578 resultados para Habiletés visuo-spatiales
Depuis les années 1990, de nombreuses recherches ont porté sur le dévoilement de l’agression sexuelle chez l’enfant et sur les caractéristiques y étant associées. Outre les facteurs liés à l’enfant et au contexte, le type de questions utilisé par l’intervieweur (notamment les invitations et les questions ouvertes) est une variable déterminante pour le dévoilement de l’enfant et la quantité de détails qui sera fournie entourant l’agression sexuelle. Bien que plusieurs enquêteurs reçoivent une formation sur l’utilisation des questions ouvertes dans les entrevues avec les enfants, peu d’entre eux utilisent un style de question approprié une fois sur le terrain. L’objectif de cette recherche vise à déterminer si certaines caractéristiques personnelles des enquêteurs sont associées à leur adhésion à un protocole d’entrevue structuré pour lequel ils ont été formés, à l’utilisation de questions ouvertes dans des entrevues d’enquête auprès d’enfants soupçonnés d’avoir vécu une agression sexuelle et à la quantité de détails dévoilés par l’enfant lors de ces entrevues. Deux études ont été menées pour répondre à cette question. La première étude a été effectuée à l'École nationale de police du Québec auprès de 24 enquêteurs de police ayant suivi une formation d'une semaine visant l’apprentissage du protocole d’entrevue structuré du National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD). Le genre féminin, les habiletés cognitives et le trait de personnalité Ouverture à l’expérience sont trois caractéristiques personnelles qui ont été reliées positivement à la performance des enquêteurs lors d’une entrevue simulée avec un comédien jouant le rôle d’un enfant victime d’agression sexuelle, tandis que le nombre d’années d’expérience et la capacité de gestion du stress de ces enquêteurs ont montré une relation négative avec cette performance. Dans la seconde étude effectuée sur le terrain auprès de 13 enquêteurs du Service de police de la Ville de Montréal, 114 entrevues conduites auprès d’enfants ayant dévoilé une agression sexuelle ont été recueillies et cotées pour mesurer l’adhésion au protocole d’entrevue du NICHD, le ratio de questions ouvertes et la quantité de détails dévoilés par l’enfant par question posée par l’enquêteur. L’intelligence émotionnelle et les traits de personnalité Extraversion, Esprit consciencieux et Agréabilité ont été trouvés comme des caractéristiques personnelles positivement associées à l’adhésion au protocole d’entrevue et à l’utilisation de questions ouvertes, tandis que le nombre d’années d’expérience et le trait de personnalité Névrosisme ont été négativement associés à ces deux critères de performance. Le niveau d’habiletés cognitives des enquêteurs a quant à lui montré une association positive avec la quantité de détails dévoilés par l’enfant. La signification et l’interprétation de ces résultats, de même que les implications potentielles pour la sélection et la formation des enquêteurs sont finalement discutées.
Introduction : Les adolescents avec déficiences physiques en transition vers la vie adulte éprouvent des difficultés à établir une participation sociale optimale. Cette étude explore les retombées d'un programme de cirque social sur la participation sociale de ces jeunes selon leur point de vue et celui de leurs parents. Méthode : Étude qualitative exploratoire d’orientation phénoménologique. Neuf personnes avec déficiences physiques, âgées de 18 et 25 ans, ont participé au programme pendant neuf mois. Données recueillies : perceptions de leur qualité de participation sociale à partir d’entrevues semi-structurées en pré, mi-temps et post-intervention avec les participants et un de leurs parents. Le guide d’entrevue validé est ancré sur le Modèle du développement humain- Processus de production du handicap - 2 (HDM-PPH2). L’enregistrement audio des entretiens a été transcrit en verbatim. Le contenu a été analysé avec le logiciel Nvivo 9 à travers une grille de codage préalablement validée (co-codage, codage-inverse). Résultats : Corpus de 54 entrevues. L’âge moyen des jeunes était de 20,0 ± 1,4 années et de 51 ± 3,6 années pour les parents. Selon tous, la participation sociale des jeunes adultes a été optimisée, surtout sur le plan de la communication, des déplacements, des relations interpersonnelles, des responsabilités et de la vie communautaire. La perception de soi et les habiletés sociales, également améliorées, ont favorisé une plus grande auto-efficacité. Conclusion : Cette étude soutient donc le potentiel du cirque social comme approche novatrice et probante en réadaptation physique pour cette population, et appuie la pertinence d’autres études rigoureuses mesurant les diverses retombées possibles et identifiées.
- Réalisé au centre de recherche de l'hospital du Sacré-Coeur de Montréal. - Programme conjoint entre Université de Montréal et École Polytechnique de Montréal.
Purpose: There are few studies demonstrating the link between neural oscillations in magnetoencephalography (MEG) at rest and cognitive performance. Working memory is one of the most studied cognitive processes and is the ability to manipulate information on items kept in short-term memory. Heister & al. (2013) showed correlation patterns between brain oscillations at rest in MEG and performance in a working memory task (n-back). These authors showed that delta/theta activity in fronto-parietal areas is related to working memory performance. In this study, we use resting state MEG oscillations to validate these correlations with both of verbal (VWM) and spatial (SWM) working memory, and test their specificity in comparison with other cognitive abilities. Methods: We recorded resting state MEG and used clinical neuropsychological tests to assess working memory performance in 18 volunteers (6 males and 12 females). The other neuropsychological tests of the WAIS-IV were used as control tests to assess the specificity of the correlation patterns with working memory. We calculated means of Power Spectrum Density for different frequency bands (delta, 1-4Hz; theta, 4-8Hz; alpha, 8-13Hz; beta, 13-30Hz; gamma1, 30-59Hz; gamma2, 61-90Hz; gamma3, 90-120Hz; large gamma, 30-120Hz) and correlated MEG power normalised for the maximum in each frequency band at the sensor level with working memory performance. We then grouped the sensors showing a significant correlation by using a cluster algorithm. Results: We found positive correlations between both types of working memory performance and clusters in the bilateral posterior and right fronto-temporal regions for the delta band (r2 =0.73), in the fronto-middle line and right temporal regions for the theta band (r2 =0.63) as well as in the parietal regions for the alpha band (r2 =0.78). Verbal working memory and spatial working memory share a common fronto-parietal cluster of sensors but also show specific clusters. These clusters are specific to working memory, as compared to those obtained for other cognitive abilities and right posterior parietal areas, specially in slow frequencies, appear to be specific to working memory process. Conclusions: Slow frequencies (1-13Hz) but more precisely in delta/theta bands (1-8Hz), recorded at rest with magnetoencephalography, predict working memory performance and support the role of a fronto-parietal network in working memory.
Une proportion significative de mères d’enfants pris en charge par la protection de la jeunesse souffrirait d’un trouble de personnalité limite (TPL). En effet, les difficultés parentales associées à ce trouble prédisposent davantage à des situations d’abus ou de négligence envers leurs enfants. Cependant, il existe peu d’information sur les difficultés et les besoins de ces mères dans ce contexte particulier. Cette étude qualitative a été réalisée auprès de 30 mères avec un TPL et dont au moins un enfant était suivi par le Centre jeunesse de Montréal-Institut universitaire. La présente étude a permis de mieux décrire les difficultés des mères en lien avec leur TPL, leurs enfants et leur situation conjugale. Leurs expériences des services en protection de la jeunesse ont révélé des suivis instables et peu adaptés à leurs difficultés. Les mères ont abordé l’importance des qualités relationnelles des intervenants à l’établissement d’une collaboration de la part des intervenants et l’importance de mettre en place des services spécifiquement dédiés aux parents. Il semblerait pertinent d’adapter les services de protection de la jeunesse afin d’inclure des interventions qui ciblent les difficultés spécifiques des parents qui ont un TPL, notamment en ce qui a trait à leurs habiletés parentales.
El síndrome de Williams-Beuren (SWB) es definido como una condición genética cuyo patrón cognitivo se caracteriza principalmente por la presencia de retardo mental leve a moderado, un bajo desempeño en tareas relacionadas con las funciones viso-espaciales y un alto rendimiento en funciones del lenguaje. A pesar de lo anterior, hoy en día no existe un acuerdo general en cuanto al perfil neuropsicológico específico de esta condición en vista del carácter heterogéneo de los cuadros clínicos estudiados en previas investigaciones. El objetivo del presente estudio es realizar una evaluación neuropsicológica a una joven diagnosticada con SWB, para explorar el perfil neuropsicológico y tener una mejor comprensión de las manifestaciones cognitivas de esta condición. Lo anterior teniendo en cuenta los nuevos paradigmas de la discapacidad intelectual, describiendo tanto las debilidades como las fortalezas de las personas con esta condición. Los resultados obtenidos a partir de la evaluación neuropsicológica consistieron fundamentalmente en la conservación de procesos atencionales de tipo auditivo, memoria declarativa explícita anterógrada en rango normal, lenguaje del polo receptivo y motor conservado, un coeficiente intelectual (CI) en 72, ubicado en rango inferior, denotando una inteligencia límite, alteración en habilidades viso-espaciales, limitaciones en funciones ejecutivas, principalmente en planeación y razonamiento abstracto. Lo anterior confirmaría algunos de los aspectos cognitivos señalados en estudios precedentes.
Purpose. Previous research has shown that children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) have poorly developed strategies for allocating attention. This study examines the allocation of attention and integration of visuo-spatial and motor systems in children with DCD in a motor (look+hit condition) and a motor-free (look condition) task. Method. Three groups of control children were used to compare the performance of a group of children with DCD. Children were seated in front of a central fixation point and six peripheral targets, and were asked to look at or hit targets when illuminated. Saccade/hand movement latencies were measured on gap trials (gap between fixation offset and target onset) and overlap trials (fixation offset and target onset overlapped). Results. DCD children were not slower than controls to disengage attention during the look condition. However, during the look+hit condition the DCD children showed a prolonged disengagement period, which was also seen in younger control children. Conclusions. The results suggest that DCD children may have deficits in the allocation of attention for action, in both the speed of onset of a movement and the accuracy of the movement. It is concluded that attention disengagement may contribute to problems of visuo-motor integration in DCD.
Posterior cortical atrophy (PCA) is a type of dementia that is characterized by visuo-spatial and memory deficits, dyslexia and dysgraphia, relatively early onset and preserved insight. Language deficits have been reported in some cases of PCA. Using an off-line grammaticality judgement task, processing of wh-questions is investigated in a case of PCA. Other aspects of auditory language are also reported. It is shown that processing of wh-questions is influenced by syntactic structure, a novel finding in this condition. The results are discussed with reference to accounts of wh-questions in aphasia. An uneven profile of other language abilities is reported with deficits in digit span (forward, backward), story retelling ability, comparative questions but intact abilities in following commands, repetition, concept definition, generative naming and discourse comprehension.
Williams syndrome (WS) is a developmental disorder in which visuo-spatial cognition is poor relative to verbal ability. At the level of visuo-spatial perception, individuals with WS can perceive both the local and global aspects of an image. However, the manner in which local elements are integrated into a global whole is atypical, with relative strengths in integration by luminance, closure, and alignment compared to shape, orientation and proximity. The present study investigated the manner in which global images are segmented into local parts. Segmentation by seven gestalt principles was investigated: proximity, shape, luminance, orientation, closure, size (and alignment: Experiment I only). Participants were presented with uniform texture squares and asked to detect the presence of a discrepant patch (Experiment 1) or to identify the form of a discrepant patch as a capital E or H (Experiment 2). In Experiment 1, the pattern and level of performance of the WS group did not differ from that of typically developing controls, and was commensurate with the general level of non-verbal ability observed in WS. These results were replicated in Experiment 2, with the exception of segmentation by proximity, where individuals with WS demonstrated superior performance relative to the remaining segmentation types. Overall, the results suggest that, despite some atypical aspects of visuo-spatial perception in WS, the ability to segment a global form into parts is broadly typical in this population. In turn, this informs predictions of brain function in WS, particularly areas V1 and V4. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The visuo-spatial abilities of individuals with Williams syndrome (WS) have consistently been shown to be generally weak. These poor visuo-spatial abilities have been ascribed to a local processing bias by some [R. Rossen, E.S. Klima, U. Bellugi, A. Bihrle, W. Jones, Interaction between language and cognition: evidence from Williams syndrome, in: J. Beitchman, N. Cohen, M. Konstantareas, R. Tannock (Eds.), Language, Learning and Behaviour disorders: Developmental, Behavioural and Clinical Perspectives, Cambridge University Press, New York, 1996, pp. 367-392] and conversely, to a global processing bias by others [Psychol. Sci. 10 (1999) 453]. In this study, two identification versions and one drawing version of the Navon hierarchical processing task, a non-verbal task, were employed to investigate this apparent contradiction. The two identification tasks were administered to 21 individuals with WS, 21 typically developing individuals, matched by non-verbal ability, and 21 adult participants matched to the WS group by mean chronological age (CA). The third, drawing task was administered to the WS group and the typically developing (TD) controls only. It was hypothesised that the WS group would show differential processing biases depending on the type of processing the task was measuring. Results from two identification versions of the Navon task measuring divided and selective attention showed that the WS group experienced equal interference from global to local as from local to global levels, and did not show an advantage of one level over another. This pattern of performance was broadly comparable to that of the control groups. The third task, a drawing version of the Navon task, revealed that individuals with WS were significantly better at drawing the local form in comparison to the global figure, whereas the typically developing control group did not show a bias towards either level. In summary, this study demonstrates that individuals with WS do not have a local or a global processing bias when asked to identify stimuli, but do show a local bias in their drawing abilities. This contrast may explain the apparently contrasting findings from previous studies. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Individuals with Williams syndrome (WS) demonstrate impaired visuo-spatial abilities in comparison to their level of verbal ability. In particular, visuo-spatial construction is an area of relative weakness. It has been hypothesised that poor or atypical location coding abilities contribute strongly to the impaired abilities observed on construction and drawing tasks [Farran, E. K., & Jarrold, C. (2005). Evidence for unusual spatial location coding in Williams syndrome: An explanation for the local bias in visuo-spatial construction tasks? Brain and Cognition, 59, 159-172; Hoffman, J. E., Landau, B., & Pagani, B. (2003). Spatial breakdown in spatial construction: Evidence from eye fixations in children with Williams syndrome. Cognitive Psychology, 46, 260-301]. The current experiment investigated location memory in WS. Specifically, the precision of remembered locations was measured as well as the biases and strategies that were involved in remembering those locations. A developmental trajectory approach was employed; WS performance was assessed relative to the performance of typically developing (TD) children ranging from 4- to 8-year-old. Results showed differential strategy use in the WS and TD groups. WS performance was most similar to the level of a TD 4-year-old and was additionally impaired by the addition of physical category boundaries. Despite their low level of ability, the WS group produced a pattern of biases in performance which pointed towards evidence of a subdivision effect, as observed in TD older children and adults. In contrast, the TD children showed a different pattern of biases, which appears to be explained by a normalisation strategy. In summary, individuals with WS do not process locations in a typical manner. This may have a negative impact on their visuo-spatial construction and drawing abilities. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Williams syndrome (WS) is a rare genetic disorder. At a cognitive level, this population display poor visuo-spatial cognition when compared to verbal ability. Within the visuo-spatial domain, it is now accepted that individuals with WS are able to perceive both local and global aspects of an image, albeit at a low level. The present study examines the manner in which local elements are grouped into a global whole in WS. Fifteen individuals with WS and 15 typically developing controls, matched for non-verbal ability, were presented with a matrix of local elements and asked whether these elements were perceptually grouped horizontally or vertically. The WS group was at the same level as the control group when grouping by luminance, closure, and alignment. However, their ability to group by shape, orientation and proximity was significantly poorer than controls. This unusual profile of grouping abilities in WS suggests that these individuals do not form a global percept in a typical manner. (c) 2004 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Research in the last four decades has brought a considerable advance in our understanding of how the brain synthesizes information arising from different sensory modalities. Indeed, many cortical and subcortical areas, beyond those traditionally considered to be ‘associative,’ have been shown to be involved in multisensory interaction and integration (Ghazanfar and Schroeder 2006). Visuo-tactile interaction is of particular interest, because of the prominent role played by vision in guiding our actions and anticipating their tactile consequences in everyday life. In this chapter, we focus on the functional role that visuo-tactile processing may play in driving two types of body-object interactions: avoidance and approach. We will first review some basic features of visuo-tactile interactions, as revealed by electrophysiological studies in monkeys. These will prove to be relevant for interpreting the subsequent evidence arising from human studies. A crucial point that will be stressed is that these visuo-tactile mechanisms have not only sensory, but also motor-related activity that qualifies them as multisensory-motor interfaces. Evidence will then be presented for the existence of functionally homologous processing in the human brain, both from neuropsychological research in brain-damaged patients and in healthy participants. The final part of the chapter will focus on some recent studies in humans showing that the human motor system is provided with a multisensory interface that allows for continuous monitoring of the space near the body (i.e., peripersonal space). We further demonstrate that multisensory processing can be modulated on-line as a consequence of interacting with objects. This indicates that, far from being passive, the monitoring of peripersonal space is an active process subserving actions between our body and objects located in the space around us.
Background: Intrusions are common symptoms of both posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and schizophrenia. Steel et al (2005) suggest that an information processing style characterized by weak trait contextual integration renders psychotic individuals vulnerable to intrusive experiences. This ‘contextual integration hypothesis’ was tested in individuals reporting anomalous experiences in the absence of a need-for-care. Methods: Twenty-six low schizotypes and twenty-three individuals reporting anomalous experiences were shown a traumatic film with and without a concurrent visuo-spatial task. Participants rated post-traumatic intrusions for frequency and form, and completed self-report measures of information processing style. It was predicted that, due to their weaker trait contextual integration, the anomalous experiences group would (1) exhibit more intrusions following exposure to the trauma-film; (2) display intrusions characterised by more PTSD qualities and (3) show a greater reduction of intrusions with the concurrent visuo-spatial task. Results: As predicted, the anomalous experiences group reported a lower level of trait contextual integration and more intrusions than the low schizotypes, both immediately after watching the film, and during the following seven days. Their post-traumatic intrusive memories were more PTSD-like (more intrusive, vivid and associated with emotion). The visuo-spatial task had no effect on number of intrusions in either group. Conclusions: These findings provide some support for the proposal that weak trait contextual integration underlies the development of intrusions within both PTSD and psychosis.
Although there is evidence that exact calculation recruits left hemisphere perisylvian language systems, recent work has shown that exact calculation can be retained despite severe damage to these networks. In this study, we sought to identify a “core” network for calculation and hence to determine the extent to which left hemisphere language areas are part of this network. We examined performance on addition and subtraction problems in two modalities: one using conventional two-digit problems that can be easily encoded into language; the other using novel shape representations. With regard to numerical problems, our results revealed increased left fronto-temporal activity in addition, and increased parietal activity in subtraction, potentially reflecting retrieval of linguistically encoded information during addition. The shape problems elicited activations of occipital, parietal and dorsal temporal regions, reflecting visual reasoning processes. A core activation common to both calculation types involved the superior parietal lobule bilaterally, right temporal sub-gyral area, and left lateralized activations in inferior parietal (BA 40), frontal (BA 6/8/32) and occipital (BA 18) regions. The large bilateral parietal activation could be attributed to visuo-spatial processing in calculation. The inferior parietal region, and particularly the left angular gyrus, was part of the core calculation network. However, given its activation in both shape and number tasks, its role is unlikely to reflect linguistic processing per se. A possibility is that it serves to integrate right hemisphere visuo-spatial and left hemisphere linguistic and executive processing in calculation.