952 resultados para Iris normalisation


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Administração Pública – Especialização em Administração da Educação


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El proyecto tiene como objetivo general colaborar en la descontaminación del medio ambiente, y en la solución del déficit habitacional de nuestro país. Su objetivo específico es el desarrollo de componentes constructivos sustentables desde los puntos de vista ecológico, técnico y económico. Los resultados esperados son tejas elaboradas con materiales reciclados tales como plásticos procedentes de la industria, y caucho procedente de neumáticos en desuso. De esta manera se colabora en la descontaminación del medio ambiente, puesto que se utilizan residuos que en gran parte son enterrados en predios municipales, sin utilidad alguna; o acumulados y quemados en basurales, produciendo degradación del entorno. Uno de los propósitos del trabajo es aportar una alternativa a otras tecnologías de construcción tradicionales, que consumen recursos no renovables, o que producen impacto ambiental negativo. Este proyecto permitirá la continuidad de una línea de trabajo iniciada en el Centro Experimental de la Vivienda Económica en años anteriores, cuya temática fue el reciclado de plásticos para elaborar ladrillos, bloques y placas que se utilizan como cerramiento en viviendas económicas. Estos productos fueron desarrollados utilizando como ligante el cemento Pórtland. En este proyecto se propone ligar las partículas plásticas y de caucho mediante un procedimiento de termo-moldeo con compactación, para la obtención de tejas con ventajas técnicas comparativas con respecto a las tradicionales (mayor resistencia al granizo y a esfuerzos de flexión). La metodología a utilizar es la de Investigación – acción, que implica la ejecución inter.-disciplinaria y grupal de experiencias, con evaluaciones cíclicas capaces de ir generando un retorno para retro-alimento de la investigación. Sintéticamente, se realizarán experiencias sucesivas, con la fabricación de probetas en las cuales se modificarán variables de a una por vez (tales como la dosificación de materiales, granulometrías, materiales constitutivos, procedimientos de elaboración, temperatura aplicada, presión mecánica, y diseño morfológico de componentes), se realizarán ensayos de laboratorio, se evaluarán resultados, se realizarán ajustes en base a conclusiones parciales, se construirá un prototipo y se evaluará su comportamiento en el tiempo, para finalmente tramitar los Certificados de Aptitud Técnica y la Patente. La hipótesis de trabajo es que se pueden construir viviendas más ecológicas que las tradicionales, con calidad técnica y económicas, utilizando elementos constructivos fabricados con “nuevos materiales”, a partir del reciclado de residuos plásticos y de caucho.


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Systemic arterial hypertension (SAH) is considered to be the greatest risk factor for the development of neuro-cardiovascular pathologies, thus constituting a severe Public Health issue in the world. The Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT), or laser therapy, activates components of the cellular structure, therefore converting luminous energy into photochemical energy and leading to biophysical and biochemical reactions in the mitochondrial respiratory chain. The LLLT promotes cellular and tissue photobiomodulation by means of changes in metabolism, leading to molecular, cellular and systemic changes. The objective of this study was to analyze the action of low-level laser in the hemodynamic modulation of spontaneously hypertensive rats, in the long term. Animals (n = 16) were randomly divided into the Laser Group (n = 8), which received three weekly LLLT irradiations for seven weeks, and into the Sham Group (n = 8), which received three weekly simulations of laser for seven weeks, accounting for 21 applications in each group. After seven weeks, animals were cannulated by the implantation of a catheter in the left carotid artery. On the following day, the systemic arterial pressure was recorded. The Laser Group showed reduced levels of mean blood pressure, with statistically significant reduction (169 ± 4 mmHg* vs. 182 ± 4 mmHg from the Sham Group) and reduced levels of diastolic pressure (143 ± 4 mmHg* vs. 157 ± 3 mmHg from the Sham Group), revealing a 13 and 14 mmHg decrease, respectively. Besides, there was a concomitant important decline in heart rate (312 ± 14 bpm vs. 361 ± 13 bpm from the Sham Group). Therefore, laser therapy was able to produce hemodynamic changes, thus reducing pressure levels in spontaneously hypertensive rats.


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Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften, Univ., Dissertation, 2015


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O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a colonização de macroinvertebrados bentônicos em detritos foliares de Inga ingoides (Leguminosae) em experimentos de campo em um riacho de primeira ordem da Mata Atlântica do Estado de Pernambuco no nordeste do Brasil. Um total de 270 bolsas de folhiço, distribuídas em três trechos do riacho com características similares em relação à morfologia e parâmetros físicos e químicos da água foram submersas, entre fevereiro a julho de 2013 e retiradas após 7, 30, 60, 90 e 120 dias. Dois tratamentos foram utilizados: colonização e exclusão da macrofauna. O percentual de biomassa remanescente final (%R) foi maior para bolsas de colonização do que para as de exclusão, evidenciando a efetiva participação dos macroinvertebrados no processo de decomposição. Os fragmentadores apresentaram menor participação no processo de decomposição foliar de I. ingoides, sendo Tripletides (Trichoptera: Leptoceridae), Polypedillum e Stenochironomus (Diptera, Chironomidae) os táxons predominantes na macrofauna. Filtrador foi o grupo trófico funcional predominante (45,6%), seguido por predador (31,2%), coletor (11,8%), raspador (6,7%) e fragmentador (4,8%).


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Culturas de tecido de embrião de galinha foram contaminadas com Schizotrypanum de diversas procedências. Serviram como material de contaminação, culturas em tubos de agar-sangue e em um caso sangue parasitado de cobaia. Os transplantes de tecidos foram mantidos em cultura de acordo com a técnica de Carrel, ligeiramente modificada. Os tecidos usados foram baço, miocárdio, fígado, epitélio da iris, gânglio espinhal e monócitos do sangue de galinha adulta. Em todos estes tecidos o Schizotrypanum foi facilmente cultivado, parasitando os diferentes tipos de células existentes: fibroblastos, histiocitos, macrófagos, células epiteliais, células nervosas, etc. Os autores puderam seguir o ciclo completo do parasito, confirmando os conhecimentos clássicos da sua evolução no tecido: transformação em leishmânia, multiplicação por divisão binária, transformação em critídia e finalmente em tripanosoma adulto. Também observaram formas parasitárias que aparentemente evoluiram diretamente da forma de leishmânia à de tripanosoma, sem passar por critídia. Conseguiu-se a infecção de um camondongo inoculado com S. cruzi de origem humana passado por cultura de tecidos. Os autores também estudam diferentes fenômenos observados nas relações entre as células e os parasitos.


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PURPOSE: We determined the effect of entrance pupil size on retinal illumination. The influence of unilateral miosis on the magnitude of the pupil light reflex was studied to ascertain how a clinically significant anisocoria influences the relative afferent pupil defect (RAPD). METHODS: Miosis was induced by topical 1% pilocarpine in the right eye of 14 healthy subjects with normal eyes. The interocular difference in retinal illumination was assessed by computerized pupillometry from the stimulus response curve of the right and left eyes. The main outcome measure was the RAPD, determined by computerized pupillography, at baseline and after pilocarpine-induced anisocoria. RESULTS: Induced anisocoria produced a significant change in RAPD from baseline (mean = 1.60 dB in the miotic eye, P = 0.007). However, anisocoria correlated with RAPD only in subjects with darkly pigmented irides (Pearson correlation coefficient 0.793, P = 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: In darkly pigmented eyes, entrance pupil size significantly influenced the retinal illumination. However, retinal illumination of lightly pigmented eyes is relatively independent of entrance pupil size, presumably due to extrapupillary transmission of light through the iris and sclera. This has important implications in understanding the potential influence of anisocoria on the RAPD and also greater susceptibility of lightly pigmented eyes to light toxicity.


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Glioblastoma patients undergoing treatment with surgery followed by radiation and temozolomide chemotherapy often develop a state of immunosuppression and are at risk for opportunistic infections and reactivation of hepatitis and herpes viruses. We report the case of a 48-year-old glioblastoma patient who developed acute cholestatic hepatitis with hepatic failure during adjuvant treatment with temozolomide and the integrin inhibitor cilengitide. A viral hepatitis was excluded and valproic acid treatment was stopped. Upon normalisation of the liver tests, temozolomide treatment was resumed without perturbation of the liver tests. Valproic acid related idiosyncratic drug induced hepatotoxicity should be considered as a differential diagnosis in glioblastoma patients undergoing adjuvant therapy.


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Cette thèse explore les implications politiques de la montée en puissance des normes internationales sur nos sociétés contemporaines et pose la problématique des dynamiques participatives des représentants des consommateurs au sein des formes de pouvoir non étatique à l'aide du cas de l'Organisation internationale de normalisation (ISO). Le renforcement du pouvoir des normes internationales et autres spécifications techniques soulève d'importants enjeux démocratiques qui portent aussi bien sur la représentativité des acteurs qui les élaborent, sur l'articulation des prérogatives publiques et privées dans la gouvernance de la mondialisation, que sur le rôle de l'expertise dans la reconnaissance de ces nouvelles formes de pouvoir. La participation du monde associatif intervient sur ces différents enjeux de manière complexe. Cette recherche s'inscrit à la suite des études en relations internationales/économie politique internationale sur les formes d'autorité non étatique et s'inspire du concept de traduction issu de la sociologie des sciences et techniques pour mettre en lumière le rôle des spécifications techniques dans la construction d'une société de consommation centrée sur la liberté de choix et la façon dont les associations de consommateurs se saisissent des arènes de normalisation pour y faire valoir des préoccupations collectives, leur expertise et leur identité. Cette thèse défend l'idée que les consommateurs participent à la construction de l'autorité des normes internationales par leur rôle dans la traduction qui permet de relier les spécifications techniques au fonctionnement des marchés, au cadre réglementaire de la loi et aux préoccupations sociétales. L'analyse repose sur une observation ethnographique des délibérations d'un comité technique de l'ISO, une recherche-­‐action, la réalisation d'entretiens et la consultation de documents d'archives de l'ISO. -- This thesis explores the political significance of the rise of international standards on contemporary societies and questions the participatory dynamics of consumers' representatives within nonstate forms of power, using the case of the International organization for standardization (ISO). The power granted to international standards and other technical specifications raises important democratic issues regarding the representativity of standard-­‐ writers, the public-­‐private relationships involved in this form of governance or the expertise sustaining the recognition of such new forms of power. The participation of civil society associations affect such issues in complex ways. This research relies on international relations/international political economy approaches of nonstate authority and takes inspiration from the concept of translation developed by science and technology studies to highlight the crucial role played by technical specifications in building a consumer society based on the freedom of choice as well as how consumers' associations take stock of standardization arenas to promote collective issues and claim their expertise and identity. This thesis argues that consumers contribute to the construction of the authority of international standards through their role in the translation that links international standards to the market society, the regulatory state as well as to societal preoccupation. The analysis is based on an ethnographic observation of deliberations within an ISO technical committee, a research-­‐action, interviews as well as on the consultation of ISO archives.


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Rosetting, i.e. the spontaneous binding of uninfected to malaria infected erythrocytes and endothelial cytoadherence may hinder the blood flow and lead to serve Plasmodium falciparum malaria. Falciparum isolates obtained from unconscious patients all form rosettes and/or express a significantly higher man rosetting rate than isolates from patients with uncomplicated malaria. Furthermore, sera of patients with cerebral malaria are devoid of anti-rosetting activity while sera from patients with mild disease carry high levels of anti-rosetting antibodies. The presence of anti-rosetting antibodies also seems important for the efficient interaction of rosetting infected rbc and leucocytes. Two parasite derived rosetting ligands of Mr 22k and Mr28K named "rosettins, have been found on the surface of rosetting infected erythrocytes. CD36 has in at least some strains of parasites been found to function as a rosetting receptor on the uninfectederythrocyte. Heparin disrupts rosettes of P. falciparum in vitro and inhibits the sequestration of rosetting cells ex vivo. In conclusion, rosetting seems a crucial factor in the development of cerebral malaria and treatment of patients with anti-rosetting substances might become an effectivew adjunct in the treatment of severe malaria.