959 resultados para INFRAINGUINAL BYPASS
OBJECTIVES The goal of this study was to determine whether the cardiostimulant effects of the endogenous beta(1)-adrenergic receptor (AR) agonist, (-)-norepinephrine are modified by polymorphic (Serine49Glycine [Ser49Gly], Glycine389Arginine [Gly389Arg]) variants of beta(1)-ARs in the nonfailing adult human heart. BACKGROUND Human heart beta(1)-ARs perform a crucial role in mediating the cardiostimulant effects of (-)-norepinephrine. An understanding of the significance of Ser49Gly and Gly389Arg polymorphisms in the human heart is beginning to emerge, but not as yet in adult patients who have coronary artery disease (CAD). METHODS The potency and maximal effects of (-)-norepinephrine at beta(1)-ARs (in the presence of beta(2)-AR blockade with 50 nM ICI 118,551 [erythro-DL-1(7-methylindan-4-yloxy)-3-isopropylamino-butan-2-ol]) for changes in contractile force and shortening of contractile cycle duration were determined in human right atrium in vitro from 87 patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting who were taking beta-blockers before surgery. A smaller sample of patients (n = 20) not taking beta-blockers was also investigated. Genotyping for two beta(1)-AR polymorphisms (Ser49Gly and Gly389Arg) was determined from a sample of blood taken at the time of surgery. RESULTS (-)-Norepinephrine caused concentration-dependent increases in contractile force and reductions in time to reach peak force and time to reach 50% relaxation. There were no differences in the potency or maximal effects of (-)-norepinephrine in the right atrium from patients with different Ser49Gly and Gly389Arg polymorphisms. CONCLUSIONS The cardiostimulant effects of (-)-norepinephrine at beta(1)-ARs were conserved across Ser49Gly and Gly389Arg polymorphisms in the right atrium of nonfailing hearts from patients with CAD managed with or without beta-blockers. (C) 2002 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation.
Two peptides, textilinins 1 and 2, isolated from the venom of the Australian common brown snake, Pseudonaja textilis textilis, are effective in preventing blood loss. To further investigate the potential of textilinins as anti-haemorrhagic agents, we cloned cDNAs encoding these proteins. The isolated full-length cDNA (430 bp in size) was shown to code for a 59 amino acid protein, corresponding in size to the native peptide, plus an additional 24 amino acid propeptide. Six such cDNAs were identified, differing in nucleotide sequence in the coding region but with an identical propeptide. All six sequences predicted peptides containing six conserved cysteines common to Kunitz-type serine protease inhibitors. When expressed as glutathione S-transferase (GST) fusion proteins and released by cleavage with thrombin, only those peptides corresponding to textilinin 1 and 2 were active in inhibiting plasmin with K-i values similar to those of their native counterparts and in binding to plasmin less tightly than aprotinin by two orders of magnitude. Similarly, in the mouse tail vein blood loss model only recombinant textilinin 1 and 2 were effective in reducing blood loss. These recombinant textilinins have potential as therapeutic agents for reducing blood loss in humans, obviating the need for reliance on aprotinin, a bovine product with possible risk of transmissible disease, and compromising the fibrinolytic system in a less irreversible manner.
In the periphery, physiological dopamine increases renal blood flow, decreases renal resistance and acts on the kidney tubule to enhance natriuresis and diuresis. The loss of dopamine function may be involoved in the deterioration in kidney function associated with ageing and may have a role in the pathogenesis of hypertension and diabetes. Intravenous dopamine is used as a positive inotrope in the treatment of acute heart failure and cardiogenic shock and as a diuretic in renal failure. The clinical uses of dopamine are limited, as it must be given intravenously, and also has widespread effects. The levels of peripheral dopamine can be increased by the administration of L-dopa to increase synthesis, prodrugs to release dopamine (docarpamine, glu-dopa) or by inhibiting the breakdown of dopamine (nitecapone). Preliminary clinical trials suggest that docarpamine may be useful in patients with low cardiac output syndrome after cardiac surgery and in refractory cirrhotic ascites. Ibopamine is an agonist at dopamine D1 and D2 receptors, which may retard the progression of chronic renal failure. Gludopa is selective for the kidney thus avoiding widespread side effects. The early clinical studies with ibopamine as a diuretic in heart failure were favourable but the subsequent large mortality study showed that ibopamine increased mortality. Fenoldopam is a selective dopamine D1 receptor agonist. Intravenous fenoldopam may be useful in the treatment of hypertension associated with coronary artery bypass surgery or in hypertensive emergencies. Although our understanding of physiological and pathological roles of peripheral dopamine has been increasing rapidly in recent times, we still need more information to allow the design of clinically useful drugs that modify these roles. One priority is an orally-active selective dopamine D1 receptor agonist.
The left ventricular response to dobutamine may be quantified using tissue Doppler measurement of myocardial velocity or displacement or 3-dimensional echocardiography to measure ventricular volume and ejection fraction. This study sought to explore the accuracy of these methods for predicting segmental and global responses to therapy. Standard dobutamine and 3-dimensional echocardiography were performed in 92 consecutive patients with abnormal left ventricular function at rest. Recovery of function was defined by comparison with follow-up echocardiography at rest 5 months later. Segments that showed improved regional function at follow-up showed a higher increment in peak tissue Doppler velocity with dobutamine therapy than in nonviable segments (1.2 +/- 0.4 vs 0.3 +/- 0.2 cm/s, p = 0.001). Similarly, patients who showed a > 5% improvement of ejection fraction at follow-up showed a greater displacement response to dobutamine (6.9 +/- 3.2 vs 2.1 +/- 2.3 mm, p = 0.001), as well as a higher rate of ejection fraction, response to dobutamine (9 +/- 3% vs 2 +/- 2%, p = 0.001). The optimal cutoff values for predicting subsequent recovery of function at rest were an increment of peak velocity > 1 cm/s, >5 mm of displacement, and a >5% improvement of ejection fraction with low-dose dobutamine. (C) 2003 by Excerpta Medica, Inc.
Procedeu-se à investigação de factores que influenciam a percepção da dor pós-operatória em doentes submetidos a cirurgia cardíaca, usando uma amostra de 93 indivíduos sujeitos a bypass coronário no ano de 2002, no hospital de Santa Marta, 78,5% do sexo masculino e com idades compreendidas entre os 39 e os 84 anos. O questionário utilizado no estudo abrangeu os seguintes factores: demográficos, cirúrgicos, percepção da saúde geral, saúde mental, expectativas de dor, apoio, autoeficácia e satisfação com o tratamento para a dor, com médicos e enfermeiros. Quanto à dor de uma forma geral, os pacientes deste estudo revelaram uma dor média às 24 horas; uma dor um pouco mais baixa mas ainda média às 48 horas; e ao quinto dia apresentaram uma dor baixa. Através da aplicação do teste t-student, observou-se que a dor máxima e média que os pacientes revelaram nas 24 horas que precederam as 96 horas, bem como a dor geral, foi em média de menor intensidade nos homens do que nas mulheres. Análises de correlação revelaram que existe correlação entre a experiência de dor global e as várias dores avaliadas. Observaram-se também correlações entre as expectativas de dor e a intensidade de dor, o apoio e a intensidade da dor, a autoeficácia relativa à dor e a intensidade de dor, a saúde mental no pós operatório e a intensidade de dor às 96 horas, dor máxima e dor média nas últimas 24 horas e dor global. De igual modo observaram-se correlações entre a saúde mental no período pré-operatório e a intensidade de dor às 48 horas, dor máxima nas últimas 24 horas e dor global. Observaram-se ainda correlações entre a saúde geral (medida por um item) e a intensidade de dor às 24 horas, 48 horas, dor máxima nas últimas 24 horas e dor global, assim como na saúde geral percepcionada (medida por escala) e a intensidade de dor às 48 horas, dor máxima nas últimas 24 horas e dor global. Observaram-se igualmente correlações entre a satisfação com o tratamento para a dor e a intensidade de dor às 48 horas, às 96 horas, dor máxima e dor média nas últimas 24 horas e dor global. Pode afirmar-se que os sujeitos que apresentaram expectativas de dor baixas, percepcionaram maior apoio, apresentaram níveis elevados de auto-eficácia para lidar com a dor, ou que pertenciam ao sexo masculino, sentiram menos dor. De igual modo, os sujeitos que apresentaram melhor saúde mental no pré e no pós-operatório, sentiram menos dor, excepto às 24 horas onde a dor provavelmente é de índole mais física. Relativamente à percepção da saúde geral, verificou-se que os sujeitos que percepcionaram a sua saúde como boa, sentiram menos dor. Os sujeitos que expressaram maior satisfação com o tratamento, sentiram igualmente menos dor. Analisaram-se os resultados relativamente aos de outros estudos sobre dor pós-operatória em cirurgia cardíaca e propuseram-se variáveis a abordar em estudos futuros nesta temática específica.
A insuficiência cardíaca afecta cerca de 261 mil pessoas em Portugal constituindo um problema de saúde pública. Pretendemos avaliar aspectos associados à recuperação do estado de saúde nesta síndrome, em particular a esperança, o afecto e a felicidade. Recorremos a um estudo longitudinal com 128 indivíduos sintomáticos com má fracção de ejecção do ventrículo esquerdo. Utilizámos um questionário para caracterizar os aspectos sóciodemográficos, clínicos e funcionais, o Kansas City Cardiomiopathy Questionnaire (KCCQ) para avaliar a qualidade de vida, a Subjective Hapiness Scale (SHS) para a felicidade, a HOPE Scale (HOPE) para a esperança e a Positive And Negative Afect Schedule (PANAS) para o afecto. Os questionários de caracterização sócio-demográfica, clínica e funcional, KCCQ e o SHS foram aplicados em três momentos: no internamento, prévio à instituição de terapêutica médica na sua totalidade e ao terceiro e sexto mês após a intervenção médica, na consulta externa. A maioria dos participantes eram homens em classe III da classificação da New York Heart Association com etiologia isquémica. No internamento e antes da terapêutica médica, observámos que a esperança, a felicidade e o afecto se relacionaram com a qualidade de vida, a felicidade e o afecto positivo com a esperança. No período avaliado foram submetidos a: terapia de ressincronização cardíaca (n=52), cardioversor-desfibrilhador implantável (n=44), cirurgia valvular com revascularização do miocárdio (n=14), optimização terapêutica farmacológica (n=10), transplante cardíaco (n=8). Foram significativos os resultados da qualidade de vida, da classificação da New York Heart Association, do exercício físico, da fracção de ejecção do ventrículo esquerdo e das arritmias cardíacas (estrasístoles e taquicardias ventriculares). A felicidade foi preditora da qualidade de vida e da funcionalidade. O afecto negativo foi preditor da satisfação com a insuficiência cardíaca. Concluímos da importância das variáveis positivas a par dos procedimentos médicos no tratamento das pessoas com insuficiência cardíaca. ABSTRACT - Heart failure affects about 261 000 people in Portugal constituting a public health problem. We intend to evaluate aspects of the health recovery in this syndrome, in particular hope, affection and happiness. We used a longitudinal study with 128 symptomatic patients with poor ejection fraction of left ventricle. We used a questionnaire to characterize the socio-demographic, clinical and functional aspects, the Kansas City Cardiomiopathy Questionnaire (KCCQ) to assess the quality of life, the Subjective Happiness Scale (SHS) for happiness, the HOPE Scale (HOPE) for hope and the Positive And Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) for affection. The questionnaires of sociodemographic, clinical and functional KCCQ and SHS were applied on three occasions: on admission, prior to the execution of medical therapy in its totality and in the third and sixth months after medical intervention in the outpatient. Most of the participants were men in Class III New York Heart Association classification with ischemic etiology. At admission and before medical therapy, we observed that the hope, happiness and affection were related to the quality of life, happiness and positive affect with hope. Over the studied period were submitted to: cardiac resynchronization therapy (n=52), implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (n=44), valvular surgery with coronary artery bypass graft surgery (n=14), optimizing drug therapy (n=10), heart transplant (n=8). The significant results were the quality of life, the New York Heart Association classification, the exercise, the ejection fraction and left ventricular cardiac arrhythmias (ventricular tachycardia and estrasistoles). Happiness was a predictor of quality of life and functionality. The negative affect was a predictor of satisfaction with heart failure. We concluded that the positive variables and the medical procedures were important in treating people with heart failure.
Objectivo: Identificar os factores psicossociais que influenciam a percepção da dor pós-operatória em doentes submetidos a cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio (CRM). Material e Métodos: Estudo exploratório correlacional de 91 doentes (71 homens e 20 mulheres) submetidos a CRM (pontagem aortocoronária) por esternotomia). A idade média era de 63,8 ± 9,6 anos (entre 39 e 84). Foram utilizados os seguintes instrumentos: Escala Analógica Visual às 24, 48 e 96 horas do pós-operatório; Questionário de Caracterização Demográfica; Mental Health Inventory de 5 itens; Percepção de Saúde Geral (SF-36); Escala de Expectativas de Dor; Escala de Percepção de Apoio; Escala de Expectativas de Auto-eficácia; Satisfação com o tratamento, médicos e enfermeiros (American Pain Society Questionnaire) aplicados às 96 horas após a cirurgia. Resultados: Os doentes que apresentaram expectativas elevadas de dor, percepcionaram maior apoio, apresentaram níveis elevados de auto-eficácia para lidar com a dor ou, se pertenciam ao sexo masculino, sentiram menos dor. De igual modo, os doentes que apresentaram melhor saúde mental, percepcionaram a sua saúde como boa e os doentes que expressaram maior satisfação com o tratamento sentiram menos dor. A dor não foi influenciada pela idade, grau de escolaridade ou pela satisfação com a conduta de médicos e enfermeiros. Conclusão: Após as primeiras 48 horas do pós-operatório, a experiência de dor é influenciada por factores psicossociais, em oarticular pela expectativa de dor, expectativa de auto-eficácia, apoio percebido, percepção da saúde geral, percepção de saúde mental e satisfação com o tratamento para a dor. Perante os resultados, evidencia-se a necessidade de conjugar conhecimentos no sentido de dar respostas mais alargadas e de carácter multidisciplinar no tratamento da dor pós-operatória em CRM devendo, a par de outros aspectos, focar-se na gestão das expectativas dos doentes. ABSTRACT - Objective: To identify the psychological factors that influence post-surgery pain perception in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG). Methods: This was an exploratory correlational study of 91 patients (71 men and 20 women) who underwent CABG (aortocoronary anastomosis) by sternotomy. Mean age was 63.8 ± 9.6 years (between 39 and 84). The following instruments were used: visual analogical scales at 24, 48 and 96 hours of post-surgery; demographic characteristics survey; pain expectations scale; perceived support scale; self-efficacy scale, Mental Inventory (5 items); health perception scale; and satisfaction with treatment, doctors and nurses (American Pain Society questionnaire) at 96 hours after surgery. Results: Patients who had presented high expectations of pain, perceived more support, presented high levels of self-efficacy to deal with pain or were male, felt less pain. Furthermore, patients who presented better mental health, perceived their general health as being good, or expressed greater satisfaction with treatment, felt less pain. Pain was not influenced by age, level of education or satisfaction with doctors and nurses. Conclusion: After the first 48 hours following surgery, the pain experience is influenced by psychosocial factors, in particular by expectation of pain and of self-efficacy, perceived support, perception of general and mental health, and satisfaction with pain treatment. The results confirm the need to bring together different kinds of knowledge for a broad, multidisciplinary approach to postoperative CABG pain treatment, focusing, along with other aspects, on management of patients’ expectations.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrónica e Telecomunicações
Mestrado em Tecnologia de Diagnóstico e Intervenção Cardiovascular - Ramo de especialização: Ultrassonografia Cardiovascular
Mestrado em Fiscalidade
Mestrado em Fisioterapia
Dissertation presented to obtain a Ph.D. degree in Biology, speciality in Microbiology, by Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Athymic BALB/c (Nu/Nu) mice died at 7-13 days after inoculation (DAI) of Plasmodium berghei NK65, whereas their heterozygous (Nu/+) littermates died at 7-8 DAI. Nude (Nu/Nu) mice, reconstituted with 2 x 10(7) splenocytes from uninfected heterozygous (Nu/+) littermates at 20 days before parasite inoculation (DBI), died about 2 days earlier than control nude mice; nude mice reconstituted at 10 or 2 DBI lived 2 to 4 days longer than control nudes; and nude mice reconstituted 2 DAI lived even longer and some survived. These findings indicate that P. berghei NK65 induces at least two T-cell dependent immune phenomena, one suppressive and the other stimulatory. Reconstitution of nude mice with T-cells from BALB/c (Nu/+) mice appeared to reduce or bypass suppressive T-cell activities which allowed the formation of a protective immune response by some of the nude mice.
Mestrado em Gestão e Empreendedorismo