936 resultados para MODEL ANALYSIS


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Programa de doctorado: Sistemas Inteligentes y Aplicaciones Numéricas en Ingeniería Instituto Universitario (SIANI)


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[EN] 3D BEM-FEM coupling model is used to study the dynamic behavior of piled foundations in elastic layered soils in presenceof a rigid bedrock. Piles are modelled by FEM as beams according to the Bernoulli hpothesis, and every layer of the soil is modelled by BEM as a cointinuum, semi-infinite, isotropic, homogeneous, linear, viscoelastic medium.


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[EN] This paper shows a BEM-FEM coupling model for the time harmonic dynamic analysis of piles and pile groups embeddes in an elastic half-space. Piles are modelled using Finite Elements (FEM) as a beam according to the Bernoulli hypothesis, while the soil modelled using  Boundary Elements (BEM) as a continuum, semi-infinite, isotropic, homogeneous or zoned homogeneous, linear, viscoelastic medium.


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[EN]This work presents a time-harmonic boundary elementfinite element three-dimensional model for the dynamic analysis of building structures founded on elastic or porelastic soils. The building foundation and soil domains are modelled as homogeneous, isotropic, elastic or poroelastic media using boundary elements.


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In this report it was designed an innovative satellite-based monitoring approach applied on the Iraqi Marshlands to survey the extent and distribution of marshland re-flooding and assess the development of wetland vegetation cover. The study, conducted in collaboration with MEEO Srl , makes use of images collected from the sensor (A)ATSR onboard ESA ENVISAT Satellite to collect data at multi-temporal scales and an analysis was adopted to observe the evolution of marshland re-flooding. The methodology uses a multi-temporal pixel-based approach based on classification maps produced by the classification tool SOIL MAPPER ®. The catalogue of the classification maps is available as web service through the Service Support Environment Portal (SSE, supported by ESA). The inundation of the Iraqi marshlands, which has been continuous since April 2003, is characterized by a high degree of variability, ad-hoc interventions and uncertainty. Given the security constraints and vastness of the Iraqi marshlands, as well as cost-effectiveness considerations, satellite remote sensing was the only viable tool to observe the changes taking place on a continuous basis. The proposed system (ALCS – AATSR LAND CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM) avoids the direct use of the (A)ATSR images and foresees the application of LULCC evolution models directly to „stock‟ of classified maps. This approach is made possible by the availability of a 13 year classified image database, conceived and implemented in the CARD project (http://earth.esa.int/rtd/Projects/#CARD).The approach here presented evolves toward an innovative, efficient and fast method to exploit the potentiality of multi-temporal LULCC analysis of (A)ATSR images. The two main objectives of this work are both linked to a sort of assessment: the first is to assessing the ability of modeling with the web-application ALCS using image-based AATSR classified with SOIL MAPPER ® and the second is to evaluate the magnitude, the character and the extension of wetland rehabilitation.


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The presented study carried out an analysis on rural landscape changes. In particular the study focuses on the understanding of driving forces acting on the rural built environment using a statistical spatial model implemented through GIS techniques. It is well known that the study of landscape changes is essential for a conscious decision making in land planning. From a bibliography review results a general lack of studies dealing with the modeling of rural built environment and hence a theoretical modelling approach for such purpose is needed. The advancement in technology and modernity in building construction and agriculture have gradually changed the rural built environment. In addition, the phenomenon of urbanization of a determined the construction of new volumes that occurred beside abandoned or derelict rural buildings. Consequently there are two types of transformation dynamics affecting mainly the rural built environment that can be observed: the conversion of rural buildings and the increasing of building numbers. It is the specific aim of the presented study to propose a methodology for the development of a spatial model that allows the identification of driving forces that acted on the behaviours of the building allocation. In fact one of the most concerning dynamic nowadays is related to an irrational expansion of buildings sprawl across landscape. The proposed methodology is composed by some conceptual steps that cover different aspects related to the development of a spatial model: the selection of a response variable that better describe the phenomenon under study, the identification of possible driving forces, the sampling methodology concerning the collection of data, the most suitable algorithm to be adopted in relation to statistical theory and method used, the calibration process and evaluation of the model. A different combination of factors in various parts of the territory generated favourable or less favourable conditions for the building allocation and the existence of buildings represents the evidence of such optimum. Conversely the absence of buildings expresses a combination of agents which is not suitable for building allocation. Presence or absence of buildings can be adopted as indicators of such driving conditions, since they represent the expression of the action of driving forces in the land suitability sorting process. The existence of correlation between site selection and hypothetical driving forces, evaluated by means of modeling techniques, provides an evidence of which driving forces are involved in the allocation dynamic and an insight on their level of influence into the process. GIS software by means of spatial analysis tools allows to associate the concept of presence and absence with point futures generating a point process. Presence or absence of buildings at some site locations represent the expression of these driving factors interaction. In case of presences, points represent locations of real existing buildings, conversely absences represent locations were buildings are not existent and so they are generated by a stochastic mechanism. Possible driving forces are selected and the existence of a causal relationship with building allocations is assessed through a spatial model. The adoption of empirical statistical models provides a mechanism for the explanatory variable analysis and for the identification of key driving variables behind the site selection process for new building allocation. The model developed by following the methodology is applied to a case study to test the validity of the methodology. In particular the study area for the testing of the methodology is represented by the New District of Imola characterized by a prevailing agricultural production vocation and were transformation dynamic intensively occurred. The development of the model involved the identification of predictive variables (related to geomorphologic, socio-economic, structural and infrastructural systems of landscape) capable of representing the driving forces responsible for landscape changes.. The calibration of the model is carried out referring to spatial data regarding the periurban and rural area of the study area within the 1975-2005 time period by means of Generalised linear model. The resulting output from the model fit is continuous grid surface where cells assume values ranged from 0 to 1 of probability of building occurrences along the rural and periurban area of the study area. Hence the response variable assesses the changes in the rural built environment occurred in such time interval and is correlated to the selected explanatory variables by means of a generalized linear model using logistic regression. Comparing the probability map obtained from the model to the actual rural building distribution in 2005, the interpretation capability of the model can be evaluated. The proposed model can be also applied to the interpretation of trends which occurred in other study areas, and also referring to different time intervals, depending on the availability of data. The use of suitable data in terms of time, information, and spatial resolution and the costs related to data acquisition, pre-processing, and survey are among the most critical aspects of model implementation. Future in-depth studies can focus on using the proposed model to predict short/medium-range future scenarios for the rural built environment distribution in the study area. In order to predict future scenarios it is necessary to assume that the driving forces do not change and that their levels of influence within the model are not far from those assessed for the time interval used for the calibration.


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In the present work we perform an econometric analysis of the Tribal art market. To this aim, we use a unique and original database that includes information on Tribal art market auctions worldwide from 1998 to 2011. In Literature, art prices are modelled through the hedonic regression model, a classic fixed-effect model. The main drawback of the hedonic approach is the large number of parameters, since, in general, art data include many categorical variables. In this work, we propose a multilevel model for the analysis of Tribal art prices that takes into account the influence of time on artwork prices. In fact, it is natural to assume that time exerts an influence over the price dynamics in various ways. Nevertheless, since the set of objects change at every auction date, we do not have repeated measurements of the same items over time. Hence, the dataset does not constitute a proper panel; rather, it has a two-level structure in that items, level-1 units, are grouped in time points, level-2 units. The main theoretical contribution is the extension of classical multilevel models to cope with the case described above. In particular, we introduce a model with time dependent random effects at the second level. We propose a novel specification of the model, derive the maximum likelihood estimators and implement them through the E-M algorithm. We test the finite sample properties of the estimators and the validity of the own-written R-code by means of a simulation study. Finally, we show that the new model improves considerably the fit of the Tribal art data with respect to both the hedonic regression model and the classic multilevel model.


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Neoplastic overgrowth depends on the cooperation of several mutations ultimately leading to major rearrangements in cellular behaviour. The molecular crosstalk occurring between precancerous and normal cells strongly influences the early steps of the tumourigenic process as well as later stages of the disease. Precancerous cells are often removed by cell death from normal tissues but the mechanisms responsible for such fundamental safeguard processes remain in part elusive. To gain insight into these phenomena I took advantage of the clonal analysis methods available in Drosophila for studying the phenotypes due to loss of function of the neoplastic tumour suppressor lethal giant larvae (lgl). I found that lgl mutant cells growing in wild-type imaginal wing discs are subject to the phenomenon of cell competition and are eliminated by JNK-dependent cell death because they express very low levels of dMyc oncoprotein compared to those in the surrounding tissue. Indeed, in non-competitive backgrounds lgl mutant clones are able to overgrow and upregulate dMyc, overwhelming the neighbouring tissue and forming tumourous masses that display several cancer hallmarks. These phenotypes are completely abolished by reducing dMyc abundance within mutant cells while increasing it in lgl clones growing in a competitive context re-establishes their tumourigenic potential. Similarly, the neoplastic growth observed upon the oncogenic cooperation between lgl mutation and activated Ras/Raf/MAPK signalling was found to be characterised by and dependent on the ability of cancerous cells to upregulate dMyc with respect to the adjacent normal tissue, through both transcriptional and post-transcriptional mechanisms, thereby confirming its key role in lgl-induced tumourigenesis. These results provide first evidence that the dMyc oncoprotein is required in lgl mutant tissue to promote invasive overgrowth in developing and adult epithelial tissues and that dMyc abundance inside versus outside lgl mutant clones plays a key role in driving neoplastic overgrowth.


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The objective of this work is to characterize the genome of the chromosome 1 of A.thaliana, a small flowering plants used as a model organism in studies of biology and genetics, on the basis of a recent mathematical model of the genetic code. I analyze and compare different portions of the genome: genes, exons, coding sequences (CDS), introns, long introns, intergenes, untranslated regions (UTR) and regulatory sequences. In order to accomplish the task, I transformed nucleotide sequences into binary sequences based on the definition of the three different dichotomic classes. The descriptive analysis of binary strings indicate the presence of regularities in each portion of the genome considered. In particular, there are remarkable differences between coding sequences (CDS and exons) and non-coding sequences, suggesting that the frame is important only for coding sequences and that dichotomic classes can be useful to recognize them. Then, I assessed the existence of short-range dependence between binary sequences computed on the basis of the different dichotomic classes. I used three different measures of dependence: the well-known chi-squared test and two indices derived from the concept of entropy i.e. Mutual Information (MI) and Sρ, a normalized version of the “Bhattacharya Hellinger Matusita distance”. The results show that there is a significant short-range dependence structure only for the coding sequences whose existence is a clue of an underlying error detection and correction mechanism. No doubt, further studies are needed in order to assess how the information carried by dichotomic classes could discriminate between coding and noncoding sequence and, therefore, contribute to unveil the role of the mathematical structure in error detection and correction mechanisms. Still, I have shown the potential of the approach presented for understanding the management of genetic information.


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The instability of river bank can result in considerable human and land losses. The Po river is the most important in Italy, characterized by main banks of significant and constantly increasing height. This study presents multilayer perceptron of artificial neural network (ANN) to construct prediction models for the stability analysis of river banks along the Po River, under various river and groundwater boundary conditions. For this aim, a number of networks of threshold logic unit are tested using different combinations of the input parameters. Factor of safety (FS), as an index of slope stability, is formulated in terms of several influencing geometrical and geotechnical parameters. In order to obtain a comprehensive geotechnical database, several cone penetration tests from the study site have been interpreted. The proposed models are developed upon stability analyses using finite element code over different representative sections of river embankments. For the validity verification, the ANN models are employed to predict the FS values of a part of the database beyond the calibration data domain. The results indicate that the proposed ANN models are effective tools for evaluating the slope stability. The ANN models notably outperform the derived multiple linear regression models.


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Il CP-ESFR è un progetto integrato di cooperazione europeo sui reattori a sodio SFR realizzato sotto il programma quadro EURATOM 7, che unisce il contributo di venticinque partner europei. Il CP-ESFR ha l'ambizione di contribuire all'istituzione di una "solida base scientifica e tecnica per il reattore veloce refrigerato a sodio, al fine di accelerare gli sviluppi pratici per la gestione sicura dei rifiuti radioattivi a lunga vita, per migliorare le prestazioni di sicurezza, l'efficienza delle risorse e il costo-efficacia di energia nucleare al fine di garantire un sistema solido e socialmente accettabile di protezione della popolazione e dell'ambiente contro gli effetti delle radiazioni ionizzanti. " La presente tesi di laurea è un contributo allo sviluppo di modelli e metodi, basati sull’uso di codici termo-idraulici di sistema, per l’ analisi di sicurezza di reattori di IV Generazione refrigerati a metallo liquido. L'attività è stata svolta nell'ambito del progetto FP-7 PELGRIMM ed in sinergia con l’Accordo di Programma MSE-ENEA(PAR-2013). Il progetto FP7 PELGRIMM ha come obbiettivo lo sviluppo di combustibili contenenti attinidi minori 1. attraverso lo studio di due diverse forme: pellet (oggetto della presente tesi) e spherepac 2. valutandone l’impatto sul progetto del reattore CP-ESFR. La tesi propone lo sviluppo di un modello termoidraulico di sistema dei circuiti primario e intermedio del reattore con il codice RELAP5-3D© (INL, US). Tale codice, qualificato per il licenziamento dei reattori nucleari ad acqua, è stato utilizzato per valutare come variano i parametri del core del reattore rilevanti per la sicurezza (es. temperatura di camicia e di centro combustibile, temperatura del fluido refrigerante, etc.), quando il combustibile venga impiegato per “bruciare” gli attinidi minori (isotopi radioattivi a lunga vita contenuti nelle scorie nucleari). Questo ha comportato, una fase di training sul codice, sui suoi modelli e sulle sue capacità. Successivamente, lo sviluppo della nodalizzazione dell’impianto CP-ESFR, la sua qualifica, e l’analisi dei risultati ottenuti al variare della configurazione del core, del bruciamento e del tipo di combustibile impiegato (i.e. diverso arricchimento di attinidi minori). Il testo è suddiviso in sei sezioni. La prima fornisce un’introduzione allo sviluppo tecnologico dei reattori veloci, evidenzia l’ambito in cui è stata svolta questa tesi e ne definisce obbiettivi e struttura. Nella seconda sezione, viene descritto l’impianto del CP-ESFR con attenzione alla configurazione del nocciolo e al sistema primario. La terza sezione introduce il codice di sistema termico-idraulico utilizzato per le analisi e il modello sviluppato per riprodurre l’impianto. Nella sezione quattro vengono descritti: i test e le verifiche effettuate per valutare le prestazioni del modello, la qualifica della nodalizzazione, i principali modelli e le correlazioni più rilevanti per la simulazione e le configurazioni del core considerate per l’analisi dei risultati. I risultati ottenuti relativamente ai parametri di sicurezza del nocciolo in condizioni di normale funzionamento e per un transitorio selezionato sono descritti nella quinta sezione. Infine, sono riportate le conclusioni dell’attività.


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Liquids and gasses form a vital part of nature. Many of these are complex fluids with non-Newtonian behaviour. We introduce a mathematical model describing the unsteady motion of an incompressible polymeric fluid. Each polymer molecule is treated as two beads connected by a spring. For the nonlinear spring force it is not possible to obtain a closed system of equations, unless we approximate the force law. The Peterlin approximation replaces the length of the spring by the length of the average spring. Consequently, the macroscopic dumbbell-based model for dilute polymer solutions is obtained. The model consists of the conservation of mass and momentum and time evolution of the symmetric positive definite conformation tensor, where the diffusive effects are taken into account. In two space dimensions we prove global in time existence of weak solutions. Assuming more regular data we show higher regularity and consequently uniqueness of the weak solution. For the Oseen-type Peterlin model we propose a linear pressure-stabilized characteristics finite element scheme. We derive the corresponding error estimates and we prove, for linear finite elements, the optimal first order accuracy. Theoretical error of the pressure-stabilized characteristic finite element scheme is confirmed by a series of numerical experiments.


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Background: A controlled, gradual distraction of the periosteum is expected to result in the formation of new bone. Purpose: This study was designed to estimate the possibility of new bone formation by periosteal distraction in a rat calvarium model. Material and Methods: Sixteen animals were subjected to a 7-day latency period and distraction rate at 0.4 mm/24 hours for 10 days. Two experimental groups with seven rats each were killed at 10 and 20 days of consolidation period and analyzed by means of microcomputed tomography, histologically and histomorphometry. Results: In the central regions underneath the disk device, signs of both bone apposition and bone resorption were observed. Peripheral to the disc, new bone was consistently observed. This new bone was up to two and three times thicker than the original bone after a 10- and 20-day consolidation period, respectively. Signs of ongoing woven bone formation indicated that the stimulus for new bone formation was still present. There were no statistically significant differences regarding bone density, bone volume, and total bone height between the two groups. Conclusion: The periosteal distraction model in the rat calvarium can stimulate the formation of considerable amounts of new bone.