414 resultados para Heams, Stacey


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Effective treatment of sensory neuropathies in peripheral neuropathies and spinal cord injury (SCI) is one of the most difficult problems in modern clinical practice. Cell therapy to release antinociceptive agents near the injured spinal cord is a logical next step in the development of treatment modalities. But few clinical trials, especially for chronic pain, have tested the potential of transplant of cells to treat chronic pain. Cell lines derived from the human neuronal NT2 cell line parentage, the hNT2.17 and hNT2.19 lines, which synthesize and release the neurotransmitters gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and serotonin (5HT), respectively, have been used to evaluate the potential of cell-based release of antinociceptive agents near the lumbar dorsal (horn) spinal sensory cell centers to relieve neuropathic pain after PNS (partial nerve and diabetes-related injury) and CNS (spinal cord injury) damage in rat models. Both cell lines transplants potently and permanently reverse behavioral hypersensitivity without inducing tumors or other complications after grafting. Functioning as cellular minipumps for antinociception, human neuronal precursors, like these NT2-derived cell lines, would likely provide a useful adjuvant or replacement for current pharmacological treatments for neuropathic pain.


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Collaboration between emergency room (ER) nurses and paramedics is vital due to the increasing number of critically ill patients entering the hospital via the "911" system. This descriptive study examined the perception of the collaborative relationship using the Revised Pehl Collaboration Scale (RPCS) and by qualitative data from four free response questions. The results of this study indicated that the overall relationship between the ER nurses and paramedics was friendly but not fully trusting. The content analysis of the free response questions identified that the "report" of patient information was the origin the most conflict. The nurses felt that paramedic patient assessment, patient priorities, and by-pass protocol were problems. Whereas, the paramedics identified the nurses condescending manner and mistrust, not being "listened" to, and overcrowded emergency rooms as the source of conflict. Data was not statistically significant with regards to personal attributes or social demographics from the RPCS.


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Proxy records from two piston cores in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) provide a detailed (50-100 year resolution) record of climate variability over the last 14,000 years. Long-term (millennial-scale) trends and changes are related to the transition from glacial to interglacial conditions and movement of the average position of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) related to orbital forcing. The d18O of the surface-dwelling planktic foraminifer Globigerinoides ruber show negative excursions between 14 and 10.2 ka (radiocarbon years) that reflect influx of meltwater into the western GOM during melting of the Laurentide Ice Sheet. The relative abundance of the planktic foraminifer Globigerinoides sacculifer is related to transport of Caribbean water into the GOM. Maximum transport of Caribbean surface waters and moisture into the GOM associated with a northward migration of the average position of the ITCZ occurs between about 6.5 and 4.5 ka. In addition, abundance variations of G. sacculifer show century-scale variability throughout most of the Holocene. The GOM record is consistent with records from other areas, suggesting that century-scale variability is a pervasive feature of Holocene climate. The frequency of several cycles in the climate records is similar to cycles identified in proxy records of solar variability, indicating that at least some of the century-scale climate variability during the Holocene is due to external (solar) forcing.


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Crisis communication is a widely treated field. There are lot of works and guides which provide helpful information in order to face crisis situations successfully (Alcat, 2005, Benoit, 1997) and articles about case studies (Nespereira, 2014, Blaney y Benoit 2001). Nonetheless, most of times, these guides are focused on business or corporations (Abeler, 2010) and there are not such information about crisis communications in politics (Gaspar e Ibeas, 2015). The field is smaller if we speak about forgiveness as restoration image tool in politics (Harris 2006). Despite all, we live in “forgiveness era” as Krauze said (1998) where people demand to politicians to apologize when they have mistakes (Harris et al. 2006:716). So, we will try to make an approach to forgiveness in politics as a image restoration tool and analyze its capabilities in order to face crisis management.


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Unhealthy diets are the major contributor to poor health in Australia and many countries globally. The majority of food spending in Australia occurs in supermarkets, which stock and sell both healthy and unhealthy foods. This study aimed to compare the foods advertised in the marketing catalogues (circulars) from four Australian supermarket chains with the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating. The content of national online weekly supermarket catalogues from four major Australian supermarket retailers was audited from June-September 2013 (12 weeks). Advertised products were categorized as (i) foods in the five core food groups (plus water); (ii) discretionary foods plus fats and oils; (iii) alcohol and (iv) other (food not fitting into any other category). Across all chains combined, 34.2% of foods advertised were from the five core food groups, 43.3% were discretionary foods, 8.5% were alcohol and the remaining 14.0% were 'other' foods. The percentage of advertised foods in the five core food groups varied between 29.3 and 38.3% across the four chains, whereas the percentage of discretionary foods varied between 34.8 and 49.0%. Australian supermarket catalogues heavily promote discretionary foods and contribute towards an environment that supports unhealthy eating behaviour. Strategies to increase the ratio of healthy-to-unhealthy foods need to be explored as part of efforts to improve population diets.


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BACKGROUND: Phenol-soluble modulins (PSMs) are amphipathic, pro-inflammatory proteins secreted by most Staphylococcus aureus isolates. This study tested the hypothesis that in vitro PSM production levels are associated with specific clinical phenotypes. METHODS: 177 methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) isolates from infective endocarditis (IE), skin and soft tissue infection (SSTI), and hospital-acquired/ventilator-associated pneumonia (HAP) were matched by geographic origin, then genotyped using spa-typing. In vitro PSM production was measured by high performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry. Statistical analysis was performed using Chi-squared or Kruskal-Wallis tests as appropriate. RESULTS: Spa type 1 was significantly more common in SSTI isolates (62.7% SSTI; 1.7% IE; 16.9% HAP; p < 0.0001) while HAP and IE isolates were more commonly spa type 2 (0% SSTI; 37.3% IE; 40.7% HAP; p < 0.0001). USA300 isolates produced the highest levels of PSMs in vitro. SSTI isolates produced significantly higher quantities of PSMα1-4, PSMβ1, and δ-toxin than other isolates (p < 0.001). These findings persisted when USA300 isolates were excluded from analysis. CONCLUSIONS: Increased in vitro production of PSMs is associated with an SSTI clinical source. This significant association persisted after exclusion of USA300 genotype isolates from analysis, suggesting that PSMs play a particularly important role in the pathogenesis of SSTI as compared to other infection types.


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Using a model of birth asphyxia, we previously reported significant structural and functional deficits in the diaphragm muscle in spiny mice, deficits that are prevented by supplementing the maternal diet with 5% creatine from mid-pregnancy. The long-term effects of this exposure are unknown. Pregnant spiny mice were fed control or 5% creatine-supplemented diet for the second half of pregnancy, and fetuses were delivered by caesarean section with or without 7.5 min of in-utero asphyxia. Surviving pups were raised by a cross-foster dam until 33±2 days of age when they were euthanized to obtain the diaphragm muscle for ex-vivo study of twitch tension and muscle fatigue, and for structural and enzymatic analyses. Functional analysis of the diaphragm revealed no differences in single twitch contractile parameters between any groups. However, muscle fatigue, induced by stimulation of diaphragm strips with a train of pulses (330 ms train/sec, 40 Hz) for 300 sec, was significantly greater for asphyxia pups compared with controls (p<0.05), and this did not occur in diaphragms of creatine + asphyxia pups. Birth asphyxia resulted in a significant increase in the proportion of glycolytic, fast-twitch fibres and a reduction in oxidative capacity of Type I and IIb fibres in male offspring, as well as reduced cross-sectional area of all muscle fibre types (Type I, IIa, IIb/d) in both males and females at 33 days of age. None of these changes were observed in creatine + asphyxia animals. Thus, the changes in diaphragm fatigue and structure induced by birth asphyxia persist long-term but are prevented by maternal creatine supplementation.


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Temperate and tropical seagrasses are susceptible to wasting disease outbreaks caused by pathogenic protists of the genus Labyrinthula. Even though there is an increasing awareness of the environmental conditions that influence the etiology of seagrass-. Labyrinthula disease dynamics, the biochemical basis of seagrass defense responses, in particular chemical defenses, is still vastly understudied. Using an in vitro bioassay, we provide evidence that previously characterized phenolic and potentially novel, undescribed non-phenolic metabolites derived from Thalassia testudinum Banks ex Konig exhibit anti-labyrinthulid activity. All phenolic compounds tested displayed dose-dependent behavior and selected combinations interacted synergistically. The flavone glycoside thalassiolin B was roughly 20-100 times more active than any phenolic acid tested. Based upon values reported in the literature, it was calculated that infected specimens of T. testudinum contain natural concentrations of phenolic acids that are consistently greater than what is required to inhibit Labyrinthula growth. This suggests that while there may be an ample supply of phenolic-based derivatives available to inhibit Labyrinthula growth, they may not be readily bio-accessible.Using a bioactivity-guided approach, a semi-purified chemical fraction from T. testudinum was found to contain anti-labyrinthulid activity. 1H NMR spectra for this fraction lacked aromatic hydrogen signals, suggesting that the bioactive compound was non-aromatic in nature. Furthermore, the LC-MS fragmentation patterns were suggestive of the presence of glycosylated natural products of an unknown structural class. This has the potential to provide a foundation for future chemical investigations.


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This chapter is a critical synthesis of research related to the transformations that take place when digital technologies are incorporated into teaching and learning practices. In developing this synthesis, research from all levels of education was reviewed with a focus on the opportunities digital technologies offer for cognitive, pedagogical, affective and professional change. The chapter is structured in alignment with Pierce and Stacey’s (Pierce and Stacey, Int J Comput Math Learn 15(1):1–20 2010) map of pedagogical opportunities in which three dimensions for educational transformation were identified: tasks, classroom, and subject. A discussion of future directions for research into technology enhanced mathematics education concludes the review.


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Background: Animal studies report a nephron deficit in offspring exposed to maternal diabetes, yet are limited to models of severe hyperglycaemia which do not reflect the typical clinical condition and which are associated with foetal growth restriction that may confound nephron endowment. We aimed to assess renal morphology and function in offspring of leptin receptor deficient mice (Leprdb/+) and hypothesized that exposure to impaired maternal glucose tolerance (IGT) would be detrimental to the developing kidney.

Methods: Nephron endowment was assessed in offspring of C57BKS/J Leprdb/+ and +/+ mice at embryonic day (E)18 and postnatal day (PN)21 using design-based stereology. Transcutaneous measurement of renal function and total glomerular volume were assessed in 6-month-old offspring. Only +/+ offspring of Leprdb/+ dams were analysed.

Results: Compared with +/+ dams, Leprdb/+ dams had a 20% and 35% decrease in glucose tolerance prior to pregnancy and at E17.5 respectively. Offspring of IGT Leprdb/+ dams had approximately 15% fewer nephrons at E18.5 and PN21 than offspring of +/+ dams. There was no difference in offspring bodyweight. Despite normal renal function, total glomerular volume was 13% greater in 6-month-old offspring of IGT Leprdb/+ dams than in +/+ offspring.

Conclusions: IGT throughout gestation resulted in a nephron deficit that was established early in renal development. Maternal IGT was associated with glomerular hypertrophy in adult offspring, likely a compensatory response to maintain normal renal function. Given the increasing prevalence of IGT, monitoring glucose from early in gestation may be important to prevent altered kidney morphology.


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Seagrass species form important marine and estuarine habitats providing valuable ecosystem services and functions. Coastal zones that are increasingly impacted by anthropogenic development have experienced substantial declines in seagrass abundance around the world. Australia, which has some of the world's largest seagrass meadows and is home to over half of the known species, is not immune to these losses. In 1999 a review of seagrass ecosystems knowledge was conducted in Australia and strategic research priorities were developed to provide research direction for future studies and management. Subsequent rapid evolution of seagrass research and scientific methods has led to more than 70% of peer reviewed seagrass literature being produced since that time. A workshop was held as part of the Australian Marine Sciences Association conference in July 2015 in Geelong, Victoria, to update and redefine strategic priorities in seagrass research. Participants identified 40 research questions from 10 research fields (taxonomy and systematics, physiology, population biology, sediment biogeochemistry and microbiology, ecosystem function, faunal habitats, threats, rehabilitation and restoration, mapping and monitoring, management tools) as priorities for future research on Australian seagrasses. Progress in research will rely on advances in areas such as remote sensing, genomic tools, microsensors, computer modeling, and statistical analyses. A more interdisciplinary approach will be needed to facilitate greater understanding of the complex interactions among seagrasses and their environment.


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This article looks to three inspirational Black women, bell hooks, Stacey McBride-Irby and Patricia Williams, in the pursuit of radical curriculum. While today curriculum is critiqued as racialised, gendered, sexualised and classed, the formats of curriculum documents such as text books, units of work and lesson plans have changed little. These documents are often conceived as linear sequences of steps leading to outcomes, and their voices are distanced and ‘neutral’. Drawing on a doctoral study of curriculum design in Australia, this article embraces a different approach by opening up a unit of work on girls’ popular culture to hooks’ invocations to teach to transgress, so that curriculum might be experienced as colour and curves, rather than a monochrome route to a pre-determined end point. Through this, along with hooks, I invite teachers to live pedagogy, rather than to deliver it.


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In order to identify the impact of teaching menstrual health and hygiene with reusable menstrual pads on knowledge retention and school attendance, qualitative and quantitative data was collected from three rural schools in three districts of eastern Uganda: Amuria, Bukedea, and Ngora. Research techniques employed were preliminary and post surveys of 85 young women; average age 16.9 years. Findings include positive and negative results. Participants’ feelings of normalcy and comfort increased and participants had improved understanding of sexual climax and appropriate menstrual management strategies. There was no statistically significant impact of teaching on topics of sexual intercourse or pregnancy. The impact of reusable menstrual pad sanitary technology on school attendance was negative as more young women reported missing up to a full day of school during their menstrual period (χ2 (3, 73) = 7.81, p = 0.05). Study limitations are discussed and future work is suggested.


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Over time there has been a shift, at least in the rhetoric, from a pipeline conceptualisation of knowledge implementation, to one that recognises the potential of more collaboration, co-productive approaches to knowledge production and use. In this editorial, which is grounded in our research and collective experience, we highlight both the potential and challenge with collaboration and co-production. This includes issues about stakeholder engagement, governance arrangements, and capacity and capability for working in a co-productive way. Finally, we reflect on the fact that this approach is not a panacea, but is accompanied by some philosophical and practical challenges.


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BACKGROUND: Maternal antenatal creatine supplementation protects the brain, kidney, and diaphragm against the effects of birth asphyxia in the spiny mouse. In this study, we examined creatine's potential to prevent damage to axial skeletal muscles.

METHODS: Pregnant spiny mice were fed a control or creatine-supplemented diet from mid-pregnancy, and 1 d before term (39 d), fetuses were delivered by c-section with or without 7.5 min of birth asphyxia. At 24 h or 33 ± 2 d after birth, gastrocnemius muscles were obtained for ex-vivo study of twitch-tension, muscle fatigue, and structural and histochemical analysis.

RESULTS: Birth asphyxia significantly reduced cross-sectional area of all muscle fiber types (P < 0.05), and increased fatigue caused by repeated tetanic contractions at 24 h of age (P < 0.05). There were fewer (P < 0.05) Type I and IIa fibers and more (P < 0.05) Type IIb fibers in male gastrocnemius at 33 d of age. Muscle oxidative capacity was reduced (P < 0.05) in males at 24 h and 33 d and in females at 24 h only. Maternal creatine treatment prevented all asphyxia-induced changes in the gastrocnemius, improved motor performance.

CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates that creatine loading before birth protects the muscle from asphyxia-induced damage at birth.