975 resultados para NK and NK-T cells


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L’infection par le VIH-1 est caractérisée par une activation chronique du système immunitaire et par une réduction graduelle du nombre de lymphocytes TCD4+, qui contribuent à une détérioration lente du système immunitaire menant à la phase SIDA. Paradoxalement, ce sont majoritairement des lymphocytes T CD4+ non infectés qui sont détruits et la cause de ce phénomène reste encore inconnue. Certaines protéines virales, dont la protéine accessoire Vpr, sont soupçonnées de jouer un rôle dans ce processus. Synthétisée tardivement, Vpr est incorporée à l’intérieur des virions, en plus d’être relâchée sous forme soluble dans le milieu extracellulaire. La principale fonction biologique de Vpr est l’induction d’un arrêt de cycle en phase G2/M, via le recrutement du complexe d’ubiquitine E3 ligase CUL4A-DDB1VprBP et l’activation de la voie de dommage à l’ADN contrôlée par la kinase ATR. Une étude démontre que l’activation des voies de dommages à l’ADN conduit à l’expression de ligands du récepteur activateur NKG2D, exprimés par les cellules NK, déclenchant leurs fonctions cytolytiques. Chose intéressante, plusieurs études suggèrent que le VIH-1 régule positivement l’expression des ligands de NKG2D à la surface des lymphocytes T CD4+ infectés. Cependant, le facteur viral impliqué dans ce processus reste encore indéfini. Le but de cette thèse était d’évaluer le rôle de Vpr dans la modulation des fonctions cytolytiques des cellules NK et son implication potentielle dans la destruction des lymphocytes T CD4+. Nos travaux ont permis de démontrer que l’expression de Vpr, seule ou dans le contexte de l’infection, est suffisante afin d’augmenter spécifiquement l’expression du ligand de NKG2D, ULBP2, au niveau de lymphocytes T CD4+ primaires. Conséquemment, Vpr augmente ainsi la susceptibilité de ces cellules à une lyse par des cellules NK autologues. Nous démontrons que cette régulation positive d’ULBP2 repose sur la capacité de Vpr de recruter le complexe d’ubiquitine E3 ligase DDB1-CUL4AVprBP et l’activation de la voie de dommage à l’ADN ATR. Plus important encore, nous apportons des preuves que Vpr augmente également l’expression d’ULBP2 au niveau des cellules non infectées lors d’une infection de lymphocytes TCD4+ par le VIH-1. À cet effet, nous montrons que l’acheminement de Vpr au niveau de lymphocytes T CD4+ non infectés via des particules virales défectives est suffisant afin de réguler positivement ULBP2 et d’augmenter leur lyse par des cellules NK autologues. De plus, nous décrivons pour la première fois que Vpr, sous forme soluble, a la capacité d’induire des dommages à l’ADN et de réguler positivement ULBP2 suite à la transduction de différents types cellulaires, incluant des cellules T. Globalement, nos résultats démontrent que Vpr est un facteur viral clé impliqué dans la régulation positive des ligands de NKG2D induite par le VIH-1. Cette régulation positive d’ULBP2 pourrait alors contribuer à la destruction des lymphocytes T CD4+ infectés et non infectés via l’activation des fonctions cytolytiques des cellules NK. Une meilleure compréhension de la contribution de cette activité de Vpr dans la pathogenèse du VIH-1 a le potentiel de permettre le développement de nouvelles cibles ou stratégies thérapeutiques contre le VIH-1.


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Streptococcus suis serotype 2 is an important swine bacterial pathogen, and it is also an emerging zoonotic agent. It is unknown how S. suis virulent strains, which are usually found in low quantities in pig tonsils, manage to cross the first host defense lines to initiate systemic disease. Influenza virus produces a contagious infection in pigs which is frequently complicated by bacterial coinfections, leading to significant economic impacts. In this study, the effect of a preceding swine influenza H1N1 virus (swH1N1) infection of swine tracheal epithelial cells (NTPr) on the ability of S. suis serotype 2 to adhere to, invade, and activate these cells was evaluated. Cells preinfected with swH1N1 showed bacterial adhesion and invasion levels that were increased more than 100-fold compared to those of normal cells. Inhibition studies confirmed that the capsular sialic acid moiety is responsible for the binding to virus-infected cell surfaces. Also, preincubation of S. suis with swH1N1 significantly increased bacterial adhesion to/invasion of epithelial cells, suggesting that S. suis also uses swH1N1 as a vehicle to invade epithelial cells when the two infections occur simultaneously. Influenza virus infection may facilitate the transient passage of S. suis at the respiratory tract to reach the bloodstream and cause bacteremia and septicemia. S. suis may also increase the local inflammation at the respiratory tract during influenza infection, as suggested by an exacerbated expression of proinflammatory mediators in coinfected cells. These results give new insight into the complex interactions between influenza virus and S. suis in a coinfection model.


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In the present study, the effects of 5-HT, GABA and Bone Marrow Cells infused intranigrally to substantia nigra individually and in combinations on unilateral rotenone infused Parkinsonism induced rats. Scatchard analysis of DA, DA D1 and D2 receptors in the corpus striatum, cerebral cortex, cerebellum, brain stem and hippocampus showed a significant increase in the Brain regions of rotenone infused rat compared to control. Real Time PCR amplification of DA D1, D2, Bax and ubiquitin carboxy-terminal hydrolase were up regulated in the brain regions of rotenone infused rats compared to control. Gene expression studies of -Synuclien, cGMP and Cyclic AMP response element-binding protein showed a significant down regulation in Rotenone infused rats compared to control. Behavioural studies were carried out to confirm the biochemical and molecular studies.Our study demonstrated that BMC administration alone cannot reverse the above said molecular changes occurring in PD rat. 5-HT and GABA acting through their specific receptors in combination with bone marrow cells play a crucial role in the functional recovery of PD rats. 5-HT, GABA and Bone marrow cells treated PD rats showed significant reversal to control in DA receptor binding and gene expression. 5-HT and GABA have co-mitogenic property. Proliferation and differentiation of cells re-establishing the connections in Parkinson's disease facilitates the functional recovery. Thus, it is evident that 5-HT and GABA along with BMC to rotenone infused rats renders protection against oxidative, related motor and cognitive deficits which makes them clinically significant for cellbased therapy. The BMC transformed to neurons when co-transplanted with 5-HT and GABA which was confirmed with PKH2GL and nestin. These newly formed neurons have functional significance in the therapeutic recovery of Parkinson’s disease.


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Experimental and epidemiological studies demonstrate that fetal growth restriction and low birth weight enhance the risk of chronic diseases in adulthood. Derangements in tissue-specific epigenetic programming of fetal and placental tissues are a suggested mechanism of which DNA methylation is best understood. DNA methylation profiles in human tissue are mostly performed in DNA from white blood cells. The objective of this study was to assess DNA methylation profiles of IGF2 DMR and H19 in DNA derived from four tissues of the newborn. We obtained from 6 newborns DNA from fetal placental tissue (n = 5), umbilical cord CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) and CD34- mononuclear cells (MNC) (n = 6), and umbilical cord Wharton jelly (n = 5). HCS were isolated using magnetic-activated cell separation. DNA methylation of the imprinted fetal growth genes IGF2 DMR and H19 was measured in all tissues using quantitative mass spectrometry. ANOVA testing showed tissue-specific differences in DNA methylation of IGF2 DMR (p value 0.002) and H19 (p value 0.001) mainly due to a higher methylation of IGF2 DMR in Wharton jelly (mean 0.65, sd 0.14) and a lower methylation of H19 in placental tissue (mean 0.25, sd 0.02) compared to other tissues. This study demonstrates the feasibility of the assessment of differential tissue specific DNA methylation. Although the results have to be confirmed in larger sample sizes, our approach gives opportunities to investigate epigenetic profiles as underlying mechanism of associations between pregnancy exposures and outcome, and disease risks in later life.


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The aims were to examine ovarian expression of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) ligands/receptor mRNAs in the chicken and to test the hypothesis that theca-derived BMP(s) modulates granulosa cell function in a paracrine manner. RT-PCR revealed expression of multiple BMPs in granulosa and theca cells from prehierarchical and preovulatory follicles with greater expression in theca cells; both cell types expressed BMP receptors-1A, -1B and -II consistent with tissue responsiveness. Preovulatory granulosa cells F1, F2 and F3/4) were cultured with BMP-6 (expressed by theca but not granulosa) in the presence/absence of LH, FSH or 8-Br-cAMP. RMP-6 increased 'basal' and gonadotrophin-induced inhibin-A and progesterone secretion by each cell type but did not enhance the effect of 8-Br-cAMP. This indicates that the observed synergism between BMP-6 and gonadotrophin might involve BMP-induced up-regulation of gonadotrophin receptors. In support of this, BMP-6 alone increased LH-receptor (LHR) mRNA in F1 cells and FSH-receptor (FSHR) mRNA in F1, F2 and F3/4 cells. RMP-6 also enhanced LH/FSH-induced LHR transcript amount in each cell type but did not raise FSHR transcript amounts above those induced by BMP-6 alone. To further explore BMP6 action on inhibin-A secretion, we quantified inhibin/activin subunits (alpha, beta(A), beta(B)) mRNAs. Consistent with its effect on inhibin-A secretion, BMP-6 enhanced 'basal' expression of alpha- and beta(A)-Subunit mRNA in F1, F2 and F3/4 cells, and beta(B)-subunit mRNA in F3/4 cells. BMP-6 markedly enhanced FSH/LH-induced expression of alpha-subunit in all follicles and FSH-induced beta(A)-subunit in F2 and F3/4 follicles but not in F1 follicles. Neither BMP-6 alone, nor FSH/LH alone, affected 'basal' OB mRNA abundance. However, co-treatment with gonadotrophin and BMP-6 greatly increased beta(B)-subunit expression, the response being lowest in F1 follicles and greatest in F3/4 follicles. Collectively, these results support the hypothesis that intra-ovarian OMPs of thecal origin have a paracrine role in modulating granulosa cell function in the chicken in a preovulatory stage-dependent manner.


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Objective: Peroxynitrite (ONOO-) is formed in the inflamed and degenerating human joint. Peroxynitrite-modified collagen-II (PMC-II) was recently discovered in the serum of patients with osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Therefore we investigated the cellular effects of PMC-II on human mesenchymal progenitor cells (MPCs) as a model of cartilage and cartilage repair cells in the inflamed and degenerating joint. Design: MPCs were isolated from the trabecular bone of patients undergoing reconstructive surgery and were differentiated into a chondrogenic lineage. Cells were exposed to PMC-II and levels of the proinflammatory mediators nitric oxide (NO) and prostaglandin E-2 (PGE(2)) measured. Levels of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), phosphorylated mitogen activated protein kinases (MAPKs) and nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappa B) activation were measured by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) together with specific MAPK and NF-kappa B inhibitors. Results: PMC-II induced NO and PGE(2) synthesis through upregulation of iNOS and COX-2 proteins. PMC-II also lead to the phosphorylation of MAPKs, extracellularly regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) and p38 [but not c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK1/2)] and the activation of proinflammatory transcription factor NF-kappa B. Inhibitors of p38, ERK1/2 and NF-kappa B prevented PMC-II induced NO and PGE(2) synthesis, NOS and COX-2 protein expression and NF-kappa B activation. Conclusion: iNOS, COX-2, NF-KB and MAPK are known to be activated in the joints of patients with OA and RA. PMC-II induced iNOS and COX-2 synthesis through p38, ERK1/2 and NF-KB dependent pathways suggesting a previously unidentified pathway for the synthesis of the proinflammatory mediators, NO and PGE(2), further suggesting that inhibitors of these pathways may be therapeutic in the inflamed and degenerating human joint. (c) 2005 OsteoArthritis Research Society International. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Human breast cancer cells (MCF-7, T-47-D and ZR-75-1) can adapt to circumvent any reduced growth rate during long-term oestrogen deprivation, and this provides three model systems to investigate mechanisms of endocrine resistance in breast cancer. In this paper we report consistent differences in the effects of three growth inhibitors following long-term oestrogen deprivation in all three cell models. Long-term oestrogen deprivation of MCF-7, T-47-D and ZR-75-1 cells resulted in reduced growth inhibition by PD98059 (2–10 µg/ml), implying a loss of dependence on mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways for growth. The growth inhibitor LY294002 (2–10 µM) inhibited growth of both oestrogen-maintained and oestrogen-deprived cells with similar dose–responses, implying continued similar dependence on phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) pathways with no alteration after adaptation to oestrogen independent growth. However, by contrast, long-term oestrogen deprivation resulted in an increased sensitivity to growth inhibition by rapamycin, which was not reduced by readdition of oestradiol. The enhanced inhibition of long-term oestrogen-deprived MCF-7-ED, T-47-D-ED and ZR-75-1-ED cell growth by combining rapamycin with LY294002 at concentrations where each alone had little effect, offers preclinical support to the development of therapeutic combinations of rapamycin analogues with other PI3K inhibitors in endocrine-resistant breast cancer.


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Vascular dysfunction is recognised as an integrative marker of CVD. While dietary strategies aimed at reducing CVD risk include reductions in the intake of SFA, there are currently no clear guidelines on what should replace SFA. The purpose of this review was to assess the evidence for the effects of total dietary fat and individual fatty acids (SFA, MUFA and n-6 PUFA) on vascular function, cellular microparticles and endothelial progenitor cells. Medline was systematically searched from 1966 until November 2010. A total of fifty-nine peer-reviewed publications (covering fifty-six studies), which included five epidemiological, eighteen dietary intervention and thirty-three test meal studies, were identified. The findings from the epidemiological studies were inconclusive. The limited data available from dietary intervention studies suggested a beneficial effect of low-fat diets on vascular reactivity, which was strongest when the comparator diet was high in SFA, with a modest improvement in measures of vascular reactivity when high-fat, MUFA-rich diets were compared with SFA-rich diets. There was consistent evidence from the test meal studies that high-fat meals have a detrimental effect on postprandial vascular function. However, the evidence for the comparative effects of test meals rich in MUFA or n-6 PUFA with SFA on postprandial vascular function was limited and inconclusive. The lack of studies with comparable within-study dietary fatty acid targets, a variety of different study designs and different methods for determining vascular function all confound any clear conclusions on the impact of dietary fat and individual fatty acids on vascular function.


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It has been postulated that the R- and S-equol enantiomers have different biological properties given their different binding affinities for the estrogen receptor. S-(-)equol is produced via the bacterial conversion of the soy isoflavone daidzein in the gut. We have compared the biological effects of purified S-equol to that of racemic (R and S) equol on breast and prostate cancer cells of varying receptor status in vitro. Both racemic and S-equol inhibited the growth of the breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231 (> or = 10 microM) and the prostate cancer cell lines LNCaP (> or = 5 microM) and LAPC-4 (> or = 2.5 microM). The compounds also showed equipotent effects in inhibiting the invasion of MDA-MB-231 and PC-3 cancer cells through matrigel. S-equol (1, 10, 30 microM) was unable to prevent DNA damage in MCF-7 or MCF-10A breast cells following exposure to 2-hydroxy-4-nonenal, menadione, or benzo(a)pyrene-7,8-dihydrodiol-9,10-epoxide. In contrast, racemic equol (10, 30 microM) prevented DNA damage in MCF-10A cells following exposure to 2-hydroxy-4-nonenal or menadione. These findings suggest that racemic equol has strong antigenotoxic activity in contrast to the purified S-equol enantiomer implicating the R-, rather than the S-enantiomer as being responsible for the antioxidant effects of equol, a finding that may have implications for the in vivo chemoprotective properties of equol.


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Valproic acid (VPA) is used widely to treat epilepsy and bipolar disorder. Women undergoing VPA treatment reportedly have an increased incidence of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)-like symptoms including hyperandrogenism and oligo- or amenorrhoea. To investigate potential direct effects of VPA on ovarian steroidogenesis we used primary bovine theca (TC) and granulosa (GC) cells maintained under conditions that preserve their 'follicular' phenotype. Effects of VPA (7.8-500 µg/ml) on TC were tested with/without LH. Effects of VPA on GC were tested with/without FSH or IGF analogue. VPA reduced (P<0.0001) both basal (70% suppression; IC(50) 67±10 µg/ml) and LH-induced (93% suppression; IC(50) 58±10 µg/ml) androstenedione secretion by TC. VPA reduced CYP17A1 mRNA abundance (>99% decrease; P<0.0001) with lesser effects on LHR, STAR, CYP11A1 and HSD3B1 mRNA (<90% decrease; P<0.05). VPA only reduced TC progesterone secretion induced by the highest (luteinizing) LH dose tested; TC number was unaffected by VPA. At higher concentrations (125-500 µg/ml) VPA inhibited basal, FSH- and IGF-stimulated estradiol secretion (P<0.0001) by GC without affecting progesterone secretion or cell number. VPA reversed FSH-induced upregulation of CYP19A1 and HSD17B1 mRNA abundance (P<0.001). The potent histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors trichostatin A and scriptaid also suppressed TC androstenedione secretion and granulosal cell oestrogen secretion suggesting that the action of VPA reflects its HDAC inhibitory properties. In conclusion, these findings refute the hypothesis that VPA has a direct stimulatory action on TC androgen output. On the contrary, VPA inhibits both LH-dependent androgen production and FSH/IGF-dependent estradiol production in this in vitro bovine model, likely by inhibition of HDAC.


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Background Emerging cellular markers of endothelial damage and repair include endothelial microparticles (EMPs) and endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) respectively. Effects of long chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC n-3 PUFA) and influence of genetic background on these markers are not known. Objective This study investigated the effects of fish oil supplementation on both classical and novel markers of endothelial function in subjects prospectively genotyped for the Asp298 eNOS polymorphism and at moderate risk of CVD. Design 84 subjects with moderate risk of CVD (n=40 GG and n=44 GT/TT) completed a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, 8-week cross-over trial of fish oil supplementation providing 1.5 g/d LC n-3 PUFA. Effects of genotype and fish oil supplementation on the blood lipid profile, inflammatory markers, vascular function (EndoPAT) and numbers of circulating EPCs and EMP (flow cytometry) were assessed. Results There was no significant effect of fish oil supplementation on blood pressure, plasma lipids or plasma glucose, although there was a trend (P = 0.069) towards a decrease in plasma TG concentration after FO supplementation compared to placebo. GT/TT subjects tended to have higher levels of total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol, but vascular function was not affected by either treatment or eNOS genotype. Biochemical markers of endothelial function were also unaffected by treatment and eNOS genotype. In contrast, there was a significant effect of fish oil supplementation on cellular markers of endothelial function. Fish oil supplementation increased numbers of EPCs and reduced numbers of EMPs relative to the placebo, potentially favouring maintenance of endothelial integrity. There was no influence of genotype for any of the cellular markers of endothelial function, indicating that the effects of fish oil supplementation were independent of eNOS genotype. Conclusions Emerging cellular markers of endothelial damage, integrity and repair appear to be sensitive to potentially beneficial modification by dietary n-3 PUFA.


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Theca cells are essential for female reproduction being the source of androgens that are precursors for follicular oestrogen synthesis and also signal through androgen receptors (AR) in the ovary and elsewhere. Theca cells arise from mesenchymal cells around the secondary follicle stage. Their recruitment, proliferation and cytodifferentiation are influenced, directly or indirectly, by paracrine signals from granulosa cells and oocyte although uncertainty remains over which are the critically important signals at particular stages. In a reciprocal manner, theca cells secrete factors that influence granulosa cell proliferation and differentiation at different follicle stages. Differentiated theca interna cells acquire responsiveness to luteinizing hormone (LH) and other endocrine signals and express components of the steroidogenic machinery required for androgen biosynthesis. They also express insulin-like peptide 3 (INSL3) and its receptor (RXFP2), levels of which increase during bovine antral follicle development. INSL3 signaling may play a role in promoting androgen biosynthesis since knockdown of either INSL3 or its receptor (RXFP2) in bovine theca cells inhibits androgen biosynthesis while exogenous INSL3 can raise androgen secretion. Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) of thecal or granulosal origin suppress thecal production of both INSL3 and androgen. Inhibin, produced in greatest amounts by granulosa cells of preovulatory follicles, reverses these BMP actions. Thus, BMP-induced inhibition of thecal androgen production may be mediated by reduced INSL3-RXFP2 signaling. Activins also inhibit androgen production in an inhibin-reversible manner and recent evidence in sheep indicates that theca cells synthesize and secrete activin, implying an autocrine role in suppressing androgen biosynthesis in smaller follicles, akin to that envisaged for BMPs.


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During the process of development, neural crest cells migrate out from their niche between the newly formed ectoderm and the neural tube. Thereafter, they give rise not only to ectodermal cell types, but also to mesodermal cell types. Cell types with neural crest ancestry consequently comprise a number of specialized varieties, such as ectodermal neurons, melanocytes and Schwann cells, as well as mesodermal osteoblasts, adipocytes and smooth muscle cells. Numerous recent studies suggest that stem cells with a neural crest origin persist into adulthood, especially within the mammalian craniofacial compartment. This review discusses the sources of adult neural crest-derived stem cells (NCSCs) derived from the cranium, as well as their differentiation potential and expression of key stem cell markers. Furthermore, the expression of marker genes associated with embryonic stem cells and the issue of multi- versus pluripotency of adult NCSCs is reviewed. Stringent tests are proposed, which, if performed, are anticipated to clarify the issue of adult NCSC potency. Finally, current pre-clinical and clinical data are discussed in light of the clinical impact of adult NCSCs.


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Background— T NADPH oxidase, by generating reactive oxygen species, is involved in the pathophysiology of many cardiovascular diseases and represents a therapeutic target for the development of novel drugs. A single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) C242T of the p22phox subunit of NADPH oxidase has been reported to be negatively associated with coronary heart disease (CHD) and may predict disease prevalence. However, the underlying mechanisms remain unknown. Methods and Results— Using computer molecular modelling we discovered that C242T SNP causes significant structural changes in the extracellular loop of p22phox and reduces its interaction stability with Nox2 subunit. Gene transfection of human pulmonary microvascular endothelial cells showed that C242T p22phox reduced significantly Nox2 expression but had no significant effect on basal endothelial O2.- production or the expression of Nox1 and Nox4. When cells were stimulated with TNFα (or high glucose), C242T p22phox inhibited significantly TNFα-induced Nox2 maturation, O2.- production, MAPK and NFκB activation and inflammation (all p<0.05). These C242T effects were further confirmed using p22phox shRNA engineered HeLa cells and Nox2-/- coronary microvascular endothelial cells. Clinical significance was investigated using saphenous vein segments from non CHD subjects after phlebectomies. TT (C242T) allele was common (prevalence of ~22%) and compared to CC, veins bearing TT allele had significantly lower levels of Nox2 expression and O2.- generation in response to high glucose challenge. Conclusions— C242T SNP causes p22phox structural changes that inhibit endothelial Nox2 activation and oxidative response to TNFα or high glucose stimulation. C242T SNP may represent a natural protective mechanism against inflammatory cardiovascular diseases.


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The gills contain essential cells for respiration and osmoregulation, whereas the hepatopancreas is the site of digestion, absorption, and nutrients storage. The aim of this work was to separate and characterize gill and hepatopancreatic cells of the mangrove crab, Ucides cordatus. For gills, the methodology consisted of an enzymatic cellular dissociation using Trypsin at 0.5%, observation of cellular viability with Tripan Blue, and separation of cells using discontinuous sucrose gradient at concentrations of 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40%. The hepatopancreatic cells were dissociated by magnetic stirring, with posterior separation by sucrose gradient at the same concentrations above. For gills, a high cellular viability was observed (92.5 +/- 2.1%), with hemocyte cells in 10% sucrose layer (57.99 +/- 0.17%, *P < 0.05), principal cells in the 20% sucrose layer (57.33 +/- 0.18, *P < 0.05), and thick cells and pillar cells in the 30% and 40% sucrose layers, respectively (39.54 +/- 0.05%, *P < 0.05; and 41.81 +/- 0.04%, *P < 0.05). The hepatopancreatic cells also showed good viability (79.22 +/- 0.02%), with the observation of embryonic (E) cells in the 10% sucrose layer (67.87 +/- 0.06%, **P < 0.001), resorptive (R) and fibrillar (F) cells in the 20% and 30% sucrose layers (44.71 +/- 0.06%, **P < 0.001, and 43.25 +/- 0.01%, *P < 0.05; respectively), and blister (B) cells in the 40% sucrose layer (63.09 +/- 0.03%, **P < 0.001). The results are a starting point for in vitro studies of heavy metal transport in isolated cells of the mangrove crab U. cordatus, subjected to contamination by metals in the mangrove habitat where they are found.