894 resultados para Fragmentation
The questioning of fictional identities is central in both texts. Their structure illustrates the Bakhtinian notions of heteroglossia and dialogism and one of their main themes is the structuring and restructuring of social and personal history. Together with the use of irony and humour, the parody of social context, the use of intertextuality and metafiction, the exploration of fragment and of discontinuity, the development of self reflection and the interrogation of the author before the condition of his work, the focusing on the presence of a reader lost in the interpretation of the text, this problematisation of fictional identities places these two novels between the acts of modernism and postmodernism.
The questioning of fictional identities is central in both texts. Their structure illustrates the Bakhtinian notions of heteroglossia and dialogism and one of their main themes is the structuring and restructuring of social and personal history. Together with the use of irony and humour, the parody of social context, the use of intertextuality and metafiction, the exploration of fragment and of discontinuity, the development of self reflection and the interrogation of the author before the condition of his work, the focusing on the presence of a reader lost in the interpretation of the text, this problematisation of fictional identities places these two novels between the acts of modernism and postmodernism.
Despite its efficacy, including in the prevention of vertical transmission, the antiretroviral nevirapine is associated with severe idiosyncratic hepatotoxicity and skin rash. The mechanisms underlying nevirapine toxicity are not fully understood, but drug bioactivation to reactive metabolites capable of forming stable protein adducts is thought to be involved. This hypothesis is based on the paradigm that drug reactive metabolites have the potential to bind to self-proteins, which results in drug-modified proteins being perceived as foreign by the immune system. The aim of the present work was to identify hemoglobin adducts in HIV patients as biomarkers of nevirapine haptenation upon bioactivation. The ultimate goal is to develop diagnostic methods for predicting the onset of nevirapine-induced toxic reactions. All included subjects were adults on nevirapine-containing antiretroviral therapy for at least 1month. The protocol received prior approval from the Hospital Ethics Committees and patients gave their written informed consent. Nevirapine-derived adducts with the N-terminal valine of hemoglobin were analyzed by an established liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry method and characterized on the basis of retention time and mass spectrometric fragmentation pattern by comparison with adduct standards prepared synthetically. The nevirapine adducts were detected in 12/13 patient samples, and quantified in 11/12 samples (2.580.8 fmol/g of hemoglobin). This work represents the first evidence of nevirapine-protein adduct formation in man and confirms the ability of nevirapine to modify self-proteins, thus providing clues to the molecular mechanisms underlying nevirapine toxicity. Moreover, the possibility of assessing nevirapine-protein adduct levels has the potential to become useful for predicting the onset of nevirapine-induced adverse reactions.
A radiological study of the small intestine of 17 untreated patients in the acute phase ofschistosomiasis was performed. Twelve patients (70% of total) had alterations: nine had clear-cut thickening of the duodenal and jejunal folds, one flocculation, one fragmentation and one thickening of mucosae, flocculation and fragmentation of the barium column. There was no correlation of the gastrointestinal symptomatology (vomiting, diarrhoea, dysentery, hepatomegaly) neither with the parasitological load nor with the x-ray alterations.
Dissertao para a obteno do grau de doutor em Biologia pelo Instituto de Tecnologia Qumica e Biolgica. Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Dissertao para obteno do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Fsica
El texto considera que el espacio de la ciudad es representado hoy a partir de los mecanismos de construccin cultural del paisaje. Se concluye que estos tienen por consecuencia una fragmentacin y una idealizacin/estilizacin del territorio. Al mismo tiempo que afirman el deleite esttico y la idealizacin de la vida, los mecanismos referidos fomentan el abandono de una mirada crtica y global sobre la ciudad.
ABSTRACT: Background: Sleep is integral to biological function and sleep disruption can result in both physiological and psychological dysfunction. The acute cognitive consequences of sleep loss has been an active field of recent investigation, evidence suggests that sleep disruption in critically ill older adults can result in acute decrements in cognitive functioning. Surgery activates the innate immune system, inducing neuroinflammatory changes that interfere with cognition. The fact that patients with sleep disorders have an increased likelihood of exhibiting postoperative delirium encourages us to investigate the contribution of perioperative SF to the neuroinflammatory and cognitive responses of surgery. Methods: The effects of 24h sleep fragmentation (SF) and surgery were explored on adult C57BL/6J male mice. SF procedure started at 7 am with the home-cages being placed on a large platform orbital shaker cycled every 120 seconds (30 sec on/90 sec off). This procedure lasted for 24h. Stabilized tibia fracture was performed either before or after the 24h SF procedure. Separate cohorts of mice were tested for systemic and hippocampal inflammation and cognition. Results: Twenty-four hours of SF induced non-hippocampal memory dysfunction and increase in systemic IL-6. SF and surgery caused hippocampal-dependent memory impairment, although memory impairment was not exacerbated by combining SF with surgery. One day after either SF or surgery there was a significant increase in IL6 mRNA and TNF-alpha mRNA. These increments were more pronounced when either pre or post operative SF was combined with surgery. Conclusions: We show that while SF and surgery can independently produce significant memory impairment, perioperative SF significantly increased hippocampal inflammation without further cognitive impairment. The dissociation between neuroinflammation and cognitive decline may relate to our use of a sole memory paradigm that does not capture other aspects of cognition, especially learning.
The interaction of ionising radiation with living tissues may direct or indirectly generate several secondary species with relevant genotoxic potential. Due to recent findings that electrons with energies below the ionisation threshold can effectively damage DNA, radiation-induced damage to biological systems has increasingly come under scrutiny. The exact physico-chemical processes that occur in the first stages of electron induced damage remain to be explained. However, it is also known that free electrons have a short lifetime in the physiological medium. Hence, electron transfer processes studies represent an alternative approach through which the role of "bound" electrons as a source of damage to biological tissues can be further explored. The thesis work consists of studying dissociative electron attachment (DEA) and electron transfer to taurine and thiaproline. DEA measurements were executed in Siedlce University with Prof. Janina Kopyra under COST action MP1002 (Nanoscale insights in ion beam cancer therapy). The electron transfer experiments were conducted in a crossed atom(potassium)-molecule beam arrangement. In these studies the anionic fragmentation patterns were obtained. The results of both mechanisms are shown to be significantly different, unveiling that the damaging potential of secondary electrons can be underestimated. In addition, sulphur atoms appear to strongly influence the dissociation process, demonstrating that certain reactions can be controlled by substitution of sulphur at specific molecular sites.
A dissertao tem como propsito o estudo da imagem em movimento como mobilizadora do pensamento e a averiguao da possibilidade de um lugar de liberdade e transformao para uma comunidade de espectadores do cinema. Mediante o esclarecimento dos processos da actividade do pensar no mundo das aparncias, do juzo esttico e crtico, e da investigao sobre o envolvimento poltico da imagem, analisa-se o caso concreto de duas obras do cineasta Robert Bresson: Un Condamn mort sest chappe e Pickpocket.
Widely used in cancer treatment, chemotherapy still faces hindering challenges, ranging from severe induced toxicity to drug resistance acquisition. As means to overcome these setbacks, newly synthetized compounds have recently come into play with the basis of improved pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic properties. With this mind-set, this project aimed towards the antiproliferative potential characterization of a group of metallic compounds. Additionally the incorporation of the compounds within a nanoformulation and within new combination strategies with commercial chemotherapeutic drugs was also envisaged. Cell viability assays presented copper (II) compound (K4) as the most promising, presenting an IC50 of 6.10 M and 19.09 M for HCT116 and A549 cell line respectively. Exposure in fibroblasts revealed a 9.18 M IC50. Hoechst staining assays further revealed the compounds predisposition to induce chromatin condensation and nuclear fragmentation in HCT116 upon exposure to K4 which was later demonstrated by flow cytometry and annexin V-FITC/propidium iodide double staining analysis (under 50 % cell death induction). The compound further revealed the ability to interact with major macromolecules such as DNA (Kb = 2.17x105 M-1), inducing structural brakes and retardation, and further affecting cell cycle progression revealing delay in S-phase. Moreover BSA interactions were also visible however not conclusive. Proteome profiling revealed overexpression of proteins involved in metabolic activity and underexpression of proteins involved in apoptosis thus corroborating Hoechst and apoptosis flow cytometry data. K4 nanoformulation suffered from several hindrances and was ill succeeded in part due to K4s poor solubility in aqueous buffers. Other approaches were considered in this regard. Combined chemotherapy assays revealed high cytotoxicity for afatinib and lapatinib strategies. Lapatinib and K4 proteome profiling further revealed high apoptosis rates, high metabolic activity and activation of redundant proteins as part of compensatory mechanisms.
Este trabalho de investigao comeou por ser estruturado em torno de quatro grandes captulos (quatro grandes linhas de orientao temtica), todos eles amplamente desenvolvidos no sentido de podermos cartografar alguns dos principais territrios e sintomas da arte contempornea, sendo certo tambm, que cada um deles assenta precisamente nos princpios de uma estrutura malevel que, para todos os efeitos, se encontra em processo de construo (work in progress), neste caso, graas plasticidade do corpo, do espao, da imagem e do uso criativo das tecnologias digitais, no mbito das quais, alis, tudo se parece produzir, transformar e disseminar hoje em dia nossa volta (quase como se de uma autntica viagem interactiva se tratasse). Por isso, a partir daqui, todo o esforo que se segue procurar ensaiar uma hiptese de trabalho (desenvolver uma investigao) que, porventura, nos permita desbravar alguns caminhos em direco aos interminveis tneis do futuro, sempre na expectativa de podermos dar forma, funo e sentido a um desejo irreprimvel de liberdade criativa, pois, a arte contempornea tem essa extraordinria capacidade de nos transportar para muitos outros lugares do mundo, to reais e imaginrios como a nossa prpria vida. Assim sendo, h que sumariar algumas das principais etapas a desenvolver ao longo desta investigao. Ora, num primeiro momento, comearemos por reflectir sobre o conceito alargado de crise (a crise da modernidade), para logo de seguida podermos abordar a questo da crise das antigas categorias estticas, questionando assim, para todos os efeitos, quer o conceito de belo (Plato) e de gosto (Kant), quer ainda o conceito de forma (Foccilon), no s no sentido de tentarmos compreender algumas das principais razes que tero estado na origem do chamado fim da arte (Hegel), mas tambm algumas daquelas que tero conduzido estetizao generalizada da experincia contempornea e sua respectiva disseminao pelas mais variadas plataformas digitais. Num segundo momento, procuraremos reflectir sobre alguns dos principais problemas da inquietante histria das imagens, nomeadamente para tentarmos perceber como que todas estas transformaes tcnicas (ligadas ao aparecimento da fotografia, do cinema, do vdeo, do computador e da internet) tero contribudo para o processo de instaurao e respectivo alargamento daquilo que todos ns ficaramos a conhecer como a nova era da imagem, ou a imagem na era da sua prpria reprodutibilidade tcnica (Benjamin), pois, s assim que conseguiremos interrogar este imparvel processo de movimentao, fragmentao, disseminao, simulao e interaco das mais variadas formas de vida (Nietzsche, Agamben). Entretanto, chegados ao terceiro grande momento, interessa-nos percepcionar a arte contempornea como uma espcie de plataforma interactiva que, por sua vez, nos levar a interpelar alguns dos principais dispositivos metafricos e experimentais da viagem, neste caso, da viagem enquanto linha facilitadora de acesso arte, cultura e vida contempornea em geral, ou seja, todo um processo de reflexo que nos incitar a cartografar alguns dos mais atractivos sintomas provenientes da esttica do flneur (na perspectiva de Rimbaud, Baudelaire, Long e Benjamin) e, consequentemente, a convocar algumas das principais sensaes decorrentes da experincia altamente sedutora daqueles que vivem mergulhados na rbita interactiva do ciberespao (na condio de ciberflneurs), quase como se o mundo inteiro, agora, fosse to somente um espao potico inteiramente navegvel (Manovich). Por fim, no quarto e ltimo momento, procuraremos fazer uma profunda reflexo sobre a inquietante histria do corpo, principalmente com o objectivo de reforar a ideia de que apesar das suas inmeras fragilidades biolgicas (um ser que adoece e morre), o corpo continua a ser uma das categorias mais persistentes de toda a cultura ocidental (Ieda Tucherman), no s porque ele resistiu a todas as transformaes que lhe foram impostas historicamente, mas tambm porque ele se soube reinventar e readaptar pacientemente face a todas essas transformaes histricas. Sinal evidente de que a sua plasticidade lhe iria conferir, principalmente a partir do sculo XX (o sculo do corpo) um estatuto terico e performativo verdadeiramente especial. To especial, alis, que basta termos uma noo, mesmo que breve, da sua inquietante histria para percebermos imediatamente a extraordinria importncia dalgumas das suas mais variadas transformaes, atraces, ligaes e exibies ao longo das ltimas dcadas, nomeadamente sob o efeito criativo das tecnologias digitais (no mbito das quais se processam algumas das mais interessantes operaes de dinamizao cultural e artstica do nosso tempo). Em suma, esperamos sinceramente que este trabalho de investigao possa vir a contribuir para o processo de alargamento das fronteiras cada vez mais incertas, dinmicas e interactivas do conhecimento daquilo que parece constituir, hoje em dia, o jogo fundamental da nossa contemporaneidade.
O fim da Guerra Fria um caso indito de mudana pacfica da estrutura internacional, em que os Estados Unidos e a Unio Sovitica transcendem a diviso bipolar para decidir os termos da paz no quadro das instituies que definem o modelo de ordenamento multilateral, consolidando a sua legitimidade. Nesse contexto, ao contrrio dos casos precedentes de reconstruo internacional no fim de uma guerra hegemnica, o novo sistema do post-Guerra Fria, caracterizado pela unipolaridade, pela regionalizao e pela homogeneizao, forma-se num quadro de continuidade institucional. A ordem poltica do post-Guerra Fria um sistema misto em que as tenses entre a hierarquia unipolar e a anarquia multipolar, a integrao global e a fragmentao regional e a homogeneidade e a heterogeneidade poltica, ideolgica e cultural condicionam as estratgias das potncias. As crises internacionais vo pr prova a estabilidade da nova ordem e a sua capacidade para garantir mudanas pacficas. A primeira dcada do post-Guerra Fria mostra a preponderncia dos Estados Unidos e a sua confiana crescente, patente nas Guerras do Golfo Prsico e dos Balcs, bem como na crise dos Estreitos da Formosa. A reaco aos atentados do "11 de Setembro" revela uma tentao imperial da potncia unipolar, nomeadamente com a invaso do Iraque, que provoca uma crise profunda da comunidade de segurana ocidental. A vulnerabilidade do centro da ordem internacional confirmada pela crise constitucional europeia e pela crise financeira global. Essas crises no alteram a estrutura de poder mas aceleram a eroso da ordem multilateral e criam um novo quadro de possibilidades para a evoluo internacional, que inclui uma escalada dos conflitos num quadro de multipolaridade regional, uma nova polarizao entre as potncias democrticas conservadoras e uma coligao revisionista autoritria, bem como a restaurao de um concerto entre as principais potncias internacionais.
Field lab: Business project
This paper draws upon a detailed longitudinal survey of households living on agricultural plots in the northern three provinces of the Ecuadorian Amazon, the principal region of colonization by migrants in Ecuador since the 1970s. Following the discovery of petroleum in 1967 near what has subsequently come to be the provincial capital and largest Amazonian city of Lago Agrio, oil companies built roads to lay pipelines to extract and pump oil across the Andes for export. As a result, for the past 30 years over half of both Ecuador's export earnings and government revenues have come from petroleum extracted from this region. But the roads also facilitated massive spontaneous in-migration of families from origin areas in the Ecuadorian Sierra, characterized by minifundia and rural poverty. This paper is about those migrants and their effects on the Amazonian landscape. We discuss the data collection methodology and summarize key results on settler characteristics and changes in population, land use, land ownership, technology, labor allocation, and living conditions, as well as the relationships between changes in population and changes in land use over time. The population in the study region has been growing rapidly due to both natural population growth (high fertility) and in-migration. This has led to a dramatic process of subdivision and fragmentation of plots in the 1990's, which contrasts with the consolidation of plots that has occurred in most of the mature frontier areas of the Brazilian Amazon. This fragmentation has led to important changes in land tenure and land use, deforestation, cattle raising, labor allocation, and settler welfare.