778 resultados para Moral values education
Patriarchal values: girls are more apt to change How has the family value system changed between generations, especially when taking into account the gender dimension? This article presents some results from a study carried outin 2007 in one village of the Gourani tribe where the people are followers of Ahle Hagh in Islamabad Gharb (west of Iran). The differences between generations (those born and raised before and after the Islamic Revolution) in patriarchal values in the family are statistically significant. The older generation opts for the man of the family to make most of the decisions; on children’s education, marriage, naming, the families expenditure, the place for residence, the social network of the family and even the number of children. The younger generation has a different value system and it has moved towards a more egalitarian type of family. With the gender variable included in the findings we see that although the values of the younger male population have evolved toward a less patriarchal decision making structure inthe family, the degree of changes among the young women is much higher. Looking into the preferences for male sex for the first child as well as a larger number of boys in the family, the difference between generations is significant. However data on the differences analyzed with the gender variable proves that the changes concerning the equality of sexes are mainly due to drastic changes in the young women’s value system. That is, the male population, young or old, still prefer to have a boy as their first born and to have more sons in the family. But the young female generation in the rural area sees less difference in having boys or girls in the family. It is concluded that reforms in the old value system is an evolving process of everyday life and that the girls are the main social force for change.
Syftet med denna studie är att belysa attityder som finns hos lärare i svenska för invandrare (SFI) och svenska som andraspråk (SVA) till integreringen av värdegrundsuppdraget i vuxenutbildningen och i det sammanhanget även uppmärksamma deras berättelser om yrkesetiska konflikter som de upplevt i värdegrundsarbetet. Studien söker att svara på följande frågeställningar: Hur definierar SFI- och SVA-lärarna vuxenutbildningens värdegrund? Hur förhåller sig lärarna till integreringen av värdegrundsfrågor i undervisningen? På vilket sätt integrerar SFI- och SVA-lärarna värdegrundensmålen i sin dagliga verksamhet? Vilka svårigheter möter lärarna och vilka yrkesetiska konflikter uppstår i deras arbete med värdegrundsfrågor? och Vad styrs lärarna av när de löser yrkesetiska konflikter som uppstår i värdegrundsarbetet? Metoden som används i undersökningen är kvalitativ och bygger på intervjuer med totalt sex SFI- och SVA-lärare. Intervjuerna kompletteras med en enkätundersökning som genomförts med samma lärare. Studiens resultat diskuteras utifrån en teori om sociala attityder och dess antagande att individers kunskaper om, och positiva känslor till, en social företeelse kommer att manifesteras i deras handlingar. Resultatanalysen visar att SFI- och SVA-lärarna förknippar skolans värdegrund med demokrati, jämställdhet mellan kvinnor och män, alla människors lika värde och trygg inlärningsmiljö och har ett positivt förhållningssätt till värdegrundsarbetet, som de medvetet integrerar i språkundervisningen.
Dissonant Voices has a twofold aspiration. First, it is a philosophical treatment of everyday pedagogical interactions between children and their elders, between teachers and pupils. More specifically it is an exploration of the possibilities to go on with dissonant voices that interrupt established practices – our attunement – in behaviour, practice and thinking. Voices that are incomprehensible or expressions that are unacceptable, morally or otherwise. The text works on a tension between two inclinations: an inclination to wave off, discourage, or change an expression that is unacceptable or unintelligible; and an inclination to be tolerant and accept the dissonant expression as doing something worthwhile, but different. The second aspiration is a philosophical engagement with children’s literature. Reading children’s literature becomes a form of philosophising, a way to explore the complexity of a range of philosophical issues. This turn to literature marks a dissatisfaction with what philosophy can accomplish through argumentation and what philosophy can do with a particular and limited set of concepts for a subject, such as ethics. It is a way to go beyond philosophising as the founding of theories that justify particular responses. The philosophy of dissonance and children’s literature becomes a way to destabilise justifications of our established practices and ways of interacting. The philosophical investigations of dissonance are meant to make manifest the possibilities and risks of engaging in interactions beyond established agreement or attunements. Thinking of the dissonant voice as an expression beyond established practices calls for improvisation. Such improvisations become a perfectionist education where both the child and the elder, the teacher and the student, search for as yet unattained forms of interaction and take responsibility for every word and action of the interaction. The investigation goes through a number of picture books and novels for children such as Harry Potter, Garmann’s Summer, and books by Shaun Tan, Astrid Lindgren and Dr. Seuss as well narratives by J.R.R. Tolkien, Henrik Ibsen, Jane Austen and Henry David Thoreau. These works of fiction are read in conversation with philosophical works of, and inspired by, Ludwig Wittgenstein and Stanley Cavell, their moral perfectionism and ordinary language philosophy.
A popular Western perception of Japan is that it is an eminently homogeneous and conformist society. However, both conformity and homogeneity, recognized even by the Japanese themselves, coexist with the concept of individuality, which is valued in a manner unique to its culture. In order to come to a deeper understanding of that dynamic, it is important to comprehend the specifics of child rearing and education within Japanese society. Based in part on the author's observational fieldwork conducted while in Japan in 1994, the thesis explicates the manner in which various core relationships exhibit the socialization of an individual that occurs within the home during a child's first few years. Furthermore, the text incorporates research in both primary and secondary historical materials. The author displays the manner in which educational issues such as the development of the Japanese education system and the dynamics of the elementary years serve to demonstrate the importance of functioning within a group. This is further clarified through an examination of elementary school texts, which also reveal underlying moral messages of profound importance in Japanese society. The seemingly contradictory issues of becoming an individual yet performing as a member of a group are pulled together by the idea that culture provides the guidance by which an individual becomes an active member of society. In Japan, individuality and group conformity are not mutually exclusive. Within the context of Japanese society, individuality is inextricably linked to group orientation.
Praticas na midia social se refere a vista ou a percepcao de uma marca nao so com base em suas ofertas e servicos, mas tambem sobre seus valores e cultura como percebido principalmente pelos consumidores. As organizacoes podem utilizer a imagem que é interessante e aceitavel para os clients. Nos ultimos anos, uma das formas que as organizacoes de forma consistente comercializar ou publicitar a sua marca envolve midias sociais. O ojetivo deste estudo é explorer quais sao as praticas de midia social no negocio de educacao de viagens. Para obter os dados, a pesquisadora entrevistou pessoas de seis empresas de educacao de viagens e cotejadas informacoes sobre o tema a partir de fonts primarias e secundarias existentes. O pesquisador conduziu a pesquisa para determiner praticas de marketing de midia social em que se aplicam nos sectores do turismo e educacao. Com base nos dados obtidos pelo pesquisador, as praticas de marketing de midia social incluem a utilizacao de plataformas de midia social com um alcance internacional generalizada tipo Facebook, Twitter, Instagram e YouTube. Outra estratégia é para postar constantemente as atualizações que não são apenas interessante, mas também informativo sobre os produtos e serviços oferecidos por uma marca ou organização. As empresas ou organizações devem também interagir com os clientes ou clientes on-line, a fim de manter os interesses deste último em ofertas e serviços da ex. O envolvimento do cliente é uma das razões por que os clientes optam por seguir as empresas on-line através da mídia social. A pesquisa também revela outras vantagens e benefícios da mídia social que constituem as melhores práticas, tais como a conversão de não-clientes para os clientes, o aumento da presença da mídia para aumentar a popularidade, a comunicação eficaz das metas e objetivos organizacionais, bem como a formação de um bom relacionamento com os clientes. As organizações também podem usar turístico criado conteúdo (TCC) e outros tipos de conteúdo para orientar a tomada de decisão no desenvolvimento do produto gerado pelo usuário.
O trabalho de conclusão de curso de mestrado acadêmico apresenta um estudo de caso sobre educação fiscal, cuja unidade de análise é o Grupo de Educação Fiscal de Pernambuco. A dissertação tem como objetivo final identificar as principais dificuldades que devem levar em conta os gestores, nos processos de execução da educação fiscal nas escolas públicas do ensino fundamental pernambucano. Para tanto, realiza uma combinação de quatro técnicas de coletas de dados, empregando formulário de pesquisa com perguntas fechadas e abertas, observações livres, entrevistas individuais e grupo de foco. Emprega técnicas de análise temática e categorial considerando as perspectivas micro e macrossociais. A base da interpretação abrange perspectivas históricas, culturais, políticas e econômicas. O estudo apresenta discussões sobre sociedade, poder e educação moral num contexto de psicologia social dos valores humanos. Apresenta seis variáveis de influência negativa do fenômeno e possíveis soluções, apontando a falta de um banco de dados próprio, metas e avaliações de desempenho comuns aos membros do grupo. Reprova a denominação “disseminador” e sugere a capacitação de professores para organizar os papéis que os meninos e meninas devem assumir em sala de aula. Conclui ser necessária a pressão a congressistas, visando à aprovação de lei que determine a inclusão de uma disciplina obrigatória de Ética enquanto Ciência da Moral na educação básica nacional. Sugere a vinculação de verbas a contraprestações com uma Coordenação centralizada do PNEF. Conclui que o Brasil necessita fixar uma matriz moral em seus jovens visando à construção de uma cultura de respeito ao próximo e tolerância às diferenças e que a melhor forma de realizar isso é por meio de investimentos em educação moral.
This participative research interested in the social praxis attempts to understand the moral principles that set the magic rituals and the places of worship of three jurema centers of the potiguar region of Canguaretama. Among other inner particularly aspects of each focused catimbó-jurema center, it is being discussed the collective standards involved in the reliance and fellowship values assumed in the private magical gatherings by the juremeiras leaders and their partners, in contrast to the prestige seeking and the individualism that influence both the symbolic competitions and the witchcraft works that link these agents to the broader catimbozeiro universe of this region. Finally, the moral practices which make part of the juremeiro left-right dualism are investigated based on the understanding that the referred native pantheonic-ritual dichotomy does not necessarily express two moralities substantially adversed in terms of benefits or harms, but a series of moral actions subject to the specular logic of the tit-for tat. Thus, this research seeks to prove that this moral structure of symbolic reciprocity, as well as the witchcraft centrality in the catimbozeiro world, finds a certain causal link in a world view which guiding principle is the ontological evil of the catholic cosmology
The acquiring process of morals on a person is one of the most important aspects of his Social Identity. The basis for his ethics and moral choices are built when he interacts with the world. A child that interacts with participants of Movimento Sem Terra (MST) movement that fights for the Land Reform and the transformation of the society may have the opportunities to acquire the culture, morals and ethics of this movement. Based on this understanding, this work intends to comprehend how children think and incorporate the rules that are the base of the values and principles of MST, considering the diversity of the situations, the limits and the possibilities to experience these values in their everyday life in the Movement. To understand how the process of cognitive construction of the rules takes place in a child, it is important to consider the theories of Jean Piaget. According to him, morals development follows a sequence: the anomie (0 to 2 years old), marked by the absence of rules; the heteronomy (2 to 6/7 years old), where takes place the adoption of rules due to exterior obedience, such as a relative, an institution or a movement; and the autonomy (from 6/7 years old on), in which rules are considered legitimate. All the children in this research have relatives working at MST. The research has two parts. We have first observed the behavior of three groups of children (beyond six years old) while they were involved on their normal activities (kindergarten) activities. On the second moment, we have interviewed 20 children (between 3 and 10 years old). We used flashcards containing scenes; we also told stories and asked moral questions involving the character s behavior. We have noticed the unilateral respect and extern coercion are between the definers of the moral decisions of a child. The empathy and the reduction of the egocentrism help seeing the situation of the point of view of other, although it doesn t mean that one is going to accept others point of view. In the taking decision of the child other factors are also considered such as the space of socialization (family, school). Though the children don t work or take part at MST activities, they have already opinions about involved people behaviors. The interaction with relatives and teachers is one of the most important aspects to encourage them elaborate moral understandings according to the ethics of this movement
It is at the work environment where value of the health professional is realized, according to the National Humanization Policy (PNH) from a Pediatric Hospital connected to an institution of higher education. Among the guiding principles of PNH it is highlighted the commitment to the democratization of labor relations and enhancement of health professionals, stimulating the continuing education process. For this research, a qualitative approach was chosen, using a semistructured interview as a tool to collect data. In a perspective of identifying the appreciation and humanization into interpersonal relations between workers, information from the theory of communicative action of Habermas was analyzed, considering cultural values goes beyond the practice in action, where the prospects of moral arguments in the universal truisms of life pervade original cultural moral, cognitive and expressive, imbued on ethics. This reasearch had the collaboration 29 employees with a regular contract labor to a teaching hospital in Natal, Brazil. The data was obtained through interviews which all participants signed a consent term. After data analysis the results shows the existance of a satisfaction of all workers on performing duties. The workers perceive its role valorization through kudos received as a consequence of a work done, others believe that it occurs when the institution or the group itself is concerned to enhance the work. Thus, in general, they feel valued. Regarding the interpersonal relationship, the most highlighted point was the fact that in the employees versus general directors item, respondents indicated the existence of a distance between these two categories, which can affect a participatory management. Therefore, the results of this study showed the necessity to develop actions that provide a healthy work environment. The joint guidelines of the PNH and the Employee Health Care Policy, represent some directions with some similarities in their purpose to the theory of communicative action, where there is a mutual respect, tolerance and coexistence of differences, considering the constructive conflict among health workers within the perspective of communication and interaction among individuals
Made from the bases of metaphysics, this dissertation is related do Kant‟s moral philosophy. But the itinerary to reach the main speculation used to develop this current understanding of Kant‟s thoughts, it is nothing but an attempt to make the formal rigor more flexible, which has always been associated to Kantian ethics‟ perspectives. From the awareness of what this formalism could be, while a moral arrangement, it is how we will be able to come upon a teleological Kant. That is the fundamental element to comprehend some of the significant aspects in that ethical system, which necessarily comes through the effort to demonstrate the proximity between reason and sensibility, as well as nature and liberty. In this environment, the journey to achieve the autonomy, as the bedrock of liberty and morality, evokes the support of education in Kantian patterns, which enables a course of improvement of the human being, as an individual e, more significantly, as specie. This evolution progress, which tents to reveal the destiny of the humanity, is evolved in the relationship between necessity and finality, as a condition to make the structure of a project to humanity possible. We should mention that it is a rational, an educational and a moral project to be developed in the course of history. As a consequence, the amount of all these elements permits the development of the man‟s natural disposition as a creature that looks for self knowledge , becoming, afterward, dignified to be qualified as a human being. Finally, this study intent to figure out the necessity of the human being inclusion to nature, which happens throughout the acquirement of the individuals‟ conscience
O uso abusivo de álcool por adolescentes é uma questão que preocupa os envolvidos com a educação, uma vez que as consequências desse fato podem gerar sérios prejuízos ao processo ensino-aprendizagem e ao adolescente que abusa. Com o objetivo de contribuir para o debate na busca de uma intervenção efetiva que possa ser utilizada, sobretudo nas escolas, procuramos detectar a possível relação entre uso abusivo de álcool e raciocínio moral. Para tanto, participaram alunos do ensino médio de uma escola pública, selecionados por meio da aplicação do AUDIT (The Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test), que posteriormente foram entrevistados, conforme a Moral Judgement Interview (MJI) proposta por Kohlberg. Os resultados obtidos revelam níveis e estágios morais aquém dos esperados. Concluímos que a prevenção pode ser pensada por meio da Educação Moral como uma proposta de intervenção efetiva contra o uso abusivo de álcool e outras drogas.
Em revisão crítica da literatura sobre a educação para o autocuidado e autocontrole no diabetes, procura-se apontar a inadequação das abordagens tradicionais da aderência ao tratamento e da transmissão de informações frente à complexidade do autocuidado em condições de cronicidade. Explora-se a influência das Ciências Sociais sobre o campo de estudo das doenças crônico-degenerativas, em geral, e do diabetes, em particular. Nesta perspectiva, pode-se reconhecer uma incorporação dos campos disciplinares da Antropologia e Sociologia em pesquisas mais orientadas para o indivíduo, em sua condição de portador, e a experiência que desenvolve nesse processo. Há certa inflexão, mais recente, no campo de pesquisas em educação em saúde no diabetes, com a introdução de estratégias que buscam valorizar a experiência e a autonomia dos pacientes como sujeitos de seu cuidado. Neste artigo, discute-se a estratégia do empoderamento na educação para o autocuidado e autocontrole no diabetes, como uma modalidade de prática de natureza mais dialógica e de maior respeito à autonomia moral e cognitiva do portador.
Our society is presently seeing a trend of continuous increase of risk with severe consequences, especially those linked to environmental aspects. It has obligated us to reflect on this production and its effects, either positive or negative, and, after a long reflection, to think about the adopted model of civilization and the possibilities of changing such a model. The educational institution is among the social departments responsible for this revision process, since it represents one possibility to promote a more critical vision from society, providing it with tools needed for a more responsible action. However, schools are dominated by a traditional work, which does not allow for enough and proper attention to these relevant and current questions, and which involve a critical analysis of the conceptions and values established by our civilization, resulting in the present patterns of science-technology-society relations and their influence on the environment and health. Several research works have indicated a diversity of barriers that obstruct this necessary change. Since formal education plays an important role in the education of society for this theme, in this paper the possibilities and difficulty dealing with this problem are discussed, focusing on the question of teacher education, based on investigations related to teacher education programs for environmental education. The data collected show the urgency for introducing this theme in teacher training programs, taking into account the fact that educators have their own conceptions, values and attitudes that should be considered in these programs.
Currently the achievements of technology have not been enough to overcome the misery, in which are numerous human groups. Relegated to its background, the human being sees those scenarios, which brings out discussions about its formation, in which values are regarded as the scientific and technological aspects. The educational research inspired by this framework involving the theme of human development, update and re-frame concepts related to the linkage between interactivity and interaction, two important features presented in the process of Distance Education (DE). The research inquired about how these features have been articulated. It conducted a field study in which two professors were interviewed. The results showed that the integration between interactivity and interaction, involving aspects such as autonomy, critical awareness, relationships among students, the sharing of values and worldviews, is at the base of the educational processes of the DE. They also showed that, on these processes, there are shortcomings regarding the development of values and having to be thought the tutor training strategies from an interdisciplinary view.