983 resultados para Hal Porter


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分析人参四逆汤抗失血性休克作用的提取组分 S- 1和 S- 7的组成成分。方法 结合硅胶色谱柱分离 ,利用 ESI/MSn、MAL DI- TOF/MS等技术分析鉴定 S- 1和 S- 7的化学成分。结果 从人参四逆汤水煎液的抗休克作用的有效组分 S- 7中分析和鉴定了人参皂苷 - Ra1 、- Ra2 、- Rb1 、- Rb2 、- Rb3、- Rc、- Rd、- Re、- Rg1 、- Rg2 、- Rg3、- Rf等 12种人参皂苷 ;从有效组分 S- 1中检出下列二萜生物碱成分 :苯甲酰次乌头碱油酸酯 (14 - benzoylhypaconine- 8-linoleate,HAL )、苯甲酰去氧乌头碱油酸酯 (14 - benzoyldeoxyaconine- 8- oleate,HAO )、苯甲酰次乌头碱棕榈酸酯(14 - benzoylhypaconine- 8- palmitate,HAP)、苯甲酰中乌头碱 (benzoylmesaconitine,BM)、苯甲酰乌头碱 (benzoyla-conitine,BA)、苯甲酰次乌头碱 (benzoylhypaconitine,BH)。结论...


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研究人参四逆汤的有效成分。方法 :利用软电离质谱技术 ,对人参四逆汤的有效成分进行鉴定。结果 :从人参四逆汤水煎液中分析和鉴定了人参皂苷Ra1,Ra2 ,Rb1,Rb2 ,Rb3 ,Rc ,Rd ,Re,Rg1,Rg2 ,Rg3 ,Rf等 12种人参皂苷 ;苯甲酰中乌头碱 (BM )、苯甲酰乌头碱 (BA)、苯甲酰次乌头碱 (BH)、尼奥灵 (NL)、附子灵 (FL)、14 乙酰基塔拉地萨敏 (AT)、苯甲酰次乌头碱亚油酸酯 (HAL)、苯甲酰去氧乌头碱亚油酸酯 (HAO)、苯甲酰次乌头碱棕榈酸酯 (HAP)、塔拉地萨敏 (TS)等 10种二萜生物碱。结论 :含有脂肪酸酯型生物碱的提取组分具有抗休克作用 ,含有人参皂苷的提取组分具有明显的负性肌力作用。


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(eta(3)-C3H5)(2)CeCl5Mg2(tmed)(2) combined with HAl(i-Bu)(2) or Al(i-Bu)(3) can initiate the polymerization of isoprene with about 50% of the cis-1, 4 microstructure contained in the polymer. The insertion reaction of isoprene occurring between Ce3+ and e


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The tube diameter in the reptation model is the distance between a given chain segment and its nearest segment in adjacent chains. This dimension is thus related to the cross-sectional area of polymer chains and the nearest approach among chains, without effects of thermal fluctuation and steric repulsion. Prior calculated tube diameters are much larger, about 5 times, than the actual chain cross-sectional areas. This is ascribed to the local freedom required for mutual rearrangement among neighboring chain segments. This tube diameter concept seems to us to infer a relationship to the corresponding entanglement spacing. Indeed, we report here that the critical molecular weight, M(c), for the onset of entanglements is found to be M(c) = 28 A/([R2]0/M), where A is the chain cross-sectional area and [R2]0 the mean-square end-to-end distance of a freely jointed chain of molecular weight M. The new, computed relationship between the critical number of backbone atoms for entanglement and the chain cross-sectional area of polymers, N(c) = A0,44, is concordant with the cross-sectional area of polymer chains being the parameter controlling the critical entanglement number of backbone atoms of flexible polymers.


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稀土Ziegler-Natta催化剂活性体对双烯烃配位聚合的研究已有很多报道。作者曾从NdCl_3·3P_(350)~(**)-Al(i-Bu)_3体系分离出Nd-Al双金属活性体。本文从NdCl_3·3P_(350)-HAl(i-Bu)_2和Al(C_2H_5)_3反应体系中分离出一系列Nd-Al双金属活性体,用元素分析方法研究了这些活性体的组成,并综合考察了在无助催化剂AlR_3存在下从不同烷基铝获得的活性体本身对共轭双烯烃的定向聚合能力。 单体、溶剂、HAl(i-Bu)_2、Al(C_2H_5)_5及活性体的合成,聚合方法,聚合物表征均按文献[4]。


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This article documents the addition of 512 microsatellite marker loci and nine pairs of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) sequencing primers to the Molecular Ecology Resources Database. Loci were developed for the following species: Alcippe morrisonia morrisonia, Bashania fangiana, Bashania fargesii, Chaetodon vagabundus, Colletes floralis, Coluber constrictor flaviventris, Coptotermes gestroi, Crotophaga major, Cyprinella lutrensis, Danaus plexippus, Fagus grandifolia, Falco tinnunculus, Fletcherimyia fletcheri, Hydrilla verticillata, Laterallus jamaicensis coturniculus, Leavenworthia alabamica, Marmosops incanus, Miichthys miiuy, Nasua nasua, Noturus exilis, Odontesthes bonariensis, Quadrula fragosa, Pinctada maxima, Pseudaletia separata, Pseudoperonospora cubensis, Podocarpus elatus, Portunus trituberculatus, Rhagoletis cerasi, Rhinella schneideri, Sarracenia alata, Skeletonema marinoi, Sminthurus viridis, Syngnathus abaster, Uroteuthis (Photololigo) chinensis, Verticillium dahliae, Wasmannia auropunctata, and Zygochlamys patagonica. These loci were cross-tested on the following species: Chaetodon baronessa, Falco columbarius, Falco eleonorae, Falco naumanni, Falco peregrinus, Falco subbuteo, Didelphis aurita, Gracilinanus microtarsus, Marmosops paulensis, Monodelphis Americana, Odontesthes hatcheri, Podocarpus grayi, Podocarpus lawrencei, Podocarpus smithii, Portunus pelagicus, Syngnathus acus, Syngnathus typhle,Uroteuthis (Photololigo) edulis, Uroteuthis (Photololigo) duvauceli and Verticillium albo-atrum. This article also documents the addition of nine sequencing primer pairs and sixteen allele specific primers or probes for Oncorhynchus mykiss and Oncorhynchus tshawytscha; these primers and assays were cross-tested in both species.


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The research objectives were to investigate the psychological structure of employees' organizational commitments(OCs), and its antecedents, and to examine the relative effects of employees' OCs to their performances. In order to deeply uncover the nature of OCs, some standard methods, such as in-depth interview, focus-group, semi-open questionnaire, standard questionnaire etc., were employed. In data analysis, not only some common statistical methods, such as multivariate analysis of variance, cross-table analysis, factor analysis, but also some forefront ones, such as confirmatory factor analysis and path analysis of SEM, were used. The paper covers six chapters: 1) In the first chapter, Firstly some previous empirical studies, which examined structures, antecedents, correlates, and/or consequences of organizational commitment in China and Western countries, were summarized. This summary covers most of the respectable researchers' works of this field, such as H.S.Becker, B.Buchanan, L.W.Porter, G. Ritzer, H.M.Trice, J.A.Alutto, L.G.Hrebiniak, R.T.Mowday, J.P.Meyer, N.J.Allen, G.W.McGee, R.C.Ford, R.Eisenberger, etc. Then three theoretical hypothesis were put forward as following: ① In China, OCs should be multidimensional psychological structures, which means there should exist more than one type of OCs; ② There should be some different antecedents to different OCs; ③ Employees with different types of OC should perform differently in their works. Finally the theoretical and practical significance were discussed. 2) In the second chapter, great efforts were made to investigate the OC types. Firstly, in-depth interview with managers and employees, semi-open questionnaire, and some other methods were used in the pilot research to gather much qualitative material. Then OC questionnaire was designed to get quantitative data in about 20 enterprises, including state-owned, collective-owned, wholly foreign-funded, and joint-ventures. During revising of this questionnaire, there were about 5000 samples surveyed. after factor analysis, the data shows that there should be 5 types of OCs in China, which were respectively named as Affective Commitment, Normative commitment, Ideal Commitment, Economic Commitment, Choice Commitment. Thirdly, confirmatory factor analysis method was used to successfully confirm this 5-factor model. Finally, Cronbach a and test-retest correlate indicate that this questionnaire is reliable. Since factor analysis result has show its construct validity, a simple criterion-related validity research was conducted. 3) In order to investigate the correlation between different OC and employee performance and different antecedents of OC, 5 other questionnaires, such as Employee Satisfaction Questionnaire, Perceived Organizational Support Questionnaire, Social Exchange Questionnaire, Altruism Scale, and Leader Confidence Scale were revised in the third chapter. 4)In the fourth chapter, a lot of correlates, cross-table analysis were conducted to show the correlation between different OCs and 10 performances, which indicate employees with different OCs will show different performance in 10 variables, such as altruism, etc. 5) In the fifth chapter, correlate analysis, multivariate of analysis, and path analysis of SEM were used to investigate the antecedents of OC. A satisfactory model showing the correlation between OC and their antecedents was confirmed. 6) In the last chapter, all researches about OC, and its limitations were summarized.


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Breen Smyth, M. (2005). Insider Outsider issues in researching violence and divided societies. In E. Porter, G. Robinson, M. Smyth, A. Schnabel, and E. Osaghae (Eds.), Researching Conflict in Africa: Insights and Experiences (pp.9-23). Tokyo: United Nations University Press. RAE2008


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Sermon by William Fairfield Warren.


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The observations of Hooke (1665), Schleiden & Schwann (1839) and Virchow (1855) led to the identification of the cell as the basic structural unit of living material. In the intervening years, it has been firmly established that the chemical processes which underlie the proper functioning, development and reproduction of the organism are cellular activities. The development of the electron microscope has enabled cell structure to be studied in detail. A picture of the cell as an entity with a complex and highly organised internal structure has emerged from the work of Palade, Porter, Fernandez-Moran and many others. Although cells from different tissues and organisms differ in aspects of their structure and consequently in function, they have several features in common. A retentive membrane encloses a number of cell constituents, which include membrane-enclosed subcellular structures known as organelles. The cells of most tissues also contain a reticulum or system of branching tubules. The interplay of the biochemical activities of these structures enables the cell to function. Almost thirty years ago, Claude, Palade, Schneider, Hogeboom, de Duve and others set out to analytically fractionate the subcellular components obtained after the fragmentation of liver cells. This approach has become known as subcellular fractionation, and signalled a major conceptual breakthrough in biochemistry (reviewed by de Duve, 1964, 1967, 1971). The significance of this breakthrough has been underlined by the award of the 1974 Nobel Prize in Medicine to de Duve, Palade and Claude. This thesis is concerned with the application of subcellular fractionation techniques to the separation and characterisation of the membrane systems of the rabbit skeletal muscle cell.