903 resultados para ISLAMISMO - IRAN


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Para se avaliar o efeito do plano nutricional e crescimento sobre a massa dos pré-estômagos, morfologia e quantificação de papilas ruminais, trinta e seis cordeiras da raça Santa Inês foram submetidas a dois planos nutricionais (ad libitum ou restrito) sendo abatidas em diferentes pesos vivo (20, 30 ou 40 kg de peso vivo), em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado balanceado em arranjo fatorial 2x3. Feito o abate, as vísceras foram pesadas livres de seu conteúdo em seguida mediu-se o volume de repleção do rúmen e retículo. Amostras do tecido ruminal oriundas dos sacos cranial e ventral foram coletadas para posteriormente serem realizadas com auxílio de lupa estereoscópica as medidas morfométricas das papilas ruminais, altura, largura da base, área, papilas por cm² e área absortiva por cm². Os resultados obtidos foram submetidos a análise de variância e as médias resultantes por tratamento foram comparadas por meio de teste de Student Newmann Keuls. Os diferentes planos nutricionais não influenciaram a massa das vísceras rúmen, retículo e omaso (P>0,05), no entanto, observou-se crescimento dessas vísceras em função do aumento do peso ao abate. O volume dessas vísceras foi afetado pelo peso ao abate, e observou-se menores volumes para animais com alimentação ad libitum (P<0,10). O número de papilas por cm² foi reduzido com o aumento do peso ao abate, sendo que altura e área foram aumentadas quando em pesos maiores. O plano nutricional afetou apenas a área e altura das papilas ruminais oriundas do saco cranial. A área absortiva não foi afetada pelos tratamentos. Plano nutricional e diferentes pesos vivos influenciam a morfologia dos pré-estômagos de cordeiras da raça Santa Inês.


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Sotilasstrategia tarkoittaa tapaa, jolla asevoimia käytetään valtion tai liittouman poliittisen johdon määrittämien päämäärien saavuttamiseksi. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan Iranin islamilaisen tasavallan sotilasstrategiaa ja Iranin sotilasstrategista valintaa selittäviä taustatekijöitä. Tutkimuksen päämääränä on selvittää mikä on Iranin sotilasstrategia. Tutkimuksen päämenetelminä käytetään aluetutkimusta ja operaatioanalyysiä. Sotilasstrategiaan vaikuttavia taustatekijöitä tarkastellaan aluetutkimuksen näkökulmasta. Aluetutkimus on monitieteellinen koulukunta joka pyrkii maantieteen, kulttuurin, lingvistiikan, historian ja politiikan tutkimuksen keinoin lisäämään ymmärrystä maantieteellisesti rajatusta alueesta. Iranin sotilasstrategian olemusta tarkastellaan operaatioanalyyttisellä menetelmällä, jolla pyritään selvittämään tarkastelun kohteen poliittisia ja sotilaallisia toimia, erityisesti sitä mihin kohde voi kyetä. Tutkimuksen primäärilähteistönä käytetään turvallisuuspolitiikan tutkimuslaitosten dokumentteja. Muita merkittäviä lähteitä ovat kansainväliset uutistoimistot sekä Iranin asevoimien toimintaa avoimista lähteistä seuraavat yksilöt ja yhteisöt. Iranin sotilasstrategia on hybridisodankäynnin muoto johon sisältyy konventionaalinen asevoima ja pelote, epäsymmetrinen sodankäynti sekä ulkomaisten aseellisten ryhmittymien aseistaminen, rahoittaminen ja kouluttaminen. Laajasta turvallisuusnäkökulmasta Iranin sotilasstrategiaan liittyy läheisesti myös terrorismi, aseiden salakuljetus ja informaatiosodankäynti. Sotilasstrategisia valintoja selittävät Iranin vallankumouskaartin vahva asema maan sisäpolitiikassa, valtionjohdon pelko vastavallankumouksesta ja etnisistä jännitteistä, sotateknologiset ja – taloudelliset puutteet, maan vuoristoinen topografia sekä maan ulkopoliittinen eristyneisyys. Iranin varsin puolustuksellisen sotilasstrategian perusteella maan turvallisuuspoliittisena päämääränä on vallitsevan yhteiskuntajärjestyksen turvaaminen niin kotimaisilta kuin ulkomaisilta uhkilta. Sotilaallisten toimien lisäksi Iran pyrkii lisäämään turvallisuuttaan parantamalla suhteitaan lähinaapureihin diplomaattisin ja taloudellisin keinoin.


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Tutkimuksen lähtökohtana on selvittää, vaikuttaako Iranin ydinohjelman jatkaminen ja kehitys 2000-luvulla Yhdysvaltojen turvallisuusintresseihin Lähi-idässä? Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on vastata pääkysymykseen, onko Iranin ydinohjelma uhka Yhdysvaltojen turvallisuusintresseille 2000-luvulla? Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan mahdollisia vaihtoehtoja, joita Yhdysvaloilla on Iranin ydinohjelman ratkaisemiseksi. Tutkimuksen innoituksena ja taustavaikuttajana on vuosikymmenien ajan jatkunut kiista Iranin ydinohjelman rauhanomaisuudesta ja laillisuudesta. Nykypäivänä Iran on aktiivisesti kehittänyt omaa ydinohjelmaansa ja ohjusteknologiaansa huolimatta kansainvälisestä painostuksesta tai mielipiteestä. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostuu pääasiassa internetin kautta hankituista lähteistä. Koska tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää uhan mahdollisuus Yhdysvaltojen näkökulmasta, on aineiston hankinnassa keskitytty erityisesti lähteisiin, jotka tuovat esiin Yhdysvaltoja koskevat tekijät ja näkökulmat. Tutkimus on toteutettu kirja- ja tekstianalyysin perustein, jossa hyödynnetään niin sanottua ground-theory menetelmää. Menetelmän tarkoituksena on löytää aineistosta useasti toistuvia faktoja, joiden avulla luodaan pohja tutkimukselle ja vastataan tutkimuksen pää- ja alakysymyksiin. Iranin ydinohjelman 2000-luvun modernia kehitystä on ihmetelty ympäri maailman. Erityisesti 2000-luvulla sen kehitys on ollut nopeaa ja teknologisesti sekä tietotaidollisesti Iran on osoittanut, että se on kykenevä tuottamaan omaa ydinvoimaa ja kehittämään omaa raketti- ja ohjusteknologiaa. Samalla nopea ja oikeansuuntainen kehitys aiheuttaa paineita erityisesti Yhdysvalloille, sillä Iranin kehitys ja voimistuminen muokkaa Lähi-idän voimatasapainoa. Voimatasapainon mahdollinen muuntuminen luo Yhdysvalloille uhkakuvia, joihin sen tulee vastata halutessaan säilyttää asemansa Lähi-idässä ja turvatakseen omat intressinsä. Nykyisellään Iranin ydinohjelma poikkeaa rauhanomaiseen ydinohjelmaan tähtäävästä prosessista, jolloin se muodostaa Yhdysvalloille selkeän uhan. Uraanin rikastaminen kohti ydinaseen vaatimaa määrää yhdistettynä haluun ja kykyyn kehittää omaa raketti- ja ohjusteknologiaa kyseenalaistavat Iranin esittämät tavoitteet molemmista ohjelmista. Iranin halu ja kyky saavuttaa ydinasevalmius heikentää Yhdysvaltojen turvallisuutta Lähi-idässä ja hankaloittaa sen kykyä ja vapautta toimia sekä vaikuttaa Lähi-idässä ja sen alueella. Iranin ohjusteknologian kehittyessä, Iranilla on myös mahdollisuus uhata Yhdysvaltoja aseellisesti sen omalla maaperällä.


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Two field experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of multispecies weed competition on wheat grain yield and to determine their economic threshold on the crop. The experiments were conducted in 2002, on two sites in Iran: at the Agricultural Research Station on Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (E1) and on the fields of Shirvan's Agricultural College (E2). A 15 x 50 m area of a 15 ha wheat field in E1 and a 15 x 50 m area of a 28 ha wheat field in E2 were selected as experimental sites. These areas were managed like other parts of the fields, except for the use of herbicides. At the beginning of the shooting stage, 30 points were randomly selected by dropping a 50 x 50 cm square marker on each site. The weeds present in E1 were: Avena ludoviciana, Chenopodium album, Solanum nigrum, Stellaria holostea, Convolvulus spp., Fumaria spp., Sonchus spp., and Polygonum aviculare. In E2 the weeds were A. ludoviciana, Erysimum sp., P. aviculare, Rapistrum rugosum, C. album, Salsola kali, and Sonchus sp. The data obtained within the sampled squares were submitted to regression equations and weeds densities were calculated in terms of TCL (Total Competitive Load). The regression analysis model indicated that only A. ludoviciana, Convolvulus spp. and C. album, in E1; and A. ludoviciana, S. kali, and R. rugosum, in E2 had a significant effect on the wheat yield reduction. Weed economic thresholds were 5.23 TCL in E1 and 6.16 TCL in E2; which were equivalent to 5 plants m-2 of A. ludoviciana or 12 plants m-2 of Convolvulus spp. or 19 plants m-2 of C. album in E1; and 6 plants m-2 A. ludoviciana, 13 plants m-2 S. kali and 27 plants m-2 R. rugosum in E2. Simulations of economic weed thresholds using several wheat grain prices and weed control costs allowed a better comparison of the experiments, suggesting that a more competitive crop at location E1 than at E2 was the cause of a lower weed competitive ability at the first location.


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Studies were conducted to estimate parameters and relationships associated with sub-processes in soil seed banks of oilseed rape in Gorgan, Iran. After one month of burial, seed viability decreased to 39%, with a slope of 2.03% per day, and subsequently decreased with a lower slope of 0.01 until 365 days following burial in the soil. Germinability remained at its highest value in autumn and winter and decreased from spring to the last month of summer. Non-dormant seeds of volunteer oilseed rape did not germinate at temperatures lower than 3.8 ºC and a water potential of -1.4 MPa ºd. The hydrothermal values were 36.2 and 42.9 MPa ºd for sub- and supra-optimal temperatures, respectively. Quantification of seed emergence as influenced by burial depth was performed satisfactorily (R² = 0.98 and RMSE = 5.03). The parameters and relationships estimated here can be used for modelling soil seed bank dynamics or establishing a new model for the environment.


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Lesser celandine (Ranunculaceae) is a perennial weed with tuberous root. Tubers are the most important means of reproduction and dispersion of this weed. In recent years, it has spread into wheat fields in Western Iran, mainly in the Lorestan province. A series of experiments were conducted to determine cardinal temperatures and to study the effects of pre-chilling, temperature fluctuations, tuber size, freezing and drying on germination of the tubers, as well as the effect of planting depth on sprouting of the tubers. The results obtained showed that the highest percentage of germination occurred when tubers were stored for more than 2 weeks at 4 or 8 ºC. The optimum temperature for germination differed in large and small tubers (8 and 14oC, respectively). Germination was the highest (almost 100%) at temperature fluctuations of 5-10oC. Germination of the finger-like and small tubers was the highest (95%); however, very small, small, and broken tubers showed the lowest germination percentage. In the freezing experiment, decreasing the temperature and increasing the storage duration decreased the germination of tubers. Increasing the osmotic potential and temperature resulted in decreased tuber germination of Lesser celandine. Lesser celandine could sprout down to 20 cm depth but heat demand for tubers from superficial depth was smaller than for tubers planted at greater depth.


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Smellmelon, an annual invasive weed of soybean production fields in the north of Iran, reproduces and spreads predominately through seed production. This makes seed bank survival and successful germination essential steps in the invasive process. To evaluate the potential of Smellmelon to invade water-stressed environments, laboratory studies were conducted to investigate the effect of desiccation and salinity at different temperatures on seed germination and seedling growth of Cucumis melo. Seeds were incubated at 25, 30, 35 and 40 ºC in the darkness in a solution (0, -0.2, -0.4, -0.6, -0.8, 1 and 1.2 MPa) of a salt (NaCl), and in a solution (0, -2, -4, -6, -8, -10, -12 bar) of PEG-6000 (Polyethylene glycol), in two separate experiments. The results showed that the highest percentage and rate of germination occurred at 35 ºC in salt concentrations of 0, -0.2, -0.4 MPa and PEG concentrations of 0, -2, -4 bar. Increasing the concentration of salt (NaCl) and PEG limited germination, seedling growth and water uptake but increased the sodium content in the seedlings. No significant difference was observed among 0, -0.2 and -0.4 MPa of NaCl and among 0, -2 and -4 bar of PEG concentration at 35 ºC. The negative effects of PEG were more than those of NaCl on germination percentage and germination rate. Increased stress levels lead to reduction of root and shoot length, and SVL of seedlings. Na+ content of seedling decreased with limited seedling growth of C. melo.


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Experiments were conducted in 2010 to determine the influence of plant density and seed position on the mother plant on seed physiological characteristics of cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium). Cocklebur burs were collected in fall of 2010 from Research Farm of University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources of Gorgan, Iran. The experiment was established as factorial arrangement using a completely randomized design with three replications. The factors included different densities of cocklebur (0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 plant m-2) and the top and bottom parts of the canopy. Non dormant seeds were used for determining cardinal temperatures and tolerance to salinity and drought stresses. Base, optimum and ceiling germination temperatures were estimated between 7.09 to 12.33, 32 to 35 and 44 to 45 respectively in different treatments. Salinity stress up to 300 Mm and osmotic potential 8 bar inhibited the germination completely. Comparison of base temperatures and sigmoid equation coefficients showed that seeds produced in the top had higher germination than those that produced at the bottom of the mother plant. It seems plant densities through seed position on the mother plant affect seed quality. Likewise changes of light quality and quantity in shade environment increased seed dormancy in matured seeds. Shade environment affect seed germination on mother plant that increased dormancy of seeds maturing under shade be an adaptive response that reduces the probability of germination of offspring under unfavorable (shade, competitive) conditions.


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ABSTRACTTo evaluate the effect of planting date and spatial pattern on common bean yield under weed-free and weed-infested conditions, an experiment was conducted in Kelachay, Northern Iran, in 2013. The experimental design was a randomized complete block in a factorial arrangement with three replicates. Factors were planting date (10 August and 20 August), spatial pattern (square and rectangular planting pattern, with a planting distance of 30 x 30 cm and 45 x 20 cm, respectively), and weed management regime (weed-free and weedy conditions, weeded and not weeded throughout the growing season, respectively). Results showed that the main effect of planting date was significant only for pod number per plant and seed number per pod. At the same time, pod number per plant, seed number per pod, pod length, and grain yield were influenced significantly by spatial pattern. Results of ANOVA have also indicated that all traits, except pod length, were influenced significantly by weed-management regimes. Moreover, effect of planting date and spatial pattern were nonsignificant for weed dry weight. Mean comparison has expressed a significant increment in seed yield for square planting arrangement (1,055 kg ha-1) over rectangular (971 kg ha-1). Weeding has also presented an overall 12% and 8% improvement in grain and pod yield over control (weedy check), respectively. Based on the results of this study, weed control, as well as square planting pattern, are recommended for obtaining the highest seed yield in common bean.


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This study looks at negotiation of belonging and understandings of home among a generation of young Kurdish adults who were born in Iraq, Iran, and Turkey and who reached adulthood in Finland. The young Kurds taking part in the study belong to the generation of migrants who moved to Finland in their childhood and early teenage years from the region of Kurdistan and elsewhere in the Middle East, then grew to adulthood in Finland. In theoretical terms, the study draws broadly from three approaches: transnationalism, intersectionality, and narrativity. Transnationalism refers to individuals’ cross-border ties and interaction extending beyond nationstates’ borders. Young people of migrant background, it has been suggested, are raised in a transnational space that entails cross-border contacts, ties, and visits to the societies of departure. How identities and feelings of belonging become formed in relation to the transnational space is approached with an intersectional frame, for examination of individuals’ positionings in terms of their intersecting attributes of gender, age/generation, and ethnicity, among others. Focus on the narrative approach allows untangling how individuals make sense of their place in the social world and how they narrate their belonging in terms of various mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion, including institutional arrangements and discursive categorisation schemes. The empirical data for this qualitative study come from 25 semi-structured thematic interviews that were conducted with 23 young Kurdish adults living in Turku and Helsinki between 2009 and 2011. The interviewees were aged between 19 and 28 years at the time of interviewing. Interview themes involved topics such as school and working life, family relations and language-learning, political activism and citizenship, transnational ties and attachments, belonging and identification, and plans for the future and aspirations. Furthermore, data were collected from observations during political demonstrations and meetings, along with cultural get-togethers. The data were analysed via thematic analysis. The findings from the study suggest that young Kurds express a strong sense of ‘Kurdishness’ that is based partially on knowing the Kurdish language and is informed by a sense of cultural continuity in the diaspora setting. Collective Kurdish identity narratives, particularly related to the consciousness of being a marginalised ‘other’ in the context of the Middle East, are resonant in young interviewees’ narrations of ‘Kurdishness’. Thus, a sense of ‘Kurdishness’ is drawn from lived experiences indexed to a particular politico-historical context of the Kurdish diaspora movements but also from the current situation of Kurdish minorities in the Middle East. On the other hand, young Kurds construct a sense of belonging in terms of the discursive constructions of ‘Finnishness’ and ‘otherness’ in the Finnish context. The racialised boundaries of ‘Finnishness’ are echoed in young Kurds’ narrations and position them as the ‘other’ – namely, the ‘immigrant’, ‘refugee’, or ‘foreigner’ – on the basis of embodied signifiers (specifically, their darker complexions). This study also indicates that young Kurds navigate between gendered expectations and norms at home and outside the home environment. They negotiate their positionings through linguistic repertoires – for instance, through mastery of the Finnish language – and by adjusting their behaviour in light of the context. This suggests that young Kurds adopt various forms of agency to display and enact their belonging in a transnational diaspora space. Young Kurds’ narrations display both territorially-bounded and non-territorially-bounded elements with regard to the relationship between identity and locality. ‘Home’ is located in Finland, and the future and aspirations are planned in relation to it. In contrast, the region of Kurdistan is viewed as ‘homeland’ and as the place of origins and roots, where temporary stays and visits are a possibility. The emotional attachments are forged in relation to the country (Finland) and not so much relative to ‘Finnishness’, which the interviewees considered an exclusionary identity category. Furthermore, identification with one’s immediate place of residence (city) or, in some cases, with a religious identity as ‘Muslim’ provides a more flexible venue for identification than does identifying oneself with the (Finnish) nation.


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No campo de estudos de religião e mídia, a importância da comunicação de massa está bem estabelecida para as religiões globalizadas tais como o cristianismo e o islamismo, mas o mesmo não se verifica com relação às religiões nativas africanas. O presente artigo busca preencher essa lacuna investigando as atividades de mídia de um movimento religioso neo-tradicional em Gana, a Missão Afrikania. Ao analisar a posição cambiante de Afrikania na esfera pública em relação a mudanças nos cenários político, religioso e midiático de Gana, demonstro como novos constrangimentos e oportunidades levaram Afrikania a adaptar suas estratégias de acesso à mídia e seus estilos de representação. A política de representação da Afrikania é complexificada pela sua posição delicada entre uma esfera pública de hegemonia cristã e as práticas dos sacerdotes e sacerdotisas que ela visa representar.


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Vuonna 1980 Irak hyökkäsi Iraniin juuttuen nopeasti kulutussotaan. Vuonna 1984 Irak päätti pakottaa Iranin rauhanneuvotteluihin iskemällä sen öljyn merikuljetuksia vastaan ilmasta laukaistuilla Exocet-meritorjuntaohjuksilla. Iran vastasi Irakin hyökkäyksiin kostoisku-periaatteella. Vuosina 1984–1986 Iran käytti hyökkäyksiinsä pääasiassa ilmasta ammuttuja kevyitä ohjuksia. Vuosina 1987–1988 Iran siirtyi iskemään pääasiassa Vallankumouskaartin eli Pasdaranin venejoukoilla. Useat nopeat pienveneet tulittivat kauppa-aluksia konetuliaseilla, singoilla sekä raketinheittimillä. Molemmat osapuolet käyttivät myös hyökkäyksellistä miinoittamista. Näitä vuosien 1984–1988 merisotatoimia kutsutaan tankkerisodaksi. Nimensä mukaisesti kohteena olivat erityisesti kauppalaivastojen tankkerit. Irakin ja Iranin sota päättyi ratkaisemattomana neuvotteluihin vuonna 1988. Tutkimus on lähestymistavaltaan teoreettinen ja aineistopohjainen sekä otteeltaan kvalitatii-vinen. Metodologisesti tämä tutkimus on hermeneuttiseen tulkintaan perustuva kirjallisuus-tutkimus. Tärkeimmät kirjalliset lähteet ovat Martin S. Naviaksen ja E. R. Hootonin tutki-mus Tanker Wars: The assault on merchant shipping during the Iran-Iraq crisis, 1980-1988 sekä Nadia El-Sayed Shazlyn tutkimus The Gulf Tanker War: Iran and Iraq´s Maritime Swordplay. Tärkeimpinä tukevina lähteinä ovat Kansainvälisen energiajärjestön (IEA) ja Institute of Shipping Economics and Logisticsin (ISL) vuosikirjat. Lisäksi on käytetty useita muita kirjallisia ja tilastollisia lähteitä. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että kumpikaan osapuoli ei pyrkinyt vihollisen meriliikenteen absoluuttiseen katkaisemiseen eikä olisi siihen myöskään kyennyt. Irak pyrki riittävään vaikutukseen aiheuttaakseen strategisia taloudellisia tappioita Iranille. Iran pyrki kostoiskuillaan lopettamaan Irakin hyökkäykset merellä sekä pelottelemaan sen tukijoita. Irak saavutti tavoitteensa osittain, Iran ei. Molemmilla vaikutuksen saavuttamista heikensivät asejärjestelmien ja tilannekuvan riittämättömyys. Tutkimus osoittaa, että meriliikenne ja sen katkaiseminen ovat epämääräisiä käsitteitä, jotka tulee määritellä tapauskohtaisesti. Ilma-alus meritorjuntaohjuksen lavettina on yllätyksellinen ja ketterä. Sen kyky tilannekuvan luomiseen ja maalien tunnistamiseen on kuitenkin rajallinen eikä yksittäinen meritorjuntaohjus lähtökohtaisesti pysty tuhoamaan suurta kauppalaivaa. Heikko ilmapuolustuskyky tekee taistelualuksista käytännössä toimintakyvyttömiä. Kehittämällä luovia ja epätavanomaisia taktiikoita ja asejärjestelmiä heikossakin asemassa oleva osapuoli kykenee jatkamaan toimintaansa. Tappioiden sietäminen sekä korkea pelastusvalmius ovat myös merkittävä osa meriliikenteen suojausta.


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Collection : Bibliothèque morale de la jeunesse


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The purpose of this thesis is to examine the impact of 2 recent legal events, specifically the Fair Access to Regulated Professions Act (2006) and Siadat v. Ontario College of Teachers (2007) decision, with regards to the opportunity of foreign trained teachers to practice their profession in Ontario. The emphasis is on the case of Fatima Siadat, who was a teacher in Iran but was unable to satisfy all the licensing requirements of the Ontario College of Teachers and consequently was unable to practise her profession in Ontario. When the Ontario College of Teachers Appeals Committee upheld the previous decision of the Ontario College of Teachers Registrar to refuse to issue her a teacher's certificate, Ms. Fatima Siadat decided to initiate a lawsuit. Ms. Fatima Siadat challenged the decision ofthe Ontario College of Teachers Appeals Committee by raising a question of applicability of human rights legislation (i.e., The Ontario Human Rights Code, 1990) on the Ontario College of Teachers' decisions. The Ontario Superior Court of Justice decided in January of2007 in favour of Ms. Fatima Siadat (Siadat v. Ontario College of Teachers , 2007) and ordered that her licensing application be reconsidered by the Ontario College of Teachers Appeals Committee. In this thesis the author argues that the Fatima Siadat decision, together with the Fair Access to Regulated Professions Act, 2006, will likely make a significant contribution to enhancing the access of foreign trained teachers and other professionals to practice their regulated professions in Ontario.


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Payam AKHAVAN est professeur à la Faculté de droit de l'Université McGill, ancien conseiller juridique aux Tribunaux pénaux internationaux pour l'ex-Yougoslavie et le Rwanda et président co-fondateur du Iran Human Rights Documentation Centre.