999 resultados para NFL-TBS.40-63


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Introducció: El fracàs renal agut és una complicació que afecta entre el 6 i el 25% dels pacients crítics. Un 72% d’aquests malalts necessitaran de tècniques de depuració extrarenal contínues (TCDER) o intermitents en algun moment de l’ingrés. Actualment la dosi d’ultrafiltrat a cada situació clínica és objecte d’estudi i publicacions. Objectius: Analitzar les diferències entre les dosis pautades i administrades en les TCDER. Comparar les diferències entre la dosi en funció del tipus de TCDER: hemofiltració venovenosa contínua (HVVC) i hemodiafiltració venovenosa contínua. Descriure la tassa de recuperació de la funcionalitat renal o bé la necessitat d’hemodiàlisis convencional a l’alta d’UCI en els malalts que s’han sotmès a TCDER. Determinar la mortalitat Material i mètodes: Estudi observacional de 40 pacients crítics sotmesos a TCDER, 20 pacients en HVVC i 20 pacients en HDFVVC. S’han analitzat les dades mitjançant proves no paramètriques U de Mann Withney, test exacte de Fischer i Chi quadrat. Resultats: L’edat mitjana de la mostra fou 63 ± 13 anys, amb un 57% d’homes. La incidència d’hipertensió arterial fou del 60%, de diabetis mellitus del 30%, de dislipèmia del 25% i de malaltia renal crònica del 27%. La mediana de puntuació de SOFA fou de 10, i d’AKIN de 3. Un 85% dels pacients van precisar ventilació mecànica i/o amines durant l’ingrés. Vam registrar la dosi d’ultrafiltrat pautada pel facultatiu, essent la mitjana de la mostra de 34,34 mL/kg/h (34,73 en HVVC i 33,95 en HDFVVC), mentre que la dosi administrada fou de 27,93 mL/kg/h (26,85 en HVVC i 29 en HDFVVC), essent la diferència entre ambdues estadísticament significativa. L’estada mitjana a UCI fou de 23,7 dies, i la mortalitat de la sèrie del 65%. Conclusió: Les dosis d’ultrafiltrat rebudes en les TCDER són menors a les dosis pautades independentment del tipus de tècnica. La mortalitat de la nostra sèrie fou similar a les sèries publicades.


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In this longitudinal study 5,710 people were included. The inclusion criteria were two positive serological results for Trypanosoma cruzi infection, 15 and 50 years old and no other demostrable diesease at the time of study. In the five year follow up 1,117 patients were lost. The follow up involved yearly evaluation of serology, clinical examination, X-ray of torax, and ECG, for 4,593 patients and 263 were contacted at home because they did not assist for their clinical consultant. Time average of follow up was 5.3 years. Eighty nine (1.5%) of the 4,593 patients died during the follow-up period, 63 (71%) by cardiac insufiency (CI) and 26 (29%) by severe ventricular arrithmias. Diagnosis of cardiomegaly was present in all the patients with diagnosis of CI and in 15 (5%) of the patients with diagnosis of arrithmias.The ECG alterations of these pacients show 61 right bundle brunch block (RBBB), associated or not with left anterior hemiblock (LAHB), 47 pathological Q wave and 70 primary repolarization alterations; 61 had polyfocal ventricular arrithmia. The death rate was similar in the sexes and was more frequent between 40 and 50 years of age. Information on 1,380 recuperated patients shows that 15 died with no previous symptoms and without medical assistance and were interpretate as sudden death. The latest ECG in three follow-up of these pacients indicates (before death) that only one had normal study and 14 presented 12 RBBB; 9 LAHB; 7 isolated ventricular arrithmia; 10 repolariz alterations; 2 patological Q wave, 10 patients of them with RBBB and repolariz alterations. In all the cases we had people between 35 and 43 years old, 9 men and 6 women. This study shows that in Chagas disease is possible to differenciate two risk groups. A low risk death group that have normal ECG and clinical evaluation during the follow up, and a high risk group associate ECG with RBBB and primary alterations of repolarization and/or inactivation zones with not anual clinical evaluation.


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AIM: Improving cerebral perfusion is an essential component of post-resuscitation care after cardiac arrest (CA), however precise recommendations in this setting are limited. We aimed to examine the effect of moderate hyperventilation (HV) and induced hypertension (IH) on non-invasive cerebral tissue oxygenation (SctO2) in patients with coma after CA monitored with near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) during therapeutic hypothermia (TH). METHODS: Prospective pilot study including comatose patients successfully resuscitated from out-of-hospital CA treated with TH, monitored with NIRS. Dynamic changes of SctO2 upon HV and IH were analyzed during the stable TH maintenance phase. HV was induced by decreasing PaCO2 from ∼40 to ∼30 mmHg, at stable mean arterial blood pressure (MAP∼70 mmHg). IH was obtained by increasing MAP from ∼70 to ∼90 mmHg with noradrenaline. RESULTS: Ten patients (mean age 69 years; mean time to ROSC 19 min) were studied. Following HV, a significant reduction of SctO2 was observed (baseline 74.7±4.3% vs. 69.0±4.2% at the end of HV test, p<0.001, paired t-test). In contrast, IH was not associated with changes in SctO2 (baseline 73.6±3.5% vs. 74.1±3.8% at the end of IH test, p=0.24). CONCLUSIONS: Moderate hyperventilation was associated with a significant reduction in SctO2, while increasing MAP to supra-normal levels with vasopressors had no effect on cerebral tissue oxygenation. Our study suggests that maintenance of strictly normal PaCO2 levels and MAP targets of 70mmHg may provide optimal cerebral perfusion during TH in comatose CA patients.


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Early Years Home Childcare Approval Scheme - frequently asked questions


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La insuficiencia pulmonar después de la reparación de la Tetralogía de Fallot ocasiona una dilatación del ventrículo derecho, IT y/o empeoramiento de la CF. El momento de la cirugía viene marcado por la presencia de la clínica y/o dilatación ventrículo derecho. El motivo del presente estudio es realizar una revisión de los pacientes sometidos a sustitución valvular pulmonar, un seguimiento clínico y ecocardiográfico. MÉTODOS Desde enero 2003 a enero 2009, 33 pacientes fueron sometidos a una cirugía de sustitución valvular pulmonar. El 41 % de los pacientes fueron mujeres y el 59 % varones. La edad media de los pacientes fue de 31,3 años, ( 18 - 63 a ). La edad media de la primera intervención fue a los 3,8 años ( 6 meses – 28 años ). Sólo un paciente no había sido sometido a ningún tipo de intervención en la infancia, realizándose una cirugía paliativa – correctora a los 28 años. La indicación de intervención quirúrgica vino marcada por la presencia de clínica en 11 pacientes ( 37 %) y por dilatación VD, ( única o asintomática) en 18 pacientes ( 62%). RESULTADOS No hubo mortalidad operatoria con una estancia media post IQ de 15,21 días ( 9- 27 días). Se analizan los resultados quirúrgicos de estos pacientes a tres niveles: Clínica y tolerancia al esfuerzo en postoperatorio inmediato y tardío. Eventos arrítmicos en el postoperatorio inmediato y seguimiento y Parámetros ecocardiográficos en postoperatorio inmediato y tardío. (Dimensiones cavidades derechas y función contráctil del VD ( TAPSE )).En el seguimiento al año de la intervención ningún paciente presentaba clínica de IP. El 67 % de los pacientes fueron intervenidos manteniéndose asintomáticos con un 37% ( 11 pacientes ) de eventos arrítmicos pre cirugía ( 9 ; 31 % pacientes) fueron sometidos a ablación precirugía y 3 pacientes ( 10 %) requirieron implante de un dispositivo DAI. Después de la cirugía el 86 % de los pacientes, 24 pacientes, se mantenían en CF I; 3 pacientes ( 10 %) continuaron presentando eventos arrítmicos y un solo paciente requirió implante de DAI. El remodelado del VD al año y medio de seguimiento presentó una reducción del 11 % respecto al diámetro teledistólico precirugía ( DTDV x 54,43 ( 41-70 mm), postcirugía ( DTDV x 44,29 ( 32-61), p ≤ 0,01; sin encontrar diferencias significativas en la reducción del dTS pre/postcirugía. La función del VD ( TAPSE pre IQ 16,35 ( 13-229;postcirugía inmediata 15,54 ( 11-23) y al año 17,5. El gradiente medio es inferior al 15 mmHg en el 84 % de los pacientes portadores de válvula biológica. 11 pacientes ≤ 11 mmHg ( 44 %); 10 pacientes ≤ 15 mm Hg ( 40 %). CONCLUSIONES En este estudio realizado en el Hospital Vall d’Hebron, la sustitución valvular pulmonar en pacientes afectos de una Tetralogía de Fallot mejora los diámetros ventriculares, la función contráctil y por lo tanto la capacidad funcional de los mismos. En los pacientes sometidos a Estudio electrofisiológicos que no presentaron inducción de eventos arrítmicos ventriculares, no han presentado episodios arrítmicos tras la cirugía de sustitución valvular pulmonar. Todos los pacientes se mantienen en Clase funcional I tras la cirugía y libres de reintervención con un seguimiento medio de 16,9 ( 5-33 ) meses. Los factores de riesgo para presentar una peor evolución son un retraso en la corrección inicial de la TOF y por lo tanto aparición de enfermedad pulmonar por hipertensión vascular subyacente, edad avanzada en el momento del PVR, deterioro funcional preoperatorio con Clase Funcional según NYHA ( III- IV), o bien aparición de eventos arrítmicos.


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Managing Public Money Northern Ireland


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Objectives:To investigate the associations between falls before hospital¦admission, falls during hospitalization, and length of stay in elderly¦people admitted to post-acute geriatric rehabilitation. Method: History¦of falling in the previous 12 months before admission was recorded¦among 249 older persons (mean age 82.3±7.4 years, 69.1% women)¦consecutively admitted to post-acute rehabilitation. Data on medical,¦functional and cognitive status were collected upon admission. Falls¦during hospitalization and length of stay were recorded at discharge.¦Results: Overall, 92 (40.4%) patients reported no fall in the 12 months¦before admission; 63(27.6%) reported 1 fall, and 73(32.0%) reported¦multiple falls. Previous falls occurrence (one or more falls) was significantly¦associated with in-stay falls (19.9% of previous fallers fell¦during the stay vs 7.6% in patients without history of falling, P=.01),¦and with a longer length of stay (22.4 ± 10.1 days vs 27.1 ± 14.3 days,¦P=.01). In multivariate robust regression controlling for gender, age,¦functional and cognitive status, history of falling remained significantly¦associated with longer rehabilitation stay (2.8 days more in single fallers,¦p=.05, and 3.3 days more in multiple fallers, p=.0.1, compared to¦non-fallers). Conclusion: History of falling in the 12 months prior to¦post acute geriatric rehabilitation is independently associated with a¦longer rehabilitation length of stay. Previous fallers have also an¦increased risk of falling during rehabilitation stay. This suggests that¦hospital fall prevention measures should particularly target these high¦riskpatients.


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RATIONALE: AICAR (5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide 1β-D-ribofuranoside) is prohibited in sport according to rules established by the World Anti-Doping Agency. Doping control laboratories identify samples where AICAR abuse is suspected by measuring its urinary concentration and comparing the observed level with naturally occurring concentrations. As the inter-individual variance of urinary AICAR concentrations is large, this approach requires a complementary method to unambiguously prove the exogenous origin of AICAR. Therefore, a method for the determination of carbon isotope ratios (CIRs) of urinary AICAR has been developed and validated. METHODS: Concentrated urine samples were fractionated by means of liquid chromatography for analyte cleanup. Derivatization of AICAR yielding the trimethylsilylated analog was necessary to enable CIR determinations by gas chromatography/combustion/isotope ratio mass spectrometry. The method was tested for its repeatability and stability over time and a linear mixing model was applied to test for possible isotopic discrimination. A reference population of n = 63 males and females was investigated to calculate appropriate reference limits to differentiate endogenous from exogenous urinary AICAR. These limits were tested by an AICAR elimination study. RESULTS: The developed method fulfills all the requirements for adequate sports drug testing and was found to be fit for purpose. The investigated reference population showed a larger variability in the CIR of AICAR than of the endogenous steroids. Nevertheless, the calculated thresholds for differences between AICAR and endogenous steroids can be applied straightforwardly to evaluate suspicious doping control samples with the same statistical confidence as established e.g. for testosterone misuse. These thresholds enabled the detection of a single oral AICAR administration for more than 40 h. CONCLUSIONS: Determination of thee CIRs is the method of choice to distinguish between an endogenous and an exogenous source of urinary AICAR. The developed method will enable investigations into doping control samples with elevated urinary concentrations of AICAR and clearly differentiate between naturally produced/elevated and illicitly administered AICAR.


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Introduction: Osteoporosis (OP) is a systemic skeletal disease characterized by a low bone mineral density (BMD) and a micro-architectural (MA) deterioration. Clinical risk factors (CRF) are often used as a MA approximation. MA is yet evaluable in daily practice by the Trabecular Bone Score (TBS) measure. TBS is a novel grey-level texture measurement reflecting bone micro-architecture based on the use of experimental variograms of 2D projection images. TBS is very simple to obtain, by reanalyzing a lumbar DXA-scan. TBS has proven to have diagnosis and prognosis value, partially independent of CRF and BMD. The aim of the OsteoLaus cohort is to combine in daily practice the CRF and the information given by DXA (BMD, TBS and vertebral fracture assessment (VFA)) to better identify women at high fracture risk. Method: The OsteoLaus cohort (1400 women 50 to 80 years living in Lausanne, Switzerland) started in 2010. This study is derived from the cohort COLAUS who started in Lausanne in 2003. The main goals of COLAUS is to obtain information on the epidemiology and genetic determinants of cardiovascular risk in 6700 men and women. CRF for OP, bone ultrasound of the heel, lumbar spine and hip BMD, VFA by DXA and MA evaluation by TBS are recorded in OsteoLaus. Preliminary results are reported. Results: We included 631 women: mean age 67.4±6.7 y, BMI 26.1±4.6, mean lumbar spine BMD 0.943±0.168 (T-score -1.4 SD), TBS 1.271±0.103. As expected, correlation between BMD and site matched TBS is low (r2=0.16). Prevalence of VFx grade 2/3, major OP Fx and all OP Fx is 8.4%, 17.0% and 26.0% respectively. Age- and BMI-adjusted ORs (per SD decrease) are 1.8 (1.2- 2.5), 1.6 (1.2-2.1), 1.3 (1.1-1.6) for BMD for the different categories of fractures and 2.0 (1.4-3.0), 1.9 (1.4-2.5), 1.4 (1.1-1.7) for TBS respectively. Only 32 to 37% of women with OP Fx have a BMD < -2.5 SD or a TBS < 1.200. If we combine a BMD < -2.5 SD or a TBS < 1.200, 54 to 60% of women with an osteoporotic Fx are identified. Conclusion: As in the already published studies, these preliminary results confirm the partial independence between BMD and TBS. More importantly, a combination of TBS subsequent to BMD increases significantly the identification of women with prevalent OP Fx which would have been miss-classified by BMD alone. For the first time we are able to have complementary information about fracture (VFA), density (BMD), micro- and macro architecture (TBS & HAS) from a simple, low ionizing radiation and cheap device: DXA. Such complementary information is very useful for the patient in the daily practice and moreover will likely have an impact on cost effectiveness analysis.


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OBJECTIVES: There is a continuing need to monitor and evaluate the impact of organized screening programmes on cancer incidence and mortality. We report results from a programme assessment conducted within the International Cancer Screening Network (ICSN) to understand the characteristics of cervical screening programmes within countries that have established population-based breast cancer screening programmes. METHODS: In 2007-2008, we asked 26 ICSN country representatives to complete a web-based survey that included questions on breast and cervical cancer screening programmes. We summarized information from 16 countries with both types of organized programmes. RESULTS: In 63% of these countries, the organization of the cervical cancer screening programme was similar to that of the breast cancer screening programme in the same country. There were differences in programme characteristics, including year established (1962-2003 cervical; 1986-2002 breast) and ages covered (15-70+ cervical; 40-75+ breast). Adoption of new screening technologies was evident (44% liquid-based Pap tests; 13% human papillomavirus (HPV)-triage tests cervical; 56% digital mammography breast). There was wide variation in participation rates for both programme types (<4-80% cervical; 12-88% breast), and participation rates tended to be higher for cervical (70-80%) than for breast (60-70%) cancer screening programmes. Eleven ICSN member countries had approved the HPV vaccine and five more were considering its use in their organized programmes. CONCLUSION: Overall, there were similarities and differences in the organization of breast and cervical cancer screening programmes among ICSN countries. This assessment can assist established and new screening programmes in understanding the organization and structure of cancer screening programmes.


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In this study, the use of Mtp-40 and alpha antigen polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification fragments for the precise tuberculosis (TB) diagnosis was evaluated. One hundred and ninety two different samples were obtained from 113 patients with suspected TB. Mtp-40 and alpha antigen protein genes were amplified by the PCR technique and compared to both the "gold standard" (culture) test, as well as the clinical parameters (including a clinical record and X-ray film exam in 113 patients). Thirty-eight of the 113 patients had a presumptive clinical diagnosis of TB; 74% being detected by PCR technique, 58% by culture and 44% by direct microscopic visualization. Weconclude that it is possible to use PCR as a suitable technique for the detection of any mycobacteria by means of the alpha antigen product, or the specific infection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by means of the mtp-40 gene. This might be a good supporting tool in difficult clinical TB diagnosis and pauci-bacillary cases.


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Objetius: Estudiar factors pronòstics de mortalitat per insuficiència cardiaca. Mètode: es van recollir en 101 pacients (edat mitja 85,9±6,3 anys): sexe, reingressos, paràmetres analítics, comorbilitat, índex de Charlson (ICh), Barthel (IB) i Lawton (IL), síndromes geriàtriques, test de Pfeiffer (TP). Resultats: Variables associades a mortalitat (p&0,05): sexe masculí (73,7% vs 35,4%), menor albúmina (3,2±0,5mg/dl vs 3,4±0,4mg/dl), menor IB previ (40,4±29,5 vs 61,2±26,5) i a l’alta (22,9±20,9 vs 39,6±24,2), menor IL (0,2±0,9 vs 1,9±2,5), major ICh (2,9±1,5 vs 2,4±1,3), inmovilitat prèvia (63,16% vs 36,84%), més reingressos (0,81±0,91 vs 0,48±0,71). Conclusions: factors relacionats: sexe masculí, situació funcional, comorbilitat, reingressos i albúmina.


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OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to compare a novel compressed sensing (CS)-based single-breath-hold multislice magnetic resonance cine technique with the standard multi-breath-hold technique for the assessment of left ventricular (LV) volumes and function. BACKGROUND: Cardiac magnetic resonance is generally accepted as the gold standard for LV volume and function assessment. LV function is 1 of the most important cardiac parameters for diagnosis and the monitoring of treatment effects. Recently, CS techniques have emerged as a means to accelerate data acquisition. METHODS: The prototype CS cine sequence acquires 3 long-axis and 4 short-axis cine loops in 1 single breath-hold (temporal/spatial resolution: 30 ms/1.5 × 1.5 mm(2); acceleration factor 11.0) to measure left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEFCS) as well as LV volumes and LV mass using LV model-based 4D software. For comparison, a conventional stack of multi-breath-hold cine images was acquired (temporal/spatial resolution 40 ms/1.2 × 1.6 mm(2)). As a reference for the left ventricular stroke volume (LVSV), aortic flow was measured by phase-contrast acquisition. RESULTS: In 94% of the 33 participants (12 volunteers: mean age 33 ± 7 years; 21 patients: mean age 63 ± 13 years with different LV pathologies), the image quality of the CS acquisitions was excellent. LVEFCS and LVEFstandard were similar (48.5 ± 15.9% vs. 49.8 ± 15.8%; p = 0.11; r = 0.96; slope 0.97; p < 0.00001). Agreement of LVSVCS with aortic flow was superior to that of LVSVstandard (overestimation vs. aortic flow: 5.6 ± 6.5 ml vs. 16.2 ± 11.7 ml, respectively; p = 0.012) with less variability (r = 0.91; p < 0.00001 for the CS technique vs. r = 0.71; p < 0.01 for the standard technique). The intraobserver and interobserver agreement for all CS parameters was good (slopes 0.93 to 1.06; r = 0.90 to 0.99). CONCLUSIONS: The results demonstrated the feasibility of applying the CS strategy to evaluate LV function and volumes with high accuracy in patients. The single-breath-hold CS strategy has the potential to replace the multi-breath-hold standard cardiac magnetic resonance technique.