite their ability to fly and the narrowness of the strait of Bonifacio. Corsican and Sardinian populations are thus currently isolated from any continental gene pool and must therefore be considered as different evolutionarily significant units (ESU).


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Cova del Gegant is located near the city of Sitges (Barcelona, Spain). The cave is a small karst system which contains Upper Pleistocene archaeological and paleontological material (DauRa et al., 2005). The site was first excavated in 1954 and then in 1972 and 1974- (Viñas, 1972; Viñas & Villalta, 1975) and in 1985 and 1989 (maRtínez et al., 1985; moRa, 1988; maRtínez et al., 1990). Finally, in 2007, Grup de Recerca del Quaternari has restarted the archaeological research at Cova del Gegant (DauRa, 2008; DauRa et al., 2010). A human mandible was recovered during the first field season in 1954 and was recently published by DauRa et al. (2005). In the present study, we describe a new human tooth (left I2) that appeared, like the mandible, in a revision of the faunal material recovered from the site in 1974-1975. The specimen preserves the entire crown and the cervical two thirds of the root (Figure 1). The lack of the root apex makes it difficult to determine if the tooth was fully developed at the time of death. However, CT analysis reveals a pulp cavity that could be still open, suggesting root formation was incomplete. The specimen shows only slight dental wear corresponding to stage 2 of Molnar (1971 en Hillson, 1996). Morphologically, the crown shows slight shovelling and a lingual tubercle and appears similar to Neandertal incisors. Standard crown measurements (buccolingual diameter=7.7 mm; mesiodistal diameter= 7.3 mm) (Figure 2) suggest a fairly large tooth, particularly in the BL dimension, again resembling Neandertals in this regard. Discriminant analysis classified the Gegant incisor as Neandertal with a 99.8% posterior probability (Table 2). Association of this tooth with the previously described mandible is considered unlikely given the different ages at death estimated for each. Thus, there appear to be two individuals preserved in the sediments of the Gegant cave, one adult and one subadult (around 8-10 years old).


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Numerous studies along the northern Mediterranean borderland have documented the use of shellfish by Neanderthals but none of these finds are prior to Marine Isotopic Stage 3 (MIS 3). In this paper we present evidence that gathering and consumption of mollusks can now be traced back to the lowest level of the archaeological sequence at Bajondillo Cave (Málaga, Spain), dated during the MIS 6. The paper describes the taxonomical and taphonomical features of the mollusk assemblages from this level Bj19 and briefly touches upon those retrieved in levels Bj18 (MIS 5) and Bj17 (MIS 4), evidencing a continuity of the shellfishing activity that reaches to MIS 3. This evidence is substantiated on 29 datings through radiocarbon, thermoluminescence and U series methods. Obtained dates and paleoenvironmental records from the cave include isotopic, pollen, lithostratigraphic and sedimentological analyses and they are fully coherent with paleoclimate conditions expected for the different stages. We conclude that described use of shellfish resources by Neanderthals (H. neanderthalensis) in Southern Spain started ~150 ka and were almost contemporaneous to Pinnacle Point (South Africa), when shellfishing is first documented in archaic modern humans.


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Browse through this guide and you’ll find the distinct flavor of what is available along each byway. Discover recreational, historic, cultural and scenic attractions using the maps and lists provided in the guide. You’ll find numbered attractions for each byway in or near the town listed. For a comprehensive list of byway features, visit www.iowabyways.org. Friendly local contacts are provided to help you along the way. Iowa Transportation Maps clearly tracking all the Iowa byways with red dotted lines are available at Iowa’s official welcome centers. Traveling Iowa’s byways you will experience small town America, while enjoying diverse landscapes and unique landforms that have been shaped over thousands of years. Iowa’s cultural heritage also plays a major role across all 11 byways, boasting hundreds of historic sites, national landmarks and interpretive centers, each telling Iowa’s stories from the first Native Americans through European immigrants to modern times. Glaciers once covered much of Iowa, shaping the broad flat plains of the prairie. These massive sheets of ice missed the northeast corner of the state, leaving the land along the Driftless Area Byway rugged and hilly with rock outcroppings, springs and cold water trout streams. Rivers coursed their way through the land, carving deep furrows in some places and leaving gently rolling hills in others. In western Iowa, wind has shaped fine sand into the impressive Loess Hills, a rare land form found in only one other place on earth. Iowa’s two national scenic byways and nine state byways offer unique varieties of scenic features, and more for you to see and do. View three states from atop a Mississippi River bluff, stop at a modern art museum and then tour a working farm. Explore a historic mill, visit a national aquarium, take a boat ride in a cave, purchase locally crafted pottery and wares from local artisans or trace the footsteps of Lewis and Clark. Experience the actual wagon ruts of the Mormon Trail, ride your bike 13 stories high, canoe a water trail, star gaze under Iowa’s darkest sky, and marvel at mounds built by prehistoric cultures. Agriculture wraps Iowa’s byways with an abundance of farmland vistas and fills Iowa lands with ever-changing crops and activities for you to “harvest.” You’ll see croplands on the vast flat plains and farmsteads sprinkled across rolling hills reminiscent of a Grant Wood painting. Along the way, you might wander in a corn maze, rest at a bed and breakfast, study farming in museums, discover the Iowa barn quilt collection or visit a working Amish farm. When you are ready to step outside your vehicle, you’ll find much more to do and see. Prairie, forests, rivers and public lands are abundant along Iowa’s byways; providing opportunities for you to stop and play in the outdoors with hiking, biking, kayaking and trout fishing. Classic hometowns with pride for their unique lore and offerings are found all along the byways. They invite you to taste local food, enjoy their architecture, and immerse yourself in the rich history and culture that defines them. Why not plan your next journey off the beaten path? No matter how you choose to make the most of every moment, we know that time spent along Iowa’s byways is sure to grow your love for Iowa’s diverse, beautiful vistas and authentic communities. Happy driving!


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This study aimed to assess application of ultrasound (US) combined with microbubbles (MB) to transfect the ciliary muscle of rat eyes. Reporter DNA plasmids encoding for Gaussia luciferase, β-galactosidase or the green fluorescent protein (GFP), alone or mixed with 50% Artison MB, were injected into the ciliary muscle, with or without US exposure (US set at 1 MHz, 2 W/cm(2), 50% duty cycle for 2 min). Luciferase activity was measured in ocular fluids at 7 and 30 days after sonoporation. At 1 week, the US+MB treatment showed a significant increase in luminescence compared with control eyes, injected with plasmid only, with or without MB (×2.6), and, reporter proteins were localized in the ciliary muscle by histochemical analysis. At 1 month, a significant decrease in luciferase activity was observed in all groups. A rise in lens and ciliary muscle temperature was measured during the procedure but did not result in any observable or microscopic damages at 1 and 8 days. The feasibility to transfer gene into the ciliary muscle by US and MB suggests that sonoporation may allow intraocular production of proteins for the treatment of inflammatory, angiogenic and/or degenerative retinal diseases.