851 resultados para Lloyd
Peptides derived from cytosolic, mitochondrial, and nuclear proteins have been detected in extracts of animal tissues and cell lines. To test whether the proteasome is involved in their formation, HEK293T cells were treated with epoxomicin (0.2 or 2 mu M) for 1 h and quantitative peptidomics analysis was performed. Altogether, 147 unique peptides were identified by mass spectrometry sequence analysis. Epoxomicin treatment decreased the levels of the majority of intracellular peptides, consistent with inhibition of the proteasome beta-2 and beta-5 subunits. Treatment with the higher concentration of epoxomicin elevated the levels of some peptides. Most of the elevated peptides resulted from cleavages at acidic residues, suggesting that epoxomicin increased the processing of proteins through the beta-1 subunit. Interestingly, some of the peptides that were elevated by the epoxomicin treatment had hydrophobic residues in P1 cleavage sites. Taken together, these findings suggest that, while the proteasome is the major source of intracellular peptides, other peptide-generating mechanisms exist. Because intracellular peptides are likely to perform intracellular functions, studies using proteasome inhibitors need to be interpreted with caution, as it is possible that the effects of these inhibitors are due to a change in the peptide levels rather than inhibition of protein degradation.
Global warming is a reality and its effects have been widely studied. However, the consequences for marine invertebrates remain poorly understood. Thus, the present study proposed to evaluate the effect of elevated temperature on the innate immune system of Antarctic sea urchin Sterechinus neumayeri. Sea urchins were collected nearby Brazilian Antarctic Station "Comandante Ferraz" and exposed to 0 (control), 2 and 4A degrees C for periods of 48 h, 2, 7 and 14 days. After the experimental periods, coelomic fluid was collected in order to perform the following analyses: coelomocytes differential counting, phagocytic response, adhesion and spreading coelomocytes assay, intranuclear iron crystalloid and ultra structural analysis of coelomocytes. The red sphere cell was considered a biomarker for heat stress, as they increased in acute stress. Besides that, a significant increase in phagocytic indexes was observed at 2A degrees C coinciding with a significant increase of intranuclear iron crystalloid at the same temperature and same time period. Furthermore, significant alterations in cell adhesion and spreading were observed in elevated temperatures. The ultra structural analysis of coelomocytes showed no significant difference across treatments. This was the first time that innate immune response alterations were observed in response to elevated temperature in a Polar echinoid.
Patients with rare and complex diseases such as congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) often receive fragmented and inadequate care unless efforts are coordinated among providers. Translating the concepts of the medical home and comprehensive health care for individuals with CAH offers many benefits for the affected individuals and their families. This manuscript represents the recommendations of a 1.5 day meeting held in September 2009 to discuss the ideal goals for comprehensive care centers for newborns, infants, children, adolescents, and adults with CAH. Participants included pediatric endocrinologists, internal medicine and reproductive endocrinologists, pediatric urologists, pediatric surgeons, psychologists, and pediatric endocrine nurse educators. One unique aspect of this meeting was the active participation of individuals personally affected by CAH as patients or parents of patients. Representatives of Health Research and Services Administration (HRSA), New York-Mid-Atlantic Consortium for Genetics and Newborn Screening Services (NYMAC), and National Newborn Screening and Genetics Resource Center (NNSGRC) also participated. Thus, this document should serve as a "roadmap" for the development phases of comprehensive care centers (CCC) for individuals and families affected by CAH.
Recent developments in piston engine technology have increased performance in a very significant way. Diesel turbocharged/turbo compound engines, fuelled by jet fuels, have great performances. The focal point of this thesis is the transformation of the FIAT 1900 jtd diesel common rail engine for the installation on general aviation aircrafts like the CESSNA 172. All considerations about the diesel engine are supported by the studies that have taken place in the laboratories of the II Faculty of Engineering in Forlì. This work, mostly experimental, concerns the transformation of the automotive FIAT 1900 jtd – 4 cylinders – turbocharged – diesel common rail into an aircraft engine. The design philosophy of the aluminium alloy basement of the spark ignition engine have been transferred to the diesel version while the pistons and the head of the FIAT 1900 jtd are kept in the aircraft engine. Different solutions have been examined in this work. A first V 90° cylinders version that can develop up to 300 CV and whose weight is 30 kg, without auxiliaries and turbocharging group. The second version is a development of e original version of the diesel 1900 cc engine with an optimized crankshaft, that employ a special steel, 300M, and that is verified for the aircraft requirements. Another version with an augmented stroke and with a total displacement of 2500 cc has been examined; the result is a 30% engine heavier. The last version proposed is a 1600 cc diesel engine that work at 5000 rpm, with a reduced stroke and capable of more than 200 CV; it was inspired to the Yamaha R1 motorcycle engine. The diesel aircraft engine design keeps the bore of 82 mm, while the stroke is reduced to 64.6 mm, so the engine size is reduced along with weight. The basement weight, in GD AlSi 9 MgMn alloy, is 8,5 kg. Crankshaft, rods and accessories have been redesigned to comply to aircraft standards. The result is that the overall size is increased of only the 8% when referred to the Yamaha engine spark ignition version, while the basement weight increases of 53 %, even if the bore of the diesel version is 11% lager. The original FIAT 1900 jtd piston has been slightly modified with the combustion chamber reworked to the compression ratio of 15:1. The material adopted for the piston is the aluminium alloy A390.0-T5 commonly used in the automotive field. The piston weight is 0,5 kg for the diesel engine. The crankshaft is verified to torsional vibrations according to the Lloyd register of shipping requirements. The 300M special steel crankshaft total weight is of 14,5 kg. The result reached is a very small and light engine that may be certified for general aviation: the engine weight, without the supercharger, air inlet assembly, auxiliary generators and high pressure body, is 44,7 kg and the total engine weight, with enlightened HP pump body and the titanium alloy turbocharger is less than 100 kg, the total displacement is 1365 cm3 and the estimated output power is 220 CV. The direct conversion of automotive piston engine to aircrafts pays too huge weight penalties. In fact the main aircraft requirement is to optimize the power to weight ratio in order to obtain compact and fast engines for aeronautical use: this 1600 common rail diesel engine version demonstrates that these results can be reached.
Leaf rust caused by Puccinia triticina is a serious disease of durum wheat (Triticum durum) worldwide. However, genetic and molecular mapping studies aimed at characterizing leaf rust resistance genes in durum wheat have been only recently undertaken. The Italian durum wheat cv. Creso shows a high level of resistance to P. triticina that has been considered durable and that appears to be due to a combination of a single dominant gene and one or more additional factors conferring partial resistance. In this study, the genetic basis of leaf rust resistance carried by Creso was investigated using 176 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) from the cross between the cv. Colosseo (C, leaf rust resistance donor) and Lloyd (L, susceptible parent). Colosseo is a cv. directly related to Creso with the leaf rust resistance phenotype inherited from Creso, and was considered as resistance donor because of its better adaptation to local (Emilia Romagna, Italy) cultivation environment. RILs have been artificially inoculated with a mixture of 16 Italian P. triticina isolates that were characterized for virulence to seedlings of 22 common wheat cv. Thatcher isolines each carrying a different leaf rust resistance gene, and for molecular genotypes at 15 simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci, in order to determine their specialization with regard to the host species. The characterization of the leaf rust isolates was conducted at the Cereal Disease Laboratory of the University of Minnesota (St. Paul, USA) (Chapter 2). A genetic linkage map was constructed using segregation data from the population of 176 RILs from the cross CL. A total of 662 loci, including 162 simple sequence repeats (SSRs) and 500 Diversity Arrays Technology markers (DArTs), were analyzed by means of the package EasyMap 0.1. The integrated SSR-DArT linkage map consisted of 554 loci (162 SSR and 392 DArT markers) grouped into 19 linkage blocks with an average marker density of 5.7 cM/marker. The final map spanned a total of 2022 cM, which correspond to a tetraploid genome (AABB) coverage of ca. 77% (Chapter 3). The RIL population was phenotyped for their resistance to leaf rust under artificial inoculation in 2006; the percentage of infected leaf area (LRS, leaf rust susceptibility) was evaluated at three stages through the disease developmental cycle and the area under disease progress curve (AUDPC) was then calculated. The response at the seedling stage (infection type, IT) was also investigated. QTL analysis was carried out by means of the Composite Interval Mapping method based on a selection of markers from the CL map. A major QTL (QLr.ubo-7B.2) for leaf rust resistance controlling both the seedling and the adult plant response, was mapped on the distal region of chromosome arm 7BL (deletion bin 7BL10-0.78-1.00), in a gene-dense region known to carry several genes/QTLs for resistance to rusts and other major cereal fungal diseases in wheat and barley. QLr.ubo-7B.2 was identified within a supporting interval of ca. 5 cM tightly associated with three SSR markers (Xbarc340.2, Xgwm146 e Xgwm344.2), and showed an R2 and an LOD peak value for the AUDPC equal to 72.9% an 44.5, respectively. Three additional minor QTLs were also detected (QLr.ubo-7B.1 on chr. 7BS; QLr.ubo-2A on chr. 2AL and QLr.ubo-3A on chr. 3AS) (Chapter 4). The presence of the major QTL (QLr.ubo-7B.2) was validated by a linkage disequilibrium (LD)-based test using field data from two different plant materials: i) a set of 62 advanced lines from multiple crosses involving Creso and his directly related resistance derivates Colosseo and Plinio, and ii) a panel of 164 elite durum wheat accessions representative of the major durum breeding program of the Mediterranean basin. Lines and accessions were phenotyped for leaf rust resistance under artificial inoculation in two different field trials carried out at Argelato (BO, Italy) in 2006 and 2007; the durum elite accessions were also evaluated in two additional field experiments in Obregon (Messico; 2007 and 2008) and in a green-house experiment (seedling resistance) at the Cereal Disease Laboratory (St. Paul, USA, 2008). The molecular characterization involved 14 SSR markers mapping on the 7BL chromosome region found to harbour the major QTL. Association analysis was then performed with a mixed-linear-model approach. Results confirmed the presence of a major QTL for leaf rust resistance, both at adult plant and at seedling stage, located between markers Xbarc340.2, Xgwm146 and Xgwm344.2, in an interval that coincides with the supporting interval (LOD-2) of QLr.ubo-7B.2 as resulted from the RIL QTL analysis. (Chapter 5). The identification and mapping of the major QTL associated to the durable leaf rust resistance carried by Creso, together with the identification of the associated SSR markers, will enhance the selection efficiency in durum wheat breeding programs (MAS, Marker Assisted Selection) and will accelerate the release of cvs. with durable resistance through marker-assisted pyramiding of the tagged resistance genes/QTLs most effective against wheat fungal pathogens.
Die wichtigsten Bestandteile des Cytoskeletts in pflanzlichen Zellen sind die Actinfilamente und die Mikrotubuli. Die Mikrotubuli spielen in der Organisation und der Morphogenese von pflanzlichen Zellen eine wichtige Rolle. Sie sind zusammen mit den Cellulosefibrillen an der Formgebung der Pflanzenzelle beteiligt. Sie bilden das Präprophaseband, das die Zellteilungsebene bestimmt und die Mitosespindel, die für die Trennung der Chromosomen sorgt, sowie den Phragmoplasten, der die Zellwand zwischen den Tochterzellen bildet. Weiterhin geben die Mikrotubuli durch Interaktion mit den Cellulose-Synthase-Komplexen die Richtung der Zellexpansion vor (GRANGER und CYR, 2001; LLOYD und CHAN, 2002; BASKIN, 2002). Die Mikrotubuli sind auch an der Stabilisierung der Zellform und an Transportprozessen beteiligt. Als Bestandteil der Mikrotubuli-organisierenden Zentren (MTOCs) wurde das γ-Tubulin identifiziert, das sehr wahrscheinlich an der Nukleation der Mikrotubuli beteiligt ist, indem es die Assemblierung der αβ-Tubulindimere zu Mikrotubuli einleitet. In tierischen Zellen ist durch intensive Forschung inzwischen relativ viel über die Funktion von γ-Tubulin, vor allem im Verlauf der Zellteilung bekannt, wie z. B. die Lokalisation in Centrosomen mit ihren paarweise angeordneten Centriolen, die die MTOCs darstellen. In pflanzlichen Zellen sind bisher nur wenige Funktionen des Proteins hinreichend geklärt. Die höheren Pflanzen besitzen keine Centriolen und keine Centrosomen. Über die Zellteilung hinaus gibt es kaum Anhaltspunkte über das Vorhandensein oder eventuelle Aufgaben von γ-Tubulin in expandierenden und voll expandierten Zellkulturen und Pflanzengeweben. In dieser Arbeit wurde die Expression über PCR und die Messung des Proteingehalts von cytoskelett-relevanten Proteinen in den Entwicklungsstadien der Zellsuspensionskultur (BY-2) und von Blattstadien der Tabakpflanze (SR1) von Nicotiana tabacum gemessen. Primäres Ziel war es eine Aussage zu erhalten, in welchem Ausmaß γ-Tubulin in expandierenden und voll expandierten Zellen noch exprimiert wird und ob bzw. wie eine Regulation (transkriptionell oder posttranskriptionell) des γ-Tubulins in der Pflanze stattfindet. Für den Nachweis des γ-Tubulins auf der Proteinebene wurde ein pflanzenspezifischer γ-Tubulin Antikörper zu entwickelt. Bei diesem Antikörper handelte es sich um einen polyklonalen Antikörper, der spezifisch gegen eine Sequenz in pflanzlichem γ-Tubulin gerichtet ist. Dabei zeigte der in der Arbeit entwickelte Antikörper gegen die pflanzliche JOSHI-Domäne spezifische Signale. Der erfolgte Nachweis von γ-Tubulin auf der Proteinebene und der Transkripte zeigte bis in die ältesten untersuchten Stadien der Zellsuspensionskultur (BY-2) und in Geweben der Blattstadien der Tabakpflanze (SR1) deutliche Signale für γ-Tubulin. Es war somit nicht nur in meristematisch aktiven Zellen und Geweben von Nicotiana tabacum, sondern auch in nichtmitotischen Zellen und Geweben vorhanden. Hierbei war über die Phasen der Zellteilung und der Zellformgebung hinweg auf beiden Ebenen eine parallele Entwicklung mit relativ konstanten starken Signalen zu beobachten. Nach dem Einstellen der Teilungsaktivität fiel der Gehalt an mRNA deutlich ab. Dabei nahm die Konzentration des Proteins im Vergleich zur mRNA zeitlich verzögert ab. Diese Ergebnisse bei der Zellsuspensionskultur (BY-2) und Tabakpflanze (SR1) gehen mit der möglichen Nukleationstätigkeit des Proteins konform. Es waren geringere aber doch deutlichen Signale bei Absterbenden Zellen der Zellkultur, bzw. bei expandierenden und voll expandierten und seneszenten Blättern der Tabakpflanze (SR1) nachzuweisen. Dies lässt die Folgerung zu, dass die nachgewiesene mRNA von γ-Tubulin nicht posttranskriptionell reguliert wird, sondern dass das γ-Tubulin auch eine wichtige Rolle außerhalb der Zellteilung in den postmitotischen Stadien, z. B. als organisierender Faktor bei der Umgestaltung oder Stabilisierung des Mikrotubuli-Cytoskeletts, spielt. Der γ-Tubulin-Gehalt in den Geweben der SR1-Pflanze zeigte über die Zellkultur hinaus, dass die Expression von α-Tubulin nach Einstellen der Teilungsaktivität kontinuierlich abnimmt. Dieses Ergebnis legt die Vermutung nahe, dass γ-Tubulin in älteren Blattgeweben zusätzliche Aufgaben übernehmen könnte, die nicht auf eine gleichzeitige Expression von α-Tubulin angewiesen sind. So kann beispielsweise eine Beteiligung von γ-Tubulin an der Stabilisierung der Mikrotubuli, und damit einhergehend eine Abnahme der dynamischen Instabilität dieser Filamente, eine denkbare Funktion des Proteins in expandierendem und voll expandiertem Gewebe sein. Die Aufgaben von γ-Tubulin in sehr altem Gewebe mit deutlichen Anzeichen der Seneszenz können allerdings nach dem derzeitigen Stand der Forschung nicht eindeutig beantwortet werden und bedürfen weitergehenden Untersuchungen, da dadurch ein die Komplexität und die Dynamik des pflanzlichen Cytoskeletts geklärt werden kann.
analisi sulle variazioni climati del bacino della diga di Ridracoli
Allosaurus fragilis (Theropoda: Carnosauria) è tra i dinosauri del Giurassico Superiore meglio conosciuti grazie a numerosi scheletri rinvenuti a partire dal secolo scorso. Le collezioni del Museo Universitario Paleontologico del Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche e Geologiche dell'Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia ospitano uno scheletro costituito da reperti originali provenienti dal Cleveland-Lloyd Dinosaur Quarry (Utah) ad oggi non descritto in dettaglio. Il temporaneo disallestimento dello scheletro per la realizzazione di una nuova struttura museale ha permesso di esaminare in dettaglio i singoli elementi scheletrici. La storia di come e quando il materiale sia giunto a Modena rimane incerta, e per questo lavoro si è raccolta tutta la documentazione storica per completare le informazioni relative all'esemplare. In questa tesi vengono inoltre descritti alcuni degli elementi più diagnostici al fine di verificare se lo scheletro rappresenta uno o più individui di Allosaurus fragilis, la specie più abbondante e meglio documentata del Cleveland-Lloyd Dinosaur Quarry. Per questo obiettivo le ossa sono state confrontate con esemplari di riferimento in letteratura e inquadrate all'interno del contesto tafonomico del sito di ritrovamento. Durante le fasi di studio, i reperti esaminati sono stati acquisiti come modelli tridimensionali ad alta risoluzione mediante tecniche fotogrammetriche. Questo per garantire fruibilità ai singoli elementi anche in seguito al riallestimento dello scheletro per fini espositivi. I dati raccolti in questa tesi, ed in particolare 1. l’analisi del contesto tafonomico e tassonomico del Cleveland-Lloyd Dinosaur Quarry; 2. il confronto morfometrico tra le ossa presenti a Modena e quelle descritte in letteratura, e 3. le caratteristiche specifiche dei reperti esaminati, permettono di chiarire numerosi aspetti legati alla storia del reperto e al numero di individui rappresentati dallo scheletro di Allosaurus fragilis del Museo di Modena.
Ricercare eventuali variazioni o trend nei fenomeni meteorologici è sempre stato uno degli obiettivi degli studi di ricerca. Il dibattito in letteratura evidenzia la difficoltà nell’individuare in maniera univoca un trend relativo agli eventi precipitativi. Nonostante la grande variabilità climatica, la diminuzione delle precipitazioni in inverno e primavera negli ultimi decenni, nel sud Europa e nella parte occidentale del bacino del Mediterraneo, è stata ampiamente confermata. Inoltre, è sempre più importante osservare come eventuali variazioni nelle precipitazioni possano influenzare variazioni di portata volumetrica di un fiume. Il presente studio ha l’obiettivo di individuare eventuali variazioni nelle precipitazioni e nel regime idraulico del bacino di Imola. Lo studio ha preso in considerazione gli eventi precipitativi dagli anni ’20 al 2014 sul bacino del Santerno, localizzato nelle aree montane centro orientali dell’Emilia-Romagna. Dopo aver effettuato il controllo qualità e di omogeneità sui dati ne è stata fatta un’analisi statistica da cui è risultato, in accordo con la letteratura, una diminuzione delle precipitazioni cumulate invernali e del numero di giorni piovosi annuali per alcune stazioni considerate. Attraverso l’uso del modello TOPKAPI, sono state ricostruite alcune variabili idrologiche, come la portata del fiume in una particolare sezione di chiusura, l’umidità del suolo, l’evapotraspirazione potenziale ed effettiva, così da poterne valutare i trend stagionali e annuali. Non è stata rilevata alcuna variazione sia nella portata massima e minima annuale che in quella oraria, mentre è stato identificato un aumento significativo nell’evapotraspirazione potenziale in tutte le stagioni ad eccezione dell’autunno e una diminuzione della saturazione del suolo in inverno e primavera. Infine, le analisi sulle precipitazioni aggregate hanno confermato i risultati ottenuti nella prima parte dello studio. Per concludere, nonostante siano stati evidenziati alcuni cambiamenti significativi nelle precipitazioni cumulate stagionali, non è stata riscontrata alcuna variazione apprezzabile della portata per la sezione di chiusura considerata.
Sulla base di analisi pluviometriche, stima delle LSPP e tempi di ritorno, si è proceduto a creare le mappe di Pericolosità dell'area del Bacino del Torrente Ravone, Bologna, Quartiere Saragozza. Segue l'analisi degli edifici esposti e la loro vulnerabilità ad eventi con Tr noto, creazione di mappe di danno potenziale secondo normativa per arrivare a realizzare la carta del rischio idraulico. Si è utilizzato il Modello INSYDE per i calcoli.
This work aims to evaluate the reliability of these levee systems, calculating the probability of “failure” of determined levee stretches under different loads, using probabilistic methods that take into account the fragility curves obtained through the Monte Carlo Method. For this study overtopping and piping are considered as failure mechanisms (since these are the most frequent) and the major levee system of the Po River with a primary focus on the section between Piacenza and Cremona, in the lower-middle area of the Padana Plain, is analysed. The novelty of this approach is to check the reliability of individual embankment stretches, not just a single section, while taking into account the variability of the levee system geometry from one stretch to another. This work takes also into consideration, for each levee stretch analysed, a probability distribution of the load variables involved in the definition of the fragility curves, where it is influenced by the differences in the topography and morphology of the riverbed along the sectional depth analysed as it pertains to the levee system in its entirety. A type of classification is proposed, for both failure mechanisms, to give an indication of the reliability of the levee system based of the information obtained by the fragility curve analysis. To accomplish this work, an hydraulic model has been developed where a 500-year flood is modelled to determinate the residual hazard value of failure for each stretch of levee near the corresponding water depth, then comparing the results with the obtained classifications. This work has the additional the aim of acting as an interface between the world of Applied Geology and Environmental Hydraulic Engineering where a strong collaboration is needed between the two professions to resolve and improve the estimation of hydraulic risk.
To evaluate the use of computer-assisted designed and manufactured (CAD/CAM) orbital wall and floor implants for late reconstruction of extensive orbital fractures.
Background Loss to follow-up (LTFU) is common in antiretroviral therapy (ART) programmes. Mortality is a competing risk (CR) for LTFU; however, it is often overlooked in cohort analyses. We examined how the CR of death affected LTFU estimates in Zambia and Switzerland. Methods and Findings HIV-infected patients aged ≥18 years who started ART 2004–2008 in observational cohorts in Zambia and Switzerland were included. We compared standard Kaplan-Meier curves with CR cumulative incidence. We calculated hazard ratios for LTFU across CD4 cell count strata using cause-specific Cox models, or Fine and Gray subdistribution models, adjusting for age, gender, body mass index and clinical stage. 89,339 patients from Zambia and 1,860 patients from Switzerland were included. 12,237 patients (13.7%) in Zambia and 129 patients (6.9%) in Switzerland were LTFU and 8,498 (9.5%) and 29 patients (1.6%), respectively, died. In Zambia, the probability of LTFU was overestimated in Kaplan-Meier curves: estimates at 3.5 years were 29.3% for patients starting ART with CD4 cells <100 cells/µl and 15.4% among patients starting with ≥350 cells/µL. The estimates from CR cumulative incidence were 22.9% and 13.6%, respectively. Little difference was found between naïve and CR analyses in Switzerland since only few patients died. The results from Cox and Fine and Gray models were similar: in Zambia the risk of loss to follow-up and death increased with decreasing CD4 counts at the start of ART, whereas in Switzerland there was a trend in the opposite direction, with patients with higher CD4 cell counts more likely to be lost to follow-up. Conclusions In ART programmes in low-income settings the competing risk of death can substantially bias standard analyses of LTFU. The CD4 cell count and other prognostic factors may be differentially associated with LTFU in low-income and high-income settings.
Using a systems biology approach, we discovered and dissected a three-way interaction between the immune system, the intestinal epithelium and the microbiota. We found that, in the absence of B cells, or of IgA, and in the presence of the microbiota, the intestinal epithelium launches its own protective mechanisms, upregulating interferon-inducible immune response pathways and simultaneously repressing Gata4-related metabolic functions. This shift in intestinal function leads to lipid malabsorption and decreased deposition of body fat. Network analysis revealed the presence of two interconnected epithelial-cell gene networks, one governing lipid metabolism and another regulating immunity, that were inversely expressed. Gene expression patterns in gut biopsies from individuals with common variable immunodeficiency or with HIV infection and intestinal malabsorption were very similar to those of the B cell-deficient mice, providing a possible explanation for a longstanding enigmatic association between immunodeficiency and defective lipid absorption in humans.