946 resultados para Driving attitude
Females of different species might exert female mate choice for different reasons, one of them the aim of avoiding inbreeding. In this study I examine the implication of inbreeding avoidance as a mechanism driving female mate choice in Verreaux’s sifaka lemurs (Propithecus verreauxi). In fact, in this species females are dominant and appear to be able to choose certain males to mate with, while observations indicate that rank, body size, canine size and proportions of fights won are not factors influencing female mate choice. So I hypothesized that females mate choice is driven by inbreeding avoidance in Verreaux’s sifaka lemurs. Tissue and fecal samples were collected in the Kirindy Mitea National Park in western Madagascar as a source of DNA. Parentage was assigned for a sample of the population and relatedness coefficients between dams and sires were estimated and compared to those of between random female and male pairs, dams and other candidate sires within the population and within the groups were the offspring were conceived. I found that there were no significant differences in none of the comparisons which means that Verreaux’s sifaka females do not mate more with males that are more distantly related to them. I concluded that inbreeding avoidance does not appear to be the main force driving female mate choice in Verreaux’s sifaka lemurs and I addressed explanations for these findings. With this study I contribute to our knowledge of female mate choice in lemurs.
In this paper we study a simple mathematical model of a bilingual community in which all agents are f luent in the majority language but only a fraction of the population has some degree of pro ficiency in the minority language. We investigate how different distributions of pro ficiency, combined with the speaker´attitudes towards or against the minority language, may infl uence its use in pair conversations.
[eus] Bernard Aucouturier pedagogoak sortutako praktika psikomotorrak, bide motrizetik abiatuta, haurraren heltze psikologikoa helburu duen metodoa da. Haurra bere garapenean ulertu eta lagundu ahal izateko psikomotrizitatearen beharraz kontziente izanik eta Aucouturier metodologia abiapuntutzat hartuta, lan honetan, hezitzaile bakoitzari bere praktika hobetzeko eta horren inguruan hausnartzeko erreferentzia markoa eskainiko zaio. Horretarako, bi urteko gela bateko irakaslearen esku hartzearen analisiaren bidez, jardunaren egokitasuna ebaluatzearekin batera, esku hartzea hobetzeko proposamena eskainiko da. Izan ere, hezitzailearen oinarrizko funtzioa praktika psikomotorrean modu ez zuzentzailean esku hartzeko egoerak sortzea da, horretarako formakuntza pertsonal eta profesional sendo eta zorrotza ezinbestekoa izanik.
An attitude scale was constructed to measure the attitude of fisherwomen towards improved fish processing methods. To construct the attitude scale, 'scale' and ‘Q’ values (the interquartile ranges) were calculated for 31 statements selected, based on the opinion of 34 judges. Based on the 'scale' and ‘Q’ values 16 statements were selected with eight favorable statements and eight unfavorable statements. The weightages given were 3, 2 and 1 for favorable statements and 1, 2 and 3 for unfavorable statements.
Control laws to synchronize attitudes in a swarm of fully actuated rigid bodies, in the absence of a common reference attitude or hierarchy in the swarm, are proposed in [Smith, T. R., Hanssmann, H., & Leonard, N.E. (2001). Orientation control of multiple underwater vehicles with symmetry-breaking potentials. In Proc. 40th IEEE conf. decision and control (pp. 4598-4603); Nair, S., Leonard, N. E. (2007). Stable synchronization of rigid body networks. Networks and Heterogeneous Media, 2(4), 595-624]. The present paper studies two separate extensions with the same energy shaping approach: (i) locally synchronizing the rigid bodies' attitudes, but without restricting their final motion and (ii) relaxing the communication topology from undirected, fixed and connected to directed, varying and uniformly connected. The specific strategies that must be developed for these extensions illustrate the limitations of attitude control with reduced information. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd.
This paper studies some extensions to the decentralized attitude synchronization of identical rigid bodies. Considering fully actuated Euler equations, the communication links between the rigid bodies are limited and the available information is restricted to relative orientations and angular velocities. In particular, no leader nor external reference dictates the swarm's behavior. The control laws are derived using two classical approaches of nonlinear control - tracking and energy shaping. This leads to a comparison of two corresponding methods which are currently considered for distributed synchronization - consensus and stabilization of mechanical systems with symmetries. © 2007 IEEE.
The present paper considers the problem of autonomous synchronization of attitudes in a swarm of spacecraft. Building upon our recent results on consensus on manifolds, we model the spacecraft as particles on SO(3) and drive these particles to a common point in SO(3). Unlike the Euler angle or quaternion descriptions, this model suffers no singularities nor double-points. Our approach is fully cooperative and autonomous: we use no leader nor external reference. We present two types of control laws, in terms of applied control torques, that globally drive the swarm towards attitude synchronization: one that requires tree-like or all-to-all inter-satellite communication (most efficient) and one that works with nearly arbitrary communication (most robust).