991 resultados para Graduation Ceremony


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Este trabalho procura identificar e discutir aspectos da formação inicial que estejam relacionados com o ensino de evolução biológica no curso de licenciatura plena em Ciências Biológicas da Faculdade de Formação de Professores da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. A evolução biológica é considerada tanto por vários estudiosos como por documentos oficiais de educação como um eixo unificador dentro das Ciências Biológicas que, além de interligar as diversas partes que compõem a Biologia, é imprescindível para a compreensão de diversos conceitos e processos biológicos. A coleta de dados foi realizada a partir de entrevistas semiestruturadas aplicadas a quatro docentes do curso, sendo dois responsáveis por disciplinas de conteúdo biológico específico e os outros por disciplinas relacionadas ao ensino de Ciências e Biologia. Os discursos foram analisados a partir da Análise de Conteúdo. Os resultados aqui expostos revelam que o ensino da teoria evolutiva ocupa posição de destaque na formação dos alunos da FFP-UERJ ao longo do curso, contribuindo para a construção de uma visão mais global sobre a Biologia para muitos. As principais dificuldades apontadas para a sua abordagem são a ausência de atividades interdisciplinares como trabalhos de campo; a falta de comunicação entre os docentes do curso sobre o assunto; a falta de maturidade dos alunos para compreender os processos evolutivos; a falta de materiais de apoio em determinadas áreas específicas; e o embate entre as explicações científicas e alguns pontos de vista religiosos sobre a origem da diversidade biológica. A maioria dos docentes apontou as estratégias que utilizam para superar tais empecilhos e incluir o tema em suas disciplinas. O resultado deste esforço é reconhecido por eles mesmos, ao perceber que, ao longo do curso, os alunos desenvolveram capacidade intelectual para relacionar temas de distintos campos através da perspectiva evolutiva.


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This work is based on the analysis of 420 planktonic samples of 7 oceanopraphic cruises distributed over the Argentine, Uruguayan and South brasilian continental shelf (SW Atlantic ocean), as well as from some oceanic sectors, adjacent to the continental slope. Vertical hauls were performed in all stations from 100 m depth to surface, except in the Walter Herwig cruise (where vertical hauls were predominantly performed out of slope sectors, between 300 and 500 m depth to surface) and Productividad cruise in which only surface waters were hauled. A list of 27 species are determined, corresponding to 5 families: Iospilidae (3 species), Lopadorrhynchidae (4), Alciopidae (9), Typhloscolecidae (5) and Tomopteridae (6). Larvae and epitokous forms of benthonic species are not taken into account. The genus Iospilus is revised, Pariospilus and Iospilopsis being considered their synonyms; the identity of Pariospilus affinis Viguier is maintained, being transferred to the genus Iospilus. The species Vanadis studeri Apstein is redescribed and its synonymy is established. The taxonomic value of the apical glands of Tomopteris species is discussed and some specimens are found to coincide with T. kefersteini in relation to the mentioned glands. All the species found in this work are described and illustrated, a systematic key being added for their identification. Considering the vertical nature of the hauls, it was not possible to specify the habitats of the different species; for this reason they are grouped as species from subtropical and subantartic areas of influence. The first group, made up of 17 species, shows and evident graduation in its latitudinal distribution, some of them being more restricted in their distribution than the others. The second group, of 4 species, is found south to the tropical convergence, in transitional waters, towards cold sectors. The third group, of 6 species, is found to be distributed all along the continental shelf, in subtropical and subantartic regions, and extending their distribution northwards, possibly related to deep water levels. The general scheme is coincident with the distribution of other planktonic groups (Copepods, Euphausiids). As a general feature, neither coastal nor shelf water specimens of pelagic Polychaeta were found, with exception of T. septentrionalis. A comparison with the results in Tebble's paper (1960) in the southwest Atlantic ocean is made, 12 of our species being coincidently found in the same hydrological area by that author. The drift of the main water masses of the South Atlantic ocean is accepted as a possible cause for the distribution of the pelagic Polychaeta of the southwest Atlantic regions.


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This paper reflects on the motivation, method and effectiveness of teaching leadership and organisational change to graduate engineers. Delivering progress towards sustainable development requires engineers who are aware of pressing global issues (such as resource depletion, climate change, social inequity and an interdependent economy) since it is they who deliver the goods and services that underpin society within these constraints. In recognition of this fact the Cambridge University MPhil in Engineering for Sustainable Development has focussed on educating engineers to become effective change agents in their professional field with the confidence to challenge orthodoxy in adopting traditional engineering solutions. This paper reflects on ten years of delivering this course to review how teaching change management and leadership aspects of the programme have evolved and progressed over that time. As the students on this professional practice have often extensive experience as practising engineers and scientists, they have learned the limitations of their technical background when solving complex problems. Students often join the course recognising their need to broaden their knowledge of relevant cross-disciplinary skills. The course offers an opportunity for these early to mid-career engineers to explore an ethical and value-based approach to bringing about effective change in their particular sectors and organisations. This is achieved through action learning assignments in combination with reflections on the theory of change to enable students to equip themselves with tools that help them to be effective in making their professional and personal life choices. This paper draws on feedback gathered from students during their participation on the course and augments this with alumni reflections gathered some years after their graduation. These professionals are able to look back on their experience of the taught components and reflect on how they have been able to apply this key learning in their subsequent careers.


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This paper reflects on the motivation, method and effectiveness of teaching leadership and organisational change to graduate engineers. Delivering progress towards sustainable development requires engineers who are aware of pressing global issues (such as resource depletion, climate change, social inequity and an interdependent economy) since it is they who deliver the goods and services that underpin society within these constraints. They also must understand how to implement change in the organisations within which they will work. In recognition of this fact the Cambridge University MPhil in Engineering for Sustainable Development has focussed on educating engineers to become effective change agents in their professional field with the confidence to challenge orthodoxy in adopting traditional engineering solutions. This paper reflects on ten years of delivering a special module to review how teaching change management and leadership aspects of the programme have evolved and progressed over that time. As the students who embark on this professional practice have often extensive experience as practising engineers and scientists, many have already learned the limitations of their technical background when solving complex problems. Students often join the course recognising their need to broaden their knowledge of relevant cross-disciplinary skills. The programme offers an opportunity for these early to mid-career engineers to explore an ethical and value-based approach to bringing about effective change in their particular sectors and organisations. This is achieved through action learning assignments in combination with reflections on the theory of change to enable students to equip themselves with tools that help them to be effective in making their professional and personal life choices. This paper draws on feedback gathered from students during their participation on the programme and augments this with alumni reflections gathered some years after their graduation. These professionals are able to look back on their experience of the taught components and reflect on how they have been able to apply this key learning in their subsequent careers. Copyright © 2012 September.


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Monografia apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciada em Medicina Dentária


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina Dentária


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Africa faces problems of ecological devastation caused by economic exploitation, rapid population growth, and poverty. Capitalism, residual colonialism, and corruption undermine Africa's efforts to forge a better future. The dissertation describes how in Africa the mounting ecological crisis has religious, political, and economic roots that enable and promote social and environmental harm. It presents the thesis that religious traditions, including their ethical expressions, can effectively address the crisis, ameliorate its impacts, and advocate for social and environmental betterment, now and in the future. First, it examines African traditional religion and Christian teaching, which together provide the foundation for African Christianity. Critical examination of both religious worldviews uncovers their complementary emphases on human responsibility toward planet Earth and future generations. Second, an analysis of the Gwembe Tonga of Chief Simamba explores the interconnectedness of all elements of the universe in African cosmologies. In Africa, an interdependent, participatory relationship exists between the world of animals, the world of humans, and the Creator. In discussing the annual lwiindi (rain calling) ceremony of Simamba, the study explores ecological overtones of African religions. Such rituals illustrate the involvement of ancestors and high gods in maintaining ecological integrity. Third, the foundation of the African morality of abundant life is explored. Across Sub-Saharan Africa, ancestors' teachings are the foundation of morality; ancestors are guardians of the land. A complementary teaching that Christ is the ecological ancestor of all life can direct ethical responses to the ecological crisis. Fourth, the eco-social implications of ubuntu (what it means to be fully human) are examined. Some aspects of ubuntu are criticized in light of economic inequalities and corruption in Africa. However, ubuntu can be transformed to advocate for eco-social liberation. Fifth, the study recognizes that in some cases conflicts exist between ecological values and religious teachings. This conflict is examined in terms of the contrast between awareness of socioeconomic problems caused by population growth, on the one hand, and advocacy of a traditional African morality of abundant children, on the other hand. A change in the latter religious view is needed since overpopulation threatens sustainable living and the future of Earth. The dissertation concludes that the identification of Jesus with African ancestors and theological recognition of Jesus as the ecological ancestor, woven together with ubuntu, an ethic of interconnectedness, should characterize African consciousness and promote resolution of the socio-ecological crisis.


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The issue, with international and national overtones, of direct relevance to the present study, relates to the shaping of beginning teachers’ identities in the workplace. As the shift from an initial teacher education programme into initial practice in schools is a period of identity change worthy of investigation, this study focuses on the transformative search by nine beginning primary teachers for their teaching identities, throughout the course of their initial year of occupational experience, post-graduation. The nine beginning teacher participants work in a variety of primary school settings, thus strengthening the representativeness of the research cohort. Privileging ‘insider’ perspectives, the research goal is to understand the complexities of lived experience from the viewpoints of the participating informants. The shaping of identity is conceived of in dimensional terms. Accordingly, a framework composed of three dimensions of beginning teacher experience is devised, namely: contextual; emotional; temporo-spatial. Data collection and analysis is informed by principles derived from sociocultural theories; activity theory; figured worlds theory; and, dialogical self theory. Individual, face-to-face semi-structured interviews, and the maintenance of solicited digital diaries, are the principal methods of data collection employed. The use of a dimensional model fragments the integrated learning experiences of beginning teachers into constituent parts for the purpose of analysis. While acknowledging that the actual journey articulated by each participant is a more complex whole than the sum of its parts, key empirically-based claims are presented as per the dimensional framework employed: contextuality; emotionality; temporo-spatiality. As a result of applying the foci of an international literature to an under-researched aspect of Irish education, this study is offered as a context-specific contribution to the knowledge base on beginning teaching. As the developmental needs of beginning teachers constitute an emerging area of intense policy focus in Ireland, this research undertaking is both relevant and timely.


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The Lucumi religion (also Santeria and Regla de Ocha) developed in 19th-century colonial Cuba, by syncretizing elements of Catholicism with the Yoruba worship of orisha. When fully initiated, santeros (priests) actively participate in religious ceremonies by periodically being possessed or "mounted" by a patron saint or orisha, usually within the context of a drumming ritual, known as a toque de santo, bembe, or tambor. Within these rituals, there is a clearly defined goal of trance possession, though its manifestation is not the sole measure of success or failure. Rather than focusing on the fleeting, exciting moments that immediately precede the arrival of an orisha in the form of a possession trance, this thesis investigates the entire four- to six-hour musical performance that is central to the ceremony. It examines the brief pauses, the moments of reduced intensity, the slow but deliberate build-ups of energy and excitement, and even the periods when novices are invited to perform the sacred bata drums, and places these moments on an equal footing with the more dynamic periods where possession is imminent or in progress. This document approaches Lucumi ritual from the viewpoint of bata drummers, ritual specialists who, during the course of a toque de santo, exercise wide latitude in determining the shape of the event. Known as omo Ana (children of the orisha Ana who is manifest in drums and rhythms), bata drummers comprise a fraternity that is accessible only through ritual initiation. Though they are sensitive to the desires of the many participants during a toque de santo, and indeed make their living by satisfying the expectations of their hosts, many of the drummers' activities are inwardly focused on the cultivation and preservation of this fraternity. Occasionally interfering with spirit possession, and other expectations of the participants, these aberrant activities include teaching and learning, developing group identity or signature sound, and achieving a state of intimacy among the musicians known as "communitas."


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We provide evidence that college graduation plays a direct role in revealing ability to the labor market. Using the NLSY79, our results suggest that ability is observed nearly perfectly for college graduates, but is revealed to the labor market more gradually for high school graduates. Consequently, from the beginning of their careers, college graduates are paid in accordance with their own ability, while the wages of high school graduates are initially unrelated to their own ability. This view of ability revelation in the labor market has considerable power in explaining racial differences in wages, education, and returns to ability.


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This dissertation investigates the concept of motion as a fundamental aesthetic element in the devotional music, dance, and rituals performed in honor of the celebrated thirteenth-century Persian mystic poet and saint, the Mevlana Celal ed-Din Muhammad Rumi. The main focus of the study is threefold. First, it investigates the prevalence of the notion of movement in Islamic music and culture, specifically within the Sufi communities of Turkey, in order to arrive at a broader understanding of the relationship between music, aesthetics, and worldview. Secondly, it explores how musical performance functions as a form of devotion or religious worship by focusing on the musical repertories performed in honor of a single holy figure, the Mevlana Rumi. Finally, it provides an ethnographic account of contemporary developments in Sufi musical culture in Turkey and across the world by describing the recent activities of the Mevlana's devotees, which includes members of the Mevlevi Order of Islamic mystics as well as adherents of other Sufi brotherhoods and followers of so-called New Religions or New Age. The primary research for this study involved two short one-month field trips to Turkey and India in 2002 and 2003, respectively, and a longer one year expedition to Turkey in 2004 and 2005, which also included shorter stays in Cyprus, Syria, and Egypt. Additionally, the dissertation draws directly from critical theories advanced in the fields of ethnomusicology, cultural anthropology, and ethnochoreology and focuses on the kinesthetic parameters of music, dance, trance, and ritual as well as on broader forms of socio-cultural movement including pilgrimage, cultural tourism, and globalization. These forms of movement are analyzed in four broad categories of music used in worship, including classical Mevlevi music, music of the zikr ceremony, popular musics, and non-Turkish musics.


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In dem Bildungsbericht [von Dessau-Roßlau] wurden thematische Schwerpunkte festgelegt, die sich weitestgehend auf das formale Lernen in Institutionen beziehen. Thematisch hat der Bildungsbericht die folgenden Schwerpunkte: Elementare Bildung, Allgemeinbildende Schulen, Berufsbildungssystem – Berufsbildende Schulen, Hochschulbildung, Erwachsenenbildung, Weiterbildung und informelles Lernen. Da insbesondere die Übergänge zwischen den Institutionen wichtige Punkte in der Bildungsbiographie sind, werden sie in den jeweiligen Kapiteln kurz anhand ihrer Besonderheiten und Auffälligkeiten beschrieben. Neben der allgemeinen Darstellung der Teilbereiche werden alle Bereiche in Bezug auf drei Einflussfaktoren untersucht: Demographischer Wandel, Soziale Ungleichheit, Geschlechtsspezifische Ungleichheit. Diese drei Themenkomplexe sind als Querschnittsthemen allen Schwerpunkten vorangestellt und beschreiben, welchen Einfluss die jeweiligen Faktoren haben bzw. wie groß ihr Einfluss auf die Teilbereiche ist. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Mit dem vorliegenden kommunalen Bildungsbericht 2013 legt die Stadt Dessau-Roßlau nach 2011 zum zweiten Mal eine Bestandsaufnahme der Bildungslandschaft Dessau-Roßlau vor. Damit ist die Bildungsberichterstattung im Programm „Lernen vor Ort“ zu einem wichtigen Baustein und Planungsinstrument geworden. Der Bildungsbericht ist gleichzeitig eine Einladung an alle Interessierten durch die konstruktive Auseinandersetzung mit den Ergebnissen die nächsten Schritte in eine zukunftsfähige Bildungslandschaft mitzugestalten. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Der Bericht "Erziehung und Bildung in Offenbach. Bericht 2015" (EBO), herausgegeben von Stadt Offenbach am Main, wird zum 9. Mal veröffentlicht. Erstmals wurden Daten der integrierten Ausbildungsberichterstattung für Hessen (iABE) einbezogen. Sie ermöglichen eine wohnortspezifische Analyse der Übergänge von der Sekundarstufe I in unterschiedliche Zielbereiche, wie z.B. Berufsabschluss oder Hochschulreife. Der EBO 2015 bietet vermehrt Zeitreihen, um langfristige Entwicklungen im Bildungsbereich darzustellen. Der Standortbestimmung dienen darüber hinaus interkommunale Vergleiche. Der EBO beinhaltet seit dem Bericht 2009 den von der Jugendhilfeplanung entwickelten „Index bildungsrelevanter sozialer Belastung“. Mit diesem können besondere pädagogischen Bedarfe in den 14 Grundschulbezirken ermittelt und faire, d.h. die unterschiedlichen Anteile bildungsbenachteiligter Schüler/-innen berücksichtigende, Schulleistungsvergleiche ermöglicht werden. Im Rahmen dieser Analyse rücken erstmals die Mädchen mit Migrationshintergrund in den Fokus: So fällt auf, dass im Übergang Grundschule/Gymnasium die Übergangsquote bei Mädchen mit Migrationshintergrund um 15 Prozentpunkte niedriger liegt als die der Mädchen ohne Migrationshintergrund. Sie liegt sogar knapp unter der Übergangsquote der Jungen mit Migrationshintergrund. Eine Erklärung dafür, dass die Mädchen mit Migrationshintergrund beim Übergang zum Gymnasium nicht zu den Bildungsgewinnern zählen, steht aber aus. Der Bericht verdeutlicht auch, dass der Bereich der Sprachförderung in allen Bildungsbereichen – „lebenslang“ – in der Kommune eine herausragende Rolle spielt. Der Bericht greift Linien des "Orientierungsrahmen für Bildungsentwicklung“ der Stadt Offenbach" auf. Der Prozess und die Erarbeitung wurden erstmals von der Fachstelle Bildungskoordinierung und Beratung federführend koordiniert. (DIPF/Autor)


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This programme of research aimed to understand the extent to which current UK medical graduates are prepared for practice. Commissioned by the General Medical Council, we conducted: (1) A Rapid Review of the literature between 2009 and 2013; (2) narrative interviews with a range of stakeholders; and (3) longitudinal audio-diaries with Foundation Year 1 doctors. The Rapid Review (RR) resulted in data from 81 manuscripts being extracted and mapped against a coding framework (including outcomes from Tomorrow's Doctors (2009) (TD09)). A narrative synthesis of the data was undertaken. Narrative interviews were conducted with 185 participants from 8 stakeholder groups: F1 trainees, newly registered trainee doctors, clinical educators, undergraduate and postgraduate deans and foundation programme directors, other healthcare professionals, employers, policy and government and patient and public representatives. Longitudinal audio-diaries were recorded by 26 F1 trainees over 4 months. The data were analysed thematically and mapped against TD09. Together these data shed light onto how preparedness for practice is conceptualised, measured, how prepared UK medical graduates are for practice, the effectiveness of transition interventions and the currently debated issue of bringing full registration forward to align with medical students’ graduation. Preparedness for practice was conceptualised as both a long- and short-term venture that included personal readiness as well as knowledge, skills and attitudes. It has mainly been researched using self-report measures of generalised incidents that have been shown to be problematic. In terms of transition interventions: assistantships were found to be valuable and efficacious for proactive students as team members, shadowing is effective when undertaken close to employment/setting of F1 post and induction is generally effective but of inconsistent quality. The August transition was highlighted in our interview and audio-diary data where F1s felt unprepared, particularly for the step-change in responsibility, workload, degree of multitasking and understanding where to go for help. Evidence of preparedness for specific tasks, skills and knowledge was contradictory: trainees are well prepared for some practical procedures but not others, reasonably well prepared for history taking and full physical examinations, but mostly unprepared for adopting an holistic understanding of the patient, involving patients in their care, safe and legal prescribing, diagnosing and managing complex clinical conditions and providing immediate care in medical emergencies. Evidence for preparedness for interactional and interpersonal aspects of practice was inconsistent with some studies in the RR suggesting graduates were prepared for team working and communicating with colleagues and patients, but other studies contradicting this. Interview and audio-diary data highlights concerns around F1s preparedness for communicating with angry or upset patients and relatives, breaking bad news, communicating with the wider team (including interprofessionally) and handover communication. There was some evidence in the RR to suggest that graduates were unprepared for dealing with error and safety incidents and lack an understanding of how the clinical environment works. Interview and audio-diary data backs this up, adding that F1s are also unprepared for understanding financial aspects of healthcare. In terms of being personally prepared, RR, interview and audio diary evidence is mixed around graduates’ preparedness for identifying their own limitations, but all data points to graduates’ difficulties in the domain of time management. In terms of personal and situational demographic factors, the RR found that gender did not typically predict perceptions of preparedness, but graduates from more recent cohorts, graduate entry students, graduates from problem based learning courses, UK educated graduates and graduates with an integrated degree reported feeling better prepared. The longitudinal audio-diaries provided insights into the preparedness journey for F1s. There seems to be a general development in the direction of trainees feeling more confident and competent as they gain more experience. However, these developments were not necessarily linear as challenging circumstances (e.g. new specialty, new colleagues, lack of staffing) sometimes made them feel unprepared for situations where they had previously indicated preparedness.