887 resultados para Modern -- 21st century
The aim of this article is to examine Brazil and the United States bilateral relations from 2003/2010 and their strategic patterns during the Presidency of Luis Inácio Lula da Silva. The goal is to understand the development of this dialogue in the 21st century and its previous background in the Post Cold War world, identifying its evolution and change due to Brazil's growing regional and global role and US relative position
This paper analyzes People's Republic of China (PRC) economic and political ascendance in the 21st century focusing on the evolution of the sui generis economic development model and its significances of the evolution of relationship between China and the developing countries in the peripheral "Global South." The objective of this article is to analyze the relationship between China and the Global South (Africa and South America) in the 21st century, characterized as a new Center-periphery global network power based on trade and investment that we call as "Asian Consensus."
The demographics of the early 21st century in Europe point to a notorious ageing of the population of most countries. Consequently, elderly people tend to be considered a social burden for the national healthcare and social security systems and their desire to participate actively in the civic and cultural activities of their countries is ignored. The first response to demographic ageing should therefore be a change in mentalities, which is what the area of gerontology is all about. It was in this context that the European Project CINAGE - European Cinema for Active Ageing was created. It is a transnational project, promoted by Portugal, and partnered by UK, Italy and Slovenia, oriented for the creation of a cinema course for elders and directly supported by filmic tools, within an andragogical self-reflexive approach. The modules of this course will be created on the basis of European cinematic examples and the input of focus groups consisting of experts in andragogy, active ageing, cinema and elders. In the end, twelve short films will be produced by senior members of the CINAGE course. We aim to present the project CINAGE in all its characteristics and thus reveal a way in which cinema can positively contribute to a more active ageing and the maintenance of mental health in later stages of life. It is relevant to consider what films Europe has been lately producing on this subject. We will use some of them to explain and corroborate our point of view and the project itself.
Although Mobility is a trendy and an important keyword in education matters, it has been a knowledge tool since the beginning of times, namely the Classical Antiquity, when students were moving from place to place following the masters. Over the time, different types of academic mobility can be found and this tool has been taken both by the education and business sector as almost a compulsory process since the world has gone global. Mobility is, of course, not an end but a means. And as far as academic mobility is concerned it is above all a means to get knowledge, being it theoretical or practical. But why does it still make sense to move from one place to another to get knowledge if never as before we have heaps of information and experiences available around us, either through personal contacts, in books, journals, newspapers or online? With this paper we intend to discuss the purpose of international mobility in the global world of the 21st century as a means to the development of world citizens able to live, work and learn in different and unfamiliar contexts. Based on our own experience as International Coordinator in a Higher Education Institution (HEI) over the last 8 years, on the latest research on academic mobility and still on studies on employability we will show how and why academic mobility can develop skills either in students or in other academic staff that are hardly possible to build in a classroom, or in a non-mobile academic or professional experience and that are highly valued by employers and society in general.
23rd SPACE AGM and Conference from 9 to 12 May 2012 Conference theme: The Role of Professional Higher Education: Responsibility and Reflection Venue: Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences, Mikkeli, Finland
In the early 21st Century, with the phenomenon of digital convergence, the consecration of Web 2.0, the decrease of the cost of cameras and video recorders, the proliferation of mobile phones, laptops and wireless technologies, we witness the arising of a new wave of media, of an informal, personal and at times “minority” nature, facilitating social networks, a culture of fans, of sharing and remix. As digital networks become fully and deeply intricate in our experience, the idea of “participation” arises as one of the most complex and controversial themes of the contemporary critical discourse, namely in what concerns contemporary art and new media art. However, the idea of “participation” as a practice or postulate traverses the 20th century art playing an essential role in its auto-critic, in questioning the concept of author, and in the dilution of the frontiers between art, “life” and society, emphasizing the process, the everyday and a community sense. As such, questioning the new media art in light of a “participatory art” (Frieling, 2008) invokes a double gaze simultaneously attentive to the emerging figures of a “participatory aesthetics” in digital arts and of the genealogy in which it is included. In fact, relating the new media art with the complex and paradoxical phenomenon of “participation” allows us to, on the one hand, avoid “digital formalism” (Lovink, 2008) and analyse the relations between digital art and contemporary social movements; on the other hand, this angle of analysis contributes to reinforce the dialogue and the links between digital art and contemporary art, questioning the alleged frontiers that separate them.
This article outlines the initial draft of a PhD project which investigates refurbishment or rehabilitation projects in two German cities. The study focuses on obstacles, restraints and deficits as well as factors of success, which can be identified during the execution of the refurbishments. Moreover the study examines the process of the refurbishment itself, the general conditions under which the refurbishments are being executed as well as the implementation of sustainability criteria. First the article gives a short summary of the theoretical considerations of the study. In this respect it shortly outlines the global conditions of urban development and conducting challenges for cities in the 21st century, guiding principles of a sustainable urban development as well as goals of sustainable refurbishments. Finally the article shortly describes the case studies and presents the initial results of the empirical work.
The economic crisis that has been affecting Europe in the 21st century has modified social protection systems in the countries that adopted, in the 20th century, universal health care system models, such as Spain. This communication presents some recent transformations, which were caused by changes in Spanish law. Those changes relate to the access to health care services, mainly in regards to the provision of care to foreigners, to financial contribution from users for health care services, and to pharmaceutical assistance. In crisis situations, reforms are observed to follow a trend which restricts rights and deepens social inequalities.
A diabetes é a doença do seculo XXI, atinge mais de um milhão de portugueses cada vez mais jovens em idades trabalhadoras, e já custa mais de 1% do PIB, além dos enormes danos que pode causar às pessoas e à sociedade. Segundo o Relatório Anual do Observatório Nacional da Diabetes, em 2011, cerca de um quarto da população portuguesa integrada no escalão etário dos 60 aos 79 tem Diabetes. Um estudo realizado pelo Lisbon Internet and Networks Institute (LINI), em 2010, diz-nos que “a internet é um recurso para a informação e educação para a saúde”. Em 2010 49% dos lares portugueses possuem acesso à internet e 44% da população é utilizadora (acréscimo significativo relativamente aos 29% em 2003). Destes, dois terços têm entre os 15 e os 24 anos. Os idosos representam 1,6%, dos quais os reformados e pensionistas representam 5%, as domésticas representam 11% e os trabalhadores manuais 22%, sendo estes os menos utilizadores. Um terço da restante população procura informação sobre saúde semanalmente, cerca de 16%. Face à atual conjuntura económica, com restrições orçamentais, nomeadamente na área da saúde, devem-se encontrar meios para prevenir e lidar com a Diabetes numa perspetiva de custo-benefício, isto porque a Diabetes pode reduzir as oportunidades de emprego e de aprendizagem. O atual diretor da Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Económico (OCDE) Yyes Leterme diz que “Prevenir e tratar a Diabetes e as suas complicações custa cerca de 90 mil milhões de euros anualmente na Europa”. Atualmente, não é muito utilizado nem explorado o potencial das tecnologias de informação e as ferramentas web ao serviço da saúde, quer por profissionais de saúde, quer por utentes na gestão ao regime terapêutico na doença crónica, mais precisamente na gestão adequada da Diabetes. Potenciar uma visão integrada dos diferentes recursos de comunicação e a sua utilização conjugada com a promoção da saúde e prevenção da doença poderá enfatizar em termos de eficácia e eficiência a minimização de recursos das organizações de saúde e promover a gestão adequada da Diabetes. Tendo por base esta problemática, este estudo pretende abordar e refletir o possível contributo das tecnologias de informação e das ferramentas web na gestão adequada ao regime terapêutico da Diabetes.
In the 21st century the majority of people live in urban settings and studies show a trend to the increase of this phenomenon. Globalisation and the concentration of multinational and clusters of firms in certain places are attracting people who seek employment and a better living. Many of those agglomerations are situated in developing countries, representing serious challenges both for public and private sectors. Programmes and initiatives in different countries are taking place and best practices are being exchanged globally. The objective is to transform these urban places into sustainable learning cities/regions where citizens can live with quality. The complexity of urban places, sometimes megacities, opened a new field of research. This paper argues that in order to understand the dynamics of such a complex phenomenon, a multidisciplinary, systemic approach is needed and the creation of learning cities and regions calls for the contribution of a multitude of fields of knowledge, ranging from economy to urbanism, educational science, sociology, environmental psychology and others.
In today’s globalized world, communication students need to be capable of efficiently communicating across the globe. At ISCAP, part of the 3rd year syllabus in Translation and New Technologies course is focused on culture and the need to be culturally knowledgeable. We argue the approach to incorporate cultural aspects in HE needs to be studentcentered, in order to encompass not only intercultural awareness, but also the 21st century skills students need to be successful and competent citizens. Additionally, as studies have shown, the manipulation of digital tools fosters greater student involvement in learning activities. We have adopted Digital Storytelling - multimodal storytelling technique - to promote a personal, student-centered reflection on intercultural communication. We intend to present student and teacher perspectives on this learning experience and assess its relevance in HE contexts, based on the content analysis of student expressed perspectives on this activity as well as a multimodal analysis of the digital stories created. A preliminary analysis of our case study has demonstrated that Digital Storytelling potentiates two complimentary types of reflection: on the one hand, students felt the need to reflect on their own intercultural knowledge, create and adapt their finding in the form of a story; on the other hand, viewing others’ stories they have raised questions and demonstrated points of view otherwise ignored.
Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica- Energia
Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biochemistry
Um dos principais desafios do século XXI prende-se com a evolução para uma economia global sustentável e “limpa”. Com o aumento da população e da procura energética nas últimas décadas, têm-se definido e adotado vários planos de ação a nível mundial para tentar responder aos desafios propostos. Os planos de ação adotados mundialmente visam melhorar o rendimento energético dos produtos, dos edifícios e dos serviços, da produção e distribuição de energia, facilitar o financiamento e a realização de investimentos neste domínio, suscitar e reforçar um comportamento racional em matéria de consumo de energia e consolidar a ação internacional em matéria de eficiência energética. A iluminação pública acompanhou este crescimento de população e consequente aumento das cidades. No entanto surgiram outras preocupações, visto que no passado quando a energia era relativamente barata, os municípios cometeram o erro de instalar mais iluminação em vez de ajustar muitos locais que estavam sobre iluminados. No presente muitos desses municípios estão a reavaliar as suas necessidades de iluminação, devido aos custos mais elevados de energia elétrica e também ao fator ambiental. As tecnologias na área da iluminação pública também sofreram evolução significativa e este projeto visa o estudo do impacto da utilização de dispositivos de iluminação pública de baixo consumo energético numa rua do concelho de Valongo com a finalidade de observar quais as poupanças que se podem obter na fatura energética.
RESUMO - A obesidade é um problema de saúde pública com dimensões alarmantes, motivo pelo qual foi classificada como uma das principais epidemias do século XXI. Estudos recentes demonstram que a prevalência da obesidade tem vindo a aumentar, sendo Portugal um dos países onde as taxas de prevalência são mais elevadas. No caso da obesidade infantil a situação também é muito preocupante. As crianças com excesso de peso ou obesas têm um risco acrescido de se tornarem adultos com doenças crónicas pelo que importa, desde cedo, desenvolver estratégias que permitam promover estilos de vida saudáveis e prevenir as várias doenças associadas. O desenvolvimento de intervenções durante a infância é considerado como uma das mais promissoras estratégias para a redução do excesso de peso e obesidade. Por outro lado, a escola é considerada como um dos locais mais atrativos e populares para se desenvolverem esses programas. Com este estudo pretendeu-se avaliar a intervenção realizada no concelho de Faro e verificar a sua efetividade no cumprimento dos objetivos definidos. A intervenção realizada em Faro, durante os anos letivos de 2007/2008 a 2010/2011, a 857 alunos do ensino básico, com idades compreendidas entre os 6 e os 10 anos de idade, teve como objetivos: avaliar e estabilizar a prevalência da obesidade infantil nas escolas do ensino básico do concelho de Faro, no ano letivo de 2007/2008; avaliar a evolução da prevalência da obesidade infantil durante os anos letivos de 2007/2008 a 2010/2011; e desenvolver estratégias para a promoção, em meio escolar, de uma alimentação mais saudável durante a intervenção. Os resultados levam-nos a concluir que a prevalência do excesso de peso e obesidade (15,2% e 10,5%, respetivamente) continua a níveis muito preocupantes nas crianças, tendo as raparigas apresentado uma prevalência maior do que os rapazes. A avaliação dos alunos, acompanhados prospetivamente ao longo dos primeiros 3 anos de intervenção, demonstrou uma diminuição da prevalência da obesidade de 9,6% no ano inicial para 8,3% no 3.º ano, e uma subida da taxa de prevalência do excesso de peso de 12,9% para 21,0%. A avaliação deste tipo de intervenções, apesar de difícil realização, é importante para que se possam definir novas estratégias, novas metodologias e novos caminhos para combater a obesidade infantil.