734 resultados para Leiomyoma, urinary incontinence, sexual dysfunction, scales, diagnosis, treatment.


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BACKGROUND Pulmonary carcinoids (PCs) are rare tumors. As there is a paucity of randomized studies, this expert consensus document represents an initiative by the European Neuroendocrine Tumor Society to provide guidance on their management. PATIENTS AND METHODS Bibliographical searches were carried out in PubMed for the terms 'pulmonary neuroendocrine tumors', 'bronchial neuroendocrine tumors', 'bronchial carcinoid tumors', 'pulmonary carcinoid', 'pulmonary typical/atypical carcinoid', and 'pulmonary carcinoid and diagnosis/treatment/epidemiology/prognosis'. A systematic review of the relevant literature was carried out, followed by expert review. RESULTS PCs are well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumors and include low- and intermediate-grade malignant tumors, i.e. typical (TC) and atypical carcinoid (AC), respectively. Contrast CT scan is the diagnostic gold standard for PCs, but pathology examination is mandatory for their correct classification. Somatostatin receptor imaging may visualize nearly 80% of the primary tumors and is most sensitive for metastatic disease. Plasma chromogranin A can be increased in PCs. Surgery is the treatment of choice for PCs with the aim of removing the tumor and preserving as much lung tissue as possible. Resection of metastases should be considered whenever possible with curative intent. Somatostatin analogs are the first-line treatment of carcinoid syndrome and may be considered as first-line systemic antiproliferative treatment in unresectable PCs, particularly of low-grade TC and AC. Locoregional or radiotargeted therapies should be considered for metastatic disease. Systemic chemotherapy is used for progressive PCs, although cytotoxic regimens have demonstrated limited effects with etoposide and platinum combination the most commonly used, however, temozolomide has shown most clinical benefit. CONCLUSIONS PCs are complex tumors which require a multidisciplinary approach and long-term follow-up.


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PURPOSE Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) affects women of all ages including young athletes, especially those involved in high-impact sports. To date, hardly any studies are available testing pelvic floor muscles (PFM) during sports activities. The aim of this study was the description and reliability test of six PFM electromyography (EMG) variables during three different running speeds. The secondary objective was to evaluate whether there was a speed-dependent difference between the PFM activity variables. METHODS This trial was designed as an exploratory and reliability study including ten young healthy female subjects to characterize PFM pre-activity and reflex activity during running at 7, 9 and 11 km/h. Six variables for each running speed, averaged over ten steps per subject, were presented descriptively, tested regarding their reliability (Friedman, ICC, SEM, MD) and speed difference (Friedman). RESULTS PFM EMG variables varied between 67.6 and 106.1 %EMG, showed no systematic error and were low for SEM and MD using the single value model. Applying the average model over ten steps, ICC (3,k) were >0.75 and SEM and MD about 50 % lower than for the single value model. Activity was found to be highest in 11 km/h. CONCLUSION EMG variables showed excellent ICC and very low SEM and MD. Further studies should investigate inter-session reliability and PFM reactivity patterns of SUI patients using the average over ten steps for each variable as it showed very high ICC and very low SEM and MD. Subsequently, longer running distances and other high-impact sports disciplines could be studied.


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INTRODUCTION Investigations of the dynamic function of female pelvic floor muscles (PFM) help us to understand the pathophysiology of stress urinary incontinence (SUI). Displacement measurements of PFM give insight into muscle activation and thus help to improve rehabilitation strategies. This systematic review (PROSPERO 2013: CRD42013006409) was performed to summarise the current evidence for PFM displacement during voluntary and involuntary activation in continent and incontinent women. METHODS MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane and SPORTDiscus databases were searched using selected terminology reflecting the PICO approach. Screening of Google Scholar and congress abstracts added to further information. Original articles investigating PFM displacement were included if they reported on at least one of the aims of the review, e.g., method, test position, test activity, direction and quantification of displacement, as well as the comparison between continent and incontinent women. Titles and abstracts were screened by two reviewers. The papers included were reviewed by two individuals to ascertain whether they fulfilled the inclusion criteria and data were extracted on outcome parameters. RESULTS Forty-two predominantly observational studies fulfilled the inclusion criteria. A variety of measurement methods and calculations of displacement was presented. The sample was heterogeneous concerning age, parity and continence status. Test positions and test activities varied among the studies. CONCLUSIONS The findings summarise the present knowledge of PFM displacement, but still lack deeper comprehension of the SUI pathomechanism of involuntary, reflexive activation during functional activities. We therefore propose that future investigations focus on PFM dynamics during fast and stressful impact tasks.


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Despite several improvements in the surgical field and in the systemic treatment, ovarian cancer (OC) is still characterized by high recurrence rates and consequently poor survival. In OC, there is still a great lack of knowledge with regard to cancer behavior and mechanisms of recurrence, progression, and drug resistance. The OC metastatization process mostly occurs via intracoelomatic spread. Recent evidences show that tumor cells generate a favorable microenvironment consisting in T regulatory cells, T infiltrating lymphocytes, and cytokines which are able to establish an "immuno-tolerance mileau" in which a tumor cell can become a resistant clone. When the disease responds to treatment, immunoediting processes and cancer progression have been stopped. A similar inhibition of the immunosuppressive microenvironment has been observed after optimal cytoreductive surgery as well. In this scenario, the early identification of circulating tumor cells could represent a precocious signal of loss of the immune balance that precedes cancer immunoediting and relapse. Supporting this hypothesis, circulating tumor cells have been demonstrated to be a prognostic factor in several solid tumors such as colorectal, pancreatic, gastric, breast, and genitourinary cancer. In OC, the role of circulating tumor cells is still to be defined. However, as opposed to healthy women, circulating tumor cells have been demonstrated in peripheral blood of OC patients, opening a new research field in OC diagnosis, treatment monitoring, and follow-up.


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Detrusor underactivity (DU) increases susceptibility to urinary retention and accordingly further complicates the management of urinary incontinence. Bladder muscle stretch, a lack of estrogen, and aging are 3 notable DU risk factors. The aim of this research is to better characterize the changes in cellular composition of the bladder that result from these 3 risk factors to gain a better understanding of DU pathogenesis and pathobiology. This research focuses on the effects of a lack of estrogen while also providing an outline for determining the effects of bladder muscle stretch and aging on the cellular composition of the bladder.


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Insulin resistance is a newly recognized problem in horses that may have been around a long time. You may be wondering what it is all about and how your horse may/may not be affected. It is probably not as common a problem as it may seem. This article will discuss insulin resistance including its causes, effects, diagnosis, treatment and prevention.


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Racial/ethnic disparities in diabetes mellitus (DM) and hypertension (HTN) have been observed and explained by socioeconomic status (education level, income level, etc.), screening, early diagnosis, treatment, prognostic factors, and adherence to treatment regimens. To the author's knowledge, there are no studies addressing disparities in hypertension and diabetes mellitus utilizing Hispanics as the reference racial/ethnic group and adjusting for sociodemographics and prognostic factors. This present study examined racial/ethnic disparities in HTN and DM and assessed whether this disparity is explained by sociodemographics. To assess these associations, the study utilized a cross-sectional design and examined the distribution of the covariates for racial/ethnic group differences, using the Pearson Chi Square statistic. The study focused on Non-Hispanic Blacks since this ethnic group is associated with the worst health outcomes. Logistic regression was used to estimate the prevalence odds ratio (POR) and to adjust for the confounding effects of the covariates. Results indicated that except for insurance coverage, there were statistically significant differences between Non-Hispanic Blacks and Non-Hispanic Whites, as well as Hispanics with respect to study covariates. In the unadjusted logistic regression model, there was a statistically significant increased prevalence of hypertension among Non-Hispanic Blacks compared to Hispanics, POR 1.36, 95% CI 1.02-1.80. Low income was statistically significantly associated with increased prevalence of hypertension, POR 0.38, 95% CI 0.32-0.46. Insurance coverage, though not statistically significant, was associated with an increase in the prevalence of hypertension, p>0.05. Concerning DM, Non-Hispanic Blacks were more likely to be diabetic, POR 1.10, 95% CI 0.85-1.47. High income was statistically significantly associated with decreased prevalence of DM, POR 0.47, 95% CI 0.39-0.57. After adjustment for the relevant covariates, the racial disparities between Hispanics and Non-Hispanic Blacks in HTN was removed, adjusted prevalence odds (APOR) 1.21, 95% CI 0.88-1.67. In this sample, there was racial/ethnic disparity in hypertension but not in diabetes mellitus between Hispanics and Non-Hispanic Blacks, with disparities in hypertension associated with socioeconomic status (family income, education, marital status) and also by alcohol, physical activity and age. However, race, education and BMI as class variables were statistically significantly associated with hypertension and diabetes mellitus p<0.0001. ^


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To identify genetic susceptibility loci for severe diabetic retinopathy, 286 Mexican-Americans with type 2 diabetes from Starr County, Texas completed detailed physical and ophthalmologic examinations including fundus photography for diabetic retinopathy grading. 103 individuals with moderate-to-severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy or proliferative diabetic retinopathy were defined as cases for this study. DNA samples extracted from study subjects were genotyped using the Affymetrix GeneChip® Human Mapping 100K Set, which includes 116,204 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) across the whole genome. Single-marker allelic tests and 2- to 8-SNP sliding-window Haplotype Trend Regression implemented in HelixTreeTM were first performed with these direct genotypes to identify genes/regions contributing to the risk of severe diabetic retinopathy. An additional 1,885,781 HapMap Phase II SNPs were imputed from the direct genotypes to expand the genomic coverage for a more detailed exploration of genetic susceptibility to diabetic retinopathy. The average estimated allelic dosage and imputed genotypes with the highest posterior probabilities were subsequently analyzed for associations using logistic regression and Fisher's Exact allelic tests, respectively. To move beyond these SNP-based approaches, 104,572 directly genotyped and 333,375 well-imputed SNPs were used to construct genetic distance matrices based on 262 retinopathy candidate genes and their 112 related biological pathways. Multivariate distance matrix regression was then used to test hypotheses with genes and pathways as the units of inference in the context of susceptibility to diabetic retinopathy. This study provides a framework for genome-wide association analyses, and implicated several genes involved in the regulation of oxidative stress, inflammatory processes, histidine metabolism, and pancreatic cancer pathways associated with severe diabetic retinopathy. Many of these loci have not previously been implicated in either diabetic retinopathy or diabetes. In summary, CDC73, IL12RB2, and SULF1 had the best evidence as candidates to influence diabetic retinopathy, possibly through novel biological mechanisms related to VEGF-mediated signaling pathway or inflammatory processes. While this study uncovered some genes for diabetic retinopathy, a comprehensive picture of the genetic architecture of diabetic retinopathy has not yet been achieved. Once fully understood, the genetics and biology of diabetic retinopathy will contribute to better strategies for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of this disease.^


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La práctica de profesiones relacionadas con la salud se asocia a agotamiento físico y psicológico capaz de producir alteraciones en el plano de la sexualidad. Mediante una encuesta estructurada y anónima se valoró el grado de satisfacción respecto a la calidad de vida sexual y los factores relacionados con esta en médicos, residentes y enfermeros. El 62% afirmó que desde el inicio de la actividad laboral disminuyó la frecuencia y calidad de las relaciones sexuales, primordialmente en residentes (69.3%) (p<0.05) y mujeres (61%), el 33.1% refirió mayor atracción por otras personas y 15% infidelidad. El 71.8% consideró que la frecuencia no era óptima, el 48.6% no estaba satisfecho y el 37.3% que la pareja no estaba conforme con su desempeño sexual. Las mujeres utilizan más pretextos para evitar la relación sexual (22.6 vs. 6.1%), consideran que satisfacen menos a sus parejas (45 vs. 22%) y tienen orgasmos menos frecuentemente (22 vs. 8%) que los hombres (p< 0.05) y estos son más infieles (24.5 vs. 9.7%) (p< 0.05). Los residentes refieren que la frecuencia y calidad sexual disminuyó más con el inicio del trabajo (71.8 vs. 46.7%) (p<0.05), atribuido principalmente al cansancio extremo y se sienten más atraídos por compañeros de trabajo que los médicos de planta (24 vs. 2%) (p<0.05). El cuidado de la salud es un determinante de riesgo de disfunción sexual causado por las demandas y condiciones laborales, que genera un alto grado de estrés y desgaste psicofísico, que conducen a un deterioro de la salud sexual.


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Hoy en día, por primera vez en la historia, la mayor parte de la población podrá vivir hasta los sesenta años y más (United Nations, 2015). Sin embargo, todavía existe poca evidencia que demuestre que las personas mayores, estén viviendo con mejor salud que sus padres, a la misma edad, ya que la mayoría de los problemas de salud en edades avanzadas están asociados a las enfermedades crónicas (WHO, 2015). Los sistemas sanitarios de los países desarrollados funcionan adecuadamente cuando se trata del cuidado de enfermedades agudas, pero no son lo suficientemente eficaces en la gestión de las enfermedades crónicas. Durante la última década, se han realizado esfuerzos para mejorar esta gestión, por medio de la utilización de estrategias de prevención y de reenfoque de la provisión de los servicios de atención para la salud (Kane et al. 2005). Según una revisión sistemática de modelos de cuidado de salud, comisionada por el sistema nacional de salud Británico, pocos modelos han conceptualizado cuáles son los componentes que hay que utilizar para proporcionar un cuidado crónico efectivo, y estos componentes no han sido suficientemente estructurados y articulados. Por lo tanto, no hay suficiente evidencia sobre el impacto real de cualquier modelo existente en la actualidad (Ham, 2006). Las innovaciones podrían ayudar a conseguir mejores diagnósticos, tratamientos y gestión de pacientes crónicos, así como a dar soporte a los profesionales y a los pacientes en el cuidado. Sin embargo, la forma en las que estas innovaciones se proporcionan no es lo suficientemente eficiente, efectiva y amigable para el usuario. Para mejorar esto, hace falta crear equipos de trabajo y estrategias multidisciplinares. En conclusión, hacen falta actividades que permitan conseguir que las innovaciones sean utilizadas en los sistemas de salud que quieren mejorar la gestión del cuidado crónico, para que sea posible: 1) traducir la “atención sanitaria basada en la evidencia” en “conocimiento factible”; 2) hacer frente a la complejidad de la atención sanitaria a través de una investigación multidisciplinaria; 3) identificar una aproximación sistemática para que se establezcan intervenciones innovadoras en el cuidado de salud. El marco de referencia desarrollado en este trabajo de investigación es un intento de aportar estas mejoras. Las siguientes hipótesis han sido propuestas: Hipótesis 1: es posible definir un proceso de traducción que convierta un modelo de cuidado crónico en una descripción estructurada de objetivos, requisitos e indicadores clave de rendimiento. Hipótesis 2: el proceso de traducción, si se ejecuta a través de elementos basados en la evidencia, multidisciplinares y de orientación económica, puede convertir un modelo de cuidado crónico en un marco descriptivo, que define el ciclo de vida de soluciones innovadoras para el cuidado de enfermedades crónicas. Hipótesis 3: es posible definir un método para evaluar procesos, resultados y capacidad de desarrollar habilidades, y asistir equipos multidisciplinares en la creación de soluciones innovadoras para el cuidado crónico. Hipótesis 4: es posible dar soporte al desarrollo de soluciones innovadoras para el cuidado crónico a través de un marco de referencia y conseguir efectos positivos, medidos en indicadores clave de rendimiento. Para verificar las hipótesis, se ha definido una aproximación metodológica compuesta de cuatro Fases, cada una asociada a una hipótesis. Antes de esto, se ha llevado a cabo una “Fase 0”, donde se han analizado los antecedentes sobre el problema (i.e. adopción sistemática de la innovación en el cuidado crónico) desde una perspectiva multi-dominio y multi-disciplinar. Durante la fase 1, se ha desarrollado un Proceso de Traducción del Conocimiento, elaborado a partir del JBI Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) model of evidence-based healthcare (Pearson, 2005), y sobre el cual se han definido cuatro Bloques de Innovación. Estos bloques consisten en una descripción de elementos innovadores, definidos en la fase 0, que han sido añadidos a los cuatros elementos que componen el modelo JBI. El trabajo llevado a cabo en esta fase ha servido también para definir los materiales que el proceso de traducción tiene que ejecutar. La traducción que se ha llevado a cabo en la fase 2, y que traduce la mejor evidencia disponible de cuidado crónico en acción: resultado de este proceso de traducción es la parte descriptiva del marco de referencia, que consiste en una descripción de un modelo de cuidado crónico (se ha elegido el Chronic Care Model, Wagner, 1996) en términos de objetivos, especificaciones e indicadores clave de rendimiento y organizada en tres ciclos de innovación (diseño, implementación y evaluación). Este resultado ha permitido verificar la segunda hipótesis. Durante la fase 3, para demostrar la tercera hipótesis, se ha desarrollado un método-mixto de evaluación de equipos multidisciplinares que trabajan en innovaciones para el cuidado crónico. Este método se ha creado a partir del método mixto usado para la evaluación de equipo multidisciplinares translacionales (Wooden, 2013). El método creado añade una dimensión procedural al marco. El resultado de esta fase consiste, por lo tanto, en una primera versión del marco de referencia, lista para ser experimentada. En la fase 4, se ha validado el marco a través de un caso de estudio multinivel y con técnicas de observación-participante como método de recolección de datos. Como caso de estudio se han elegido las actividades de investigación que el grupo de investigación LifeStech ha desarrollado desde el 2008 para mejorar la gestión de la diabetes, actividades realizadas en un contexto internacional. Los resultados demuestran que el marco ha permitido mejorar las actividades de trabajo en distintos niveles: 1) la calidad y cantidad de las publicaciones; 2) se han conseguido dos contratos de investigación sobre diabetes: el primero es un proyecto de investigación aplicada, el segundo es un proyecto financiado para acelerar las innovaciones en el mercado; 3) a través de los indicadores claves de rendimiento propuestos en el marco, una prueba de concepto de un prototipo desarrollado en un proyecto de investigación ha sido transformada en una evaluación temprana de una intervención eHealth para el manejo de la diabetes, que ha sido recientemente incluida en Repositorio de prácticas innovadoras del Partenariado de Innovación Europeo en Envejecimiento saludable y activo. La verificación de las 4 hipótesis ha permitido demonstrar la hipótesis principal de este trabajo de investigación: es posible contribuir a crear un puente entre la atención sanitaria y la innovación y, por lo tanto, mejorar la manera en que el cuidado crónico sea procurado en los sistemas sanitarios. ABSTRACT Nowadays, for the first time in history, most people can expect to live into their sixties and beyond (United Nations, 2015). However, little evidence suggests that older people are experiencing better health than their parents, and most of the health problems of older age are linked to Chronic Diseases (WHO, 2015). The established health care systems in developed countries are well suited to the treatment of acute diseases but are mostly inadequate for dealing with CDs. Healthcare systems are challenging the burden of chronic diseases by putting more emphasis on the prevention of disease and by looking for new ways to reorient the provision of care (Kane et al., 2005). According to an evidence-based review commissioned by the British NHS Institute, few models have conceptualized effective components of care for CDs and these components have been not structured and articulated. “Consequently, there is limited evidence about the real impact of any of the existing models” (Ham, 2006). Innovations could support to achieve better diagnosis, treatment and management for patients across the continuum of care, by supporting health professionals and empowering patients to take responsibility. However, the way they are delivered is not sufficiently efficient, effective and consumer friendly. The improvement of innovation delivery, involves the creation of multidisciplinary research teams and taskforces, rather than just working teams. There are several actions to improve the adoption of innovations from healthcare systems that are tackling the epidemics of CDs: 1) Translate Evidence-Based Healthcare (EBH) into actionable knowledge; 2) Face the complexity of healthcare through multidisciplinary research; 3) Identify a systematic approach to support effective implementation of healthcare interventions through innovation. The framework proposed in this research work is an attempt to provide these improvements. The following hypotheses have been drafted: Hypothesis 1: it is possible to define a translation process to convert a model of chronic care into a structured description of goals, requirements and key performance indicators. Hypothesis 2: a translation process, if executed through evidence-based, multidisciplinary, holistic and business-oriented elements, can convert a model of chronic care in a descriptive framework, which defines the whole development cycle of innovative solutions for chronic disease management. Hypothesis 3: it is possible to design a method to evaluate processes, outcomes and skill acquisition capacities, and assist multidisciplinary research teams in the creation of innovative solutions for chronic disease management. Hypothesis 4: it is possible to assist the development of innovative solutions for chronic disease management through a reference framework and produce positive effects, measured through key performance indicators. In order to verify the hypotheses, a methodological approach, composed of four Phases that correspond to each one of the stated hypothesis, was defined. Prior to this, a “Phase 0”, consisting in a multi-domain and multi-disciplinary background analysis of the problem (i.e.: systematic adoption of innovation to chronic care), was carried out. During phase 1, in order to verify the first hypothesis, a Knowledge Translation Process (KTP) was developed, starting from the JBI Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) model of evidence-based healthcare was used (Pearson, 2005) and adding Four Innovation Blocks. These blocks represent an enriched description, added to the JBI model, to accelerate the transformation of evidence-healthcare through innovation; the innovation blocks are built on top of the conclusions drawn after Phase 0. The background analysis gave also indication on the materials and methods to be used for the execution of the KTP, carried out during phase 2, that translates the actual best available evidence for chronic care into action: this resulted in a descriptive Framework, which is a description of a model of chronic care (the Chronic Care Model was chosen, Wagner, 1996) in terms of goals, specified requirements and Key Performance Indicators, and articulated in the three development cycles of innovation (i.e. design, implementation and evaluation). Thanks to this result the second hypothesis was verified. During phase 3, in order to verify the third hypothesis, a mixed-method to evaluate multidisciplinary teams working on innovations for chronic care, was created, based on a mixed-method used for the evaluation of Multidisciplinary Translational Teams (Wooden, 2013). This method adds a procedural dimension to the descriptive component of the Framework, The result of this phase consisted in a draft version of the framework, ready to be tested in a real scenario. During phase 4, a single and multilevel case study, with participant-observation data collection, was carried out, in order to have a complete but at the same time multi-sectorial evaluation of the framework. The activities that the LifeStech research group carried out since 2008 to improve the management of diabetes have been selected as case study. The results achieved showed that the framework allowed to improve the research activities in different directions: the quality and quantity of the research publications that LifeStech has issued, have increased substantially; 2 project grants to improve the management of diabetes, have been assigned: the first is a grant funding applied research while the second is about accelerating innovations into the market; by using the assessment KPIs of the framework, the proof of concept validation of a prototype developed in a research project was transformed into an early stage assessment of innovative eHealth intervention for Diabetes Management, which has been recently included in the repository of innovative practice of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Health Ageing initiative. The verification of the 4 hypotheses lead to verify the main hypothesis of this research work: it is possible to contribute to bridge the gap between healthcare and innovation and, in turn, improve the way chronic care is delivered by healthcare systems.


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Objetivou-se fazer um estudo retrospectivo avaliando quais as afecções da cavidade oral foram mais frequentes nos gatos domésticos atendidos no Laboratório de Odontologia Comparada da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia da Universidade de São Paulo, relatando estatisticamente a prevalência das afecções da cavidade oral de gatos, enfatizando se há correlação entre elas e com características como raça, sexo, faixa etária e estado reprodutivo. Os dados analisados dos 754 prontuários foram raça, idade, sexo, estado reprodutivo, diagnóstico, tratamento e, no caso de neoplasia, sua localização e diagnóstico histopatológico. As principais doenças diagnosticadas foram doença periodontal, fratura dentária, gengivoestomatite crônica felina, lesão de reabsorção dentária felina, neoplasia oral e traumatismo do sistema estomatognático (luxação de articulação temporomandibular, fenda palatina, fratura de processo coronoide, fratura de zigomático, disjunção de sínfise, fratura de maxila e mandíbula). A idade dos animais variou de menos de um ano a 20 anos, sendo que, os animais tinham, em média 7,2 anos (desvio padrão = 4,9) e a faixa etária mais frequente foi de um a cinco anos. Os gatos sem raça definida (66,5%), siameses (19,0%) e persas (10,2%) totalizaram 95,7% de todos os felinos atendidos no LOC. A doença periodontal foi a afecção mais frequente e esteve presente em 38,3% da população estudada. A fratura dentária, segunda mais frequente, esteve presente em 27,2% dos animais. Houve associação estatisticamente significativa (p=0,026) entre fratura dentária e faixa etária, já que a proporção de animais entre um e cinco anos de idade com fratura foi maior do que a das outras faixas etárias. A lesão de reabsorção dentária felina (LRDF) esteve presente em 19,6% dos gatos estudados, sendo a terceira afecção mais prevalente dentre as pesquisadas. Esta lesão foi mais frequente em gatos com idade entre 11 e 15 anos e houve associação estatisticamente significativa entre a LRDF e a doença periodontal e entre LRDF e gengivite. A prevalência de gengivoestomatite crônica felina foi de 15,7% entre os felinos pesquisados e a proporção de animais com idades entre seis e dez anos com esta doença foi maior do que em outras faixas etárias. As neoplasias estavam presentes em 9,8% dos gatos, sendo que em 46 dos 72 animais que apresentaram alguma neoplasia tinham mais de dez anos de idade. O carcinoma de células escamosas foi o neoplasma mais comum, correspondendo a 63,2% das neoformações que foram submetidas ao exame histopatológico. As fraturas ósseas do sistema estomatognático corresponderam a 19,3% dos atendimentos, sendo a sínfise mentoniana e o corpo da mandíbula os locais mais comuns de fraturas. Concluiu-se que: existe grande variedade de afecções que acometem a cavidade oral de gatos, sendo a doença periodontal, fratura dentária, lesão de reabsorção dentária, gengivite, gengivoestomatite crônica, neoplasias orais e fraturas dos ossos do sistema estomatognático as mais prevalentes delas; é de extrema importância que as anotações nas fichas de atendimento sejam feitas da maneira mais completa possível, para que informações não sejam perdidas


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014