973 resultados para First order autoregressive model AR (1)


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BACKGROUND: Recommended oral voriconazole (VRC) doses are lower than intravenous doses. Because plasma concentrations impact efficacy and safety of therapy, optimizing individual drug exposure may improve these outcomes. METHODS: A population pharmacokinetic analysis (NONMEM) was performed on 505 plasma concentration measurements involving 55 patients with invasive mycoses who received recommended VRC doses. RESULTS: A 1-compartment model with first-order absorption and elimination best fitted the data. VRC clearance was 5.2 L/h, the volume of distribution was 92 L, the absorption rate constant was 1.1 hour(-1), and oral bioavailability was 0.63. Severe cholestasis decreased VRC elimination by 52%. A large interpatient variability was observed on clearance (coefficient of variation [CV], 40%) and bioavailability (CV 84%), and an interoccasion variability was observed on bioavailability (CV, 93%). Lack of response to therapy occurred in 12 of 55 patients (22%), and grade 3 neurotoxicity occurred in 5 of 55 patients (9%). A logistic multivariate regression analysis revealed an independent association between VRC trough concentrations and probability of response or neurotoxicity by identifying a therapeutic range of 1.5 mg/L (>85% probability of response) to 4.5 mg/L (<15% probability of neurotoxicity). Population-based simulations with the recommended 200 mg oral or 300 mg intravenous twice-daily regimens predicted probabilities of 49% and 87%, respectively, for achievement of 1.5 mg/L and of 8% and 37%, respectively, for achievement of 4.5 mg/L. With 300-400 mg twice-daily oral doses and 200-300 mg twice-daily intravenous doses, the predicted probabilities of achieving the lower target concentration were 68%-78% for the oral regimen and 70%-87% for the intravenous regimen, and the predicted probabilities of achieving the upper target concentration were 19%-29% for the oral regimen and 18%-37% for the intravenous regimen. CONCLUSIONS: Higher oral than intravenous VRC doses, followed by individualized adjustments based on measured plasma concentrations, improve achievement of the therapeutic target that maximizes the probability of therapeutic response and minimizes the probability of neurotoxicity. These findings challenge dose recommendations for VRC.


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Weak solutions of the spatially inhomogeneous (diffusive) Aizenmann-Bak model of coagulation-breakup within a bounded domain with homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions are shown to converge, in the fast reaction limit, towards local equilibria determined by their mass. Moreover, this mass is the solution of a nonlinear diffusion equation whose nonlinearity depends on the (size-dependent) diffusion coefficient. Initial data are assumed to have integrable zero order moment and square integrable first order moment in size, and finite entropy. In contrast to our previous result [CDF2], we are able to show the convergence without assuming uniform bounds from above and below on the number density of clusters.


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OBJECTIVES: Darunavir is a protease inhibitor that is administered with low-dose ritonavir to enhance its bioavailability. It is prescribed at standard dosage regimens of 600/100 mg twice daily in treatment-experienced patients and 800/100 mg once daily in naive patients. A population pharmacokinetic approach was used to characterize the pharmacokinetics of both drugs and their interaction in a cohort of unselected patients and to compare darunavir exposure expected under alternative dosage regimens. METHODS: The study population included 105 HIV-infected individuals who provided darunavir and ritonavir plasma concentrations. Firstly, a population pharmacokinetic analysis for darunavir and ritonavir was conducted, with inclusion of patients' demographic, clinical and genetic characteristics as potential covariates (NONMEM(®)). Then, the interaction between darunavir and ritonavir was studied while incorporating levels of both drugs into different inhibitory models. Finally, model-based simulations were performed to compare trough concentrations (Cmin) between the recommended dosage regimen and alternative combinations of darunavir and ritonavir. RESULTS: A one-compartment model with first-order absorption adequately characterized darunavir and ritonavir pharmacokinetics. The between-subject variability in both compounds was important [coefficient of variation (CV%) 34% and 47% for darunavir and ritonavir clearance, respectively]. Lopinavir and ritonavir exposure (AUC) affected darunavir clearance, while body weight and darunavir AUC influenced ritonavir elimination. None of the tested genetic variants showed any influence on darunavir or ritonavir pharmacokinetics. The simulations predicted darunavir Cmin much higher than the IC50 thresholds for wild-type and protease inhibitor-resistant HIV-1 strains (55 and 550 ng/mL, respectively) under standard dosing in >98% of experienced and naive patients. Alternative regimens of darunavir/ritonavir 1200/100 or 1200/200 mg once daily also had predicted adequate Cmin (>550 ng/mL) in 84% and 93% of patients, respectively. Reduction of darunavir/ritonavir dosage to 600/50 mg twice daily led to a 23% reduction in average Cmin, still with only 3.8% of patients having concentrations below the IC50 for resistant strains. CONCLUSIONS: The important variability in darunavir and ritonavir pharmacokinetics is poorly explained by clinical covariates and genetic influences. In experienced patients, treatment simplification strategies guided by drug level measurements and adherence monitoring could be proposed.


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According to the most widely accepted Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) model of intelligence measurement, each subtest score of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Adults (3rd ed.; WAIS-III) should reflect both 1st- and 2nd-order factors (i.e., 4 or 5 broad abilities and 1 general factor). To disentangle the contribution of each factor, we applied a Schmid-Leiman orthogonalization transformation (SLT) to the standardization data published in the French technical manual for the WAIS-III. Results showed that the general factor accounted for 63% of the common variance and that the specific contributions of the 1st-order factors were weak (4.7%-15.9%). We also addressed this issue by using confirmatory factor analysis. Results indicated that the bifactor model (with 1st-order group and general factors) better fit the data than did the traditional higher order structure. Models based on the CHC framework were also tested. Results indicated that a higher order CHC model showed a better fit than did the classical 4-factor model; however, the WAIS bifactor structure was the most adequate. We recommend that users do not discount the Full Scale IQ when interpreting the index scores of the WAIS-III because the general factor accounts for the bulk of the common variance in the French WAIS-III. The 4 index scores cannot be considered to reflect only broad ability because they include a strong contribution of the general factor.


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The large spatial inhomogeneity in transmit B, field (B-1(+)) observable in human MR images at hi h static magnetic fields (B-0) severely impairs image quality. To overcome this effect in brain T-1-weighted images the, MPRAGE sequence was modified to generate two different images at different inversion times MP2RAGE By combining the two images in a novel fashion, it was possible to create T-1-weigthed images where the result image was free of proton density contrast, T-2* contrast, reception bias field, and, to first order transmit field inhomogeneity. MP2RAGE sequence parameters were optimized using Bloch equations to maximize contrast-to-noise ratio per unit of time between brain tissues and minimize the effect of B-1(+) variations through space. Images of high anatomical quality and excellent brain tissue differentiation suitable for applications such as segmentation and voxel-based morphometry were obtained at 3 and 7 T. From such T-1-weighted images, acquired within 12 min, high-resolution 3D T-1 maps were routinely calculated at 7 T with sub-millimeter voxel resolution (0.65-0.85 mm isotropic). T-1 maps were validated in phantom experiments. In humans, the T, values obtained at 7 T were 1.15 +/- 0.06 s for white matter (WM) and 1.92 +/- 0.16 s for grey matter (GM), in good agreement with literature values obtained at lower spatial resolution. At 3 T, where whole-brain acquisitions with 1 mm isotropic voxels were acquired in 8 min the T-1 values obtained (0.81 +/- 0.03 S for WM and 1.35 +/- 0.05 for GM) were once again found to be in very good agreement with values in the literature. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Imatinib (Glivec®) has transformed the treatment and short-term prognosis of chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) and gastrointestinal stromal tumour (GIST). However, the treatment must be taken indefinitely and is not devoid of inconvenience and toxicity. Moreover, resistance or escape from disease control occurs in a significant number of patients. Imatinib is a substrate of the cytochromes P450 CYP3A4/5 and of the multidrug transporter P glycoprotein (product of the MDR1 gene), and is also bound to the alpha1-acid glycoprotein (AAG) in plasma. Considering the large inter-individual differences in the expression and function of those systems, the disposition and clinical activity of imatinib can be expected to vary widely among patients, calling for dosage individualisation. The aim of this exploratory study was to determine the average pharmacokinetic parameters characterizing the disposition of imatinib in the target population, to assess their inter-individual variability, and to identify influential factors affecting them. A total of 321 plasma concentrations were measured in 59 patients receiving Glivec® at diverse dosage regimens, using a validated chromatographic method developed for this study. The results were analysed by non-linear mixed effect modelling (NONMEM). A one-compartment model with first-order absorption described the data appropriately, with an average apparent clearance of 12.4 l/h, a volume of distribution of 268 l and an absorption constant of 0.47 h-1. The clearance was affected by body weight, age and sex. No influences of interacting drugs were found. DNA samples were used for pharmacogenetic explorations. The MDR1 polymorphism 3435C>T and the AAG phenotype appears to modulate the disposition of imatinib. Large inter-individual variability (CV %) remained unexplained by the demographic covariates considered, both on clearance (40%) and distribution volume (71%). Together with intra-patient variability (34%), this translates into an 8-fold width of the 90%-prediction interval of plasma concentrations expected under a fixed dosing regimen. This is a strong argument to further investigate the possible usefulness of a therapeutic drug monitoring programme for imatinib. It may help in individualising the dosing regimen before overt disease progression or observation of treatment toxicity, thus improving both the long-term therapeutic effectiveness and tolerability of this drug.


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OBJECTIVE: The reverse transcriptase inhibitor efavirenz is currently used at a fixed dose of 600 mg/d. However, dosage individualization based on plasma concentration monitoring might be indicated. This study aimed to assess the efavirenz pharmacokinetic profile and interpatient versus intrapatient variability in patients who are positive for human immunodeficiency virus, to explore the relationship between drug exposure, efficacy, and central nervous system toxicity and to build up a Bayesian approach for dosage adaptation. METHODS: The population pharmacokinetic analysis was performed by use of NONMEM based on plasma samples from a cohort of unselected patients receiving efavirenz. With the use of a 1-compartment model with first-order absorption, the influence of demographic and clinical characteristics on oral clearance and oral volume of distribution was examined. The average drug exposure during 1 dosing interval was estimated for each patient and correlated with markers of efficacy and toxicity. The population kinetic parameters and the variabilities were integrated into a Bayesian equation for dosage adaptation based on a single plasma sample. RESULTS: Data from 235 patients with a total of 719 efavirenz concentrations were collected. Oral clearance was 9.4 L/h, oral volume of distribution was 252 L, and the absorption rate constant was 0.3 h(-1). Neither the demographic covariates evaluated nor the comedications showed a clinically significant influence on efavirenz pharmacokinetics. A large interpatient variability was found to affect efavirenz relative bioavailability (coefficient of variation, 54.6%), whereas the intrapatient variability was small (coefficient of variation, 26%). An inverse correlation between average drug exposure and viral load and a trend with central nervous system toxicity were detected. This enabled the derivation of a dosing adaptation strategy suitable to bring the average concentration into a therapeutic target from 1000 to 4000 microg/L to optimize viral load suppression and to minimize central nervous system toxicity. CONCLUSIONS: The high interpatient and low intrapatient variability values, as well as the potential relationship with markers of efficacy and toxicity, support the therapeutic drug monitoring of efavirenz. However, further evaluation is needed before individualization of an efavirenz dosage regimen based on routine drug level monitoring should be recommended for optimal patient management.


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The composition of the labour force is an important economic factor for a country.Often the changes in proportions of different groups are of interest.I this paper we study a monthly compositional time series from the Swedish LabourForce Survey from 1994 to 2005. Three models are studied: the ILR-transformed series,the ILR-transformation of the compositional differenced series of order 1, and the ILRtransformationof the compositional differenced series of order 12. For each of thethree models a VAR-model is fitted based on the data 1994-2003. We predict the timeseries 15 steps ahead and calculate 95 % prediction regions. The predictions of thethree models are compared with actual values using MAD and MSE and the predictionregions are compared graphically in a ternary time series plot.We conclude that the first, and simplest, model possesses the best predictive power ofthe three models


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Objectives: The study objective was to derive reference pharmacokinetic curves of antiretroviral drugs (ART) based on available population pharmacokinetic (Pop-PK) studies that can be used to optimize therapeutic drug monitoring guided dosage adjustment.¦Methods: A systematic search of Pop-PK studies of 8 ART in adults was performed in PubMed. To simulate reference PK curves, a summary of the PK parameters was obtained for each drug based on meta-analysis approach. Most models used one-compartment model, thus chosen as reference model. Models using bi-exponential disposition were simplified to one-compartment, since the first distribution phase was rapid and not determinant for the description of the terminal elimination phase, mostly relevant for this project. Different absorption were standardized for first-order absorption processes.¦Apparent clearance (CL), apparent volume of distribution of the terminal phase (Vz) and absorption rate constant (ka) and inter-individual variability were pooled into summary mean value, weighted by number of plasma levels; intra-individual variability was weighted by number of individuals in each study.¦Simulations based on summary PK parameters served to construct concentration PK percentiles (NONMEM®).¦Concordance between individual and summary parameters was assessed graphically using Forest-plots. To test robustness, difference in simulated curves based on published and summary parameters was calculated using efavirenz as probe drug.¦Results: CL was readily accessible from all studies. For studies with one-compartment, Vz was central volume of distribution; for two-compartment, Vz was CL/λz. ka was directly used or derived based on the mean absorption time (MAT) for more complicated absorption models, assuming MAT=1/ka.¦The value of CL for each drug was in excellent agreement throughout all Pop-PK models, suggesting that minimal concentration derived from summary models was adequately characterized. The comparison of the concentration vs. time profile for efavirenz between published and summary PK parameters revealed not more than 20% difference. Although our approach appears adequate for estimation of elimination phase, the simplification of absorption phase might lead to small bias shortly after drug intake.¦Conclusions: Simulated reference percentile curves based on such an approach represent a useful tool for interpretating drug concentrations. This Pop-PK meta-analysis approach should be further validated and could be extended to elaborate more sophisticated computerized tool for the Bayesian TDM of ART.


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BACKGROUND A recent study using a rat model found significant differences at the time of diabetes onset in the bacterial communities responsible for type 1 diabetes modulation. We hypothesized that type 1 diabetes in humans could also be linked to a specific gut microbiota. Our aim was to quantify and evaluate the difference in the composition of gut microbiota between children with type 1 diabetes and healthy children and to determine the possible relationship of the gut microbiota of children with type 1 diabetes with the glycemic level. METHODS A case-control study was carried out with 16 children with type 1 diabetes and 16 healthy children. The fecal bacteria composition was investigated by polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS The mean similarity index was 47.39% for the healthy children and 37.56% for the children with diabetes, whereas the intergroup similarity index was 26.69%. In the children with diabetes, the bacterial number of Actinobacteria and Firmicutes, and the Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio were all significantly decreased, with the quantity of Bacteroidetes significantly increased with respect to healthy children. At the genus level, we found a significant increase in the number of Clostridium, Bacteroides and Veillonella and a significant decrease in the number of Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Blautia coccoides/Eubacterium rectale group and Prevotella in the children with diabetes. We also found that the number of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus, and the Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio correlated negatively and significantly with the plasma glucose level while the quantity of Clostridium correlated positively and significantly with the plasma glucose level in the diabetes group. CONCLUSIONS This is the first study showing that type 1 diabetes is associated with compositional changes in gut microbiota. The significant differences in the number of Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus and Clostridium and in the Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio observed between the two groups could be related to the glycemic level in the group with diabetes. Moreover, the quantity of bacteria essential to maintain gut integrity was significantly lower in the children with diabetes than the healthy children. These findings could be useful for developing strategies to control the development of type 1 diabetes by modifying the gut microbiota.


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Teicoplanin is frequently administered to treat Gram-positive infections in pediatric patients. However, not enough is known about the pharmacokinetics (PK) of teicoplanin in children to justify the optimal dosing regimen. The aim of this study was to determine the population PK of teicoplanin in children and evaluate the current dosage regimens. A PK hospital-based study was conducted. Current dosage recommendations were used for children up to 16 years of age. Thirty-nine children were recruited. Serum samples were collected at the first dose interval (1, 3, 6, and 24 h) and at steady state. A standard 2-compartment PK model was developed, followed by structural models that incorporated weight. Weight was allowed to affect clearance (CL) using linear and allometric scaling terms. The linear model best accounted for the observed data and was subsequently chosen for Monte Carlo simulations. The PK parameter medians/means (standard deviation [SD]) were as follows: CL, [0.019/0.023 (0.01)] × weight liters/h/kg of body weight; volume, 2.282/4.138 liters (4.14 liters); first-order rate constant from the central to peripheral compartment (Kcp), 0.474/3.876 h(-1) (8.16 h(-1)); and first-order rate constant from peripheral to central compartment (Kpc), 0.292/3.994 h(-1) (8.93 h(-1)). The percentage of patients with a minimum concentration of drug in serum (Cmin) of <10 mg/liter was 53.85%. The median/mean (SD) total population area under the concentration-time curve (AUC) was 619/527.05 mg · h/liter (166.03 mg · h/liter). Based on Monte Carlo simulations, only 30.04% (median AUC, 507.04 mg · h/liter), 44.88% (494.1 mg · h/liter), and 60.54% (452.03 mg · h/liter) of patients weighing 50, 25, and 10 kg, respectively, attained trough concentrations of >10 mg/liter by day 4 of treatment. The teicoplanin population PK is highly variable in children, with a wider AUC distribution spread than for adults. Therapeutic drug monitoring should be a routine requirement to minimize suboptimal concentrations. (This trial has been registered in the European Clinical Trials Database Registry [EudraCT] under registration number 2012-005738-12.).


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Imatinib (Glivec®) has transformed the treatment and short-term prognosis of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) and gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST). However, the treatment must be taken indefinitely, it is not devoid of inconvenience and toxicity. Moreover, resistance or escape from disease control occurs in a significant number of patients. Imatinib is a substrate of the cytochromes P450 CYP3A4/5 and of the multidrug transporter P-glycoprotein (product of the MDR1 gene). Considering the large inter-individual differences in the expression and function of those systems, the disposition and clinical activity of imatinib can be expected to vary widely among patients, calling for dosage individualization. The aim of this exploratory study was to determine the average pharmacokinetic parameters characterizing the disposition of imatinib in the target population, to assess their inter-individual variability, and to identify influential factors affecting them. A total of 321 plasma concentrations, taken at various sampling times after the latest dose, were measured in 59 patients receiving Glivec at diverse regimens, using a validated HPLC-UV method developed for this study. The results were analyzed by non-linear mixed effect modeling (NONMEM). A one-compartment model with first-order absorption appeared appropriate to describe the data, with an average apparent clearance of 12.4 l/h, a distribution volume of 268 l and an absorption constant of 0.47 h-1. The clearance was affected by body weight, age and sex. No influences of interacting drugs were found. DNA samples were used for pharmacogenetic explorations. At present, only the MDR1 polymorphism has been assessed and seems to affect the pharmacokinetic parameters of imatinib. Large inter-individual variability remained unexplained by the demographic covariates considered, both on clearance (40 %) and distribution volume (71 %). Together with intra-patient variability (34 %), this translates into an 8-fold width of the 90 %-prediction interval of plasma concentrations expected under a fixed dosing regimen. This is a strong argument to further investigate the possible usefulness of a therapeutic drug monitoring program for imatinib. It may help to individualize the dosing regimen before overt disease progression or observation of treatment toxicity, thus improving both the long-term therapeutic effectiveness and tolerability of this drug.


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RESUME : Objectif: Le glioblastome multiforme (GBM) est la tumeur cérébrale maligne la plus agressive qui conduit au décès de la majorité des patients moins d'une année après le diagnostic. La plupart des agents chimiothérapeutiques actuellement disponibles ne traversent pas la barrière hémato¬encéphalique et ne peuvent par conséquent pas être utilisés pour ce type de tumeur. Le Temozolomide (TMZ) est un nouvel agent alkylant récemment développé pour le traitement des gliomes malins. A ce jour, très peu d'informations sont disponibles sur la pénétration intra-cérébrale de cet agent. Au cours d'une étude pilote de phase II menée auprès de 64 patients atteints de GBM, l'administration précoce de TMZ combinée à une radiothérapie standard (RT) afin d'intervenir au plus tôt dans l'évolution de la maladie, a permis de prolonger la survie de ces patients, résultat qui pu être confirmé par la suite lors de l'étude randomisée de phase III. L'objectif de cette étude a été de déterminer les paramètres pharmacocinétique du TMZ dans le plasma et le liquide céphalo-rachidien (LCR), d'évaluer l'influence de certains facteurs individuels (âge, sexe, surface corporelle, fonction rénale/hépatique, co-médications, RT concomitante) sur ces différents paramètres, et enfin d'explorer la relation existant entre l'exposition au TMZ et certains marqueurs cliniques d'efficacité et de toxicité. Matériel et Méthode: Les concentrations de TMZ ont été mesurées par chromatographie liquide à haute performance (HPLC) dans le plasma et le LCR de 35 patients atteints de GBM nouvellement diagnostiqués (étude pilote) ou de gliomes malins en récidive (étude récidive). L'analyse pharmacocinétique de population a été réalisée à l'aide du programme NONMEM. L'exposition systémique et cérébrale, définie par les AUC (Area Under the time-concentration Curve) dans le plasma et le LCR, a été estimée pour chaque patient et corrélée à la toxicité, la survie ainsi que la survie sans progression tumorale. Résultats: Un modèle à 1 compartiment avec une cinétique d'absorption et de transfert Kplasma -> LCR de ordre a été retenu afin de décrire le profil pharmacocinétique du TMZ. Les valeurs moyennes de population ont été de 10 L/h pour la clairance, de 30.3 L pour le volume de distribution, de 2.1 h pour la 1/2 vie d'élimination, de 5.78 hE-1 pour la constante d'absorption, de 7.2 10E4 hE-1 pour Kplasma->LCR et de 0.76 hE-1 pour KLCR plasma. La surface corporelle a montré une influence significative sur la clairance et le volume de distribution, alors que le sexe influence la clairance uniquement. L'AUC mesurée dans le LCR représente ~20% de celle du plasma et une augmentation de 15% de Kplasma->LCR a été observée lors du traitement concomitant de radiochimiothérapie. Conclusions: Cette étude est la première analyse pharmacocinétique effectuée chez l'homme permettant de quantifier la pénétration intra-cérébrale du TMZ. Le rapport AUC LCR/AUC Plasma a été de 20%. Le degré d'exposition systémique et cérébral au TMZ ne semble pas être un meilleur facteur prédictif de la survie ou de la tolérance au produit que ne l'est la dose cumulée seule. ABSTRACT Purpose: Scarce information is available on the brain penetration of temozolomide (TMZ), although this novel methylating agent is mainly used for the treatment of ma¬lignant brain tumors. The purpose was to assess TNIZ phar¬macokinetics in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) along with its inter-individual variability, to characterize covari¬ates and to explore relationships between systemic or cere¬bral drug exposure and clinical outcomes. Experimental Design: TMZ levels were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography in plasma and CSF samples from 35 patients with newly diagnosed or recurrent malignant gliomas. The population pharmacoki¬netic analysis was performed with nonlinear mixed-effect modeling software. Drug exposure, defined by the area un¬der the concentration-time curve (AUC) in plasma and CSF, was estimated for each patient and correlated with toxicity, survival, and progression-free survival. Results: A three-compartment model with first-order absorption and transfer rates between plasma and CSF described the data appropriately. Oral clearance was 10 liter/h; volume of distribution (VD), 30.3 liters; absorption constant rate, 5.8 hE-1; elimination half-time, 2.1 h; transfer rate from plasma to CSF (Kplasma->CSF), 7.2 x 10E-4hE-1 and the backwards rate, 0.76hE-1. Body surface area signifi¬cantly influenced both clearance and VD, and clearance was sex dependent. The AU CSF corresponded to 20% of the AUCplasma. A trend toward an increased K plasma->CSF of 15% was observed in case of concomitant radiochemo-therapy. No significant correlations between AUC in plasma or CSF and toxicity, survival, or progression-free survival were apparent after deduction of dose-effect. Conclusions: This is the first human pharmacokinetic study on TMZ to quantify CSF penetration. The AUC CSF/ AUC plasma ratio was 20%. Systemic or cerebral exposures are not better predictors than the cumulative dose alone for both efficacy and safety.


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Imatinib (Glivec®) has transformed the treatment and short-term prognosis of chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) and gastro-intestinal stromal tumour (GIST). However, the treatment must be taken indefinitely, it is not devoid of inconvenience and toxicity. Moreover, resistance or escape from disease control occur in a significant number of patients. Imatinib is a substrate of the cytochromes P450 CYP3A4/5 and of the multidrug transporter P glycoprotein (product of the MDR1 gene). Considering the large inter-individual differences in the expression and function of those systems, the disposition and clinical activity of imatinib can be expected to vary widely among patients, calling for dosage individualisation. The aim of this exploratory study was to determine the average pharmacokinetic parameters characterizing the disposition of imatinib in the target population, to assess their inter-individual variability, and to identify influential factors affecting them. A total of 321 plasma concentrations, taken at various sampling times after latest dose, were measured in 59 patients receiving Glivec® at diverse regimens, using a validated chromatographic method (HPLC-UV) developed for this study. The results were analysed by non-linear mixed effect modelling (NONMEM). A one- compartment model with first-order absorption appeared appropriate to describe the data, with an average apparent clearance of 12.4 l/h, a distribution volume of 268 l and an absorption constant of 0.47 h-1. The clearance was affected by body weight, age and sex. No influences of interacting drugs were found. DNA samples were used for pharmacogenetic explorations. The MDR1 polymorphism 3435C>T appears to affect the disposition of imatinib. Large inter-individual variability remained unexplained by the demographic covariates considered, both on clearance (40%) and distribution volume (71%). Together with intra-patient variability (34%), this translates into an 8-fold width of the 90%-prediction interval of plasma concentrations expected under a fixed dosing regimen ! This is a strong argument to further investigate the possible usefulness of a therapeutic drug monitoring programme for imatinib. It may help to individualise the dosing regimen before overt disease progression or observation of treatment toxicity, thus improving both the long-term therapeutic effectiveness and tolerability of this drug.


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AIMS: The aims of this observational study were to assess the variability in imatinib pharmacokinetics and to explore the relationship between its disposition and various biological covariates, especially plasma alpha1-acid glycoprotein concentrations. METHODS: A population pharmacokinetic analysis was performed using NONMEM based on 321 plasma samples from 59 patients with either chronic myeloid leukaemia or gastrointestinal stromal tumours. The influence of covariates on oral clearance and volume of distribution was examined. Furthermore, the in vivo intracellular pharmacokinetics of imatinib was explored in five patients. RESULTS: A one-compartment model with first-order absorption appropriately described the data, giving a mean (+/-SEM) oral clearance of 14.3 l h-1 (+/-1.0) and a volume of distribution of 347 l (+/-62). Oral clearance was influenced by body weight, age, sex and disease diagnosis. A large proportion of the interindividual variability (36% of clearance and 63% of volume of distribution) remained unexplained by these demographic covariates. Plasma alpha1-acid glycoprotein concentrations had a marked influence on total imatinib concentrations. Moreover, we observed an intra/extracellular ratio of 8, suggesting substantial uptake of the drug into the target cells. CONCLUSION: Because of the high pharmacokinetic variability of imatinib and the reported relationships between its plasma concentration and efficacy and toxicity, the usefulness of therapeutic drug monitoring as an aid to optimizing therapy should be further investigated. Ideally, such an approach should take account of either circulating alpha1-acid glycoprotein concentrations or free imatinib concentrations.