986 resultados para Municipal public policies


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Estimou-se a prevalência de insegurança alimentar grave para os municípios brasileiros, com base na Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios (PNAD) 2004. Inicialmente, foi gerado e testado um modelo por regressão logística multivariada com base nesse banco de dados. O modelo foi aplicado à amostra do Censo Demográfico de 2000, gerando estimativas de prevalências de insegurança alimentar grave para os municípios brasileiros, que foram analisadas de acordo com o percentual de famílias em condição de insegurança alimentar grave. Essa insegurança alimentar está mais concentrada nas regiões Norte e Nordeste, onde 46,1 por cento e 65,3 por cento dos municípios, respectivamente, apresentam altas prevalências de insegurança alimentar grave. Predominam nas regiões Sudeste e Sul municípios com baixa exposição à insegurança alimentar grave. No Centro-oeste a maior parte dos municípios mostra estimativas de insegurança alimentar grave classificadas como médias. Verificou-se grande variação intra-regional na ocorrência da insegurança alimentar, sendo a Região Sul a mais uniforme. Conclui-se que o Brasil apresenta grandes variações inter e intra-regionais na ocorrência da insegurança alimentar, sendo importante realçá-las e analisá-las, no intuito de subsidiar políticas públicas


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Pesquisa na cidade de Sâo Paulo identificou dificuldades que grupos de catadores autônomos de recicláveis enfrentam para se inserirrem no Programa de Coleta Seletiva oficial. A cidade gera diariamente 16 mil toneladas de resíduos, apenas 1% destinados à coleta seletiva. Entretanto, grupos de catadores coletam informalmente sem ser incluídos nas estatístias. Foram levantados bibliografia, legislação sobre resíduos, grupos atuantes na coleta seletiva; e aplicados formulários em 13 grupos. Dados indicaram organizaçãoDados indicaram organização e gestão dos grupos, dificuldades, gerenciamento e divisão dos recursos, participantes e interesse de participarem da coleta seletiva oficial. Das dificuldades que os grupos apontaram estão: falta de espaço adequado para guardar, separar e enfardar material coletado; falta de recursos para seu desenvolvimento; e falta de apoio do governo


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Este artigo se propõe a analisar o tipo de relação que as Unidades de Saúde estabelecem com os adolescentes no município de Fortaleza, CE, na perspectiva da violência simbólica de Pierre Bourdieu. Para tanto, foram organizados seis grupos focais constituídos de profissionais das Unidades Básicas de Saúde da Família. O número de participantes variou de 10 a 15 pessoas. Os critérios de escolha das Unidades foram: aquelas que já realizaram algum projeto de promoção à saúde ou prevenção de doenças com adolescentes; que possuem profissionais que são reconhecidos por desenvolverem atendimento junto aos adolescentes. As falas do grupo foram anotadas e transcritas por um observador independente. O material coletado foi analisado de acordo com os critérios clássicos da análise de conteúdo. Os resultados mostraram que há uma descrença na implantação de políticas públicas para a saúde na adolescência e que a sustentabilidade de programas e projetos fica fragilizada pela ausência dessa estrutura de apoio às ações no cuidado aos adolescentes


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Este trabalho apresenta, a partir de histórias de vida, características do processo de "encontro transformador" entre dois moradores de rua e uma professora, que foi "ponto de apoio" positivo em suas vidas. O "encontro transformador" é interação entre os seres humanos que possibilita a transformação dos envolvidos, no sentido de despertar suas potencialidades, a retomada do sentido da vida, promovendo-lhes a resiliência, que é a capacidade humana de fazer frente às adversidades da vida, superá-las e sair delas fortalecidos e, inclusive, transformados. O estudo longitudinal realizado envolveu o resgate de histórias de vida, através de entrevistas abertas, fotografias, registros em Diário de Campo e desenhos feitos pelos sujeitos de observação. Na interpretação dos dados contemplou-se o emprego de conceitos de determinadas teorias de: Psicologia, Geografia, Sociologia, Direito, Ciências da Educação, Complexidade e Sistêmica, em diálogo entre diferentes disciplinas. A análise do fenômeno - em que o morar na rua surgiu como situação existencial excludente - revelou nova configuração nas psiques dos moradores de rua, em movimento de transformação. No fenômeno observado - complexo - desvelou-se a dificuldade dos moradores de rua estudados de se manterem no processo resiliente sem o apoio efetivo da Sociedade Civil e do Estado, a partir de políticas públicas voltadas para esse tipo de população. Conclui-se pela importância dos resultados deste trabalho como contribuição para a ampliação de processos de formação, não só de profissionais que atuam com moradores de rua como de integrantes da sociedade em geral, norteados por uma visão solidária de busca de cidadania para todos


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For the diagnosis and prognosis of the problems of quality of life, a multidisciplinary ecosystemic approach encompasses four dimensions of being-in-the-world, as donors and recipients: intimate, interactive, social and biophysical. Social, cultural and environmental vulnerabilities are understood and dealt with, in different circumstances of space and time, as the conjugated effect of all dimensions of being-in-the-world, as they induce the events (deficits and assets), cope with consequences (desired or undesired) and contribute for change. Instead of fragmented and reduced representations of reality, diagnosis and prognosis of cultural, educational, environmental and health problems considers the connections (assets) and ruptures (deficits) between the different dimensions, providing a planning model to develop and evaluate research, teaching programmes, public policies and field projects. The methodology is participatory, experiential and reflexive; heuristic-hermeneutic processes unveil cultural and epistemic paradigms that orient subject-object relationships; giving people the opportunity to reflect on their own realities, engage in new experiences and find new ways to live better in a better world. The proposal is a creative model for thought and practice, providing many opportunities for discussion, debate and development of holistic projects integrating different scientific domains (social sciences, psychology, education, philosophy, etc.)


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O direito à saúde recebeu - pela primeira vez - tratamento constitucional no brasil em 1988, fruto de grande participação popular. Neste estudo, se busca compreender a extensão dessa afirmação e verificar sua implementação normativa e jurisprudencial. A partir do estudo da evolução dos conceitos de saúde e de direito, concluiu-se que o direito à saúde deve implicar a constante participação popular para que possa ser delimitado. Verificou-se, também, que o arcabouço normativo vem sendo construído em conformidade com as exigências constitucionais. Quanto à construção jurisprudencial, se percebeu que ela vem acontecendo de forma errática e que os tribunais superiores raramente enfrentam a discussão da política de saúde desenhada na Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil de 1988. Concluiu-se que a afirmação constitucional tem demonstrado vigor, haja vista o grande desenvolvimento normativo conforme `compreensão contemporânea; e que o controle judicial da realização da política sanitária é ainda incipiente


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A promoção da saúde, entendida como estratégia de produção social de saúde, deve articular e permear políticas públicas que influenciem o futuro da qualidade de vida urbana. Esse grande desafio envolve arranjos intersetoriais na gestão pública, empoderamento da população, desenvolvimento de competências e habilidades, capacitação, acesso à informação, estímulo à cidadania ativa, entre outros, para que a população reconheça seus problemas e suas causas, a fim de que ela possa advogar por políticas públicas saudáveis. Para esse propósito, é necessário que o governo operacionalize uma forma de gestão pública que considere a melhoria nas condições de vida, de trabalho e de cultura, estabelecendo uma relação harmoniosa com o meio ambiente, com o corpo que envolva a participação social na cogestão e na democracia. Nesse contexto, a inserção de um programa de práticas corporais/atividade física direcionada à população deve estar fundamentada em uma concepção da Promoção da Saúde apoiada em processos educativos que vão além da transmissão de conhecimentos. Ela deve estar focada no enfrentamento das dificuldades, no fortalecimento da identidade e na incorporação de soluções criativas e saberes saudáveis. Este artigo tem o objetivo de refletir sobre políticas de promoção da saúde relacionadas às Práticas Corporais/Atividade Física, além de apresentar um breve relato sobre o trabalho desenvolvido nessa área no município de São Paulo


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Since the mid of 1980 an, discussed global climate change in the international sphere. This process resulted in the achievement of the United Nations Conference for Environment and Development UNCED, held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, which resulted, among other documents, the Framework Convention of Climate Change - CMC. After five years, there was the establishment of the Kyoto Protocol - PK - which, unlike the Convention, set clearer standards on reducing emissions of gases effect of studying and targets to be achieved by countries which have issued more gas in the past, in the Annex I. The aim of this text is to analyze the ongoing federal public policies regarding mitigation of climate change in the country. To that end, it is based on analysis of official documentation. It analyzes policies before and after the adoption of the CMC in Brazil.


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Through the assessment of three decades of the Alcohol Program in Brazil, the paper shows that adequate public policies regarding biomass production can deliver direct benefits like energy security improvement, foreign exchange savings, and local employment generation, reduced urban air pollution and avoided CO(2) emissions. Moreover, the paper shows that Brazilian produced ethanol has faced economies of scale, technical progress and productivity gains and is no longer dependent on subsidies to be competitive. The paper also examines the potential in Brazil for fostering other biofuels, namely biodiesel obtained from vegetable oils, as well as their implications on sustainable energy development. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: Research on life expectancy has demonstrated the negative impact of disability on the health of older adults and its differential effects on women as evidenced by their higher disabled life expectancy (DLE). The goal of the present study was to investigate gender differences in total life expectancy (TLE), disability-free life expectancy (DFLE), and DLE; examine gender differences on personal care assistance among older adults in Sao Paulo, Brazil; and discuss the implications for public policies. Methods: The sample was drawn from two waves (2000, 2006) of the dataset of Salud, Bienestar, y Envejecimiento, a large longitudinal study conducted in Sao Paulo (n = 2,143). The study assessed disability using the activities of daily living (ADL). The interpolation of Markov Chain method was used to estimate gender differences in TLE, DLE, and DFLE. Findings: TLE at age 60 years was approximately 5 years longer for women than men. Women aged 60 years were expected to live 28% of their remaining lives twice the percentage for men with at least one ADL disability. These women also lived more years (M = 0.71, SE = 0.42) with three or more ADL disabilities than men (M = 0.82, SE = 0.16). In terms of personal care assistance, women received more years of assistance than men. Conclusion: Among older adults in Sao Paulo, women lived longer lives but experienced a higher and more severe disability burden than men. In addition, although women received more years of personal assistance than men, women experienced more unmet care assistance needs. Copyright (C) 2011 by the Jacobs Institute of Women`s Health. Published by Elsevier. Inc.


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Background: violence against women is a serious problem caused by the social construction of feminineness and masculineness that results in the domination of women by men. Public policies on gender have recently been developed in order to confront the problem. But what exactly are the problems faced by women? Purposes: to survey and analyse cases of violence against women reported to the police, as recorded at the Police Stations for Women`s Defence (PSWDs), and to reconstruct the procedures that women must go through in order to denounce their aggressors. Methodology: this quantitative, exploratory and descriptive study was undertaken during 2006-2007 in the city of Itapevi, Sao Paulo metropolitan region, Brazil. As there is no PSWD data were collected from police reports from PSWDs of neighbouring cities. Findings: malicious physical injury (49%) and threats (42%) were the most commonly reported types of violence. The victims were aged between 20 and 49 years (93%). Almost all of the aggressors (97%) were men and most had an intimate relationship with their victim. The use of alcoholic beverages was linked to approximately 25% of the cases. Conclusion: women who are victims of domestic violence in Itapevi report that going through PSWDs of neighbouring cities is a difficult, isolated, long and expensive process that often, provides no institutional protection. Implications for practice: there is an urgent requirement for judicial-assistance and support close to home in order to provide a quality service and follow-up for these women and their aggressors; to provide training for the professionals called to attend them at police stations; and for a caring attitude from health-care professionals.,0 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objective The study analyzes the possibility of incorporating health promotion measures into the work processes of Family Health Program teams at a primary health care clinic in Brazil. Design and Sample We used the participatory research concept developed in 1968 by Freire. The study sample comprised the end-users of the health care system, together with 3 multidisciplinary teams. A total of 77 health care users and 55 health professionals participated in the study. Measures Culture circles composed of health care professionals, and users from different areas investigated generative topics, encoded/decoded topics, and engaged in critical probing for clarification. Topics affecting quality of life and health were heuristically evaluated. Results Although most topics were related to changing the focus of health care facilities, some were related to subsidizing community-based interventions, improving environmental strategies, individual skills, and public policies. Incorporating the novel health promotion measures and creating an expanded full-treatment clinic are important steps toward that goal. Conclusions Topics that can stimulate dialogue among the members of the culture circles include creating an environment of closer cultural contact, with repercussions for work processes, family health models, and general health models, as well as the inclusion of social aspects in the decision-making processes related to health issues that affect the living conditions of the population.


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The aim of this work is to identify key factors of a sustainable urban mobility concept in a particular context. A multiple criteria decision analysis method was developed to identify the main variables associated to the concept. Looking at the results obtained in 11 cities of the five Brazilian regions, we conclude that the method is able to capture the different views and approaches discussed in the formulation of the mobility concept. Therefore, it can be used as a starting point for the formulation of public policies and also in the development of tools designed for monitoring the mobility conditions. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A large number of initiatives in cities in Brazil - including slum clearance and upgrading - have been undertaken over the years in an effort to ameliorate the problems arising from informal occupation; unfortunately, however, little is known about the related performance outcomes. Careful appraisal of the results of such initiatives is thus called for, covering evaluations of dwellers` perceptions of the upgraded environments. Among the available evaluation methods, post-occupancy evaluation (POE) is commonly employed, although it fails adequately to reflect prevailing subjective concepts of quality. The present paper contains the partial findings of a research exercise aimed at developing an original method, using fuzzy logic, for urban environmental quality evaluation in informally occupied areas on the basis of combining quantitative indicators and dweller perception. It combines POE with fuzzy logic in order to develop tools that can better model the uncertain information that emerges from that kind of study. This paper aims to introduce an uncertainty measure used in order to identify the strengths and weaknesses of slum upgrading projects. The results show that it is possible to quantify certainty degrees in the findings and to define if additional information is needed.


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We try to shed some light oil the question of wily technology-intensive businesses often fail in less-developed countries and under what circumstances they are likely to be a Success from the perspective of both domestic and export markets. The answers were drawn from a set of empirical evidences from Brazilian firms applying photonics technologies. Sonic of the issues faced by them are related to the question of state versus private initiative, entering traditional versus niche market, and technology transfer versus product development management. In overall, we concluded that weakness of the institutions and inadequacy of social and organizational demography play a key role in explaining to a large extent wily countries differ in technological development and diffusion. In this context, we point out obstacles, which must be removed in order to make public policies and firm`s achievements more efficient. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.